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>Single-handedly saves crpg.

You are welcomed, gamers.
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Look at how terrible like the first 3 pages of the catalogue is. It's all shitposting. There isn't a single real rpg thread.
I mean, we have reddit for proper rpg threads.
But .. like .. are you calling this thread a shitpost?
4 upcoming games
>all shit
we eating good crpg bros
I can't wait for more interracial cuckolding!
Which game has it?
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I love owlcum gumes woooooooooooo im about to gooooooon aaaaa valerie arueshalae lala aaaaaaaaaaa

All of them! Rejoice fellow cucks, we're eating well.
None of their games have had any impact on anything, and they're ass.
>fills your game with lesbian interspecies couples, negroes and other woke trash
>saved crpgs
owlshart make mediocre games at best

While WoTR undoubtedly has the best setting, story, quest design and progression system i would argue BG3 and even DoS2 do enough things well that it´s simply not possible to overlook their contributions. BG3 truly gives the player more freedom and far more tools to solve any given encounter. You can even progress by ignoring the whole act 1 main quests, you can truly use the environment and verticality in combat, combining elemental attacks can have physical reactions, you can use a companion to distract an NPC while another steals from them. All worthwhile mechanics that shouldn´t be ignored in future RPGs if you ask me.
I think they comparatively make niche games. It's just that people are willing to tolerate whatever the kingdom management aspect there is and games are accessible enough that you don't need to dive deep into builds just to survive.
Bottom of the barrel gameplay, more simplistic than a majority of C64/DOS games.
No shit, you idiot, they make RPGs, a genre for nerds only.
That's because they are actual old school CRPGs. Ever wondered why BG3 is so easy and has voice acting instead of having to read?
I would doubt that's the case anymore.
>actual old school CRPGs
They make IEslop yet somehow worse thoughbeit?
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>best quest design
fucking kek, we're talking basic fucking fetch quest shit.
Did you faggots playe some alternate reality versions of those games? Kingmaker has one black guy and they make a big thing out of him being a foreigner. Rogue Trader has two brown people and both are criminals, only gay guy is a sadistic torture freak. There is no cucking. Do you make up scenarios in your head to be persecuted by? Are you brown perchance?
thats the source material, what you gonna do?
Owlcuck 'games'
Owlcat actually removed a bunch of retarded shit. Original module had pooners in it.
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KM, Wotr, RT,

