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v1.10 update’s coming out within the month. Let’s look forward to what comes afterwards too.
so now that the dust has settled, did nabooba win?
Ye, now it's time for MT to leave and go home
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No. Prim won
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Are you the same anon that posted the Demons Roots review here?
Honestly I’m kind of happy that hakika didn’t do a mommy fetish with anyone else. Faria should just be the sole girl to have one.
>Trial and Error
I chuckled.
B-But my nursing handjobs!
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I’m actually surprised we haven’t gotten any of those yet in the main series. Innocent Rules had one.
True enough, the gameplay part of these games is fairly mediocre. But we play it for the story and the porn, so how good the gameplay is, is irrelevant.
>big moth girl
I really should go back to playing Innocent Rules
Still better than Baldur's Gate 3.
I wouldn’t call any of the games in that pic a 5/10 except for Lona. I don’t think anyone who plays any of those games would call them 10/10 just because they have porn in them either. The porn is a relatively minor addition to them.
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Downloaded for the wank, stayed for the adventure, characters, and world building.
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Same, I like the gameplay and music too though
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What the fuck
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I don't remember what made me try out these games. It was probably hgg2d shilling one of the girls. Likely Uula
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I first saw the games in /hgg2d/ around the era of Black Souls’s popularity in spring-summer 2020. I just went off on a whim and tried blight. I was glued to it for like a week straight, then played awake right after. The rest is history. I was one of the few that was there for colony’s translation release. You can read these for some early discussion.
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anton chigurh looking ass
>Not a single CG in any game
>doesn't even have any lewd fan art drawn with her together with MT
Why is Faltoga cursed like this? Even that one artist who does Alma lewds has never once done anything for Faltoga that wasn't just some sfw pinup.
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she's the true, pure wife
She’ll be the only canonical marriage in the series right at the end of the final game
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Love your cats.
What is this crop from?

It's not MT she's with is it?
You DID beat kludge, right anon?
>the shitty crops despite being mad enough to still make the meme
Who else do you think she's gonna be with
Gimme blacksmith booty, hakika
the last game I played is kludge like 3 years ago have i missed anything?
No, I haven't played the game in months. I got filtered by the final boss even after trying that strategy and anon posted just because I fucked up a turn and got completely wiped even on fucking casual mode.
>final boss
You mean Vyner or the superboss?
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Go play L.Depth and Innocent Rules
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Just go finish it, anon. Don’t be filtered. You came this far already.
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How did they come to this
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Blame both Auris and the lack of men.
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Hakika's a fucking madman. He's been quiet for days now and then he just popped up out of the blue to say that Awayuki has a lot of pubes.
You know for a long time I thought she only had one arm but then I realized she's just holding the other one behind her back.
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I never had that problem since you can see her other arm sticking out in her sprite.
I thought mana tank didn't like hags? surely he wouldn't lay hands on an old lady like her, right?
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MT didn't lay his hands on her, it was the opposite.
I haven't seen her scenes yet so i don't really know
They're really good. Go watch them.
I would but despite clearing the game, MTL is screwing me over and i can't find the right sequence of events. Also which of them made the first move anyway
Like manatank gets a choice.
Go back to the castle where Awayuki is (from near the start of the game), do her events. Do Tokuhaku’s events too..
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Soulfi, in Clar's house, cuddling with him in the bed during a rainy night...
Vyner, I don't even bother with the super bosses in post game.
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Give her the chocolate, Anon
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>Get Composure Guard accessory on everyone, shit bomb + Yubeil Incite on turn 1, Yubeil Perfect Guard on turn 2, Area Defense on turn 3, whatever on turn 4, guard with everyone on turn 5, restore HP/SP on turn 6, then repeat cycle
If you still can’t win with that, go mess around in Windstilla for a while, it’s the place you’re intended to go right after beating the main story. More bits of it are unlocked in the postgame though.
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First time seeing the mashups mythseeker did?

