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>Expedition 33
Are we ready for Europe to save RPGs once more?
>Disco Elysium Europe
>Divinity:Original Sin 2 Europe
>Cyberpunk 2077 Europe
>ELEX Europe
>Baldur's Gate 3 Europe
>Jagged Alliance 3 Europe
>The Witcher 3 Europe
>GreedFall Europe
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>a visually bland looking soulslike with a shittier persona combat system
>with the blandest looking cast of characters possible
>save anything

This reeks of 6.5/10 on open/meta critic.
Greedfall fucking sucked, take it off that list
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>Greedfall fucking sucked
I kinda liked it. And GreedFall 2 seems to have some nice things in it.
Sounds to me like you are a seething Bioware trany. Consider suicide.
>Expedition 33
>Are we ready for Europe to save RPGs once more?
It's going to be a nice little 8/10 game that you play for 30 hours and then a years later think "oh yeah that one was pretty good"
>This reeks of 6.5/10 on open/meta critic.
Ngl that alone makes it playable
isn't this a console style rpg? not really interested.
the combat camera is horrifically annoying, its zooming all over the place in a headache inducing mess.
this flashy shit needs to go
So you do y'all Euros actually consider yourself a bloc now? Did they get you to the point you start taking pride in Europe as a whole and think you are a "people", American style?
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You need to stop getting excited for things. It only leads to disappointment. Every time you hype yourself up for a new game, for the final ultimate saviour of RPGs, you just get crushed. A part of your soul dies. Stop doing this to yourself, anon. I'm worried about you.
>You need to stop getting excited for things.
All game's i've been exited for so far turned out great. I am yet to be let down. Also OP forgot to add KingdomeCome:Deliverance 2 is also European and coming out soon. Another game i am excited for.
Honestly, I have zero hopes for It. It looks like the sloppiest triple a slop Ive seen in a while.
I hope Im wrong, but It really looks uninspired. Also, the game seems to be cutscenes driven, with is a big big turn off for me. Walk from point A to B, cutscene, big combat, rinse and repeat.
Are they "a people"?
Are they people?
>Jagged Alliance 3
Are thgese worth playing?
I have to admit Europeans are making the better RPGs recently, maybe even video games than North America.

I think US still got some talent, but the biggest loser is definitely Canada, they used to be good, now they are really bad.
Should replace it with Kingdom Come, i agree!
I was surprised KCD isn't on the list as its the epitome of a Eurojank RPG
Yes, i like Jagged Alliance 3 a lot.
Why do they all look like midgets who work at Starbucks?
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Expedition 33 is written by a sjw woman and made by the director of homm7. It's not going to be a good game. Even all this aside, from the trailers and info on the website nothing about it even looks appealing. Like you should see it is a movie game and be repulsed.
Canadian studios got infested with SB troons really fast.
>Ubisoft Canada used to be good
>suddenly they start pushing trans characters and other garbage
What is even worse because of how Ubisoft is Ubisoft Canada started sending consultants to other Ubisoft branches.
>USA gaming studios
They all got bought up by corporations and that sucked out the soul out of them.
Dude, you're the one getting a boner from the soulless crossbreeding of souls + order 1886 + persona. if this kind of soulless french slop gets you off, that's just fucking sad, man
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All the best games coming out in the west are not from Europe. There is only 2 European games here and one is dlc. Also Cyberpunk, elex, Witcher, and greedfall are all pretty bad.
>"people", American style
Did you not understand my post? I'm saying they aren't and that thinking of yourself as a "European" is exactly how America works. America is really useful for your rulers, isn't it? You have these gut reactions that turn your brain off.
>Also Cyberpunk, elex, Witcher, and greedfall are all pretty bad.
Take your schizo pills troon. You're tripping.
Post 5 seconds of thrilling elex gameplay
Indeed, that's why some call it united states of Europe, when in fact it's closer to euddsr. Unfortunately today's US is close to the UdSsr, too.
Good luck finding one second
i'll have to reinstall
>a visually bland looking soulslike with a shittier persona combat system
It is serious Shadow Hearts.
Except it isn't.