What else is there? I haven't heard anything about any upcoming games.
>makes 3 terrible rpgs
>irreparably damage paizo with a terrible representation of the pathfinder ruleset
>become a publisher and immediately start publishing narrative heavy story games about being a gay liberal
Wow rpgs are saved
Did Crpgs really need saving, they had their time, like Dragon Age, Divinity or adjacent titles like Diablo. It seems like the genre is best suited for tabletops
>It seems like the genre is best suited for tabletops
Interesting argument. But out of curiosity what did you think the “c” stood for?
>irreparably damage paizo with a terrible representation of the pathfinder ruleset
Look, I dislike reading Moeblobs shilling of trannyfinder 2.0 as much as anyone else, but this is giving him a bit much credit don’t you think
Every thinks pathfinder is the game where you feat stack and do a million prebuffs then autopilot through fights and it's not. That's an owlcat thing. All of their games play like crappy jrpgs.
It is though. Pathfinder is all about optimizing your one trick so it applies as often as possible.
How can thy save anything when they can't even announce what their next game is?
>you feat stack and do a million prebuffs then autopilot through fights
that is actually exactly how 3.x D&D plays, which is what pathfinder is
I grew up with 3.5e, literally played it for like a decade. No, it doesn't.
Lol this do be me alright.
>Some mutt doesn't like the game
Well even more reason to play it then.
But enough about BG3 and Larrian
Bullshit. You're making shit up.
I'll say what none of you cowards will.
Rogue Trader is the only CRPG with genuinely enjoyable companions and side characters.
Prove me wrong.
I believe Rogue Trader genuinely ruined and pussified the 40k fanbase. Possibly forever.
Secondary confirmed. Fanbase has been shit for like a decade.
But they do.Wrath even changed a black guy(Hulrun) into a white man and made most of the female leaders incompetent.
Yeah it does, you were incompetent at playing it. You aren't rewarded for spreading yourself thin, you're rewarded for specializing.
>A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. >Specialization is for insects.
A quote that means nothing when applied to D&D 3.5.
Yes Mr. Heinlein, D&D 3.5e is shit, everyone knows that
Yeah, I just like the quote.
>t. pure class enjoyer, no-dipper
>Rogue Trader is the only CRPG with genuinely enjoyable companions and side characters.
>Prove me wrong.
Planescape Torment exists
No, it seems super duper gay now. Before it was just cringey and reddit, now its like homestuck tier.
i wish owlcat would stop being so god damned woke. even rogue trader is just a bunch of girlbosses ordering you around. why you do this owlcrap?
how the FUCK do you come to this conclusion when every major female character in a owlcat game, nyrissa, galfrey, areelu, theodora, ect are all massive fuckup retards
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You're dancing around the topic not saying anything of substance because you're talking out of your ass. Good players can break the mold. The reason I like 3.5e is because it has an internally consistent and elaborate inner mechanical system with coherent and realistic low level character design where you feel approriately weak. PF1e *doesn't* do this, as low level power scaling has been universally raised acrossed the board and made even worse with archtypes. Its more like 5e in this regard, where low level characters are delicate superheroes rather than aspiring adventurers. Owlcat doubles down on this retardation and artificially inflates it.
The only people who order you around in RT are Theodora (who you immediately replace after the prologue because she fucking dies) and Inquisitor Calcazar (either directly or through Heinrix)... and both of the latter are strong masculine white males. Basically everyone else can be killed or ignored (although not without consequences).
Rusty dagger shanktown is shit and not realistic at all.
>The reason I like 3.5e is because it has an internally consistent and elaborate inner mechanical system with coherent and realistic low level character design where you feel approriately weak.
3.5e is a system where low level characters can be killed by house cats
How many feats does someone have at level 20 in 3.5e? How many feats does someone have at level 20 in PF1e? Lets not spew reddit memes and pretend these are the same rulesets. I suggest you stop now before you embarass yourself.
thanks for proving my point by listing a bunch of examples for me.
>PF1e *doesn't* do this, as low level power scaling has been universally raised acrossed the board
>Martial feats repeatedly split
>Combat maneuvers nerfed twice over
>Martial pounce moved to level 10+ if Barbarian, or 8+ and a feat chain if a Brawler or a Monk, or BAB 12+ and a feat chained and unarmed if anyone else
>Universally raised
You might be dumb enough to be fooled by extra +1s to hit, but Pathfinder PCs are not stronger than 3.5 PCs at low levels. What you are saying happened didn't happen.
>How many feats does someone have at level 20 in 3.5e? How many feats does someone have at level 20 in PF1e?
Irrelevant question unless you're a spellcaster. How many feats do you need to take to get the same effect?
It's amazing how bait threads still get traction
>How many feats does someone have at level 20 in 3.5e? How many feats does someone have at level 20 in PF1e?
What race? What class? This is the part where you go AIEEEEEEEEE and die.
>Lets not spew reddit memes and pretend these are the same rulesets.
They're literally the same ruleset with minor tweaks. Pathfinder was made by 3rd ed nerds who didn't like 4th ed, and wanted homebrew 3rd ed with blackjack and hookers. Trying to pretend they're not virtually identical is the height of pilpul.
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>You might be dumb enough to be fooled by extra +1s to hit, but Pathfinder PCs are not stronger than 3.5 PCs at low levels
>infinite cantrips
>feats every other level instead of every third level
>no penalty for crafting
>hit die universally raised
>play as a nine-tailed kitsune diaper-wearing otherkin with innate IWIN button feats
PF1e is a retard game where you play as a snowflake superhero at lvl 1. You just go from spider-man to super man at like level 6 and then its just a massive circle jerk. Its not real 3.5e.
How many feats can you buy with gold in Pathfinder? How many archetypes and prestige classes give you a surplus of feats? How many feats had their effects split up?
>Pathfinder jerked off spellcasters
We know.
Name one (1) level 5 Pathfinder martial as strong as a level 5 Warblade