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Posting without context
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Damn smug bunny thinks she can get away with everything...
When is Yanie coming back?
seems unlikely, unless there's an Avengers moment where every past party member comes back to fight the big bad
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As a matter of fact, she can. What are you gonna, m*le? Put a ring on that finger? lol
lmao even
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He's right you know
Go suck a dick ya roast beef
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I can't wait for thirst to be translated so i don't have to hunt guardians for a gorrilionth time.
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I never really had too much issue with guardian farming, outside of the ones in blight. 8 kills for one accessory was just way too much. I think colony had some missteps with the system too since you had to upgrade lower rank guardian brands into the higher tier ones, which added a new layer of grind to it that the rest of the games don’t have. But it was still better than blight’s crappy accessories, at least.
Hakika’s been messing around with the system even more in IR and thirst. IR has non-respawning guardians so you can only get one copy of their item. And thirst has one guardian kill = one item craft, which basically perfects the system. Makes me wonder why he even had non-respawning guardians in IR at all.
was betting on Lilia
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Prim's figure is up. Get it while it's hot, Nazuna's figure didn't even last 24 hours before it was sold out
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>sold out already
Was that even faster than the Nazuna figure? It wasn’t even 8 hours
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It was definitely faster. I wonder why hakika hasn’t sold more of these before though, seeing how they sell like hotcakes. I would’ve loved figures for awake and colony’s cast
I don't know how to feel about this
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I wonder if hakika would ever make an oppai loli fairy like this. The eyes kinda freak me out though.
imagine the kabedon
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Fumika go home, you're drunk.
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Do NOT xD here
damn, it kinda works
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we're being invaded
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This is the last one I'm posting, I just felt like sharing all the Fumika sequel edits I had
>always felt like Yanie was one of the weakest in awake
>"way too whoorish for my taste"
>checked her cunny scene while wandering in the memory space
>completely drained, spent 1 full minute staring at the celling after the deed
I really don't know what came over me
rabbit whore strong
rabbit whore numba one
Is this art representative of the characters or is it just fanshit? Ie, if I play this will there be giant booba?
This is fanshit but the artstyle is similar to the most recent entry.
So. . . giant tits?
Ask Tirma to finish the job
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here is actual in game art
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Hakika loves flatties, pretty much half the characters are flat women (not lolis). But the other half have some serious boobage, with a bigger and bigger breasted girl with each game (for example, we went from Emela to Yolnaya to Prim). The only exception is the first game blight, where 3/4 of the main cast is flatties. But then the third game colony balances that out by having mostly boobed organisms, pic related. Awake, kludge and thirst are pretty much 50-50 for the flat to boob ratio.
Thank you.
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There are boobs. Big boobs.
damn, I love Emela.
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For reference, Miseri is over 240cm tall
All girls should have a CG where they took fairy medicine
>fairy medicine
What does that do?
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Nta but I will give you a hint. It is a medicine that works on both males and females. Also, pic rel is a fairy.
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Are these surnames important to the Era of Myth?
WHAT does Spirit(Spr)/Mind do in Innocent Rule.
Found no clues online
What did she win
It’s in the readme. It affects healing skill power
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The popularity poll
Probably should have linked it too
Prim and Outoku were the most popular
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In other news. Hakika’s been working on the panty collection mechanics for the update.
thx anon
every other games read me worked,acept ir.
only l.depht and thirst missing. enjoyed bingin the series the last few weeks.
Definitely get around to playing L.Depth sometime, it’s a great little plotge.
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How long until he turns Dire gay? Or maybe Dire is immune to MT because of Fake-Rabi.
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How did they grow twice the size?
I don’t think they grew, you can see her clothes are much looser now. Just compare the shoulders
Excluding her head, all of her dimensions doubled
People tend to gain weight when they go back to their home country and eat the foods they missed.
Bro look again, her tiddies and legs got fatter, and she has much bigger hands
Did someone pick up thirst to translate already or are we in limbo?
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Qudere is doing it, he's from /hgg2d/. He translated the demo.
Anywhere I can check for progress?
He made a thread on f95, it's at 180/345 right now
192 now actually
Here's a fun tip; if the readme doesn't work, it's because of an encoding error. However, this can be bypassed by opening the file in your browser (just drag and drop it in) which will show the readme in all its unbroken japanese glory, at which point you can translate the readme, copy over the original back into the text document, whatever.
MT made a mother out of her and she grew after the pregnancy. The next spin-off game will be about their child.
Nah, she isn't as clingy in thirst, she somehow changed
>made a mother out of her
That would be Rabi/Lestea
>she isn't as clingy in thirst.
Cause it's the game where they first met. Just play the demo, anon. she just misses him.
>game where they first met
Wasn't Awake the first meeting
yeah i meant that one. oopsies
Prim's tits really are amazing. A SEQUEL treasure.
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I thought Kaamos was pushing it. But both her and Prim looks nice.
I'm glad to see there are a lot of gigantic titty fans.
What is this game and can I breed the girl in the middle?
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It’s the SEQUEL series and yes, you can breed the fox. In two games, in fact. Awake and thirst.
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SEQUEL Series. She is introduced as a retarded fox in SEQUEL Awake (second entry). You can fuck, she will milk you, and you can marry her.
Imagine Sequel: Fae. One can dream.
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I do think it would be nice if Phereo, Caamia and Nordol returned as party members like the colmana did. A man can dream.
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So I guess Dita will return then
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All the protags are destined to return. It seems that even Kuruha will get a second chance
>in another mess
>Sheena can't wrangle for shit
What the fuck did she do this time
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Hakika’s playing the DQ3 remake and he made a perverted merchant named Uula.
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I’d actually imagine Sheena is with her. I can’t imagine the two of them being apart. They were once lesbians after all.
>they were once lesbians
Eh, they still are
I’d believe it. I can only imagine what they do with Mana Tank gone.
>girls fucking other girls
>most male monsters would rather fuck the same sex as well, only few of them chases females
SEQUEL is simultaneously the straightest and gayest eroge to be created
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Nothing wrong with that!
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The only reason why the gay ones have survived is because they crossdress. I’d still argue most of the men we don’t see for ourselves, such as male monsters in Palgadol or Alzhett, are straight. It’s just that we mostly see gay men in this series because they’re the only ones left. It’s simple survivorship bias.
>It’s just that we mostly see gay men in this series because they’re the only ones left
The only ones that are left AROUND WOMEN, I meant. You know, because Mana Tank is with women all the time too.
>They were once lesbians after all.
Where was this mentioned? probably forgot if it was the main story
Have the female women and monsters ever considered not fucking men to death?
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wow you talk as if men had rights, what a concept
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It’s a bit hidden, pic related. You can put two and two together from how both Kuruha and Sheena say that they have non-untouched vaginas in their first proper sex scenes too.
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No it's more like you fuck them to near death, then you let them recooperate, then you can fuck them to near death again.

