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Holy shit...

If the Biodrones on the subreddit feel this way about the game then it must be worse than DA2, something I never thought would be possible. It's even worse since that game at least has the excuse of being shit out on a year of development time while Wokeguard took a decade to make. Besides the troon propaganda it seems like the story is subpar, the artstyle juvenile (as in 'mobile gamingish) and even the voice work could do with a re-over. A work less than the sums of its parts.
Name one thing it does worse than FF7R.
>it must be worse than DA2
Huge achievement for Bioware to make DA2 look like the good old days.
Major revisionism talking place. I have even seen /v/ look back favorably upon it and I remember it being a 5/10 at best.
Dragon Age Origins is a shit game that has never been liked here. We had a little retard that bumped a thread everyday and there was so little interest it was up over 6 months before it hit bump limit. Same with mass effect. There is zero reason for these threads to be here. Bioware fans got what they deserved and that's that.
How does Bioware even recover from this? Everybody that made Dragon Age good left during the development of this game. I don't see any universe in which EA allows Dragon Age to be licensed out to Obsidian, or sells to rights to anyone. I also don't think EA has the capacity or will to course correct the franchise themselves.
Stay in the morrowtard thread
>bought a triple a game
>it's mid to shit
who could have seen this coming
Every post begins with
>I'm a longtime fan and a WoC, and the graphics are gorgeous
>but I'm disappointed and the writing sucks and Bioware is dead
That wouldve been down voted to oblivion a few weeks ago
that's just the nature of the average gamercuck, they come out of the woodwork when the new turd drops to say how the old turd "wasn't this bad", ignoring the line of progression.

VIIR is also shit anon. You are not helping.
Was Inquisitor worth playing? I skipped it because it looked like woke trash but I'm now hearing it wasn't that bad compared to VG. I'm running out of games to occupy my free time.
I'm always surprised when so many words manage to tumble out of an Axe wound this inelegantly
I'd tell you to dilate but you sound like one of those trannies who uses one one dildo for both holes downstairs
>How does Bioware even recover from this?
by making yet another shitty game that retards will buy regardless
so same thing they've been doing since they released dao
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Helping what? Name on thing Veilguard does worse than FF7R? We don't need a billion threads on this game that you didn't even play. No one here played it and there's like 20 threads. Answer the question or go away.
can you hook us up with the trannies who're paying you to do damage control for this abortion of a game
won't mind a bit of extra cash
It's another evil game by an evil company. Exercise free-will and avoid evil and avoid supporting evil companies/people.
>never been liked here
This board is like 4 or 5 years old newfag
I wish tgey would permaban this attention whore already
its unfortunate for all of us here that his mother didn't miscarry him
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>damage control
I don't like any Dragon Age game. I don't want threads for it to be here. Regardless of content, when you make a dragon age thread you are advertising for the game. Interest is based on real estate control, not content. The best anti-dragon age narrative would be zero threads on dragon age immediately after its release, and of course this is what we'd expect to see because everyone here is le redpilled and would never play veilguard, right? But apparently you're really interested in Dragon Age. And trannies.
you're right, partially
I'm interested in dao, and supremely pissed off about what these people have done to dao and me1
there's a feature you can useto hide DA threads, use it
yes, trannies ruined the game I loved, so what's new with the world today? we can't talk about that without sucking them off?
we're pissed off, gotta let out steam somewhere
>on your point about the engagement, yeah agreed 100%
the only way to ensure dav is a part of the 41% is to just memory hole the entire saga, and pretend no games after dao were released
unfortunately, this ain't a perfect world
DAO is a terrible game and this is the natural conclusion of what it set out to do.
why not filter the relevant threads then?
you're doing the same thing by talking more about the game, giving it engagement, and irritating everyone else in the process
I'm surprised you wrote that reply out cause its obvious to anyone who isn't a retard to look through your responses and not understand what you're doing despite what you may want us to think
Hiding threads doesn't stop the cancer from spreading. I have gone over this many, many times. If I hide a thread the person making that thread is making tons of other terrible threads. Hiding makes it worse. If someone comes here to stir up trouble they should have a miserable time.
>irritating everyone else in the process
Why would they be irritated if they were simply hiding the threads they don't like? This is the sort of asinine double think people like you engage in.

