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I'm the guildmaster of House Oblivion, and my favored attributes are Soulness and Comfyness
Literally beyond dispute.
Weeb button-mashers eternally BTFO.
That's so brave of you for coming out like that sis.
>inb4 not rpgs
I bet that retard is so triggered right now ...
Are you new? This is a busy thread by /vrpg/ standards.
I only see 1 poster in it.
>he doesn't know how to detect samefags
Oh dear.
I can tell because you're the only person replying and you're in a hurry to do it because you're a desperate attention whore.
I think there's four, three of which are making fun of the thread.
It's posts like these that remind you that /vrpg/ is literally just a containment board for Bethesda, Bioware, Falcom, Squeenix, Fatlus and BLACKED Souls tards.
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morrowinwind 9/10
oblivion 8/10
skyrim 7/10

the decline of Todd is all too evident here. and now with Starfield being a 1/10 so expect Elder Scrolsl 6 to be a 6/10 if we're LUCKY
its over

Trannyblob on suicide watch. Fuck off with your pozzed crpg.
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Not me, haven't posted in this thread even once. Additionally, and this is a fact, people who live solely in the past are shiteaters trapped in a hell of their own making and the fact you have a thread with people deepthroating crap like elder scrolls is proof nostalgia is a sickness. It's like someone obsessed with Naruto and Bleach saying anime is bad now while stuff like dandadan is airing.
Todd will literally put his soul into TES VI, making it the perfect 10/10 RPG.
As you play it on release, crying tears of joy from how wonderous your experience is, Todd's golden spirit form looks on and says
>this makes it all worth it, all i wanted was to make anon happy again
And then he ascends to heaven.
You know when you spend too long pretending to be retarded you'll actually become retarded.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
This was always wrong, pretending to be retarded is just being retarded, for why would someone who's actually able to communicate waste their time?
Oh, I dropped that manga. You animetards sure suck up the slop.
Kino, Soul, Shit in that order.
There is only one way to find out
What's this!?
Watch 30 hours of retrospective review analysis on youtube
they have a generic hollywood sci fi movie composer, that alone bankrupts it of any sovl
Gothic 2>Morrowind
Dark Messiah>Oblivion
Very bad taste.
It really bothers me how no other developer seems to want to even try the "open world rpg where you play a custom character and just live in the game world".
Like Skyrim (though I know arguably an RPG) is still somehow the center of gaming culture after 13 fucking years and nobody has even bothered trying to play copycat? Meanwhile BotW (which isnt an RPG but a big open world thing) comes out and within a year there were like a dozen clones.
TES is an extremely scuffed series but it seems to just get away with being a scuffed series because nobody is even trying to touch it. You constantly seeing people ask for other game series similar to TES and the only answers you get are things that are entirely different in appeal (e.g. have a fixed character as the protagonist, are more focused on action than immersion, etc.)
TES6 will probably be terrible but I also feel like its worth whining about the fact that despite NOBODY else attempting this genre of RPG, and it being a massive niche bethesda has full control over, they also didnt bother releasing a new game in said genre for over 13 years, and it will likely be more like 15+ years between TES5 and TES6, instead of the traditional 4-5 year gap between previous games (that is also relatively standard for this kind of game in the industry).
>open world rpg where you play a custom character and just live in the game world
Go play eschalon or something. Why did you even type this massive retarded text wall
Oh and Elin just came out. That whole post is mind boggling really.
I obviously forgot the most important part of my big post which is the actual qualifier here: Not a topdown/isometric game.
There are no arbitrary qualifiers. You will just increasingly narrow the game until your question is "why aren't there any 100% skyrim clones" and the answer is because skyrim is shit. Hope that helps.
>first person/over the shoulder vs isometric/top-down is arbitrary
Yeah confusing rpgs with first person action adventure games for self inserting larpers is pretty yikes.
>can't comprehend the desire to play a first person rpg
You have the autism.
I can't comprehend what compels a retard to play an elder scrolls game, no.
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Begrudgingly true. TES games are like that highschool crush you once had that she was cool and unique back then, but now it's hot and cold between you and you know she has some issues, and yet because you know each other for years you feel comfy dealing out with her.
She's also surprisingly easy to fix with outside help...
Play the quest. Now you'll say it can't be turn based on something retarded like that.
>how no other developer seems to want to even try the "open world rpg where you play a custom character and just live in the game world".
Want? They can't.
I read a good deal past that. Dropped when it did the whole harembait thing with "rivals".
I've heard might and magic is kind of like this.
>skyrim is 7/10
that's generous. 5/10 max. music and atmosphere is the only thing that's good about the game.
>expects VI to be 6/10
way to generous buddy. Will be 4/10 at most
Hopefully slopfields failure is a blessing in disguise and they wake the fuck up and give us Morrowind tier kino
>Morrowind tier kino
So like a 3/10 game
Newfag confirmed. You have to go back.
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Things were unironically of a higher quality when 90% of the board was Rean.
always lost interest before getting anywhere meaningful in the game
the best game with the dumbest shit (it only makes it better) this game is so fucking stupid, I love it. My favorite playthrough was cranking difficulty slider to max with a no-magic run.
Had to alter the slider slightly during the assault at the portal towards the end, due to Martin getting one hit within seconds without fail
it's okay, feels like it lacks something important that I never figured out what was
>Want? They can't.
Skyrim sold 60 million copies. Its practically the only game of its size not not have a gazillion copies.
What kind of retarded shit eating redditor gets hung up on bethesda garbage and can't move on for 20+ years

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