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File: Expeditions_Rome.jpg (72 KB, 273x365)
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I'm interested in them, but I can't decide which one to start with (or end with, more than likely). They all look cool but give off a strong vibe of being retarded at the same time. I'm trying to pick the least retarded one. Thoughts?
Rome is the only one that is substantially different. So it's a choice of either Rome or the other ones.
Conqusitador is barely an RPG, it's Oregon Trail with turn based tactics battles and light RPG elements. It's my favourite of them because there's really nothing else like it out there but if you're after a proper RPG you'll be disappointed.

Viking is a very traditional CRPG that retains the camping/resource management stuff in a way that feels like it's only there because the last game had it. You rarely have to think about it because you get so many resources without even trying. There's a base building mechanic where you improve your village but it only really becomes a factor if you're going for the best ending where you need to reach certain power/wealth values within a time limit.

Rome does away with the camping stuff altogether, you just use water/rations as you travel around, and I was selling rations until merchants ran out of currency every time I entered a settlement because I had so many. In it's place you have the legion management system which is a very basic minigame in which you have to conquer parts of the map to proceed. It's not particularly interesting but it doesn't take up much time so whatever.

Pick your poison, basically.
Conqusitador the other two are just generic crpgslop.
Rome has one of the most "we ran out of money" third acts I've seen in a long time. There's like 3 missions in Gaul and then it's over.
conquistador is pretty good, viking is boring, rome is pozzed
>Conqusitador is barely an RPG
Conquistador is the only one with legit RPG mechanics, are you retarded
You barely exist as a character in it, what role are you playing? It's a (very good) turn based tactics game with light RPG elements.
>You barely exist as a character in it
that's true for almost any rpg video game
>There's like 3 missions in Gaul and then it's over.
Veni, vidi, vici
Play Rome. Going around all the various power players at the end going "c'mon bro back my coup I'm going to do a Cincinnatus, honest" and then going "lmao sike" once you take power rules.
>send Bestia to persuade Pompey Magnus to join you
>he kicks in the door, kills some random grunt who tries to stop him, demands Pompey back some random Legate in overthrowing the Republic, and leaves
>it actually fucking works
By the end of the game Bestia was winning every battle by himself by killing 30 dudes on turn 1 for me, I'd do what he said too.
Rome is a solid tactics game, Viking is a decent crpg and Conquistador is 99% boring survival and 1% crpg.
Heh, good point. I know they tuned down some of the more overt Veles cheese but they still end up insanely powerful.
I really enjoyed Bestia's character arc over the game, his interactions with Syneros in particular. His learning philosophy and applying it almost exclusively in the pursuit of answering "how can I use this to kill even MORE people" was great. And Syneros was one of the best mentor-archetype companions in years, terrific VA too.
>Heh, good point. I know they tuned down some of the more overt Veles cheese but they still end up insanely powerful.
The spear that gives Reaper on turn 1 in one hand and Tut's dagger with it's absurd base damage/no crits in the other and Sneak Attack for double damage on turn 1/2 is still absurdly busted for chewing through whole teams. Stick Marathon for knocking out distant archers, the passive that prevents traps/attacks of opportunity and the one that grants +2 movements on kill and they can still solo entire maps. Only shields can stop them, but once you've wiped out the 80% of units that don't have one there's not much of a fight left. You don't even need the actual Reaper skill which is burried at the bottom of the unarmed skill tree.
Good information, I've decided to go with Conquistador, I may or may not also buy the others while they're on sale.
vikings has the sweet spot of being less jank than conquistador but not complete ass like rome
It's been awhile so bear with me but I made a gladiator that eventually caused bleeding, poison and caused the tiles to burst into fire on riposte. He just did active taunt and then riposte parry and when the enemy tried to opportunity attack he'd parry and expand the fire. Turn 3-4 the entire map was ablaze. Not the most optimal way to clear it but oh so fun.
the games get less free but more focused the further you go in the series
viking > conquistor > rome
If they had finished the story in Egypt it would have been fine. The second timeskip added nothing and just made all the characters look like idiots when the known villain surprises them with his villainy again.
fundamentally the de-rpgification in rome makes it utterly uncompelling, the botched ending isn't close to its biggest issue
>The second timeskip added nothing and just made all the characters look like idiots when the known villain surprises them with his villainy again.
The entire story of Rome is nonsense. The set up of "you take Julis Caesar's place in history" isn't followed up on because you become a Legate and then just stay a Legate. You get Caesar's early plaudids for the Mithandratic War but then don't actually do anything with them. You're not in politics, you're not forging alliances, you're just a soldier looking for revenge on the guy who fucked your family over and then suddenly you're Emperor at the end? Bizarre game.
>You barely exist as a character in it
Fallout really gave people brainrot huh
They are all good, play them all. Conquistador is the most unique one, Vikings is pretty atmospheric, and Rome is the most polished while also having the biggest milkers in the game.

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