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Why Haleberd is so underappreciated in RPGrinos? its best blunt weapon you can imagine
All right dude you've got a point but can you please speak in proper English?
this dude is megasuper butthurt, someone criticized his english once and now he's on a mission to talk like a retard "ironically". it's really easy to manipulate him, say you hate something he's doing and he'll do it for months. funny as fuck.
>Blunt weapon

Wat? That's a pike with an axe on it, neither of those are blunt, I suppose you could turn it upside down or hit people with the blunt sides, but that makes no sense.
>all in one handy package with reach
Let me guess, you need more?
no one cares about "proper english" it has been raped and niggered 1000 times already. its slop language for everyone at this point
>other people are shit so i'm going follow suit
what zero self-respect does to a motherfucka
Need some missile damage, mate. Maybe even some elemental, too. Put a canon on it.
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you sure?
as long you wont bastardize and nigger down my own language i dont care
anon, i already said you have no self-respect, there's no need to reinforce it. to you, communication is about "the other" and so you choose to live in their mind and they become a part of you. words are kinda important like that, they are the building blocks of thought. i hope you start loving yourself.
Halberds are pretty sweet, and I made my fair share of BG2 characters using one.
>it's op, what did you expectings
Apparently, he can't.
most people don't know what it is, which is a combination of a spear and an axe. they just want a sword or dagger.
Why do you make retarded off topic threads and samefag bump them all day? Do I need to start making this a really unpleasant place for you to be in?
In one end devs think halberds were just big spears.
In the other, devs go all in making halberds just big axes.
No one is using them like they should (as agile quarterstaffs)
It is disappointing once you realize that using any 2 hander in the BG series other than the Spider's Bane in 1, or Lilarcor or the Holy Avenger in 2 (All 3 for their powerful on-equip immunities or on-hit abilities) is basically just taking a huge hit in character power for cool factor. 2 handers fucking suck.
Dark Souls is the Halberd show though.
*uses a two hander and greater whirlwind for 10 attacks per round* lol look how I’m nerfing myself, if only I was some nanby pamby elf faggot dual wielding chump I could get, uh, ten attacks per round too
>playing Throne of Bhaal
Jesus Christ.
if you love halberds so much why haven't you played karryn's prison?
I love this le reddit seudo psychological take, true 90iq midwit approach.bor just teenager
trying too hard to seem like you aren't trying too hard there, bro. irony is a prison, you become a satellite, forever orbiting sincerity. don't be afraid.
>karryn's prison
this deserves separate thread, whats game about?
Yaawn didnt read. Is that you moeblob? Sorry i made you mad, but it was all true about your family roots
i see that anonymous posting confuses you, but if actually you didn't read my post, why would you think i'm moeblob? is he your preferred satellite? this whole "i'm above it all" larp is p. sad and just indicates how very much you care about affecting other people because you yourself are easily affected. just a really poor display all around.
Not true. You can kite with a 2Hander, you can attack over a frontline and you can actually hit fast moving enemies. The range boost from 2Handers more than makes up for the marginal boost in damage and the lack enchantment from an offhand. Also, in the original game you could easily switch from 2Hander to bow through the weapon quickslots. Not so with dual wielding. You'd have to go into the inventory and manually take your off hand out and put your bow in and vice versa to go to and from dual welding and ranged.
you don't always have to use the best skills or the best shit, anon.
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Post your favorite blunt weapon.
You wouldn't understand
Reply to yourself for the next 6 months to keep this awful thread bumped.
Not cool
Not cute
>OP image: EEshit
ditto though understandable these shitty days
I don't. I play thieves all the time.
Problem with two handers isn't just that they are almost all bad, they are boring.
would be better if it was a spear
spears are extremely unimpressive in DnD 2nd ed. The weapon types just are randomly assigned on a scale of meh to great, not quite realistically. Something similar to the famous padded armor nonsense in 3rd ed and later editions.
(Somebody should remake the katana rant meme, but with padded armor)
I also like halberds. Glaives are an OK substitute when they aren't available. In the pathfinder games you can get some glaives but they are few and far between.

The only games that really gives you the enjoyment of a good halberd that I have played is Elden Ring and the Dynasty Warrior games. Lu Bu is the fucking beast, man. It is always so hype when he says his badass lines like "Can't anyone provide me with a decent challenge!?" or "Pathetic weaklings, get out of my way!" and they are all like "Oh no! It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu has come to destroy us!"