A farmer is better b̶r̶e̶d̶ fed than a bandit.
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They have, that’s why the Mana Ranch exists. Problem is that most monsters aren’t sophisticated enough or even educated on why killing men is bad.
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>Have the female women
>female women
Hang about a minute now
you'd think that, but there are still several what-if scenes that end in mana tank's death.
Maximum pleasure right this instant > slightly less pleasure in perpetuity
Based Kuruha, if only other girls were like her *cough*Red Hood*cough*
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I'm tired of people making that out to her saying she's taken monster cock before when that's more along the lines of "Monster cock? Nooope".
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She's a virgin slut, she's sucked off monster men before. That's how she got so good at blowjobs. It also explains the rumors of her assaulting men during blight's postgame.
For someone named the monster woman it's kinda funny how Kuruha is the most gentle with Mana tank compared to the other heroines, I think the only time she actually raped mana tank outright was during their training session where he was on the ground sweaty and panting heavily, something about that triggered her instincts so she ravaged him even through he was tired
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She raped him at night too, she was quite rough on him imo. I think Rabi and Dita were the least rough on him.
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>"Not that there's many males around even among monsters."
>even among monsters
>in Palgadol, a country full of monsters
....Excuse me?
Having a penis is a liability even among monsters anon.
>have penis as monster
>get raped to death by other species
>if you manage to avoid that, gets raped to death by your own species
>if you manage to avoid that, you're an eternal sex slave to your own species
Yeah, it's not great out there for humans, but male monsters have their own hell.
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Outoku figures are live.
I must glue it
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>out of stock
Okay what the fuck. Are these things even real? I haven’t been able to get a single one of them.
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I’ve been watching these semi-closely and it seems these Outoku ones have sold out the fastest of all. I guess people really wanted that cat. I wasn’t able to get one either because they were sold out before I even woke up this morning.
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How are you bros holding up? Both IR and thirst’s translations should just be a few months away
I got too impatient to the point i started learning moon.
What made her mad?
I'm minutes away from just replaying Blight, Awake, and Colony. Or learning how to make my own game.
gonna start on those blobs soonish
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Monster clearly suffered the same decrease in males as Humans did.
Think about it: if the same rules apply regardless of race, female monsters will still have better affinity for mana even though male monster produce the thing. And we know wild monsters attack mana sources. Most male monsters would be weaker and hunted in spite of theoretically being stronger than humans. It could be arguably more dangerous to them in the wilds.
In SEQUEL Kludge there is that Visplord near the barbarian village, who is pretty strong. The barbarians are just training and waiting until the day they get to beat him down and rape him.
And if we factor the actual districts of Palgadol with developed societies, we have to remember the Mana Ranch we found is also there. Meaning as soon as they suffered the consequences of less men/mana, they started capturing and milking down the male monsters like cows.
Their overall male situation is even worse than Vaeltria considering Sheena's only solution to supply Kuruha with mana was going all the way to Vaeltria to kidnap Mana Tank. Meaning she didn't find a man at all in Palgadol.
Kuruha had assaulted men before though, and she never lost her virginity to one as >>3657515 shows. It’s easy to infer it was monster men since it’s Palgadol. Not to mention there’s the whole event in blight where the crew wants to find Kuruha since she was assaulting men.
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The boobs lately have been getting into hyper territory and I don't like it
>you're a faggot
I like flatties to large tits but prim is beyond my limit.
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Nah I get you, it's like penises, I like them, but gigantic dicks aren't my thing either because I do believe there is such a thing as "too big"
I was with you until I played the demo, then it completely clicked for me. Prim is a good character and the big boobs complement her well.
Yeah I hate that too, what's the point of having such a big dick you can only put just half or only a quarter of it inside a girl without literally tearing her apart?
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>Males are already rare as is, even among monsters
>And then there's MT, a normal human male
>with unique mana properties at that
I don't know the exact specifics on whats the actual rarity of men are but Rabi must have felt she found an equivalent of a shiny Pokemon with Pokerus included.
>not to mention, access for a quick fuck that isn't a monster
I am you except I like Prim. Prim is my exception
>I'm tired of people making that out to her saying she's taken monster cock before when that's more along the lines of "Monster cock? Nooope".
Honestly, that was kind of disappointing? Kuruha has a reputation of being totally sex addicted, absolutely voracious, and a bit of a freak, and then falls incredibly short of most of that.
Why do you people get off to the thought of girls fucking gross repulsive male monsters?
you just answered your own question
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Nta but don't blame me, blame hakika. He's the one who wrote them. Both Kuruha and Yanie are similar, just the former is a virgin
>I...I protect this world!
boss battle starts, it's the game's main theme

