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Utawarerumono: Shiro e no Michishirube

Any hopes for gameplay improvements or the story?
If it's a prequel that already lowers my interest.
Damn, I was actually excited for a minute until I saw that. Sequel to a fucking prequel.
>システムは『モノクロームメビウス 刻ノ代贖』をベースに、より進化したものになるという。
And the combat system will be based on Monochrome's.
Who cares about these characters. Where is Haku or follow up to the emperor from Prelude
Surprised this actually got a sequel since the first one didn't sell particularly well. I don't mind it though since it ended on a massive fucking cliff hanger.
>Sequel to a fucking prequel.
Its not actually clear whether its a prequel or an alternate universe. There's a bunch of time fuckery going on either way.
Carrier has arrived!
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Haku's voice actor died years ago. He'll never be the main character again so you're just going to have to settle with him occasionally appearing in a minor role. That said, he's the pink mascot character in Monochrome Mobius if you haven't played it. Its a doll he made for his niece before he got in the pod and it has his personality downloaded into it.
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>Mobile game
But I can't fault him for building a harem of all the girls from various timelines.
>Haku's voice actor died years ago. He'll never be the main character again
Nope. He was replaced by Osthor's VO.
Just use AI to use his voice.
Kind of funny how in the game it's Haku becoming Oshtor after the latter's death, but IRL it's the other way around, Oshtor's VA had to become Haku because Haku's VA died of cancer.
>Just use AI to use his voice.
This is the dumbest shit. The thing that made that VO performance (and Haku) good was the great subtle performance which AI is utterly incapable of doing.
But if you want robotic soulless slop, then yeah, go with AI.
Not looking forward to seeing Murasame's final moments, but alas, she must die.
A sequel should be expected; it was heavily suggested by the end of the game, and the voice actor's notes made it clear there was more in the works. The battle system was good, and I'm looking forward to seeing it further developed.
>born into a people where strength is everything
>sees weird masked lanklet dude and likes him for reasons only she herself knows
>has the strength to just casually break out and virtually kill most, if not everyone, in the castle
>decided larping as a sex slave is the best course of action
>only works because the MC is too afraid to ever press the issue and nobody who could do anything cares
>covertly menaces the MC with being stoned to death if he tries to spoil the beans on her abolsutely retarded and convulated plan to noway fag a guy she doesn't like
>is the most sexually aggressive and is directly responsible for the harem building corrupting the stupidest girls into becoming sluts
I will never understand this tiger bitch out of anyone in this game.
There's no point trying to understand women, anon. They're all nuts.
>sees weird masked lanklet dude and likes him for reasons only she herself knows
Technically it's said all demi-humans were engineered to like humans so they could be more easily controlled. This was a handwave to explain why Hakuowlo seems to have Main Character syndrome and everyone liking him despite him being a weird guy with a mask and no furry ears/tail.
At least if I remember my Utawarerumono lore correctly.

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