The sheer arrogance, along with the skill to back it up is peak kino. *sigh* Too bad there is basically no where else this comes up in media. The only thing that I can think of on the same level of badassery is maybe the fight against Jecht in FFX. His look, his music, all so good. So damn good.

Unironically thanks for making this thread OP, thinking about halberds and consequentially in turn - awesome characters, has improved my day.
An actual reddit post.
No need to feel jealous about someone having a good time, my friend. Just find your own enjoyment. :)
no problem i love dem haleberds. i know Vermintide2 is not an RPG but im playing Kruber with dem haleberd and its too damn satysfying killing dem raterinos in various ways
I would also like a ranged option
Slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, ranged.
if its magical haleber it can shoot thunderbolts
Double-ended halberds.
>if your only using super weapons instead of super good weapons you are playing it wrong
Are people these retarded? Why are so many people just playing with a guide?
>if only I was some nanby pamby elf faggot dual wielding chump
with Crom Fayer in offhand
what now fagget
Was I the only one who played with that hammer in offhand and Celestial Fury in the main?
Any good RPGs with fun halberds?
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those anons probably rest after every encounter so that they can use all their per-rest abilities and highest level spells in the next Athkatla bandit ambush, anon
and complain about game having too much "trash mobs"
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Oh fuck off Davaeorn.
>tfw all level 1 slots filled by identify
>mostly progress-limited/forced to rest due to the availability of the spells to ID important items
>only those that you have to identify to use, that is
>and if they can't be IDed via lore
>2-4x accumulated fatigue modifiers for most of the game
>it has been raped and niggered 1000 times already
But enough about your mother.
why these "people" not simply turn difficulty slider to "easy" or "story mode"?
>Was I the only one who played with that hammer in offhand and Celestial Fury in the main?
Yes, because that’s faggot munchkin minmaxing and no realistic character would ever do that. Crom Faeyr belongs in the main hand of a proper dwarf, like a fighter and/or a cleric. If you’re going to dual wield Celestial Fury like some bitchass weeb, it should obviously have a wakizashi in the offhand.
There’s no thematic reason for the two to ever be combined.
>t. Holy Avenger greater whirlwind enjoyer instead
Every single realistic character would do that, you retard. CF Main & Crom Offhand is objectively one of the best dual wielding combos in the game. It is strong enough to completely destroy everything as easy as pie. Nobody but a faggot is going to intentionally gimp themselves in order to satisfy a "theme" in real life when they could become the ultimate authority in their neck of the woods.
>Every single realistic character would do that, you retard.
how can people being this retarded. A realistic person wouldn't dual wield at all.
if memory serves there were ways to have 25 STR without Crom Faeyr, and there were better off-hand weapons
this is also true, movies popularized the trope, but it isn't realistic at all (short of some super specific situations like fencing duels)
>like some bitchass weeb
I'm registered a longsword voter, anon.
Not my sin that they made a katanashit the best weapon. At least it is a blade and doesn't look ass like a flail. or warrhammer (which has completely wrong animation, looks like a 1H maul kek).
>should obviously have a wakizashi in the offhand
Since I'm not a weeb, no. Was there even a magical waku-waku za shit in the game? I don't remember a single one, so there definitely wasn't any nice weapon.

>belongs in the main hand
Depends on what the alternatives are, how your team looks. Aerie is not going to do much damage with it, for example, lacks the attacks/turn. If the hammer isn't particularly needed by anybody, why not.

>There’s no thematic reason for the two to ever be combined.
Well duh, but let's be fantasy real there's no reason level 20+ (aka almost superman) skilled warrior shouldn't be able to wield non-matching weapons, as long as stuff like flail that has potential to hinder your other shit is involved

Note that I played SoA/ToB more than 20 years ago SHIT SHIT SHIT
Today, I would try to go thematic, with longsword+shortsword and exploit the elf +1 thac0 bonus. It would be weaker obviously, swords don't get as good options.

>but it isn't realistic at all
Well, again we are talking level 10 - 20 warriors, which are already extraordinary "star" experts or combat. They are supposed to be able to do extraordinary stuff, and if we are talking elves that have various meme combat lore iirc (bladesingers), it makes sense some of these outstanding individuals have learned to have such a good ability to do two things at once (and the needed perception ability) that they are able to fight with one hand at 100% performance and still perform supplementary attacks with the offhand with usefulness.