Man, just thinking back on it playing Liberty Step blind was an fantastic experience
Arugh, I wanna play Innocent rules so badly but it's not complete yet is it? I've not been spoiled but I hear the story is nice and there are some really good character moments and some pretty dramatic scenes.
This ain't that kind of eroge though
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It's not too odd to believe those kinds of rumors would get greatly exaggerated in a woman dominated world.
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The game is translated, you know. You can just play it now and then look at the untranslated h-scenes later when they get translated. And the story is indeed good.
It's weird to see Sheena with a lewd face, she usually kept that part of her contained
Well, I guess it's okay is it possible to run through it without powering up through sex?
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>is it possible to run through it without powering up through sex?
Yes. It's pretty easy to do a virgin run, aside from the base postgame's final boss
The best scenes are always the ones where they're looking at mana tank with a mix of love and lust, that's why Sheena and Tirma stick out so much for me in the series despite their scenes being mostly clothed
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>"I have to save Kuruha."
>go to Vaeltria and interact with MT
>damn he's chill, also looks so fine
>spend more time for a bit
>"I want to fuck him" added to the list of objectives
Also she comments how MT has a nicer physique in comparison to girls, does he have a /fit/ body as well
God damn, she pretty much fell for him at first sight just like Tirma and a bunch of other girls, Kuruha seems to really like his smell too, they really should have had a threesome
>>damn he's chill, also looks so fine
>>spend more time for a bit
>>"I want to fuck him" added to the list of objectives
I feel like you could put this on almost everybody that interacts with him
He may not fight but he's no stranger to physical labour so I wouldn't be surprised if MT is at least decently built.
Even the boys?
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He's fit considering all the physical activity he's constantly doing
Sex is a pretty physical activity so is crafting, climbing, traversing difficult terrian, farming, mining,pruning crafting material and of course he tends to be the one to carry the supplies the girls themselves don't carry, yeah Mana Tank is definitely fit and has muscles, yet even so the girls are basically super humans, little Uula was able to pin Mana tank down with 1 hand despite him doing his very best to struggle out of her grip and when he was mating pressing Rabi into the bed she leg locked him and he compared it to a vicegrip with how strong her hold was
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Rabi and Lilia were one thing but
>wagie gremlin
>was able to pin Mana tank down with 1 hand
Hold the damn phone, i don't remember any of those.
Scenes from thirst, maybe?
Blight, when she gets hit by an enemy succ's charm, Rabi, Nyx and Tirma continue to fight them off while Mana tank takes care of Uula further behind, she wakes up horny as hell and rapes Mana Tank who doesn't want it because right now the other 3 are fighting and there may be more enemies nearby however Uula's so much stronger than him that just one hand is enough to keep him pinned while she undos his pants with her other hand and starts furiously pounding her hips into his once she does as far as her scenes in thirst go she's a less mean Dita
>when she gets hit by an enemy succ's charm
Ah, no wonder, i haven't accessed all of her scenes in blight. Time to check it out
He could at least fight bandits(? I don’t remember if they were bandits) in one of Tirma’s events back in Vaeltria when they fought each side.
He also has to run at least as much as the party.
So I guess he is well-built and the male frame is still more muscular than the female one. The women should still be stronger because mana.
Perhaps it’s exactly because he can’t use mana that his body developed?
>tfw no matter how much MT trains, he won't be able to defend himself against a monster with standard strength or even his teammates if they decide to have their way against him, or God forbid, a very motivated, strong (and unfortunately, really pent up) fighter like Auris/Lestea
It's a special kind of pain
haha yeah who'd think that being ravaged by a funny rabbit all day until you're a shrivelled, used up husk squeezed out of all energy as sexy
Don’t feel bad, even a powerful guy like Ino still gets manhandled by the girls around him
Makes me kinda want an April Fools/side game where we play as MT and our goal is just to beat up a standard monster.
We "power up" by finding better joke equipment and the final boss is just a Nekonchu.
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Sounds fun
Perhaps fights are literally just daily chores around the house.
>Cleaning up dust? A fight for your life
>Unclogging the toilet after (unspeakable horrors)? Will take at least 4 tries
>Smithing your party's equipment? Actually pretty manageable, but you gotta do it like 20 times
Don't forget the v1.10 content. Nothing in the series has come close to its difficulty if you're planning to do a virgin run.
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Fuck Fariah
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I like prim's prims because they're drawn very well. Tits look good when you pay attention to the weight, gravity and wobbliness of the flesh (check out rizdraws for reference). Hakika does that very well when the boobs are prim's size, or at least i assume so, having only played the demo. In older games, the medium sized ones never aroused me because they look like baloons or orbs and the chibi proportions didn't help.

Tldr; you are gay.
if she doesn't have a paizuri scene I'll be shocked those things are so big can mana tank's thing even reach the surface?
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The real fucking crime here is MT didn't expeditiously, furiously and thoroughly mating pressed that absolute semen demon of a cow. I won't spoil thirst scenes but the scenes with her could hae been a lot better than what we got
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Accurate size difference. A single boob is bigger than Uula’s head.
I don't think Mana Tank gets to be the dominate one in scenes that often and Prim from what I understand of her in the demo isn't the type to get dominated or rather much like a lot of other girls she perfers to do the teasing like when Auris stopped Mana tank from thrusting into her and told him to just leave it to her.
Understandable, but still frustrating. He could have been pounding her the same way with Sheena/Maria like there's no tomorrow if things went different
My man! I really wish hackika would make an exception; like maybe she just brought MT super aphrodisiac-laced whine on accident so he unlocks 100% of his ape strength and just go to town on her. Sometimes it's good to cross-sell away from your own brand now and then. Might even boost his sales numbers.
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I feel like you guys just really wanna see these girls disheveled looking really satisfied
He mates with her tits. Like, he does it himself.
I mean there are other sources of power that don't rely on mana. Technology seems advanced enough for any normal guy to use it. Just don't be autistic and turn yourself into whatever the Blight final boss was. Could also strike a deal with some powerful entity to use their power or maybe there's some magical bullshit in the ruins.
Gee anon, what gave you that idea?
A single boob is bigger than Prim's head lmao.
Sauce me up, lad.
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That's it? I thought it'd trigger a new event or something. Why was 44 a hidden event then?
It was added in the postgame update alongside Olivia's socialization. It's why you can marry Vyner and Olivia.
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good job you got to one of the better parts of Kludge
>. It's why you can marry Olivia
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For me it was her armpit scenes and the kabedon scenes.
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No news.
I want to ask, who did you guys vote for on the popularity poll from last year? Or if you didn’t vote on it, who would you have voted for? You only had 3 votes.
Almost finished Colony just fought Trau one armed pest

Can someone confirm that my smoothbrain understood the final secret:

Auris ancestor washes up on the shore of Schisma
Falls in love with a fairy
For some reason torn her arm
Makes artificial fairy Shin from that arm in a laboratory
Rest of the story is explained during course of the game

Do we have any more detail of its vague as fuck on purpose
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Not Auris, the egoistic man. See pic.

>knight left Alzhett to the seas to reflourish (Swordspear)
>knight washes ashore on Schisma and meets Trau (Flutterer)
>knight learns that his valet is also in love with with Trau and thinks of it as betrayal, so the knight kills the valet (Egoistic Man, Cane)
>faeries lock the man up in the house, but Trau releases him (Gun)
>Trau makes the knight leave Schisma, but the knight lops off her arm before leaving (Trau, One-Armed Pest)
>knight eventually returns to Schisma, becomes a pest (Gauntlet)
Trau is the original sin (Shin), and her arm is how Alzhett's folk made the Shin and the clones.