You don't see shit like this on /k/ because they dogpile onto /pol/ retards.
>If someone comes here to stir up trouble they should have a miserable time
that's perfectly fine wimme
>asinine double think people like you engage in
I meant that you should hide the threads cause I thought there was a 1% chance you weren't trolling and wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt

was a fine enough game for us to be upset over what has happened to it

I am glad that they did relase dav tho
fuck the people who were apologizing for da2 and dai all this while
they're getting what they deserved
all that's left is for me4 to flop, and bioware can longer destroy what made them great once upon a time
>was a fine enough game for us to be upset over what has happened to it
No it objectively wasn't. I can't name 10 RPGs that are better than DAO and I have played 100s. Why should I be surprised that a shit game had even shittier sequels? This would be insanity. DAO is a completely awful game and I am happy this series is dead. Hopefully its fans who mistakenly thought they were interested in RPGs will move on and stop poisoning this genre.
>I can't name 10 RPGs that are better than DAO
*worse than DAO
>I can't name 10 RPGs that are better than DAO
>outs himself as a biowhore troll keeping veilguard threads alive
sasuga moeblob-kun
so we have a difference of opinion about something that introduced us to RPGs
>it not the best, it was good enough as an intro
so what?

seems like you have issues with how they dealt with something in dao to have this bad of a grudge against the game, and i feel like we're in the same boat as ive had issues with how biocunt dealt with everything post dao and me1
I get what you're doing, all I'm saying it won't matter
The detitening of Thedas is a war crime
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>seems like you have issues with how they dealt with something in dao to have this bad of a grudge against the game
Things got really bad starting with KOTOR, but really bioware has never been good. The period when bioware was making stuff like KOTOR, DAO, and Mass Effect was the only time in history I really felt that JRPGs were far better than what the west had to offer, thats how bad it was. Not being able to see how incredibly bad DAO is after all these years only tells me you have not been able to leave your bubble and have been cursed by this game breaking your RPG hymen. Most people here were not born before 1988 but we can play the games from those times and see how heavily infinity engine disrupted and regressed the design philosophies of those games, something we are only just starting to get back to now because Bioware is dying. This is inarguably good news for RPG fans and I'd greatly prefer this company stay dead and buried. They have done nothing to deserve 20 threads in the catalogue for this game and any fan of DAO is an enemy of RPGs.
I also want tbd-total bioware death
but I thought bioware stared hitting their stride after bg12 to establish themselves as a juggernaut
it may have been the first proper RPG I played, and its true that I haven't tried jrpgs cause Japanese stuff never appealed to me personally, but I don't know how it helped regress the genre. I'm all ears
drop a few recommendations of games that did it better too
Not really. If you want peak DA, play Origins. Everything else is a decent into mediocrity.
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>it may have been the first proper RPG I played, and its true that I haven't tried jrpgs cause Japanese stuff never appealed to me personally
Compare KOTOR to skies of arcadia lol, it even stole some things from that game. And right after it Trail in the Sky came out.
>drop a few recommendations of games that did it better too

