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You didn't just rely on the pistol in Deus Ex, did you?
My response: (video related)
is Half Life an RPG? you roleplay as Freeman after all
Does Half Life have stats that dictate how Freeman approaches situations?
For me, it's the baton and the prod. Paul was right.
what are the stats that dictated the approach used in the OP's webm?
The "my hacking is shit and I need to save multitools" stat
"i have no mouth and i have to crowbar" in Freemans case. its an RPG
You're going to have to try harder next time. Last reply.
nah, i got you. if you can do something without the use of character skills, then they aren't dictating your approach. that webm is Not RPGā„¢.
I risked my life. I deserve compensation. A candy bar, please.
>"i have no mouth and i have to crowbar" in Freemans case. its an RPG
IHNMAIMS was a point-and-click adventure game, actually
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>IHNMAIMS was a point-and-click adventure game, actually
no shit
Fuck, he's right
Does Half Life have choice&consequence? No? Then it's not an rpg.
This webm has more gameplay mechanics in 9 seconds than any modern game's entire playthrough.
Stick with the forty. Remember that a non lethal takedown is a silent takedown.
of course it does. you can either progress the story or not.
Don't reply to your own retarded posts.
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it does. you may not kill combine and die. its your choice to be a murderer - its moral dilemma
There was some old indie tower defence game, immortal defence I think? The story had you becoming an insane immortal accidental war criminal and the game was intentionally designed for you to play halfway through and go okay, too much, and quit
the deus ex 1 pistol is literally overpowered
That's because it works like a real gun.
stealth and melee
and not a single rpg mechanic
wdym? You can make the skill numbers go up
you aren't too good at the whole reading comprehension thing, huh?
Why are laser tripwires defeatable by blocking them with boxes or a fire extinguisher? that should just set them off
Some lasers only go off via detecting certain foreign materials which is why enemies can freely pass through them without triggering them, others go off from anything.
I have always been of the mind that numbers going up makes an rpg.
>put points into pistol skill
>get better at pistoling
it's an rpg for that reason
This is how you end up with call of duty being an RPG
what do numbers going up have to do with the OP's webm?
The new Shadow Warrior has this. This makes it an RPG.
Mostly used the assault rifle, then combat shotgun. Stealth is for fags.
Baton and GEP gun is all I used.
Early game: baton, prod, tranq darts, gas grenades
Late game: Dragons Tooth
GEP gun is the universal lockpick, and also bots
i put way too many points into swimming, and whatever that skill was that let you regenerate super fucking fast, it was the absolute last augment i got in the last level, and i was like holy shit this game could have been a lot easier

as far as weapons went, i was a sword, rocket, sniper rifle guy, if i remember correctly. not too many weapons, but i managed to fit it inventory
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These are very interesting responses for someone who casually plays this game on Realistic difficulty without killing and without knockouts.
>bragging about being good at a piss-easy Unreal 1 engine game with absolutely dogshit AI, even for the time
Serious bruh moment.
Well... why can't you do it then?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
All you need to clear the game is the crossbow, the automatic rifle and the sniper rifle. Just max those three and no one will be able to stand in your way.
>it's janky and inconsistent
there saved 10 minutes
Pretty sure the prod doesn't one-shot those guys at Untrained
A headshot is a lethal takedown on these randos. Yes, you can headshot with melee weapons.
It's because he's blinded, not because it's a "headshot."
>A headshot is a lethal takedown
You may have copper wires to reroute your fear of pain, but I have nerves of steel.
Ackshually it's because he's "stunned" and stunned enemies take 4x damage.

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