What's important to also note is Trau shares Lestea's dark magic skills from her skill tree. I'll leave that to your imagination.
Thank you Anon. Didn't know some was hidden in weapon descriptions. Now I got the full story.
And thanks for the last hint, I suspected that, but this confirms it
At this rate i wouldn't be surprised if Shin was really Lestea's true biological mother
Auris fucks like a college girl who just discovered sex after years of not having a boyfriend ever then again I suppose you could say that for a good chunk of the cast that mana tank beds
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Now that you mention it, she sort of is, since Shin is just a clone of Trau. That's extra fucked up.
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>then Lestea's 4-5th bond, as well as the postgame scenes
How dare this game exploit one of my greatest weaknesses. After said events, i was never the same. I always hung out with Lestea since then.
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At least she's doing well now.
is there a character design sheet for mana tank?
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She deserves it

I wish he had one
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So since I cleared Sequel Kludge all events, Ghost Path and Innocent Rules are left (I know Liberty Step too but I’m leaving that for after more Era of Myth games)
How is the Innocent Rules translation? How long is it?
And how long is Ghost Path for the matter?
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Haven't played IR yet but Ghost Path took me around 25 hours to do everything in. I did use the japanese wiki for tracking down the rest of the 50 curses I needed though. Along with a list an anon posted here.
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She's pretty much built like Yanie, just not in the same way. If given the chance and could get away with it, Auris would probably rape (and not the gentle kind like Rabi) MT and drain his balls without any disregard for his comfort as she pins him down with pure strength.
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I feel like I'm really gonna like her once Thrist is translated proper I could sense it from the demo, her homecare power level is strong it may be on par or even stronger than Sheena's! Kono powah
Señora Ten...
scaled down
>I feel like I'm really gonna like her once Thrist is translated proper
pretty much guaranteed. She's my favorite already without H scenes
I wonder what her sexual deposition is, Sheena was vanilla as fuck wanting to be fucked silly and cuddle fucked from below. Tne is a religious woman whose never partaken in pleasures of the flesh and gets flustered that mana tank would even ask her to
I wouldn't mind her being like Sheena because I liked Sheena. Her kissing scenes didn't really do anything for me though
>Ten is a religious woman whose never partaken in pleasures of the flesh
I don't know how true that is given her special background, but we shall see soon just what kind of sexual awakening she'll have with MT
Damn. Atline was also pretty long. Were these really Hakika’s first games? And free at that?
He put more effort than a ton of games released in the past decade
>gets flustered that mana tank would even ask her to
Did this happen ingame
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Yes, they were all hakika’s first games and they’re all freeware
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She will be an unaware, extreme variation of Nazuna once her switch gets flipped and you won't be able to do anything about it.
Pic related in some way
I'm a normalfag lifefag with a very busy entrepeneur life. I played Asylum weeks ago slowly to escape reality for a bit and now I'm curious about the games entire lore. I started Blight and I more or less kbow MT is the protagonist of all games but can't play all the games, it's too bothersome, grindy, I know post games are hard etc... so I'd like to read all the lore from start to finish ro understand what the fuck is going on in this world.
>I started Blight and I more or less kbow MT is the protagonist of all games
I wish he really was
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There's a very small amount of outdated lore on the bin but that's about it in terms of reading it all from start to finish. There's no one spot that has all of the series lore. You're gonna have to thug it out or give up.
Personally I'd love to spearhead making that old Miraheze wiki into a hub for lore but I have zero experience editing wikis.
Yeah I wish there was a full wiki for me to read. I know of the jp ones but I'm not satisfied. I reallg enjoy reading wikis on stuff, so even if it's not a full article (from what I understand the lore is gigantic and Souls tier) I'd be good
Pretty sure there are other anons here that could help out with updating the miraheze wiki. It was originally created by anons here, after all.
BTW: I'm playing Innocent Rules rn since I feel like a spin off is less effort compared to the whole series. Plus it has our boy Ino from Asylum so at least there's an easy connection lol, wish me luck
>I have zero experience editing wikis.
If you're just adding text to an existing page, then it should be very easy to update the existing wiki. Might take a couple of evenings to figure out how to do more complicated stuff like making custom templates or reusing something from a different wiki. The bigger problem is getting anons to share their mountains of lore and verifying that it's all fact rather than conjecture
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Can’t give you a lot without spoiling a bunch of games but the following is explained along them without being treated as important:
The current world and most lifeforms in it depend on Mana. There are really few sources of mana aside males. Men produce mana naturally but have poor affinity for it (they can learn magic and all but women will be better).
Ages ago this made society tip towards women in power and men lost their standing. Furthermore humanity learned how monsters utilized mana to spawn or reproduce and with it, women managed to reproduce solely by mixing mana with each other. Now common, these manaborns are solely women.
Ages of doing that, the female to male ratio got skewed.
It’s currently unknown if the decrease of men was the cause but over those ages, the world’s mana started being depleted. They knew women had better affinity but didn’t realize men produced it. This cause the current world to have few men and mana be scarce, vegetation died out, huge powerful monsters starved to death and so on. Only the efficient ones could adapt save exceptions. Unfortunately this also means the more animalistic monsters incapable of being reasoned with would attack any source of mana they could detect and kill for it, causing a further decrease in men.
Since men produce mana, natural selection means humanoid beautiful monsters were the survivors in evolution as that trait gave them an edge, however little, to seduce a man and gather a bit more mana.

And this is SEQUEL’s world. (You) are a rare man found in a shady facility near a human settlement.
Two questions:
I know there are pre-sequel (prequel?) games set in the same universe/world of Ordowald. Was the world more normal back then? I think I saw comments referencing how human women weren't stronger than men before. If so, did we have an apocalypse? How far back?

