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What are the best non-Japanese RPGs in your opinion and why?
Fallout, Planescape, Deus Ex, Arcanum, Icewind Dale
Didn't like BG1/2 as much or VtMB.

Newer games are harder to recommend but I did enjoy Tyranny and Tides of Numenera, and especially Underrail. Underrail is probably the best indie CRPG, it's big and has godlike exploration at least on the first playthrough, and some exceptional quest design in places.
And for console tier games, ME2, DAO, DXHR, F3 and FNV are all decent or good
Baldur's Gate 2 is inarguably the best CRPG ever made and arguably THE best game ever made.
It's not even a good CRPG.
non-japanese implies that the best rpg is japanese lol
There are no actual RPGs made in Japan, you didn't need to clarify.
>globohomo westoid
I don’t know, never played one and never will.
It's a pretty good game. The only thing it truly lacks is difficulty in the form of AI behavior. Strategic and tactical QoL improvements would be a great benefit. Expanded stealth & device mechanics would be really great, too. There's no way they were gonna be able to implement any of that before launch, though. Devs still can't do complex AI, which is why they like turn-based so much.
The thing about BG2 I never see anyone mention is that the story might as well be non-existent. There are dozens of sidequests but they all feel very "gamey" like you know why they're placed where they are, what was the intention of the devs, and what their outcome will be.
It's not at all a halfway point between Torment and IWD, it's much closer to IWD except there are a bunch of quirky party members. The NPCs? Might as well be the same shit as IWD.
But maybe I'm being unfair? BG2 is a big fat gigantic content pinatra you can keep hitting for I don't know how long. Its flaws are hardly a problem if you are focusing more on getting the next epic level ability and making all the pieces fall into place so you can faceroll encounters.
no it doesn't?
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Ekundayo always has your back in kingmaker and all he asks is that you let him hunt trolls in peace and if you really want to you can help the tavern owner lady soften him up and heal from his grief.
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Every answer in this thread will be bad because only idiots spoonfeed.
Looks like nigger to me
rollplay game not a roleplay game
easy to make that mistake at first, but he's just a black guy.
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Bethesda games.
what role is your character playing
Gothic 2, Deus Ex, VTM:B, PS:T, Disco Elysium, Drova. they're best because they either sell the progression and exploration well or they have the best stories, the ONLY merits that can truly elevate an rpg.

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