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I'm just playing KOTOR 1 for the first time on normal and planning to do a Scout -> Jedi Sentinel build.

The thing is that, from what I've read, you are supposed to intentionally not level up after level 2 and keep your levels for later extra Jedi ones. I suppose meaning powers/abilities etc. Because level 20 is the max.

Doesn't this sound pretty gimmicky/powergame-y though? Also a bad design and a slog early game? You seem to spend a lot more time than needed as a non-Jedi in a Jedi game.

What do you do? Should I just jump straight to KOTOR 2?
There is absolutely no need to do it, especially on normal.
I consider Kototr 2 (patched) a much better game, but you are a waste of space, you can play two 20-30 hour games
>Doesn't this sound pretty gimmicky/powergame-y though?
>Also a bad design and a slog early game? You seem to spend a lot more time than needed as a non-Jedi in a Jedi game.
Depends on your perspective. Some people prefer the sense of character development and growth it brings. It might make more sense eventually as you progress through the game.
>What do you do?
You could just play the game normally. You’ll probably become a Jedi around level 8. If you must minmax, (it is not necessary to do so but some people have more fun doing so) then beat the first planet with as low a level as possible, and squat on those levels for Jedi levels. Some people say stop leveling at 5. 2 would be pretty extreme.

Kotor 2 you start as a Jedi and there are Jedi prestige classes after the base classes btw
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Not really, as you said people that do that are normally powergames that want to max out the number of jedi powers you can use. You don't really need to do it if you want to, I think the normal range is level 4 to 6/8 as base class and then jedi. If you are playing sentinel then I wouldn't bother.
If you were playing it for the first time why would you even know these "builds" exist? KOTOR is not hard enough to require paying attention to any of this. It's designed for people that never played a video game before.
There's not much reason to bother to hold it that low IIRC, if I remember right the only one with a significant payoff to going crazy and not leveling at all on the first planet is doing a consular and even that is masochistic sperging with no perceivable payoff. But holding back like two first planet levels because nothing very good is coming in your base class is no big deal.
just cheat in skill points or whatever the game uses, why the fuck would you willingly stay on level 2
You don't need to and should not do that sort of thing on your first play through a game.
Why would you cheat in a game for 8 year old kids
>Doesn't this sound pretty gimmicky/powergame-y though?
>Also a bad design and a slog early game?
No. Plenty of people played through this game without holding back on leveling when it was new. The non-force classes can do plenty of damage.
it's merely a question of
-do I want it to be harder at the beginning of the game
-do I want it to be harder at the end of the game

keeping in mind, a game being hard toward the end is the natural progression of games.
What point of kotor would you define "hard" and how? How does one such as yourself measure difficulty?
>What point of kotor would you define "hard"
Saving Trask from the Sith on the Endar Spire and keeping him alive for the rest of the game
KOTOR doesn't really require any thinking about how you level. It's only really worth playing if you're a star wars super fan. It's not good on its own merits.
>you are supposed to intentionally not level up after level 2 and keep your levels for later extra Jedi ones
Unless you want to play full wizard then no, and you don't want to play full wizard anyway. Best jedi class is jedi guardian that barely benefits from force powers progression as his job is to hit things hard with lightsaber.
If you want to max AC you should start with scoundrel and take at least 6 levels in it to get extra +2 unarmored AC from feats, and you get sneak attack as a bonus, that works great with guardian force jump.

However if by any means you can get your first class to level 9 then don't and stop at level 8, because you get new jedi feats at class levels 6 and 12 and are capped to level 20.

However.2 if going full martial game is easy as shit anyways so meh, do what you want.
Do people seriously look up a full game guide before even playing the game a single time? How the fuck do you even enjoy video games lol
I think people like this live in constant fear of making mistakes, so they don't enjoy figuring things out themselves. There's a reason humans work as a hierarchy, some people are born followers.

>Reading a guide before playing the game at least once

Do you read movie scripts in advance before watching them too?
It is definitely fair to compare KOTOR to a movie.

>What do you do? Should I just jump straight to KOTOR 2?

You should just go back to playing Skyrim.
These games require at least a bit of attention span. Not something a dopamine junky like yourself is likely to muster.

I mean the game is a series of corridors like 90% of games in general. But at least it lets you mix up the order of planets.