Also, mana is present everywhere, right? I get it'a like souls from DS and life energy. Human males are just good wellsprings of it, right?
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If that's the case and no other anons have any issue with it then when I have some more free time I could make a Miraheze account and try to see about adding text to pages that aren't too gameplay oriented to support lore being added to them until I can figure out how to make/edit pages on a bigger scale or someone else does it.
>Was the world more normal back then?
For the most part, yes, although they were a bunch of different worlds that Ranie, the protagonist of Ruinswald, combined into one that the SEQUEL series takes place in.
>If so, did we have an apocalypse? How far back?
The apocalypse was a gradual one that occurred as the male population died out. People did notice the correlation but by the time they did it was too late, the male population was too low and there was too little mana left in the world. The mana crisis hasn't really ended either, and judging by the fact that it was stated that some people in-universe refer to the Mana Barren Grounds as the world's future, it's getting worse. The exact time frame of when the mana crisis began isn't entirely clear. We can extrapolate some details from the time travel in colony but that plot point is admittedly pretty vague in my head since I haven't replayed colony in a while so I don't wanna say anything definitive on that. What little I do remember for sure is men not being too uncommon in Auris' time, and the amount of time travelled being stated to be enough for a child to have grown into an adult.
>Also, mana is present everywhere, right? I get it'a like souls from DS and life energy. Human males are just good wellsprings of it, right?
All true. Every living being has mana with Fake-Rabi and Sublml being the only known exceptions off the top of my head and will also leave some behind when they die. Men are essentially just natural generators.
Regarding the prequels, they are called the Era of Myth. Those games explicitly happened in separate worlds, not exactly a spoiler as a library in SEQUEL Awake expose the worlds got fused into the current SEQUEL world.
As for how one of the worlds was: we see in Atline that there wasn’t much difference between men and women in a general population both using mana and suffering similar issues that save rare exceptions, forget surviving, they are rendered comatose if there isn’t mana around. Atline is a place most rich in mana and the Era of Myth humans couldn’t even retain it in their bodies unlike modern ones. The twist is that there were about 6 exceptional humans that COULD do that and 5 of them were men. They didn’t even properly know why but assumed future generations would keep that trait and true enough all humans in present SEQUEL can retain mana inside their bodies even in zero mana areas. It also foreshadows that women would eventually develop bigger affinity with 3 of the Atline women having unique traits, Agatha had super strength, Arknoah was a talented mage and Crowel was a shadowmancer. Arknoah interestingly was one of the 6 that could retain mana, which suggests men would start producing mana only generations later
>mana everywhere
Not necessarily. Some places are denser than others and areas without mana become desertified. Palgadol specifically has a desert like that with some scholars theorizing that’s the future of the world
>For the most part, yes, although they were a bunch of different worlds that Ranie, the protagonist of Ruinswald, combined into one that the SEQUEL series takes place in.
Wait, wait, wait a minute. Why did he do that? How long did that happen? Was it before or after women discovered how to manipulate mana?
I see. I played a bit of Kludge, I thought that place was a desert due to the machines pollution? Also this means Wen Scala / the place where Asylum is was originally it's own world?
>Those 5 men having exceptional Mana
>inb4 they are MT's descendants at some point
Different causes for different deserts. Without mana, most life forms die out. It isn’t uncommon for places in all continents outside deserts to be clearly ravaged. As well as for natural deserts to exist. It’s just that in Kludge the machines are also having a hand on that destruction.
>Wen Scala
Hard to pinpoint because architectural evidence suggests it was part of the Alzhett landmass, which did NOT have a corresponding Prequel game. Hakika was designing The Brand of Ronis but scrapped it and made SEQUEL Blight instead.
Regarding dependency on mana, I withheld this because it’s a massive Atline spoiler, endgame revelation massive: Atline is already post-apocalyptical. Pre-Atline humanity didn’t have mana but warred and killed each other, and an unknown disease started killing the survivors as well as their desire to live. A few of the unaffected discovered mana deep within the Earth and pumped it to the surface, which fixed the issue somewhat, but the subsequent generations became dependent on it. They managed to escape extinction but eventually all lifeforms following that couldn’t survive without mana at all.
Kino. So by SEQUEL times it's like the third apocalypse?
How does Ino fit into this? Is he the god of Ordowald? Is Fiede the same "race" of familiar as Malice's familiars in Asylum?
Loving Innocent Rules so far btw. I'm already in love with the witch girl
I can't say for sure, my skill at runes hasn't yet reached a point where I have confidence in playing the game in Jap and no English patch is out yet. People in general have been manipulating mana in each of the worlds for pretty much as long as we're made aware of though. It at least was long ago that any events in the previous games are treated like mythology.
The desert you're thinking of is the nation of Vastas, which indeed is desertified by the death rain that constantly falls. The Mana Barren Grounds in Palgadol simply doesn't have any mana there because it doesn't. It all dried up.
As for the worlds, we're not fully sure on which worlds became what parts of Ordowald aside from very specific things like the world of Liberty Step ending up in Bottomless Gramtoa. I'm sure there's probably some hints out there that just flew over my head though since I haven't yet played every Era of Myth game. Wen Scala is a weird case though regardless due to the nature of how Asylum works. To be quite honest I always feel like I'm wrong about how exactly Wen Scala works but my belief is that it's basically just a fuckhuge void based on how Lestea says she felt nothing when she was there, while Asylum itself exists in some weird pocket space that isn't fully connected to the rest of the world. Any anon can feel free to correct me though because I'm honestly not sure how much of my lack of understanding of how Asylum works is the result of me being retarded or the result of hakika being vague as fuck.