DnD 2nd ed should have allowed you to get some small armor bonus from the offhand weapon tho, because that is much of the usefulness of it IRL.
>as long as stuff like flail that has potential to hinder your other shit is involved
I meant, as long as stuff like flail that has potential to hinder your other shit is NOT involved
You could always throw your Halberd like a spear.
Shouldn't you rather be throwing it like tomahawk? It won't fly like a spear very well because the head has uneven weight distribution
Back when the game first released, there wasn't a whole lot of other stuff I could have been playing instead. I didn't have money except for what was given to me on birthdays, or games that my dad bought. Point being, I played the game a lot just for fun, and I made many characters and used pretty much every weapon in the game at some point just for variety. It really doesn't matter if it's the best.
Are these imaginary posters in the room with you now?
Per rest abilities feel like shit that should have been left on tabletop games where you basically only do 1 maybe 2 battles each hour long session. Feels fun there because of how the game evolves with others. Single player just makes it an annoyance.

That's why I always get a mod that turns every per-rest ability into a per-battle ability, then play on nightmare mode. Equals it out fairly well. Then I just treat resting as a tool to either heal the tired debuff or to get a stat buff before a difficult boss.
If we are talking about realism, then it wont throw very well in any technique. Though throwing like a spear would still work better due to how long the shaft is.

Video game wise, if you are strong enough then through like a spear or a tomahawk would both work. Just depends if you want to pierce the ranged enemy with the spear tip, or slice them with the axe head. (maybe bludgeon with the shaft if you really want to as well)
I disagree. If you want all special abilities to be available in every encounter, they cease to be special abilities, you can just turn them into basic attacks.