You can't
If we're counting supplenmental material as you are I could obviously list many, many things in PF1e that are far more busted, but you are mistaking this for a mutual discussion when its just me calling you a retard who's unpleasant to talk to.
You can't, actually.
I can and PF2e is so much better than PF1e its not even funny.
Can't name something more busted than low level Abrupt Jaunt either.
Nah. No martial option in all of first party Pathfinder competes with ToB at low levels and it's not because ToB is broken.
>You're dancing around the topic not saying anything of substance because you're talking out of your ass.
>but you are mistaking this for a mutual discussion when its just me calling you a retard who's unpleasant to talk to.
Moeblob's ability for projection is unparalleled on this board.
>What race? What class? This is the part where you go AIEEEEEEEEE and die.
Rekt. He will literally never recover.
You have to make an argument that isn't retarded to get a serious response.
>You're dancing around the topic not saying anything of substance because you're talking out of your ass
I am staying on topic, you're the one who asking about shit that was in the back of the 367th issue of nintendo power. I also haven't listed anything that's not present in the video game representations of these rulesets. Because that would be off-topic. And if this was a real board, a bannable offense.
>implying I can't play ToB in video games
Playing wotr made me miss ekundaybro. the cameo from jubilost was neat
Noone is diving into Dragon Magazine for examples you butthurt tard. PHBII and Tome of Battle are not obscure books.
Nothing interesting or intelligent about squabbling with a retard who doesn't play CRPGs that got bullied off /tg/ for the very same stupid shit you're doing again now.
I accept your concession. Now name one 3.5 video game where Kingmaker PCs are stronger at low levels.
I said PCs, not animal companions.
I accept your concession.
The example is your great-great-great aunt that immiedtly dies and two dudes? That's not "bunch of girlbosses". Every other woman in that game kissess your ass or gets stomped.
Pathfinder Kingmaker was the best CRPG since the glory days of BG1 and 2. But WotR was so shit.
Is there any RPG that autistic people on here and similar places won't screech over? Any game that is at least near-unanimously considered to be good?
>awful level/map design
>outright terrible encounter design
>tedious and unfun side mechanics
>a not-an-rpg minigame no one asked for
it's 'first is worst' kinda stroy
I understand there are people who might still enjoy it
but objectively speaking it's utter shit
Planescape Torment. But mostly because by now nobody played it.
>the glory days of BG1 and 2
I really hope no one genuinely believes this
my sweet summer child.. they do, and yes, they don't know any better
>bad game was the worst bad game since bad game 1 and 2
Sure was!
Falls off in usefulness following level 3 and are much weaker than reserve feats anyway.
>feats every other level
Still 3 feats by 6, the endpoint of low level, and the delay to 6 in 3.5 makes it better for hitting BAB prerequisites.
>hit die universally raised
Fighters, Paladins, Monks, Barbarians, Clerics, and Druids have the same HD. Rangers got their 3.0 HD back. Doesn't sound universal to me when over half of the core classes have the same HD.
Crafting's XP cost springs you ahead of everyone else if you aren't retarded about it.
As opposed to the broken as fuck furry literal anthropomorphic animal races from 3.5 that are three to four times more powerful than kitsune in PF are?

You're easily fooled into thinking you're more powerful by pointless shit and ignore every nerf. A PF Wizard might have d6 HD, but a 3.5 one has an immediate action fuck you teleport and becomes unhittable at low levels with 3 spells, 2 of which are long lasting. You could have argued the real improvements like slightly better races, Wizard school powers, or improved Cleric domains but you don't understand either game.
>are you brown perchance
one of those things linked a forum with an anti woke mod or whatever they called it in a pathfinder thread
i went there and most people commenting were brown so probably yeah
he carried our asses
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>Falls off in usefulness following level 3 and are much weaker than reserve feats anyway.
No, you can't just handwave this away. Cantrips negate the cost/benefit ratio of basic resources like ammunition and torches. And furthermore, the fact that they fall off in "usefulness" is also bad design and something that was immediately corrected in subsequent editions. And there are lots of uses for low level spells in 3.5e. Being able to add or remove light from an area, being able to stabilize injured party members without a skill check, reading or detecting magic. Like it would be utterly retarded to have infinite usages of these incredibly powerful utility spells with no opportunity costs. But you wouldn't know this if you didn't play 3.5e.

