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>no Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D thread
What the fuck? Isn't this what this board was made for?
Anyway, how is it so far
It's woke so I didn't play it.
im at the Mall right now and wanted to buy it but no one has the switch version yet so maybe it out yet for us europoors but whens its out il get it as fast as possible
DQ3 was my favourite game to emulate on the snes
nah, i have taste
The sticky is literally a Dragon Quest Slime bro I don't think Enix are any better than the brands you mentioned
>enix isn't better than enix
I love that sticky
I love seeing his smiling face when I log in
Gets me in the mood to bully people on here
you must be really bad at bullying
That's a good point, we should change that.
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Tried it out on my hacked Switch for free. Here are my first impressions:
>Movement feels weird, but it's hard for me to explain it
Could just be the Switch version.
>Can change hair color but not skin color or costume/clothing color
>Despite the modern hardware, there are still area transitions/loading screens/whatever you want to call. They could have at least had seamless transitions for buildings in towns
Seems like an okay remake that is definitely overpriced. Should have been between 20-30 dollars. If it was a full, 3D remake, where you could customize the individual appearance of all your party members, then maybe they could have justified the price.
The first DQ game I ever played was 9, and I enjoyed it. I like rpgs where you can create your entire party like in Icewind Dale and some dungeon crawlers. So, I'll see how much more I'll play of this.
Thank you for a legitimate response to this thread that isn't just "hurr durr dei woke." I find it odd that they don't have diagonal movement sprites despite the Zenithian trilogy remakes on the DS 15 years ago having them, could that lack of sprites contribute to the movement feeling weird in any way? I know it's a tenuous link but just a thought.
>Can change hair color but not skin color or costume/clothing color
>>Despite the modern hardware, there are still area transitions/loading screens/whatever you want to call.
Is this just when going from town --> overworld or between cutscenes, or is it literally when entering random buildings too? If it's the latter, what a bummer.
I still bought the game since it's the only thing I've really looked forward to this year but it's a shame to hear that it's about on par with the SNES version in terms of content but with some unfortunate stylistic choices. The HD-2D looks great in some screenshots and really janky in others, for instance, and the whole character customisation thing you mentioned really sucks.
I guess at this point DQ9 is just a far superior version of DQ3 so I could've just stuck to grinding grottos, but it's a shame this game is basically going to get unwarranted hate from keyboard warriors for seemingly trivial reasons.
>I guess at this point DQ9 is just a far superior version of DQ3
not with THAT slow-ass fucking battle system. dq to me is all about snappy combat and exploration, and watching characters and enemies sloooooowly walk around and approach each other to do their attack animations in dq9 turned me off so badly. that combined with the mix of 2d sprites and 3d models made it feel so cheaply made. i still played the shit out of it and enjoyed it but saying it's better than dq3 is insane to me
Wait, this shit is 60 bucks!? Holy shit, Japs are fucking retarded.
gaslight harder, faggot
Playing it for the first time. I only started playing Dragon Quest with 8 and then on.
Is the "recall" feature new to this game? I turned off the offensively glaring objective marker, and am using the recall feature fairly often. I think that's a great feature.
Beyond that, I don't have much to add. I liked making my harem.
Nah don't tell me you saw gigaslash's animation and didn't think that shit was the coolest thing ever, I respect your opinion though
Seethe more
GBC version is the best
Haven't finished creating my party yet but I have
Lone Wolf Hero
Clown Mage
Gourmand Warrior (Used 3 Str seeds, 1 Stamina and 1 Defense.)
Did they put the Troll's lips back? If not, no buy. Don't care about the stupid bitch. They should never alter the monster designs.
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>Thank you for a legitimate response
No problem. I'm an /agdg/fag, so I've been trying to play a lot more rpgs than I usually do to help with learning design.
>could the lack of sprites contribute to the movement feeling weird
I don't think it did. After playing some more with a 8Bitdo controller instead of the joycons, which is way better, I want to say it feels like the character is being pulled in a direction.
>Is this just when going from town --> overworld or between cutscenes, or is it literally when entering random buildings too?
There's fade to blacks and loading screens when entering buildings in towns, changing floors, leaving and entering towns. This is why I think Square Enix is such a bizarre company. Dragon Quest is one of the biggest media franchises in Japan, and it's like this was handed off to a B team. Romancing Saga 2's remake had more effort put into it. RS2 is a better purchase option in my opinion, but DQ will always be more accessible since you don't get punished for grinding. I'm really interested to see the sales figures in the coming months for both titles.
Maybe one day we'll get another game like 3 and 9, but with the added races of 10.
>Tfw can't make big tid ogre warrior
I also got Lone Wolf, but my party is currently a priest, gadabout, and martial artist.
Bro just download it online. Switch version has been out for a while now.
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>pre-ordered it monday night
>it came today
its a gift anyway. so have not played it yet
>you will own nothing
Nice try, globohomo.
>downloading games online (for free) is globohomo
I'm really interested in playing it but gonna wait for updates/sale like I usually do these days.
WHats the DQ that has the most complex combat? Dont suggest the 11, I really dont like it.
Just want to mention that the savefile of the pirated copy is compatible with the legit version.
based and agreed
Yeah I'm confused by this. Not sure how pirating a game is globohomo.
He probably saw "online" and assumed Nintendo eShop or something.
but i want the physical copy
I will look for it tommorow on the weekend if i cant find it then im just gonna wait for a while
I mean I guess, but that just shows how retarded he is.
So, which one of you's Transmasc in this couple?
You don't have to be a retard to be virtually illiterate, unfortunately.
There is a pirated copy? I thought this had denuvo
>try out the gbc version
>small segment where you are a demon??
>accidentally torch every villager. The women and children too

