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Anyone getting tired of fantasy RPGs?
Any good/FUN RPGs set in modern day(or near-future)?

(don't post eastern trash)
Alter A.I.L.A.
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What's the actual reason for why RPGs set in the modern day are so rare compared to past, fantasy and future?
Plenty of city builders, simulation, FPSs, etc. in the modern day (or alternate earths), but so few RPGs.
Because the gameplay loop of a rpg doesnt really make sense in a modern day setting.
I'm making a modern day rpg. Will be out in a few years. Hopefully a demo by next Year. Will post steam link once it's made.
It could work. Have the player be a private detective, then he can do odd quests for all levels of modern society:
>law enforcement (bounty hunting, gather evidence, go where the police legally can't)
>high society (steal, blackmail, threaten)
>normal people (expose corruption, take on a task that the police refuse to touch)
>underworld (gang warfare, assassinations)
There are loads of movies and TV series with this kind of stuff to use as inspiration.

A lot of RPG stuff is nonsense, anyway. No peasant is going to pay you enough to keep a squad of fighting men fed and equipped for a month just because chased a ghost out of his basement.
>go to location
>kill everyone in there, take their shit
>return to safe zone to recover, rearm and collect payment
the only plothole you need to answer is why doesn't local law enforcement intervene instead, and that can be easily answered by either making players be the law enforcement, or making the region it takes place particularly lawless (favelas, no-go districts, etc), or doing the popular dystopian trope of having law enforcement fully privatized
>why doesn't local law enforcement intervene
You could have that as a mechanic in the game. You need to keep a low profile on your missions. If you go in guns blazing, then law enforcement are alerted and your mission gets a timer. You would also have to ensure no witnesses.
Parasite Eve 1, yeah it's a jrpg but it's not one of those faggy anime ones
World of Horror might have what you're after. It's an RPG, but broken down so that one playthrough only takes an hour and a half.

Probably more towards X-COM than RPG, but Phantom Doctrine lets you build a party and specialize them in different ways while gaining experience.
Alpha Protocol
>Anyone getting tired of fantasy RPGs?
Not really but I wouldn't mind more fantasy with a modern tech level. The real world is just so shitty I don't even want to play games set in it.
You say that but the Yakuza series has been very successful because thugs and punks are never in short supply.
It's just harder to make for some reason
Sequel never ever
That's why I like Takes, star ocean and wild arms
Getting better equipment is part of the fun of RPG. It's way easier to make a choice between Falchion +3 of Shadow and Battleaxe +3 of Frost exciting than one between glock and deagle.
No. Fantasy rpgs are all good. The real problem is the D&D and D&D derivatives.
Deus ex might as well be set 10 minutes from now.
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More like 4 years ago
The Mother/Earthbound series
Phantasy Star i hear is overrated, but at least it's a sci fi RPG
You can make an extremely theoretical argument that league of legends is an RPG that is contained to a total 20-60 minute playthrough where it's also PvP, and that game is a kitchen sink mix of magic and sci fi

i mean think about it, league has all the stats, buffs and debuffs, exp and gold, items and consumables, just like you have in any other rpg

if only anyone would man the fuck up and create a 1v1 moba where you had to control all 5 characters and go full starcraft brood war multitasking 3 lanes at once

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