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What do you think of Tim Cain's idea of the worst possible RPG?
Could you stop being a faggot shill for 5 goddamn seconds
The average rpg game is a p/r/edditor's worst nightmare?
back to >>/tg/
this has me chuckling non stop. thanks op have a you. i wasn't expecting him to come out the gate with unskippable cutscenes
I don't listen to gays
Shat all over JRPGs and Owlcat. Very based.
this dude is such an annoying whiny cunt, I'm not surprised no one wants to work with him
Not watching this faggot's video, buy an ad.
Literally pissed all over the floor and told the polish plumbers to clean up his stinky peepee mess. CDPR absolutely blown the fuck out by a faggot.
He's right, you know
Anyone who disagrees with this (i.e. spic shit redditcucks like >>3653798) is a subhuman who doesn't know what an RPG is. It's not an appeal to authority btw, he just happens to preach the truth, one that we, the elite intellectual HQ & only true understanders of RPGs (RPGCodex) knew forever.
How can this guy have 400+ videos but be so bad at getting his point across?
Watching him talk is actively making me have less faith in his ability as a game developer.
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Maybe he has 400+ videos because he's bad at getting his point across
About half way, so far he's basically just saying he wants control to skip scenes and come up with his own head cannon for the character. I essentially agree. But his comment on stealth I don't agree with. I don't need to see the guards line of sight. I'm not really sure what he's trying to get across there. Never had an issue sneaking in Oblivion. Unless that little eye thing they use is something Tim's saying we need, I kinda get that. That things isn't a bad idea to let the player know mostly that they are being loud.
>Watching him talk is actively making me have less faith in his ability as a game developer.
this, and also how he hasn't managed to make any good games besides fallout 1, and even fallout is good because of other people like the writers. he's a total hack poseur.
I also watched the video

I don’t think I’ve ever played anything by, or thought about, or give two shits about, Tim Cain since Fallout 1 came out. However, the simple fact that he endorsed that Amazon show is proof that not only is he gay, he’s also a faggot.
>Watching him talk is actively making me have less faith in his ability as a game developer.
lmao same. I quit the video after a minute as he was still frantically trying to explain that he was going to list bad ideas and not good ones--he's the kind of person who can talk himself in circles without actually saying anything. Like, fuck, could you imagine this guy walking into your office and pitching game design ideas? I'd be uninterested before he even gets to the ideas themselves.
What were the last games he worked on? Isn’t he just riding on his coattails

After the Wild Star flop, he worked on South Park, Pillars of Eternity (he programmed the ability / spell system in its combat), and he co-directed Outer Worlds (the superior OW title) with Boyarsky
Man he DESPISES Oblivion
Well duh, Tim Cain is despite all his faults the game developer with the best taste in RPGs (because other ones can't publicly state their opinions).
>the best game that nobody plays
>Tim throwing shade at your Witchers and Soulslikes in the new video
Why do you project your own lack of Arcanum on others? I enjoyed playing it very much.
Bet you didn't even try to cross the mountains before the game told you how.
He's correct when it comes to good rpg design. System mechanics should always supersede player input. If you have 0 points in handguns, why should your character be able to pull off a well aimed shot? It makes no sense.
>but I can move my mou-
irrelevant. Your 0 point handgun character understands that it fires projectiles. Even then that would be a stretch.
Dude constantly shits on people and makes himself out to be this amazing person and then in one video he actually reveals what kind of a "boss" he is when he explains to everyone that you should just sell your inferiors down the river and suck up to your superior every time. Massive piece of shit.
Why Arcanum map doesn't have roads?
The inhabitants are libertarians
Dude I'm a neo-Makhnovist and I'd still have road brigades.
>unskippable cinematics
don't mind that at all, I think you're basically a cretin if you skip cinematics in story intensive games. but I guess it does make replays annoying
>ton of numbers in the character creator
very VERY good. dataminers will figure it out for me so while it isn't great quality of life it's not a dealbreaker, most old games are shit at explaining their numbers and I made do
>no respec
I don't mind this, the game will be balanced around it so I generally prefer no respec games because when you have the perfect build it feels all the more special.
>game doesn't give access to name/background/gender
I actually think this is an ideal middle ground, a game that has character creation but the mc is still a set character so the developer can actually flesh them out
>the mechanics don't integrate with the setting
Don't think this has ever really happened? yeah things being non-cohesive is bad, duh
>block is based on timing
>there are tons of minigames
yeah this is something I used to think was bad but it's just undeniable, the game experience is better when the main gameplay loop is broken up by smaller loops, look at basically any rpg, they have minigames even if you don't realize it. this includes all tim cain rpgs I can think of
>bad accessibility/requires skills you/most people don't have
yeah that'd be bad, but not if they do something interesting with it, not all art needs to be for everyone. I don't really like code breaking games but I don't think they're wrong for being for mathy people or programmers
>random jank
yeah, not making your game work right is bad, woah. what if they made a game that couldn't launch, what a bad rpg
>no real c&c
not a fan of that, but most games are like that
overall this game sounds niche, but it is probably fucking sick for people in that niche.
he is literally a faggot
>story intensive games
We want computer games. Not interactive movies. Cutscenes in whatever form are degenerate. If you have a story worth telling, you can tell it entirely through gameplay. Cutscenes always make games worse by being unnecessary interruptions in the flow of gameplay.
>We want computer games. Not interactive movies
sorry, I don't believe in arbitrarily restricting the medium. if you believe something will make your work better, do it, don't be confined by what people think is the "right way". I think games that integrate story and gameplay is neat, I personally prefer it, but it's not the only right way. if someone wanted to entirely make a movie but you press a button once in the middle of it, and they think they can do something cool with that? go for it.
idiot lol
Based, Fallout 1 should've just put you back on the world map after you set off the nuke instead of showing you sick as fuck CGI of the Cathedral exploding.
sorry Tim I am sick of your shit. Not watching anymore of your stupid fucking gay ass videos. Bye!
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What got into him anyway? I mena beside AIDS since hes a FAGGOT? he used to be quiet for like 2 decades and now decided to go full annoying attention whore mode
lmfao fuck the thirdies
Why would I care what a loser whose “masterpiece” was saved by a rapist and a commie thinks?
kek tranny spotted
Ok ok ok but before I watch this what does he think about eroge and porn in RPGs?
Age of Decadence is a plie of shit
so? Tim Cain hates it
no it's great actually
I played it first time last month and enjoyed it, cool story whcihc is most important in RPGs
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what a worthless fucking video
I thought it was real neat
>Unskippable cutscenes
Cutscenes are a plague themselves.
>Lots of numbers in the character editor
So like Fallout?
>Nothing explained
It's explained in the manual.
>No respec
How it should be. Wanna respec? Just start a new game.
Were a mistake.
>Can't finish the game because you dropped an item you needed
Not my problem. Should've managed your inventory better.
>Sold the quest item
So buy it back from the shopkeeper.
He already made the worst possible RPG

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