Wizardry 1 (1980 - Sirtech)
Pool of Radiance (1988 - SSI)
Wizardry 5 (1988 - Sirtech)
Ultima V (1988 - Origin)
Curse of the Azure Bonds (1989 - SSI)
Dragon Wars (1989 - Interplay)
Ultima VI (1990 - Origin)
Champions of Krynn (1990 - SSI)
Secret of the Silver Blades (1990 - SSI)
Pools of Darkness (1991 - SSI)
Death Knights of Krynn (1991 - SSI)
The Dark Queen of Krynn (1992 - SSI)
Wizardry 7 (1992 - Sirtech)
Ultima Underworld (1992 - Origin)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>JRPGS (and unrelated bioware) BECOME POPULAR DURING THIS GAP WITH THE DRAMATIC RISE OF THE CONSOLE VIA THE SNES<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jagged Alliance 2 (1999 - Sirtech)
Deus Ex with Kenties Launcher (2000 - Ion Storm)
IWD2EE (2002 - Black Isle, modded)
Geneforge (2002 - Spiderweb)
Temple Of Elemental Evil with Temple+ and Co8 (2003 - Troika, modded)
Knights of the Chalice (2009 - Heroic Fantasy Games)
Legend of Grimrock (2012 - Almost Human)
Divinity: Original Sin (2014 - Larian)
Pillars of Eternity (2015 - Obsidian)
Age of Decadence (2015 - Iron Tower)
Battle Brothers (2017 - Overhype)
Deadfire (2018 - Obsidian)
Disco Elysium (2019 - ZA/UM)
Solasta (2021 - Tactical Adventures)
Knights of the Chalice 2 (2022 - Heroic Fantasy Games)
Baldur's Gate 3 (2023 - Larian)
Dawnsbury Days (2024 - Dawnsbury Studios)
Oh and add SKALD for 2024 as well.

Upcoming in 2025
Burden of Command
Mystic Lands
Island of the Seven Heroes
Banquet for Fools

So a pretty jam packed year as things return to normal. (largely thanks to the success of BG3 kickstarting interest in RPGs and directing funding into development)
comprehensive list
some of them I've played others I've heard about in name and I'll mostbcertainpy checkout the list you gave out
i think you oughtta give vtmb a try
I'll check these out definitely and pick out the ones I like

but I still don't get what dao did specifically to regress RPGs as a genre
>i think you oughtta give vtmb a try
I really dislike VTMB
lol, this has been a fascinating conversation that has helped me get maybe one/two recommendations that'll go on the list for an eventual playthrough while leaving me more confused as to why I should hate dao
Maybe you should play them now.
Naah, I'm good
currently on pwotr act1, don't think I'll bump up any on the list just yet since tyranny and shadowrun dragonfall are gonna follow it up
some of the more notable ones I've already finished (dues ex with one of the overhaul mods, dos2, disco)

still don't understand why dao ruined RPGs tho
and even more curious about the hate for vtmb of all things
>currently on pwotr act1
yeah refund that and pick anything on the list, you're already neck deep in bad choices and aids
lmfao. I pirate.
and then, if unlike the game and its available on gog, I buy the digital copy
if its really fucking good, I'll buy the collectors edition for that game directly from the company

maybe try and explain why dao is aids
and then do it for vtmb
I'm not mocking you here unlike a lotta other anons, but you seem to be convinced of the fact
I'd like to know what convinced you without playing all the games on the list
>maybe try and explain why dao is aids
How is it not aids? Its just a series of hallways with combat so braindead you can automate it with gambits on the highest difficulty and just go make a sandwich while it plays out, padded with fetch quests which are doubly obnoxious because, again, everything is a glorified hallway, and some of the cringiest saturday morning cartoon writing I've ever seen. (the only worse game being tyranny, where every single character is some variation of Megabyte from Reboot personality-wise, which doesn't do its atrocious gameplay any favors)
>and then do it for vtmb
The entire game is a casual action adventure game comparable to retard games like new vegas. Character building scarcely matters at all you have to do is put enough pips into lockpicking, start with melee, and then transition into guns for every character. Anything else you put pips in basically doesn't matter. At all. And then what you're left with is absolutely terrible map design with a handful of characters to talk to. Like an extremely casual slow-paced VTMB playthrough is 10 hours long and most of it is walking down a long stretch of hallway or road (or worse yet a series of small rooms full on enemies and having to engage with its terrible combat, what kind of fucking idiot manages to make source engine combat unfun?) then talking to someone. Its fucking bad. And people praise this because there's altered dialogue for different backgrounds, which is embarassing.