The rest is similar retarded handwaving, like pretending magical tail isn't moronic. This is boring.
>Cantrips negate the cost/benefit ratio of basic resources like ammunition and torches.
Sunrods already destroy torches in usefulness right at level 1 and cantrips don't do as much damage as ranged weaponry so unlimited cantrips can't do either.
>Like it would be utterly retarded to have infinite usages of these incredibly powerful utility spells with no opportunity costs.
It's not, though, and they're not incredibly powerful, they're basic abilities.

And even if I did accept that cantrips somehow broke the game, which I don't, cantrips are only available to full casters and the Bard. Everyone else got fucked.
>It's not, though
I just told why it is THOUGH
You didn't.
I tried pathfinder kingmaker. It sucked dick.
Cry more?
The warhamer 40k games was pretty shit.
It was hilariously easy to abuse the combat system and the story was shit but that was expected of 40k setting.
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Black Myth announce their game 4 years in advance, sells +20 million copies after a month.

Owlkek plays hide and seek, hides everything from their potential customers. Struggles to sell 1 million.
Why are they like this?
>action game sells better than ie-wannabe
No way! Why don't they just make the sims!
Chinese market is bigger than market of... whatever Owlcat is targeting.
>High AC melee character
>Mage (Animal buffs/haste etc)
>Cleric (Mass heal/Crusader edge etc)
>Secondary Cleric job that can class cleric spells so you can get them on every character/pet (IE Freedom/Death Ward)
>Melee Dex character for high Trickery checks
>Debuffer (Hex/Command/Werid)
>Physical Range/Melee character

Where the hell am I meant to fit stuff like Skalds/Bards/Alchemists without having one party member being something like Mystic Theurge or dropping multiple buffs?
Several of those roles can be fulfilled by one PC at the same time.
Maybe it's due to lack of experience but having somebody go a hybrid class to be fill multiple roles tend to have them miss some buffs, IE Cleric/Oracle missing Barkskin without extra domains, missing greater heroism. Shamans getting only half of the animal buffs and not getting haste. I know some of this can be resolved via certain mythic paths but it somewhat feels like I'm raidroaded into using the same Companions/Mercs on every run unless I bend over backwards to have the Player Character do multiple roles.
Remember that as you proceed through (presumably) kingmaker/wotr that some buffs become obsolete and aren't as important as you think they are. For example animal buffs while very helpful in the early game drop off hard when you start getting stat helms/belts, You don't need a high dex character for trickery checks just a person who maxes out the skill with lockpicks on the side. You can quite also quite easily just have a character back at camp who just scribes scrolls to fill in for the missing buffs, that's what UMD is there for.

