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A few years ago I asked how modern RPGs would be distinguished. What are the trends that are characteristic of this generation? Even if not all games have them.

After playing many games, I feel like I can say it's the farming+crafting elements.
Pronouns and trannies
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dont forget deck building and roguelite elements
I want to say "Monster Hunting" is up there too.
But I never got into Monster Hunter because I didn't realize it was a crafting/cultivation game.
You guys told me Palworld was a Pokemon knock-off. But I've never seen a Pokemon game with THIS shit in it.
Deck building or waifu collectable gacha games.
>What are the trends that are characteristic of this generation?
Sucking ass and being boring slop simulators.
i don't think there are any distinguishing characteristics of a modern RPG, since they vary in their influences.
I hate to say it, but it feels like you are right.
Open-world survival with crafting is ultimate escapism, which is what people want.
It's why normal people hate identity politics being shoved in games.
Speaking of, do anons prefer when crafting is a core part of the game or a side part?

I like it being a side part like Skyrim where recipes are simple and you don't need special ingredients that aren't obvious from reading the name.

Core crafting tends to expect me to do everything the hard way. Sometimes they give you an auto-miner but they're also going to be asking you for 500 steel or something because the miner's production rate is scaled to how much their asking for and/or vice versa. Then later on they tell me to find specific ingredients that drop from specific monsters to make specific gear and it all kinda feels like an artificial, arbitrary treadmill the dev has laid out for me instead of engaging with crafting on my own terms.
>when crafting is a core part of the game or a side part?
Side part, if it's a RPG with a custom character. I don't want every character I make to be a craftsman.
>core part
>crafting component absolutely everywhere
>expected to make everything
>winds up boring

>side part
>crafting has to be balanced so the player doesn't feel forced to use it
>crafted weapons are no better than random items you can find in a treasure chest
>winds up boring
no shit

even dq has this garbage now
Ehhh, I think escapism requires a meaningful narrative and task.

I think the appeal of games like Terraria, Core Keeper, Minecraft, and Monster Hunter is the multiplayer co-op or streaming potential.
These crafting systems were more of a staple in MMOs weren't they?

Otherwise, playing it by yourself? With no real story? It's like, "What am I supposed to do? What is there to accomplish?" I'm not obsessive compulsive enough to collect everything and organize a base to be "efficient". I'm more of a hack job kind of guy. Sloppy gets the job done too.

I've seen youtube videos of people's bases in core keeper and terraria. They're these massive hoards with hundreds of chests and probably 999 stacks of every item in the game and probably 800hrs of playtime. Me? I work out of a hole in the ground with 1 chest and intend to move on to a different game after 80hrs.
farming+crafting elements were shit ten years ago. They are shit today, despite the decade spent by numerous projects trying to pad the obnoxious features in qol.
Crafting and farming is what makes games like Terraria and Core Keeper tedious and tiresome at length, but they can not exist without those elements because they're literally built around it.

It's so bad. But you are right, it has been THE thing
A lot of people do like the freedom in open-world games, but yeah you're right that narrative is still essential to give it direction and meaning. Quests, characters, etc.
People who like Starfield for the free-roam and outpost building would hate Space Engineers for the lack of quests and story.
You can't enjoy or intelligently discuss RPGs if you don't have a good PC. People who play on consoles are clueless about the current state of RPGs.
>People who play on consoles are clueless about the current state of RPGs.
The absolute state of current RPGs.
>non-binary feminine penises
>nogs, nogs everywhere, nog humans, nog elves, nog dwarves, nog halflings
>vitiligo sliders
>tranny youtubers voicing tranny characters for their tranny audiences
Pretty sure consolefags have been able to play most RPGs for about 20 years now, too.
I don't think a toonpedo can look down on a consolefag, however repugnant they might be
Imagine, people squabble over 1 console exclusive a year and PC gets access to hundreds of games not available to anyone on console a year. Imagine being stuck in the extremely limited and claustrophobic ecosystem of a console and thinking your opinion on video games matters at all.
>It's crazy how I could figure out youre a console nigger immediately huh
I've played PC games since DOS and Win 3.1. Good luck with your gender transition, though.
I only play minesweeper and solitaire lmao, fuck off
lol, storyfags. tv has convinced them that life needs a "narrative".
Call it "direction". A point. Stories don't necessarily have a point or narrative either. My mom tells pointless stories all the time. It's some kind of compulsion. Going into details like seating arrangements or the exact streets she took to get somewhere.
>"This will be important to the plot later, right?"
>Core Keeper
I was progressing smoothly. But then I got to the hydra bosses that requires rare gems to craft the summoning item.

I need an Ocean Sapphire. The wiki tells me where to find them. I've run around for hours and still haven't found one yet.
The summoning item isn't permanent either. So I could die within minutes of the boss fight, I have spend hours scouring this giant ass world again for materials to get another attempt.
This is where I stop playing.
>vitiligo sliders
Why are you faggots so mindbroken by them?
I'm going to fucking rape you
you sound like you aren't self-actuated if you need a greater narrative to life.
It's hideously ugly, and there's no need for it.
You sound like "self-actualizing" is a way to pick up chicks; but can't see the contradiction.
The achievement stats suggest the same thing for everyone else, although the game just came out of it's closed beta recently.
I stopped playing Core Keeper when I got to the wall and brute forced my way into the desert (which is apparently the last biome you should visit).
Kinda lost interest there, especially how there's little to do besides kill bosses. There is zero reason to build anything besides mob spawners, The town building element is barebone at best. Kinda reminds me of Keplerth. The overworld is (was?) fucking boring in that one.
It's an interesting take.
How to make crafting NOT a chore?
Take for example Fear and Hunger. It looks like a crafting made with a plug-and-play plugin, that adds nothing to the game and it's entirely skippable
It's almost like a filler mechanic to pad the game, rather than something useful
But then there's core crafting mechanics that forces you to farm like a retard, both for materials and for recipes
What's a middle ground?
Is there a such thing as a middle ground, of a non-boring/chore crafting system in an rpg?
I dont know, It seems to me the trend is, sure, crafting, but also bloated inventores with redundant items and romance, that has become an obsessions of many players.
Like Minecraft's advancements?
Modern rpgs are to be distinguished by how bad they generally are.
Tomorrow your post will be:
>>pederasty sliders
>Why are you faggots so mindbroken by them?
unironically diversity + inclusion
>influx of web traffic from India.
interesting narrative you created here. pointless fabrication, though.
You're on an interest board right now. People engage with their interests, that's the point.

You're not engaging with a narrative, your engaging in a parasocial relationship between you and a content writer. Holding someone else accountable for the attention you gave freely. The same way someone with bi-polar disorder makes everyone else responsible for their mood because they're brain damaged and lack executive function to regulate themselves.

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