I hate it when game gives you so many special moves and they are per enounter that you don't even get to use them all before enemy is slaughtered.
>Every single realistic character would do that
No. That's what you would do, because you're incapable of playing RPGs as anything other than a self-inserting munchkin min-maxer.
>Was there even a magical waku-waku za shit in the game?
Not a good one until ToB (it's a +4 with -1 AC, so a solid off-hander, and also appropriate to be combined with a katana)
>Depends on what the alternatives are, how your team looks. Aerie is not going to do much damage with it, for example, lacks the attacks/turn
It's a dwarven warhammer that slays dwarves' racial enemies and shoots lightning while buffing the fuck out of your strength. It's the epitome of a dwarven fighter/cleric weapon. Why the fuck would you give it to an elf mage?
>Well duh, but let's be fantasy real there's no reason level 20+ (aka almost superman) skilled warrior shouldn't be able to wield non-matching weapons, as long as stuff like flail that has potential to hinder your other shit is involved
Yes. I think dual wielding is pretty retarded in general, but to be at least somewhat realistic it should involve a smaller and lighter weapon in the offhand.
>Today, I would try to go thematic, with longsword+shortsword and exploit the elf +1 thac0 bonus.
Like this, this is perfectly reasonable.
People in real life are min maxers, you clown. Do you actually think that in the history of man we sat around talking ourselves out of technological advances because we didn't want to look like one of those "munchkin min maxers"? No, you retard, anything we could get our hands on to increase our threat and protect our resources was embraced and implemented without hesitation. There is a reason people have a tendency to min max. It's been bred into us.
>t. incapable of playing RPGs as anything other than a self-inserting munchkin min-maxer
Verification not required.
>It's a dwarven warhammer that slays dwarves' racial enemies and shoots lightning while buffing the fuck out of your strength.
I understand perfectly: a great souvenir for an epic-level elfus bitchus. Doesn't help that the only dwarf on the cast is an asshole that specializes in axe anyway.
I play meelee warriors usually. Will try the meme build (F/M/T) tho, if I ever replay it.
This anon has a point.
The character in the game should care about aesthetics and shit much less, if there is a protective armor or helmet that looks like ass when used, so be it, on the mug it goes.
weapons looking uncool/ugly? kek at you
contrived spell/ability use? that's just resourcefulness and trying to stay alive
>Doesn't help that the only dwarf on the cast is an asshole that specializes in axe anyway.
True, you'd really need a dwarven CHARNAME to take full advantage of it. I never played with Korgan but you could spec him into warhammers if you wanted to.
>I play meelee warriors usually
I was specifically responding to the mention of Aerie being a silly choice, as she's an elf and obviously meant to be a squishy caster, not a battle cleric. And she's an elf.
>Will try the meme build (F/M/T) tho, if I ever replay it.
It's strong, but cheesy. I would play solo if you want to do that, to soak up all the XP. It's a bit annoying of a build because early on (e.g. BG1) wearing armor disables your thieving and spellcasting, so that eventually (e.g. BG2) you're shoehorned into a robe-wearing gish build.
Imo, if you ever feel like replaying the game, I would try a custom four-man party, riffing on the classic fighter/cleric/thief/mage. Last time I did, I had human paladin, dwarf fighter/cleric, elf fighter/thief (spec'd for pure bows), elf mage.
It's so weird and retarded to see people pretend BG2 is mechanically deep when the entire game can be beaten by a monkey dragging an item over a character and seeing if stats turn green or red then casting melfs meteors in everyone.
>dragging an item over a character and seeing if stats turn green
Spotted the EE-playing zoom zoom.
Yeah that's what you're playing and every other tranny still clinging to BG2 because SCS only supports it now. Let's not be dishonest.
>I was specifically responding to the mention of Aerie being a silly choice, as she's an elf and obviously meant to be a squishy caster, not a battle cleric.
Oh, that was a minsunderstanding. I mentioned her because she can be the only character you have that specifically is a cleric, limited to blunt weapons.
Say you have Jaheira besides her, she can't use WHs, gotta use scimitars, clubs or staff with her.
Keldorn - Carsomyr.
> custom four-man party
I found that IWD just didn't suite me as much with the custom party approach, when you are limited by the premade companion's builds, it can be actually comfy (you don't have the "too many things available, what to choose?!!! problem", plus the baseline semblance of character BG1 companions have gives it a bit more narrative feel. (in my eyes at least).
Yeah, I tried to play a good part of BG1 with F/T, F/M and F/M/T and you and up switching armor a lot. YOu are versatile-ish, but most fights I played like a fighter in full plate, actually (but you can abuse pre-buffs).
That was EE tho, with familiar on from level 1/cadlekeep, that helps a lot.
>shoehorned into a robe-wearing gish build
Actually, I think the reason I had that urge to play F/M or F/M/T pretty much since the time I finished SoA and ToB, was actually the elven chain armors. I wanted to make use of them. Though they aren't as good as plate.
Also wanted to use the use any item ability, using Imoen I never really took high-level thief into the HLA territories.
Wanted to abuse it to use Carsomyr, but it wouldn't allow backstabs and doesn't work with the elf +1 sword bonus. Aww, life is cruel.
i pretty much never used celestial fury after i first found and played around with it. shit was so busted and every fight was boring. i'd use carsomyr though. at least the enemies could fight back.
>I found that IWD just didn't suite me as much with the custom party approach
That's because IWD has actual real combat encounters and proper itemization in it.
It doesn't help you can get it right out of the prologue. OK, there is a fight, but can probably be cheesed in various ways.
>>Will try the meme build (F/M/T) tho, if I ever replay it.
>It's strong, but cheesy. I would play solo if you want to do that, to soak up all the XP. It's a bit annoying of a build because early on (e.g. BG1) wearing armor disables your thieving and spellcasting, so that eventually (e.g. BG2) you're shoehorned into a robe-wearing gish build.
>Imo, if you ever feel like replaying the game, I would try a custom four-man party, riffing on the classic fighter/cleric/thief/mage. Last time I did, I had human paladin, dwarf fighter/cleric, elf fighter/thief (spec'd for pure bows), elf mage.
It's only strong if you can prebuff and know the encouters. It's laughable weak in anything else.
Does it? Casters are much less dangerous in IWD and you just get experience points and insane artifacts dumped on you for free. In both BG games you feel like you have to go out and explore the world to collect powerful gear and experience.
>In both BG games you feel like you have to go out and explore the world to collect powerful gear and experience.
What are you talking about? BG just spoonfeeds you super powered items throughout the main story. It's infamous for this. Exploring doesn't give you anything worthwhile except for stat books that give you +1 wisdom or whatever.
Why are you even lying about this?
How is it a lie? That's how the game works.
Imagine someone just lying on the internet for no reason. Off the top of my head, the best scimitars, best long sword, ring of protection +2, helm, cloak, gloves of giant strength, spell scroll, ring of wizardry all require exploration and many are extremely well hidden especially in the original game that doesn't have highlight. Many further best items are expensive purchases that require said exploration to raise funds.
Most of IWD loot was randomized and variety was pretty wild, so while it is possible you lucked out and were handed amazing gear not everyone else playing the game did,
There is definitely some randomness to it. I don't have the random vs. fixed loot memorized the way I do BG. The big noob trap for IWD is the alignment restricted gear.
>Imagine someone just lying on the internet for no reason
Right before nashkel mines you get a super weapon that's the best weapon in the game, it loads you up with room clearing grenades, and gives you super armor at the end. The whole game is like this.
Which super weapon is this?
And what super armor are you even talking about? The golden pantaloons? If so, you've got to be kidding.
Varscona is a detour, it's not part of the main quest. And the owner is not *that* easy for unprepared players if they are just level 2. Although save scumming does it, he is alone.
It's right in front of the entrance to the mines and he's a lone pure martial that's utterly helpless against snares and debuffs. Is this what IEtards think is peak encounter design?
bumdog/EE begone
wtf are you talking about?
Zoom zoom.
He probably means Longsword +2, though I have no idea why he think it's "the best weapon in the game",
First time arguing with a dishonest tranny?
Are you retarded? Go ahead and double down you samefagging zoomer fuck. Bioware was a mistake. Kill this awful thread with fire.
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BG1 and 2, along with the fallout series, fall neatly within the category of newfag nitwit games alongside other titles such as elder scrolls, gothic, VTMB, arcanum, underrail, and Owlcat games. All fans of these games are utterly clueless and only sheepishly orbit the genre.
epic trolling manletblob. still, your family were thieves and whores banished from europe since they were useless.
Since when is telling the truth considered trolling?
He is still trying this..
You have to go back.
that's a spell, not snare
I played that shit before pic related was born. And you, faggot.
I think it started with Diogenes
This fat bioturd is absolutely losing it.
>I-I’m not h-having a m-meltdown, y-you are!!1
The newfag is trying too hard to fit in.
Reply to the post a couple more times and maybe it will come true. Perhaps if you make 20 more baldurs gate threads and bump them all for the next 6 months /vrpg/ will finally love bioware.
hey i like Baldurs Gate and Baldurs Gate 2
not all my posts son, but since you put in the effort, BMI 20, thanks for asking, and if anything bothers me now, it's solely IRL things, as it happens to adults.