Shadow Hearts had serious things happen, but mixed it with humour.
Shadow Hearts had the Judgement wheel and this game has absolutely fucking nothing even remotely like it. It has more in common with Legend of Dragoon and even that has more interactions.
The overall structure of the gameplay is not like Shadow Hearts at all either.
Not to mention the colorful cast of characters Shadow Hearts had.

This game wished it was Shadow Hearts.
>when in fact it's closer to euddsr
Some of the post war far right in Europe actually advocated for that more or less. Like the Jean Thiriart who was former Waffen SS, who later advocated a form of Pan European National Bolshevism.
Around 46% of them are people, probably. Rest is different flavors of mystery meat.
>t. gypoid crossbreed
KingdomeCome:Deliverance 2 looks great and the same goes for Expedition 33. God bless Evropa for keeping RPGs alive.
>KingdomeCome:Deliverance 2 looks great
Would’ve been a day one purchase for me but now I won’t until they drop Denuvo
The Denuvo rumor is a false flag by videogame jurnos who are trying to damage the game. The devs even went live on a stream to tell people that the game will be DRM free like the first one and that the rumors about denuvo were false.
link it
First result from a quick search. Interesting. I wonder if that’s true, or if they were going to use it but then hastily backtracked because of complaints?
where was the initial rumour spawned from?
The first KCD was pretty terrible and I can't say I appreciate retards trying to turn it into a political movement to push casual goyslop on to well-to-do nerds.
I read about it here on this board. Surely I wasn’t lied to, right? No one would do that, just go out and lie on the internet?
Sounds more like a backtrack to me.
The denuvo rumor is almost exactly 1 month old. It would take KC:D devs 10 minutes to post an official statement on twatter.
Normalfags are so mentally ill nowadays that they think corporations are their friends.
yeah, that's my thoughts as well. damage control. another win against denuvo though.
Even the nazis hated libertarian and democracy and where socialists at heart.
One way to see it, sure.
It was a lie spread by trannies. They will try and defend their lie but don't trust them. The actual devs never said that the game would have Denuvo and their previous game was on GOG DREM free.
>they used to be good
True, one of my favorite games of all time Wizardry 8 is Canada made.
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I've seen games pull of the entire party wears a similar outfit as part of a squad/unit very well, Expedition 33 on the other hand has a really bland look. Frankly nothing about this game has stood out to me and I wish people would stop comparing it to Shadow Hearts, it literally has an avoid all incoming damage button.
>three dirty racially ambiguous mongrel women
>ugly feminine looking med guy
Are we returning to drab grey-brown washed out artstyle again? I thought that was simply a technical constraint of the time. God that picture is shitty
I played Elex for a few hours. It's really bad. It's so german I don't even have to check if it is a german game, I just know it is
>>a visually bland looking soulslike
>>persona combat
AI post?
I also played ELEX and it was pretty good.
1 or 2? Haven't touched it, since critiques pretty bad and it's germeme, too.
more like AI made game
I've played only ELEX 1. Yet to try ELEX 2.
Persona 3 did it as well. It's about making the characters feel unified in clothing style, but having unique flavor to each and how they wear them to reflect their personalities, while giving each one or more dominant colors.

The art direction of OP reeks of an art director to obsessed with realism, which is always a bad sign.
Is it good?
I like it but it is a bit janky so be warned.
I'll try it, but I have serious doubt about the quality. Thank for the rec.
Watching gameplay I have to say it reminds me a lot of gothic remake.
I watched like 15 seconds of gameplay and immediately knew, too.
Alright, I'll get it. Are there classes, skills or how is progression implemented? Any tips for getting good gear or how to minimise grind?
>Any tips for getting good gear or how to minimise grind?
play the game , what happened to people playing a game and discovering things themselves? am i just too old?
I don't think I will get invested in it, so I'll just breeze through the game with little to no effort.
On top of that games nowadays are designed to be unfun per se.
play the game
>crossbreeding of souls + order 1886 + persona.
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Souls style of structure, Persona style of combat and Order 1886 visual style.
>Order 1886 visual style
So a mix of WWI and victorian clothes?
you can throw it in the garbage already
Some of my favorite video games are French.
Why the fuck does this look like every other shitty modern "rpg?" 3d "realistic" graphics were a mistake.

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