You need to play all the games on the list. From the beginning.
If it was woke then it's still woke now. Don't let them shift your window like that. This is how women's rights became normalized.
>y-y--yoo-uu r-re-retard
i know what a freudian slip is
I’m pretty fucking racist and every other ist (along with all the ‘phobes’) and I honestly enjoyed DAI, the woke shit was a lot easier to ignore if you wanted to. Veilguard beats you over the head and then sticks the progressive politics right in. You’ll even eventually have the opportunity to send the trans character to its death in the storyline.
The capitalists are responsible for womens rights.
it's not your private board, tranny avatarfag
Origins is literally the best DA. It's far above any of the others.
that doesn't mean it isn't shit...
they had fancy graphics and a big marketing campaign
>Things got really bad starting with KOTOR
This. KotOR was the harbringer of doom.
Sure, people had fun with their comfy Star Wars story. Good for them.
But there was near zero attempt to design combat encounters. Uniteresting implementation of d20. They just gave up gameplay.
IT was full focus on muh cinematic experience from now on.
How are you so retarded that you can't understand the concept of criticism and airing grievances? There is absolutely no reason why we should only use language to communicate about how much we like things.
you're focusing on gameplay extensively while leaving out stories you can tell as a player through them
I like RPGs to have good dialogue, characters, branching stories and multiple ways of completing missions
different combat options to complete quests is also fun at times, but I may not be in the mood to always kill something

please don't respond back with disco elysium as a retort cause the dialogue is meant to be the replacement for gameplay over there

i get that the branching oaths may not be as intricate as in disco, but that doesnt make them worth nothing and tantamount to playing fo4
and notice how kotor corresponds with the move to consoles. appealing to consoletards ruins rpgs.
>KotOR was the harbringer of doom.
RPG is truly the genre for poser hipsters
>ugh now it's too mainstream and pop
>biotard encounters criticism for the first time
>lists a bunch of stuff with worse gameplay than anything bioware did until DA2
I guarantee you haven't played even half of these.
Pretty much this. Anyone remember Concord? Me neither, I only heard about it when it was withdrawn. If it was full of outrage, that wouldn't have happened to it. It got withdrawn and refunded because nobody bothered with it.
Yea its pretty bad but not as bad as people are acting it is.
Its not the worst game evr but its not very good either.
>I don't want threads for it to be here
and i don't want tranny avatarfags to be here, go apply to be a janny if you want
>not as bad as people are acting it is
yeah it's even worse actually, you either have very low standards or you are a tranny running damage control
Trails games is a dogshit actually
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I'm glad you had your comfy Star Wars adventure.
But you can't deny:
1. Switch to console focus and the crap that comes with it. Like shitty controls.
2. Switch to (early) cinematic. From that point, gameplay is an afterthought.
3. It aged much worse than older Bioware games. People like having warm memories about KotOR. But they actually play BG2 to this day.
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It's basically their take on Mass Effect 2. Once you understand that, everything falls into place.

While it's not a good RPG (it's basically an action game), it much better than both DA2 and Inqusition.
>a tranny running damage control
Imagine if they used all their cope, seethe, dial 8 energy to actually make something good.
3/10 is being too generous for that garbage fire. Then again people think that ME2 was good, when it was pure shit so I don't trust anyone's opinion.
They took the loyalty sidequests into 'suicide mission' formula but applied it haphazardly without understanding why it worked (mostly, ME2 still sucks). Basically monkeys with a crude imitation of what they saw the zookeeper do.
>three fucking threads for AAA slop

Mods, I know you never visit this place, but it's time to do your fucking jobs, jesus christ.
It has too much FAGGOTS
Fuck off you retarded piece of shit.
>How does Bioware even recover from this?
We said the same thing after Anthem. After MEA. And yet, here we are with DAV shitting itself, and with ME5 on the horizon.
Its wild how Bioware is even still alive. But considering so is 343i, I guess it shouldn't be surprising.
>We said the same thing after Anthem.
Between Anthem and Veilguard there's no way they'll survive. IF they get to put out ME5 and it isn't fucking digital magic that cures all your ills, makes your cock huge, and gives you a sapient hardlight magical gf I don't know how they don't get shuttered.
>IF they get to put out ME5
There will be ME5. That's certain with tv show coming up. It can't possibly be good, they have no talent whatsoever left at the company. They'll make a Halo type shooter with microtransactions twenty years after Halo shooter came out of fashion. And they'll be threatened at point blank range with 9mm not to put a single tranny in the game by the upper management.

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