Protip: Don't worked up about 20 years+ old games, hating popular things doesn't make you intersting, etc.
>Don't worked
get worked up, even
>no jokes allowed on 4chan because I came here after 2016 and the internet is srs bsns rawr!!!!
You're not funny.
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>Lu Bu
Except literally anyone who has touched a fantasy RPG.
They're basically just spears, anon. The entire point of halberd infantry in the late medieval period was to stop a calvalry charge. It is kind of a multitool, though. The spear is to stop the charge, the hook is to pull the rider from their horse, and the axe is for can opening. Ideally though, you would just be poking everything from a distance.
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>Liu ends up doing the betraying instead
I used spears for both games and I was fine
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Yes, I was not trying to be. And you will never fit in.
You could also just use a generic +2 longsword and single weapon style and "be ok". Doesn't make it good or interesting.
You just said that you can do fine with a sub-optimal weapon, while the original claim was that doing so was
>basically just taking a huge hit in character power for cool factor
so it sounds like you’re either agreeing with the anon you’re replying to, or shifting the goalposts for the sake of disagreeing
>take 10 steps
>kill 3 kobolds
>sleep for 65535 hours to recover HP and refill spell slots
>plot will politely wait for your convenience
talking about build efficiency in BG series is pointless, because there is no real pressue or serious challenge
Spears aren't very common in games so I tend to gravitate towards them when they're available
I would've used halberds but Ixil's Spike seemed really cool
play iron man fag
History is written by the victors, as they say.

