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Black, dark, death, whatever knight, what are some rpgs where I can play as a dark nigga using the power of DARKNESS?
Pathfinder WOTR has a faction called the Hellknights you can join while being on your crusade to kill the demons. Lawful Evil personified.
You can also go fully lawful evil and achieve lichdom or turn into a devil. Use organized evil to fight chaotic madness, pretty kino
Pathfinder has dark knights but it's not those, it's the Blackguards. Hellknights just wear black armor but their powers have nothing to do with dark or evil.
>lawful evil
In Pathfinder? Yes, that's pretty much it.
>Hellknights just wear black armor but their powers have nothing to do with dark or evil.
Sorry chud but Hell is right in the name
Lich is Neutral Evil. You're character can be chaotic or lawful and still be a Lich as long as they're evil.
My man Oswald from Odin Sphere Leithtrasir
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You can turn Ramza into a Dark Knight in War of the Lions but it is funny how you'd likely be at the end of the game by the time you complete the ridiculous requirements it takes to unlock the job, there's a mod that fixes this if I remember correctly though
>not making him a squire
>sullying the Beoulve honor with darkness
>not playing the PS1 original
I don’t know what bothers me more
to actually go the lawful evil mythic path you have to go aeon first its retarded.
Changing paths midgame was a huge mistake
Well they are powered by hell indirectly. They base they're organization on hell. Measure and chain was inspired by hell, they're training is inspired by hell. Enchantments they have (attacks count as lawful, immune to fire while wearing they're armor, can imbue attacks with fire or unholy, can summon hellhounds etc) was designed to allow them to emulate devils. They're main patron is Chilax empire. Hellknights are knights that try to larp as devil and being judges from judge dredd in equal measure
Final Fantasy games tend to have Dark Knights as jobs. Though thinking about the mainline and discounting the MMOs, I think III and X-2 are the only ones where that is explicitly a job (and IV, but the MC of IV renounces the job a third of the way through)? XIV's Dark Knight class story is worth a look, at least.
Black Mage is also sometimes considered aspect-ed to darkness.
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The playable equivalent of a Blackguard in PF is simply called Antipaladin.

One of its archetypes, called Knight of the Sepulcher, also infuses you with necrotic powers, slowly embracing undeath and eventually straight up becoming one at level 20. It's the equivalent of Warcraft's Death Knight.
That is the lamest possible name I've heard for a evil paladin class.
actually these classes fill different archetypes. Terror knights have been reworked to be a tanky bruiser in the remake, and it does not even have an HP drain mechanic
>What better nemesis for a paladin than his direct opposite, an “anti-paladin” that embodies the forces of evil? As the mirror image of a normal paladin, an anti-paladin might be able to detect the presence of good, generate a aura of protection against good creatures, and wield an “unholy” sword. Though DMs may experiment with any type of character they like, we discourage the use of antipaladins. Good and evil are not merely mirror images of each other. Just as the forces of evil have their unique champions, the paladin is intended as a unique champion of good. The paladin originates from a tradition of dynamic balance, in which the forces of good are few and elite and in which forces of evil are numerous and of lesser quality. Allowing anti-paladins blurs this basic relationship. -AD&D Complete Paladin's Handbook
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play ff4 then just abruptly quit when cecil gets shipwrecked

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