I feel bad now
Just who are you trying to fool?
the combat camera is terrible, why don't I see my own sprites. it'S a fucking remake and it's shit
It's a shame they censored this. I would've loved playing it.
What's the best dragon quest to start with if I only have a a hacked 3ds and a switch?
Sure, I don't think you have bought a DQ before though, call it a hunch
Definitely DQ5 if you can get Twilight Menu on your 3DS, otherwise download the .cia for DQ8 and enjoy. For Switch you can't go wrong with XI S. But to get into your options...
>hacked 3DS
Ultimate DQ machine, with the exception of X (though you used to be able to play a version of it in Japanese, don't think it was offline) you can play every single title in the series, if you can read Japanese then your options are even more expansive. If you're playing in English, you can play the NES, SFC (English translated) and GB/GBC versions of DQ1-3, for 4-6 you can play the SFC versions or the DS remakes through Twilight Menu, 7 got a 3DS remake which fixed a lot of issues people had with the PSX version, 8 got a pretty great remake on 3DS too, 9 can be played through Twilight Menu and then you have a whole list of spin-offs you can play as well.
If you can read Japanese, that opens up the 3DS versions of 1-3 and Dragon Quest 11, which - up until the release of XI S - was probably the best version of the game content-wise, plus it's a really nice looking 3DS game and the art styles they used for the old DQ worlds actually changes for each game which was a very cool detail.
Switch has the mobile remakes of 1-3 which look a bit janky but are serviceable enough, as well as the 3 HD-2D remake. Unfortunately the only other main series games are X Offline (in Japanese but has an English patch now I believe) and XI S, the latter of which is probably a highlight of the series. If your Switch is hacked, it's a very competent emulator machine so it basically opens up the same options as a 3DS but with the PSX version of 7 instead, not sure if Switch can emulate PS2
I did play multiple spinoffs and dq 11.
My switch isn't hacked. I'll try 5 and 7, thanks
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Denuvo doesn't matter when you release on Switch at the same time lol.
Stick your woke bullshit up your samefagging asshole.
is the story good on Dq3 ? compared to metaphor and romancing saga 2 ?
How important is the new remake Monster Wrangler class to actually catching monsters?

Can you do without it?
Catching monsters allows you to both use them in the arena and unlock new skills for the monster wrangler. The more monsters you collect, the more skills will be unlocked as a monster wrangler on top of the skills that it learns naturally via leveling. It gets a weaker version of multiheal around level 6 and has made the early game absolutely trivial for me. Also, since it's an ability and not a spell, it can be used while trying to smuggle out the golden claws in the pyramid.
Oh, and you I think you need to use a thief if you want to catch the monsters without one but I'm not 100% sure since I saw no reason to recruit one.
How much affect on the monster catching part does the wrangler have though, are they required?
I don't believe they are required but you will need to use the light foot ability as a thief (at least according to some of the villagers). As a monster wrangler, all of them have happily joined me so far.
Got a stupid question, these games let you multi-class in a sense, what happens to the characters visually?
Do they keep their original appearance on the switch or do they transform into looking like the other class character as if you'd just swapped to a different character entirely.

