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Favorite RPGs that feature mages? I'm on a big wizard kick lately
I just finished my first run of WOTR as a Lich and honestly I felt like a God. I could do everything, and was better than everybody at anything. I could walk into a room filled with high level enemies and snap my fingers to cripple them all, then snap my fingers again to kill them outright. It's such a power trip
DAO was similar, though that was less being powerful and more just being immortal. Nothing could really touch or effect a Mage that attempted to optimize in that game
I want to look into JRPGs that let me play as a wizard but magic in those games just has a different feel, it's flashier but it doesn't feel as powerful
Magic is so gay in japanese games
>Summoning magic is just damage magic
>Boss is immune to everything except straight damage (maybe an elemental weakness or something).
And other such sins are everywhere.
Bosses being immune to status effects always annoys me. It's not worth wasting the turns to curse or debuff normal enemies. You need those spells for the boss and if he can just ignore them then what's the point of the spells existing for the player at all.
An actual reddit post
Poison slime immune to poison fits, else it sucks.
I once had a dream about a game in which you eventually as a Wizard summoned a Fireball over a city and at First It slowly descended towards It until It touched the high Tower in the middle of the city exploring like an atomic bomb.
A game that would let you wield such enormous Power would be pretty Fun.
Magic feels really powerful in Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. Nothing feels better than casting maelstrom and tearing a dragon out of the sky or throwing all the present enemies across the room.
can you explain why you called it a reddit
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>see maelstrom go off in the middle of a room
>get ready to brine whichever pawn cast it since I can't see anything now
>looking through pawns' names when I realize I don't have any blue pawns in my party
Every post is a Reddit post, since modern 4chan is just an edgier Reddit sub-board.
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The usual explanation I hear is that status effects would make bosses too easy, but I feel like they should design around that. It sucks playing SMT games and all my spells are focused on buffing or just DPS because anything experimental just isn't worth it 90% of the time. I mean shit in Nocturne I barely had spells at all because the physical skills were just so much better on the Demifiend and they were all just different ways to pile on damage
JRPG spells can be flashier but they just lack the flexibility, in combat and out of it, of a lot of western RPGs. I don't think you'll ever find a Japanese game that lets you go as wild as something like Pathfinder would
Bosses should be designed with assumption you need to inflict status effects to win, or burn through unreasonable amounts of consumables.
>what's the point of the spells existing for the player at all
The point is there will be one (1) specific boss in the game where you will need this specific status effect or debuff, or it will guaranteed wreck your shit without it.
>It sucks playing SMT games and all my spells are focused on buffing or just DPS because anything experimental just isn't worth it 90% of the time
The silly part is that Atlus already nailed status effects working on bosses with the Etrian Odyssey games, but EO magic users are still super boring to play because those games tend to leave ailment infliction to the thief/assassin type classes while mages just do 9 different kinds of AOE of straight elemental damage.
starting BG1 and going into BG2/ToB
you are a little pissant weakling in BG1 for a while but eventually you morph into a unkillable wizard god