Ino is the current Star Dragon, meaning it's his job to combat and defeat the current Calamity. If he wins, the world continues as it does, if he loses, the Calamity destroys the world. Ino himself claims that the Calamity losing too much is still bad for the world though, and based on how, Versa, the current Calamity describes the end of the world, it seems like it's just a natural life death cycle for the world.
So we had previous Star Dragons and Calamities in the past?
Also, I heard the first three main villains of the games are men. Which is curious since they're supposed to be so weak.
Can you tell me their story and motivation and goals? I'm not worried about spoilers so please go all in. You helped me a lot anon
How hard is it to complete the post-game events from blight without grinding?
>So we had previous Star Dragons and Calamities in the past?
Correct, you can actually find some notes from Albus, the previous dragon, to Ino. He thought Ino was a retard for wanting to rehabilitate Versa instead of killing her.
As for the villains, the first one is Durom Mesa. In the end he reveals he has access to the Sunlamp, the structure that was used to provide people with Mana during Atline. His plan was to use its light to control everyone in order to forcibly create world peace.
The second one is Sublml. He claimed to be an evolved being who can live without Mana, but in actuality was a being who is harmed by Mana. He wanted to rid the world of Mana to make it better suited for himself. His death can reasonably be interpreted as Mana tank ejaculating on him. Fun stuff.
The villain of the third game is Aeonhart. He's revealed to be behind the entirety of colony's plot, and is pretty relevant to kludge's, having manipulated pretty much everything behind the scenes in pursuit of immortality. Originally he wanted immortality for the sake of others, but in time grew mad and was willing to sacrifice anyone for his ambitions. Admittedly he's one of the least interesting aspects of colony's plot.
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>mfw even going as far as turning himself into a little girl
I respect his dedication
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Post crackpot theories and schizo delusions here.
Mine is
all the miruess army is comprised of succubi, they all have crocodile eyes and thats fucking suspicious
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-MT and Fake Rabi might be biologically related (Both of their mana managed to give machines an ego of their own. Also implied that Fake-kun was also experimented by Sage Group) , a bit unrelated but don't forget to add Nyx to the mix
-MT's mana is known to have light element, which had healing properties. Dubbed as "immortal" mana, if refined enough and combined it can be used as a very important material in making very powerful items or potions. Not to mention possibly restore the Colmanas to their original state, resurrect the dead and cure any disease
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Big fan of the Jack+Agatha=Rabi theory. Al
Do the Palgadol chapter first as soon as you reach blight’s postgame, it’s basically made for right after you beat the game and you’ll get a lot of good gear and levels. After that, the rest of the postgame should be smoother. You can still go chickener grind in the binding spire though if you want even more levels or reincarnations.
>Healing properties
Excuse me?
Nta but you do Fake-Rabi’s relationship in colony? Fake-Rabi gets his voice back from slurping up MT’s mana. I think it’s a believable theory that MT’s semen is like an energy drink/elixir of sorts. Remember Sheena wanted MT so Kuruha could get his mana too and get her energy restores.
Mine is either
>MT is infertile.
>Dire feels and sees everything that happens to F.rabi after he gets plowed by MT. And that's why he's glued to him even though originally, he's rabi's companion.
Fake rabi prostituted himself in that one vaeltria lewd club and that's why he's able to afford a house and live like a bum in blight.
We find notes explicitly made by the previous Star Dragon, who didn’t approve of Ino’s pacifistic rehabilitating nature. Alzhettian myths and the nature of Wen Scala do suggest he isn’t wrong though and if he didn’t make people face their own sins, the world would be overloaded with Calamities. One of the bad ends of ASYLUM is that turning true.
At the same time, this stalemate is horrible. The Star Dragon has a duty with the world as a whole but Ino has to be focused on Versa. It’s implied the previous three games were supposed to be solved by him and at the same time he isn’t sure the protagonists of them would be able to stop the Calamity should it escape Asylum although he rates them as highly capable.
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I chuckled for a bit but then i realized something
>can't fight for shit unless trained
>and even then, he has dead mana, probably unusable
>only offered a job during events of colony
>lawless places in Vaeltria
>blight's beginning dialogue with Rabi and co. to ManaTank shows Haven is not that safe as it seems
Lestea being indirectly forced into prostitution is one thing, but Fake Rabi's case seems plausible as well. I hope it was all really just a schizo theory
I never did homo scenes but do they give any indication of that? If he really whored himself wouldn’t it show with him having advanced techniques or something?
Even if he solely whored himself to women he would then say something like “just like a girl” or “more sensitive than a girl”
I did some of them, there were none. The question on how he managed to earn money still stands, there's that one Aurum employee trying to swindle MT which means the rooms aren't that expensive.
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Nah. I think he worked in the inn, that’s why he’s in there.
>*but then there's that one Aurum employee
Also if we're talking about using money as currency instead of Mana, then Frabi did some odd jobs just like how Rabi would