As for the Cleric related abilities, you'll want at least 1 full cleric and another character that gets some of the cleric buffs so you have the entire mid level kit on the party. Your mage can very easily provide the mage spells as well as be the CC of the group. If the problem is that the companions don't fit the mold that you want then you can always go get that full respec mod and turn them into any role you want them to be without missing out on the banter
>Black Monkey Ching Chong
Not an rpg
Neither are owlcat games
Care to name a real rpg?
Temple of Elemental Evil
But Owlcat games are far closer to that game than your ching chong garbage.
What makes it rpg and owlcat not? They are the fucking same.
Hommlet is more than 2 interactive villagers and there is more to dungeons than running down a hallway slamming your stat bricks into things.
>Hommlet is more than 2 interactive villagers
Yeah, it's like three
>and there is more to dungeons than running down a hallway slamming your stat bricks into things
Now you are just lying.
>Yeah, it's like three
No it's like 30+.
>Now you are just lying.
The optional cultist side quest in the temple dungeon alone is more elaborate than either kingmakers or wotr's entire main quest line.
But owlcat dungeons have puzzles and non combat progression.
A random room where you spin statues around is not good dungeon design.
This is the laziest type of bait which is predicated on you hoping the audience hasn’t played the game you’re talking about, and so won’t know that you’re full of shit. You’re full of shit.
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You said there was 3 NPCs in hommlet. Owlcat fags are always newniggers who haven't played any games and can't move on.
He gave up and started bumping the other shill thread lol
I played the intro chapter of Rogue Trader and will now set it aside to play 5 other games first. But no it's good Owlcat came on the scene and have been active, or else only Obsidian would have been making rtwp games.
By saving you mean making dungeon and encounter design so bad that skyrim looks better in comparison.
Owlfags butchered the crpg genre.
>You said there was 3 NPCs in hommlet
I said no such thing, you merely have low-functioning autism which prevents you from distinguishing between multiple anonymous posters. Hommlet is full of generic NPCs with like two lines of dialogue and a bunch of the simplest of simple fetch quests, it’s practically JRPG tier. You’d ruthlessly mock a game you don’t like (e.g. Morrowind) for having the exact same NPCs, dialogue, and quests, but you’ll praise ToEE for the same shit because it’s old and you have nostalgia for it. The tranny mod you shill, Co8, even lets you skip Homlett because it’s so boring and tedious after you’ve already done it once.

No one gives a shit about the quests for ToEE, its NPCs are paper-thin and forgettable. People like ToEE because it’s a dungeon crawl with full party creation and tactical turn-based combat (basically the only one of the 3rd ed games to attempt to accurately implement the ruleset).
Dude, this is embarrassing. Just admit your schizo ass was wrong and move on.
I accept your concession.
Now it is a public humiliation.
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Kingmaker does have cucking actually but the catch is your the bull and the cuck is the interracial niggercoated half orc that kills himself after you steal his childhood love from him so its based
also theres Valerie who marries a peasant after you ignore her and deny her advsncrmts
>she marries a different guy if you refuse a relationship with her
Do you even know what cuck means?
My dad cucked me by fucking my mom.
I wasn't talking about market size or genre.

I'm saying you are retarded for keeping your upcoming game secret, it's not going to help your sales in any way. It's only going to do the opposite.
Cuckoldry is when a male character comes within 15 feet of a female character
funny how you didn't said anything about wotr
Yes but unironically.
They're so much better at it though. Also, there's Event Horizon which are better at it than both.
>Event Horizon
Tower of Time is probably the best RTWP game ever made thoughbeit?
I was extremely disappointed by the follow up game. I was expecting some great dungeon crawling, but it is all mini-dungeons. Didn't even finish it.
>Event Horizon
This is a literal dogshit movie with only a single good scene.
Those aren't even in the same fucking genres. I could as well say that your mom is better than owlcat because she sucks my dick way better.
They made 3 of the top 5 CRPGs on the market in the same time Larian made BG3.
It's not like their games are flawless masterpieces or anything, but they're all high 7s or 8s (Anyone who likes the genre should play this, recomended / Almost any gamer will enjoy this, highly recomended) tier games.
We're fortunate to have them around.
>we have reddit
Go back.
>announce their game 4 years in advance
That's not a good thing. Gone are the beautiful years of games just coming out and people discovering the joys of them. Everyone needs everything spoonfed to them now. They need trailers, spoilers, leaks, thorough information about how the game plays, and reviews before they'll even consider it. Why the hell would you want games announced years out? Just fucking make the game and release it. If you want to announce it, then do it like a month or two out.
>Why the hell would you want games announced years out?
20 million sales.

What is it at now? At 30 millions? It wouldn't surprise me.
They released something that isn't RTwP nostalga for zoomers that never played the originals trash?
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Wrath of the righteous is the only kickstarter I've ever and I was not disappointed in the least.
Then again, I might be exactly the audience they were aiming for since I even enjoyed the homm-mini crusade mini game.
The game is far, far from perfect, but it's met and exceeded my expectations.
Also, Aivu is cute little shit. I love her.
They have yet to make a game with good gameplay.
Beautiful bait. Masterful even
>I might be exactly the audience they were aiming for
>posts weird tumblr art
Yeah probably

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