That sizzles the piss out of my autsim, can't stand the characters no longer being themselves.
In the original game and subsequent previous remakes, you totally change sprites. I'm getting close to making my first sage so I'll know soon if it's the same in this remake. I'm guessing that it's another total sprite change. You could probably google it.

Nobody has ever liked this art-style. It looks like complete fucking shit. Stop fucking doing it. Octopath traveler would've been a generational hit if it didn't have it and was either full 3D or full sprites.
Octopath got attention because of the artstyle.
Octopath got attention because it was an actual turnbased game instead of a cinematic action RPG.
>Nobody has ever liked this art-style
there's lots of people in the world with no taste, bro.
It got attention for the throwback artstyle. "It looks just like classic rpgs, except prettier and modern!" is what went around.
We get turn based RPGs constantly, including back then. Thinking THAT is what got people's attention is fucking stupid.
>game drops to single digit fps after 20+ mins everytime until i restart it in sudachi
any better emulator for this? i can deal with some sound issues but this one is just too annoying
Any advice on Baramos? I know he's the final boss and all but he seems a bit too overtuned. I'm on regular difficulty.
>Monster Wrangler
>We get turn based RPGs constantly
From Square Enix? No.
His full party attacks can be devastating if you don't have multiple healers. I always have two multiclassed priests into fighters by that point and a sage for big crits and buffs/heals. That's overkill, though. The monster wrangler does get a full party heal but it's probably pretty weak by that point. I've only just got to alltrades though so I have no idea if it scales higher as I collect more monsters. I'm eventually going to turn my monster wrangler into a sage
I would have went Hero+Mage+Priest+Wrangler with the Mage and Priest reclassed into Sages (you get two of the class-change item in the game right?)
Before now would have had a Warrior instead of a wrangler but might as well try the new original class out.

What does a Wrangler synergize with when going hybrid? Do they still get access to all Monster skills after switching, even ones you unlock after that point?
>What does a Wrangler synergize with when going hybrid? Do they still get access to all Monster skills after switching, even ones you unlock after that point?

I don't know. That's why I haven't made the switch just yet. I feel like its abilities would compliment either a fighter or warrior the most but I'm going to need a sage eventually for revive and buffs for my priest/fighters if I want to do all of the post game stuff easily.
So is it better than the GBC version or what?
How come no one's been talking about this game on /v/? Feels like it should be a big deal. I swear people were more excited for Brothership than this.
definitely better than gbc
Seems like the character stays the same, just changes their class outfit & hairstyle.
>From Square Enix? No.
Your retarded goalpost moving narrow argument that Octopath blew up because "it's a turn based RPG from Square Enix" doesn't hold any water. This is the dumbest hill to die on.

Within the span of 3 years before Octopath 1 released SE released
>Lost Sphear
>Dragon Quest XI
>SaGa: Scarlet Grace
>Mobius Final Fantasy
>World of Final Fantasy
>Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
>I Am Setsuna
>Bravely Second: End Layer

It's the retro artstyle with some modern updates that was the thing everyone was talking about. Were you born yesterday?
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>Lost Sphear
I am 99% sure I am the only person who actually beat this game. Absolute retardation but I loved the world map.
>World of Final Fantasy
Fun game.
>Bravely Second: End Layer
Extremely good game fuck Bravely Default 2.
>Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
Not turn based.
>either no-budget shit nobody ever cared about or no-budget shit that tried aping older successful games and failed
>going as low as bringing up fucking mobius "final fantasy" of all things
>and DQXI I guess
bit disingenuous there innit?
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You get the equivalent appearance of the class you chose. For example, if you have a male warrior using the appearance of the 3rd column and changed to a thief, the resulting thief would also be using the appearance of the 3rd column.
Each column on the male side has a unique face that carries between the classes. On the female side, every single one has the same face, but they have different eye colors instead. They're not as consistent as the male faces however, since columns 1 and 3 constantly swap between blue and red eyes, and the all the merchants have black eyes. Also worth noting that female column 2s are all shorter than the others.
>implies octopath isn't no budget shit
>backpedals hard on the retarded point made that octopath being turn based is the thing that defined it and people talked about
the brain rot on this board is real
I have never played DQ3 before but I grabbed this and am enjoying it. I do hate the censorship stuff.
Yeah even though it doesn't affect the game I still dislike it on principle, I wasn't exactly going to jack it to the Toriyama artwork or the sprite but it still leaves a sour taste especially given it's post his death so he likely didn't have any input on this. Or maybe he did, in which case I'd be okay with it, but that's highly unlikely.
Type/Looks A/B shit stuff is weird but it's been done before and while brow-raising it's just odd more than anything else
Shame, without these things the game probably wouldn't have made more waves but discourse would have been much more civil and /pol/tards wouldn't be flooding it to cry woke and DEI
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>doesn't affect the game
>Type/Looks A/B shit stuff is weird but it's been done before and while brow-raising it's just odd more than anything else
Denying the existence of sex is like denying the existence of light or gravity. It is the mark of a sick culture and it should not be unquestioningly added to media that children will play.
I just like that the devs are actively fighting against it and there's evidence of it in the game.
Gravity is a sham. I can float anytime I want, I just don't feel like it
>appropriating left-wing memes to spread right wing messaging
Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.
I play a lot of RPGs and I've only heard of 3 of these games.