ill be straight tho its really rough at the start, need to let companions do the lifting until you got spells in your belt
imo starting a new rpg is hard after coming off the ultra max level high, had the experience recently and low level sucks
>starting BG1 and going into BG2/ToB
>you are a little pissant weakling
What in the fuck are you talking about, just being able to hold a wand makes lvl 1 mages the most broken and powerful thing in the game and nothing comes close. What an incredibly stupid post.
>wah wahw hwa if u got a wand u ar OVERPOWERD
yeah rope yourself retard noplay
You can beat bg1 with a lvl 1 mage easily SOLO. No other class can do that.
yeah thats the point of the thread you knuckledragging ape retard, mage is OP dumbass
>get magic missile
fucking tourist
Under 1 hour you have 6 casting of sleep that is “I win” button in bg1. Mage (conjurer) definitely isn’t w weak class from the start. And even if you don’t find overpowered ring then 3 casts of sleep at level 2 (that you can get without any combat) should let you clear most areas. Resting is free and 5 minute adventuring day is a meme for a reason.
Not very interesting posts.
what is interesting is how i will be raping your dumbass face
go dilate your xussy in a dragon age thread please
Your English is so bad that we can see all your awful posts and every terrible thread you're bumping. It's practically an avatar.
What is the peak of CRPG Wizard? Is Baldur's Gate the strongest you can be? WOTR Lich can get really stupid but that's counting mythic powers which may or may not count, same with Angel. I remember Tyranny's magic being really strong too
>time stop
No fucking joke.
>I just finished my first run of WOTR as a Lich
Same. By the time I was mid-game a party was not only not longer needed, but actively got in the way.
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You can make a really powerful Wizard that can solo BG3 if you choose feats and gear correctly. With 1 dip into Sorceror I had a 11 Wizard (Abjuration)/1 Sor that could tanks hits and the enemy was killing themselves whenever they hit my Spell Ward.
BG1 & BG2 are great picks, but lvl 1 Wiz is tough early.
The Divinity games also do well, but its a bit diluted since every class seems to be a spellcaster class.
You can be a really powerful mage in Tyranny, but I never optimized it for a solo run. I'm sure there's a way, but I never went back to redo it.
If you like WOTR there is Kingmaker. But you aren't nearly as powerful as the lich.
I understand the Pillars of Eternity games you can make power wizard and maybe solo, but it was a bit too slow story-wise for me.
SKALD seems like it may be good, but I've not played it enough to know about the spellcaster potency.
If you are looking for build autism, Underrail has a psyker class that's pretty close to wizard and by the end of the game you are very powerful
If you are looking for a "wizard" in a non-magical setting, check out Kingdom Come: Deliverance and go all into Alchemy, it breaks the game its so good.
There's more, that's just what I can think of off the top of my head from mostly the last 10 years (aside from Bg1 & 2). If you go back further there are a lot of options.
>actively got in the way
Lich was so powerful even this wasn't an issue since most of Lich's spells only target enemies
Said spells also can't be resisted and have a stupid high save that if failed break enemy kneecaps on top of nuking them, it's nuts
What does the Sorcerer dip do?
>SKALD seems like it may be good, but I've not played it enough to know about the spellcaster potency
I think he's done some rebalancing (I finished it like 2 days after release) but that game made spellcasters awesome for about 1 or two hard fights before you had to go crying back to rest more. Probably not the way to go
NWN 2 with the expansions, however, fan modules may give a better experience than the main adventure.
>If you are looking for a "wizard" in a non-magical setting, check out Kingdom Come: Deliverance and go all into Alchemy, it breaks the game its so good.
You know I've never even touched alchemy outside the tutorial for it since I liked to roleplay Henry as an actual peasant and keep him illiterate. That's an interesting perspective on it, though. In fact learning to read might as well be considered learning spells in medieval time
2/3rds of a good game. Having said that, the spell where you put a bubble of water around someone's head and they drown to death is hilarious.
If you are terrible at the combat like I was, you can create some potent poisons and get a longsword, then focus on thrusts. Just nicking the enemy will have them drop over dead mid-fight a minute later.
If you take 1 level of Sorceror you can get Armor of Agathys with the White Dragon heritage without having to waste stats and levels dumping into Warlock. Abjuration's Arcane Ward has synergy with the spell, so you are both absorbing damage without Armor of Agathys dropping and damaging at the same time whenever someone hits you. Also, the AI will deprioritize you over summons and party members, which is great for a blaster. YTou can also focus on spells for that 1 level of Sor that do not require CHA like Jump & Feather Fall, etc.
Also if you RP'ing, you don't have to suck Satan's dick just to get the spell or Eldritch Blast
Which ring
age of wonders 1, maybe 2 but I never played it
>mfw you cast flood and kill everybody's shitty armies and cut their towns off
so many shitty games that don't let wizards be fucking strategic weapons
I wish more JRPGs took the Fromsoft approach to status effects. Instead of having a random chance to apply the status effect, said chance being 0 on most bosses, enemies could have thresholds for being affected by the status effect which are filled up by casting the spells multiple times. There'd be so many ways to balance bosses by having a few different status effect resistance bars to tweak, and it'd make character building into doing more status effect buildup more fun too.
That would be cool, like a separate buildup meter for tougher enemies. You have to make the choice between attacking, buffing, debuffing, or trying to build status. If you can build a status effect it can win the fight but it's risky because it's not an immediate reward. Yeah, I like the idea of this
Fuck maybe I need to play Tyranny. Between this and people saying you can actually be a wizard king I've heard nothing but good things about it besides
>2/3rds of a good game
what do you mean by that
Takes a nosedive after the kino Intro
In Osteoblasts the mage build is the strongest, there are two flavors and both are great.
>what do you mean by that
It has zero third act. Two acts of buildup and a moment where it looks like it's absolutely moving into a kino third act and then it just ends. No real fight. No real story ending. It just stops.

If you can get over the story blueballing you, the mechanics are pretty cool. As said, it has neat wizard spells and it's one of the few games where shield and spear is viable and supported for a melee character.
Well that's a shame, but it is on sale for 7 bucks right now. So I'll just go in with lowered expectations and it's not like I lose a lot
With that attitude, you should have a pretty good experience. Like said, there's a lot to like there up until the end.
There's still no better games for power tripping as a mage than baldur's gates. All the way from a little pansy putting enemies to sleep to a literal god stopping time and gating demons.
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How about asian wizards?
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I've tried to make a Shang Tsung in WotR and I just end up with a shitty monk that's also a shitty caster? Am I doing it wrong?
Wrath specifically should be a good system for a Shang Tsung build, since you can take 20 levels of monk while getting some pretty fucking busted magic in the way of the lich spellbook. It doesn't fit perfectly for his character since Shang is very vain and thinks with his dick at times, both of which he'll lose if he becomes a skeleman, but as far as mechanics go it's all there. Did you try to take a spellcasting class or something? That's probably not great
Yea I had tried to multi Monk with Sorcerer. I think I used Scaled Fist, but I can't remember. it was a while ago
I can't stand the Chinese, so I don't know.
you can lawyer the last boss and win the good ending.
Such experiments only work on story mode.
I wish there was more than 2 decent xianxia games...
>what the fuck no fair, I thought only I could do that
is a common experience when going through the bitterblack isle
If a fighter at max level with endgame equipment, can their physical attacks warp reality e.g, Dimension Slash
i fucking loved playing a mage in oblivion, crafting your own broken fucking spells

i basically played it like i was goku, where i had a long chain of fortify magica+fortify intelligence spells that would lead into some ~1500+ magicka spell, and in order to get my feet off the ground, i exploited a glitch

if you deequip and reequip an enchanted item that gives you health/magicka/stamina, it will give you back the amount the enchantment gives you when you reequip it if you are at 0

there is only one gauntlet slot piece of clothing in the game, the wrist irons you start with, and i enchanted them as "chains of freedom"

the whole goal of vanilla oblivion is to pick a way to become completely and totally invincible, and i was kamehamehaing the shit out of absolutely everything, had a buff to give me silly speed, athletics, and acrobatics, and a healing regen spell so OP i could swim through lava and still regenerate

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