Somehow i still think that there's a much deeper reason on why and how he looks EXACTLY like Rabi. If it weren't for the ahoge and eye color then they might as well be twins.
What's the canon choice there? Kuruha or yours?
I’d imagine Kuruha is the canon option, but it really doesn’t matter. He dies either way
That's kind of a letdown, i thought MT did something "big" rather than the usual
MT barely does anything other than the "important" stuff and being a plot point, just like a gacha protagonist. Action, screentime and everything else goes to the real main characters; the main girl in each game
are we waiting on 2 or 3 translations, my memory is fading
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IR h-scenes, thirst translation and Ruinswald translation
holy shit beating the darkness distortion in IR is hard as fuck
Which? Is it that one Talvirar boss?
Yep. I even have the shadow girl meat shield and the witch in the party and I just get fucked in the ass. It has this attack that makes you skip turn on certain characters basically, while also dealing insane damage
If you can, go get some status guards from the nekonchu in one of the houses in the village. That helped me a lot.
I'll check them out
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Holy shit I just noticed her very world is going lifeless like a desert or the mana barren grounds. And the world in SEQUEL is Ordonswald while her game is Ruinswald
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la creatividad…
Post got eaten by verification, gonna go with a shorter version.

My current leading favorite theory is that when all of the first letters of SEQUEL's subtitles are put together, it'll spell out a word.
Currently, we're up to "BACKT" and it remains to be seen whether it's a singular word, a short sentence, or that the theory's wrong.
The only thing I don't really like about the theory is that it makes me consider that maybe there aren't that many SEQUEL games left, since there's only so many valid ways to complete the word/sentence. That being said, Hakika being the workaholic they are makes me think that they'll probably still make games even if SEQUEL ends.
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Christmas is coming. Can't wait for the christmas homo image for this year.
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Dire soon
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This is his wife btw
His 1st wife at least. He'll have 50 or more before he passes on. 100 children minimum.
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Cute robot.
Who this? From Kludge?
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Ino rules.
Lec is Versa and Ino's child sent back in time by light magic shenanigans.
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-Leone and Faltoga are distant relatives (Rifar Redcat is definitely related to Leone, and his mother was a Nekonchu) or alternatively Faltoga was a lab-created attempt at making a new Rifar.
- Going along with the previous theory, Fake Rabi was a lab-created Jack, which would give a reason for his resemblance to Rabi if the "Rabi is Jack's descendant" theory is considered.
-Thirdly, and most out of left field, is that Nyx was intended to by a copy of Wine. Both are mages, and they look quite similar.
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>100 children
The first 10 of those will be from Oldein household. 5 from pic related and 5 from Auris
Yacco, who seemingly is completely unreferenced anywhere in SEQUEL, is probably Chemica's ancestor.
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On the topic of Wine = Nyx, there’s also the Ruinswald party member Yumit, hakika’s first trap, who Clar is likely a reference to. Both Yumit and Clar don’t reveal that they’re male until later, they’re both succubi (male), and both games take place in pretty much the same region. Palgadol is what remains of the original Ruinswald, after all.
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Didn't know Saxa was the boss for getting the True Mastery proof, guess that makes things easier for me.
People say that awake's story was the weakest, but it was rather fine imo
And also pic related is MT when Kuruha rapes him for only three times instead of the usual 15, and Yanie is nowhere to be found because she was getting wrangled by Sheila
File deleted.
Awake’s story is good up until you get the full party, if you ask me. I got really confused by the giant text dump at the halfway point and it took a while for me to process it. That wasn’t a good sign of things to come.
While the character interactions in the second half were great as usual, the story itself at that point wasn’t really that good and it felt like just a macguffin hunt until the final act.
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Wrong pic
MT back then wasn't actually lustful, it all started with Chemica. Then Rabi and co. made it worse, turning him into the horndog we know today.
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nO j a
>"Dang horny duo"
Don't wanna hear that shit from you Kuruha, you're just as perverted and gay as them.
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She might’ve just been surprised there were more lesbians in the party.
In that world all girls would be pretty much be gay by default because of scarcity of men. Did Hakika specified how rare would it be for a man to exist? Or rather, do all Manaborns are guaranteed to be women?
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All manaborn are women
It's impressive I don't remember Sheila outright raping him in Awake. At most seducing him with the glory hole. If she did have a rape scene it would be just forceful or few, while the other Colmanas were invading his personal space, tying him up and stuff like that
All manaborns women. But it isn't explained if it's because it's due to the pairing being two women or because of the inherent nature of mana to tend to females.
Also the girls are shockingly straight for a world with so few men. You never hear anything of that aside Yanie and Sheila's skit. Nobody mentions their two mothers, the few people that mention parents are the ones with a father and you legit never find a lesbian couple. If anything I think Faria implied in this day and age a sole mother raising a child is common.
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Dire took quite a bit more effort to make. I guess that's only fair since I could be lazier with the MT and Ten blobs.
Don't plan on making any more blobs for a while. I'll upload the other ones that I have made to somewhere else.
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Very cute.
Good shit, the floatng Dire was a nice touch.
Wait, this is the first I've heard of this, when did Kuruha go girl on girl? Did she rape Sheena in a fit of lust one day?
see pic here >>3657513
She used to bang Sheena before MT arrived in her life, it's not a big secret and both openly talk about it.
Wow, thsoe two are closer than I thought having done each other, I wonder if mana tank ruined it for them, fingers aren't as good as cock
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They used sturdy rods too. Just combine this dialogue with the other dialogue Kuruha had in her first sex scene here >>3657515
It's painfully obvious. Vaginas don't get worn out from just fingers. Look at what Rabi did to her butthole with just a sturdy rod.
Wow, I wonder if Plrila and Lec ever walked in on them doing it during their off screen adventure, taking turns on each other with sturdy rods, Now I'm even more curious on how these two met
Doubtful. I'm pretty sure they just did lesbian stuff before Mana Tank came around
you sure they wouldn't just start up again, IM ean yeah Mana tank's cock is addictive as hell but we already saw what happened to Rabi when she was deprived of it for a while and had to make do with the rod he left behind, she fucking broke that thing somehow by the way, she definitely much have been riding it after attaching it to something , it's not like she was working, tiddy arm and no pants wearing company took all her jobs
>Colmanas, then Yanie
Wonder out of all 5 of them, which one banged MT first
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>tfw balls deep and cum inside Fariah
>reverse mating press, just like Sheila
God fucking damn that's so damn hot. And one more thing
>"I should be grateful with having your child in this day and age"
Why though? Can't they have children using Mana as said in >>3660779 ?
Women can still get pregnant from men, like we do. But it’s more impressive to have a non-manaborn kid.
Sheena kickstarted the events of the game as a mix of helping Kuruha power up and to stop crossing the line she'd care too much for Mana Tank and it'd hamper her original goal.
Kuruha doesn't care at all that Mana Tank is fucking around as per Colony.
There is no ''ruining'' here. It's more surprising there wasn't a threesome.
>>"I should be grateful with having your child in this day and age"
The context was that she should be happy with just having a child, not having a child and even get married with him and be together.
If we add that up with Olivia's obsession with him marrying Auris, the SEQUEL society knows in the present world and treats it as common sense that you can't monopolize a man. If you are a woman it's enough of a grave that you had an affair and got a child.
Twice as much if the man is an adventurer.
>Mana Tank is fucking around as per Colony
*getting fucked around
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Hakika’s been pretty quiet lately. I can only imagine he’s finishing up the update before the month ends, in between Dragon Quest 3 sessions
Well he’s alive. He just posted a video of Prim’s panties. Of course he would post right after me.
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Poor Ula.
Who was in the wrong here
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I think Olivia and Mana Tank were both in the wrong. Olivia's wrong because she's laying her hands on her daughter's man. And Mana Tank is guilty of going for Auris's mom too.
Gay ass chicken
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>Hakika drew Bagel
Oh god

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