>if you're a star wars super fan

Nonsense, you will enjoy it even if you only at least somewhat enjoyed the original/prequel movies.
yeah, i liked the original movies as a kid, but never was a fan. had fun with the game. it is braindead console game though.
>keep your levels for later extra Jedi ones
that's dumb, cheesy and not even optimal lol
>you are supposed to
No you aren't.
Just get good. If you let Trask die you suck at games and need to find a new hobby, sudoko perhaps
you don't need to power level the game is easy.
Don't look anything up. Play the fucking game
People actually let Trask die? Christ, we’ve got some real retards around here.
>from what I've read, you are supposed to intentionally not level up after level 2 and keep your levels for later extra Jedi ones
If you're going to use guides at least try to understand them better, OP. You hold level 2 for optimal minmaxing, it's in no way necessary to play, beat, or even tear your way through, the game.

NTA but I remember that Calo Nord jumping you on (Korriban I think it was) handed me my ass more than once, and that I struggled with Malak on my second playthrough. It's a tad funny because I found him piss easy on my very first playthrough.
The game should be remastered with a Kylo Ren mod
Powergaming faggotry like that just robs you of fun, you've got a more painful early game just to reduce the challenge later. Why would you do that?
If you want to do that kind of thing, I would recommend either level 4 or level 6, since it's still giving you a little more power without being unreasonable. You can still do most things like finish the arena stuff by throwing some powerful grenades.
Otherwise, its actually kind of more interesting to build as a blaster jedi.
soldier level are good for the feats, scout is just a weaker soldier and the scoundrel i see no reason not to take 7 levels every time
>hold level 2 for optimal minmaxing
how is that optimal? it just gives you extra powers and you basically only need insanity
You stupid zoomerfag retard asking for advice on games you havent even experienced yourslef

You know what you should do? You should kill yourself.
nta, but im sure you can agree that all of the Jedi classes are better than all of the base classes, and if you can agree with that, then you can agree that there is a reason to stay at level 2... it's not a very good reason, imo, because it's basically overkill and punishing yourself for the first 1/4 of the game, but there are still valid reasons to wait even if on the surface it looks stupid.
>and if you can agree with that, then you can agree that there is a reason to stay at level 2
not at all, it's still gimping yourself
Did you read the rest of the post? Because thats what I just said.
you said 1/4 of the game but this build is not optimal even in the late game
what? once you get off Taris... the first 1/4 of the game... you become a Jedi. staying level 2 for all of Taris is;
>it's basically overkill and punishing yourself
punishing, aka gimping, aka making the game harder
and overkill, because those extra Jedi levels don't really matter in the end, but no one would say having more feats, powers and force points wouldn't technically be cool... but that's a level of autism that exceeds most people... and again, is not really necessary, but to say there's no reason whatsoever is just wrong, which is what im trying to say and you're failing to grasp for some reason. i mean, im high af right now, but this is pretty basic shit here, anon.
you get less feats by holding levels lol stop doing drugs
except for the soldier who gets an insane amount of feats well beyond what is even possible since you're forced to become a jedi at some point, feat progression is generally the same between Scout/Scoundrel and the Jedi classes, and you get additional powers instead, which are much more useful overall since Scout and Scoundrel don't get weapon proficiency for guns... so you don't really get less feats by staying level 2 until becoming a Jedi unless you're playing soldier, which really only matters if you plan to specialize in guns for your playthrough.
If you want a gun build then go Scoundrel -> Consular with as many Scoundrel level ups as possible as it will raise your sneak attack bonus. Then use disabling force powers as that will make all attacks count as sneak attacks.

The extra powers are never useful as you can get all good powers anyway.
im sure that probably is better. just saying the only possible reason you could have to want more soldier feats is for weapon proficiency since that's really the only special thing about them. if you're not playing soldier, then you shouldn't expect that much different feat progression between classes.
>since Scout and Scoundrel don't get weapon proficiency for guns
just noticed this, i mean specialization... just before anyone points that out. there could be a few different reasons to withhold levels, mostly to get certain class feats i guess. level 5 for Scoundrel for higher sneak attack. level 4 scout for uncanny dodge. I would definitely take Scout to 8 for level 3 implants.
you always get less feats if you stay at 2 and that's a fact, why are you even trying to argue?
ok sperg
Why do people make it sound like staying at lv2 is hard? Outside of raw HP and a perk most of your power is in equipment. Anyway, both scout and scoundrel get actual benefits from higher levels. Scout has the best saves and "free" implants. Scoundrel gets sneak attack dice and bonus defense.
yeah, i dunno, this game is piss easy and it's practically impossible to fuck up normally, that's how streamlined it is as a game. i dont think you even need the base classes. you could be a level 12 jedi, remove the 8 levels from whatever default class, and you could probably still beat the game, that's how OP Jedi already is.

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