>LuBu is strongest warrior that ever lived
>gets noticed by official who adopts him just to use his strength to get an in on the government
>adoptive dad tells him to murder the representative of the emperor
>"wtf? I am not betraying the emperor" proceeds to kill the traitor
the world: "what an unfilial traitor! killing his own father!"
>falls in love with most beautiful woman in the world
>only has eyes for her
>His boss Dong Zhuo, the perverted fat dude representing the emperor, wants to NTR him
>Dong is also super corrupt and everyone wants to kill him
>"wtf, you can't have my woman" kills him
the world who wanted dong dead: "how horrible! that traitor even kills his own lord!"
>leaves to the country side with all the people who respect him, run a small county there
>everyone likes him and all his soldiers think he is the best
>takes in liu bei and his brothers (who are former bandits) treat him as a younger brother
>Liu Bei leaves after investigating the city
>goes to Cao Cao and tells him about everything he discovered
>Cao Cao is worried about this charismatic super soldier Lu Bu becoming a major power
>Cao Cao and the supposedly benevolent Liu Bei destroy a dam and kill thousands of innocents in a flood just to kill some of Lu Bu's troops as they are too scared to fight directly
>sweep up the left overs with overwhelming numbers
>kill Lu Bu with squad of archers from a distance so that no one has to lose to him in a melee fight
>told everyone Lu Bu was a evil dumb ass who cried and begged like a coward before death
>Liu Bei decides to steal his rep too and become a 'benevolent ruler' and pretend the city was his but Lu Bu betrayed him like the others and stole it (somehow without bloodshed and all the soldiers switching to his side)
the world: "Lu Bu may have been the strongest fighter, but he was a traitorous animal that no one could trust!"

Is how I imagine history went
iron man encourages taking full rests even more often
Because it isn't cool. It might be better mechanically, but people will pick a great sword, or giant axe over it because it looks cooler.
Both subjective opinion and highly dependent on other factors. Such as designs of the weapons and stats given.
>subjective opinion
No shit. OP asked why it's underappreciated and it's because it isn't cool. Reach weapons are objectively better, but people still pick great swords and giant axes more often, because they're cooler to the majority of people. Most people don't powergame and make characters they think are cool.
Swords are the best weapon ever imagined, that is not "subjective" it is an objective statement of fact. A peasant like you could never comprehend it though.
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>A peasant like you
oh? and you are..?
>The M1 Garand is the finest implement of battle ever devised. -Patton
idk about that. The overwhelming majority of games never have halberds as a weapon, so it is hard to quantify. Elden Ring is an example of one that does, and the golden one you get from that miniboss at the start is cooler than most of the games great swords. A lot of people went with that during their playthroughs.

If the same amount of creativity was put into halberds as it does into swords, you could get more cool examples. Like, where is the halberd made out of halberds? the halberd made out of energy and crystals? the halberd made out of bones? etc. etc.

So I would argue that it's not so much that swords are flat cooler, but rather other weapons rarely get the same amount of attention design-wise.
Spoken like someone who has never studied historical battles. Polearm type weapons were the clear rulers of almost every melee battlefield. Majority of the time swords were rarely used for fighting, and were more just a status symbol to show off how rich you were.

Halberds were a jack of all trades type weapon. Perfect counter for cavalry and had a longer reach than any other melee weapon of its time. Had a hook to drag people off their horses, a spear tip for piercing enemies at a distance, an axe blade for slicing at cotton wearing enemies, and a spike for puncturing heavy armour.

Halberds only lost favour when people decided to make spears that were even longer than halberds in order to counter them.
>Spoken like someone who has never studied historical battles. Polearm type weapons were the clear rulers of almost every melee battlefield.
another 16th century wikipedia expert who skipped 8000 years worth of military history to reach that braindead fucking conclusion
>Halberds only lost favour when people decided to make spears that were even longer than halberds in order to counter them.
Sarissa and xyston bros… we are forgotten…
It's well known that putting a pointy tip on a long stick was invented as a response to firearms in the late medieval period
You know what actually encourages you to rest often? Sucking at this game.
Spears were invented long before swords and were used more often. The only places polearms weren't more prominent in the main forces of a country were with things like raiding groups. When anyone did have swordsman in their army, they were extremely expensive elites that they would never send to go suicide against a defensive spear line.

Hey, even in the world war they added bayonets. Making them basically gun spears. Humorously, the word for spear in Chinese is gun. So they would be gun gun's.
This is correct and it's always been weird to me how spear + shield, which was the main combination for soldiers for a very long time, is so rare in video games
Bullshit, you don't want to rebuff every 30 seconds.
last run I did was 58 days full clear all side + mod content BG2 SCS insane no save no reload
literal skill issue
And the hanyu pinyin for staff is also gun (pronounced differently of course)
The pole itself is long enough that you could attach a sling to the blunt end for a sling-staff
Now you've got it all
I like morning star
The Halberd is the best weapon you can craft in NWN 1 OC; The ravager is what it is called.

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