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How do you solve the problem of pure charisma builds turning the games into VNs?
Name a single game where that is a problem, and then explain why that is a problem instead of a feature.
There is no problem to solve.
>durrrr why can't I go shooty shooty bang bang with the skill that's about talking to people instead of fighting
Branching dialogue and charisma being just a tool for more options, not a cheatcode
By not pretending that single character games are rpgs
it's not a problem
Charisma is a very powerful weapon. It changes a guy who is really good with the sword into a conqueror. If anything most games underplay just how broken a guy who says just the right thing at the right moment can be.
>okay, my paladin rolls charisma to get my elfy waifu to shroom with me
>What do you say?
This, its never been a problem in party based games where abilities are designed to synergize.
Give low charisma a natural resistance to charisma-based attacks.
Autism stat
I don't think assburgers will save you from a torch-wielding mob some silver-tongued asshole sent after you.
what turns a charismatic guy into a conqueror is the ability to know talent. charisma is nothing without judgement.
He can have all the judgement in the world if he can't convince people to follow or at very least find a guy that will. Someone will do the talking.
this really shows how dumb stat checks tied to dialogue options are in video games. this isn't roleplaying, that isn't what these checks were meant for.
read betterer, i said a "charismatic guy", that means the idea flows from the hypothetical person being charismatic and into becoming a conqueror.
I'm sorry Dave but no matter how many drama classess you took your 6 inteligence 5 charisma half-orc can't convince the mayor to let you marry his daughter.
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BG3 is cargo cult dice fetishism. It convinced me that the D20 system is fundamentally flawed.
anon, if i'm roleplaying that character, i wouldn't try. i'd bash his head and snatch the bitch. roleplay.
So you're saying theres a chance
That's where the power of luck comes in.
every system is flawed, the application of the system is where flaws are compounded. judgement.
Make it just a stat check. There is no need to describe every single event or scene
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Play as a negotiator.
Fallout 2 did it best, let charisma builds have their own private army.
Use charisma as a reward/cost modifier, not as an unlock condition for dialog options.
Move those unlock conditions to info gathered in other conversations, relevant books, exploring areas, completing quests, faction reputation...
That way you can still bullshit your way into a pacifist run, but you need to put in some work.
got it in one
-pure charisma
Lol try talking your way out of a bear trap idiot
The pure charisma guy convinces someone else to go in front and have that someone eat the traps
>Divine Intervention
There are perks to being God's favorite.
if your game can be beat by a single talent specialist, it's a shit game. rpgs, like most adventurous endeavors, are party based.
CHA builds have increased maximum party size and turn the game into tactical commander mode where your character is useless in combat, but you have an army of dudes to manage.
the most charismatic man is he who leads from the front. a specialist is useless, an npc.
>I would rather have an army of newfags lead by a lion than an army of autists led by a tranny
I agree, but I was trying to solve OP's RPG design quandary, not describe reality.
>the most charismatic man is he who leads from the front.
Hasn't been true since introduction of reliable firearms, even Napoleon only lead from the front once, at Siege of Toulon, and nearly died in the process.
that's the answer, don't design your game around one talent. it's fucking boring as hell to use the same skillset to beat an entire game.
in an rpg setting, where generals can be almost godlike, it should be the norm.
split social stats between intimidation, persuasion, and subbing other stats such as wisdom or intelligence in certain situations, like forming a cohesive arguement or telling the retard that eating that mushroom WILL kill him because of the subtle details on its stem or some shit.
easy money
I don't play a charisma build. Problem solved!
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lol dont know why OP posted the reverse version of this iconic michael jackson gif, but anyways heres the original
You just wanted an excuse to post that webm, didn't you?
there's nothing to convince people of, just give them money (that you earned by killing people)

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