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When people say "single player mmo" what do they mean by this? asking 'cause I kinda wanna play one
it means "it's shit"
sacred 1 is the most "single player mmo" game I've ever played, the world is huge and actually mmorpg-sized, and filled with simple fetch quests
Big open world, repeatable quests, randomized loot, either many races and classes to choose from or classless with many skills to choose from, dungeons may or may not be procedurally generated - great (if somewhat dated) example would be Daggerfall.
It's an oxymoron.
It means more or less exactly what it is says. A game play style that's organized in the way of an MMO, questing leveling, open world etc but without the massive multiplayer element. Stuff like kingdoms of amaular.
World of warcraft is literally the reason "single player mmo" was invented
If you have never played world of warcraft and you want to play a single player mmo, literally and figuratively go play world of warcraft, which is the biggest one.
You can literally do dungeons by yourself with a bunch of full party NPCs, tank+healer+dps
You can literally get mid-end tier gear by doing delves which are just 1 person mini dungeons with just 1 npc companion that's bad at all roles so you kinda do everything by yourself
The only thing you can't do by yourself, it's the latest raids. You can do old raids by yourself.
I don't know why the FUCK do people still call Wow a mmo
Something like RuneScape or wow where u have to spend hours to gear up and quest to complete your account independently. And then you can group for the hardest content. But otherwise u can do everything on ur own schedule. It's more a call back to how mmos used to be designed than anything.
For me at this point I'd play a wow private server with bots. U can set one up and have bots quest party and raid with u it's pretty nuts. Should be more info on that in the wow ps general. Otherwise any modern MMO is like that now l, but I'd probably recommend wow classic or wow plus
like Shroud of the Avatar. it has a single player campaign where other players can exist in the world, but its so shit that you'll never meet anyone human
I remember looking this up. A lot of people said Kingdom of Amalur. Haven't tried it yet.
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The massive part is what makes MMOs fun. When SoD started and the world pvp was popping off they would regularly have hundreds of players in the same zone and layer to the point where the server hit the hard limit and started kicking players.

better quality: https://files.catbox.moe/1wbknl.mp4
>When people say "single player mmo" what do they mean by this?
Soulless quest design.
Isn't that the game that almost made Rhode Island state go bankrupt?
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>the world is huge
>actually mmorpg-sized
you can go anywhere right at the start
I don't think that makes sense for an MMORPG
I guess I must be in the minority because when I think of "single player MMOs" my mind goes straight to the terrible combat inherent to the MMO genre. Nothing about the MMO is exclusive to it alone aside from the god-awful combat.
Yeah that's it. NTA, the combat is really fun IMO, but the story and characters are utterly forgettable, can recall maybe two characters (not their names, just who they are) and jack shit of the plot. Quests are nothing to write home about either, but I found the combat and exploration more than enough to make up for it.

It's genuinely a single player MMO because it was used to test the waters before the company moved on to making an actual MMO in the same world. Or rather, that's what they wanted to do before the whole bankrupting thing.
It means there is no reason to party up except when it's mandatory, and even then you can probably do the content unsynced.
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>what do they mean by this?
I guess back then people cared more about the world and less about the players

I don't think text is as powerful as Bartle thinks because the conventional rules of language can be broken when words get sucked up into nonverbal communication

or in other words language can be deceiving if you are not paying attention

language in general is about dissociation while what the guy in red is doing is called association (nonverbal communication)
the guy overcompensates from being pked as a noob since he couldn't read the underlying cues of their real intentions
I think they both overcompensate in their own way but whatever

the cue is that these pkers talk too much and avoid nonverbal communication that would betray their intentions
they are not capable of hiding their true intentions though because they display compensatory behaviour
in their cases I would assume being bad at pking and having to deceive a noob through language to get a PK
they are not good at language use since they aren't socializers which would be another sign of betrayal

it is probably possible to shift the dynamics of language into association but I wonder why you would wanna do that
What does this image mean exactly?
That Japs and Chinks and Koreans are subhumans.
they mean dragon age inquisition or the game with similar quest design
You think an mmorpg should be linear? Lol
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Haven and Hearth
something like xenoblade where the zones and quests have that mmo design but its a single player game
it was semi-popular deisgn trend in the late 2000s-early 2010s but (thankfully) mostly died off because it was fucking stupid

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