I barely play RPGs and the only game listed I haven't heard of is Lost Sphear
You just like looking at low grade shit you'll never play then?
Bravely Second is alright, not great.
All those other games are indeed low grade anime games.
I think I'll stick to my high grade anime games, like Fate/Extra and Persona 4.
I've played Bravely Default 2, never heard of bravely second. I mostly game on PC though so that might be why.
is the soundtrack the existing Symphonic Suite or is it rerecorded?
Rerecorded, according to Square.
It was also on the 3DS. It takes place after Bravely Default but Ringabel fucked off back to his old universe so theo story is infinitely more forgettable. I actually went to play it once because I didn't remember playing it but then when I opened it I had like 53 hours in. Not good. Only other game I've played that was that forgettable was Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon.
Explains why I didn't play it. Who wants to play a shitty handheld.
It's the best handheld ever tied with the PSP dude
Probably going to use a Priest and a Mage. What would be a goof final member? leaning towards Martial Arts or Thief.
>decide to pick Martial Artist for my initial party because I figure low equipment cost will be good in early game when I have no money and I can switch to Monster Wrangler or something later
>everything says literally the exact opposite and MA is more an endgame class
Well fuck me. I just got to Portoga so I'm too far in to start over.
Some of them will run away if they see you so you either need a MW or a Thief using Padfoot I think.
>Movement feels weird, but it's hard for me to explain it
Movement is also fucked on my end and feels like it doesn't listen to my inputs sometimes, but I'm emulating and I assumed it was a problem with my emulator
It's still a handheld lol. Tiny screens with shitty graphics and bad gameplay.
This is my first dragon quest game and it's not really sucking me in desu
Not a big fan of the first person combat, does this series not have battle animations?
Is there a difference between the weapon fighter and the fist fighter classes for endgame second class, is one better for that purpose?
Listen here you little shit.
if you're trying to convince me that nobody likes this art style or has ever liked it then you're also going to have to convince me that there's no such thing as graphics fags or that nobody likes realism in graphics and I know that part isn't true.
You being ignorant and a retard is your problem.

The main reason Octopath Traveler got a lot of buzz and praise was because of the throwback but modernized artstyle, as well as the 8 character story to a lesser extent.
To even suggest that it was because "it's a turn based game from square enix" is the main reason is full blown retardation.
Even if you weren't around when Octopath was shown and released, that turn based shit was disproven. Same as with that mongoloid "no budget" argument, as if Octopath's budget wasn't a bag of peanuts.
Not everyone takes pride in being ignorant and a casual like you.
>This is my first dragon quest game and it's not really sucking me in desu
>Not a big fan of the first person combat, does this series not have battle animations?
This game basically has no story, naturally it has no actual characters in your party either.
The DQ series didn't even show your characters in combat at all prior to Dragon Quest 8.

This game isn't really the best point of entry. 8 or 11 are the best currently released ones.
Once DQ 4 an 5 gets this remake treatment that might change.
hate to say it but this game is boring as shit
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No one with a brain cares about that shit. Characters aren't visible during combat apart from a brief static shot and when walking around you can't make out or even care about any details.
People cared enough for it to change. So ergo everyone is a retard.
>People cared enough for it to change
There will always be retards that mod the dumbest shit. Always thin skinned retards getting triggered by the most irrelevant shit. That means nothing.
Before they were laughed at while rambling on the streets, now those idiots just share their stupidity online instead of being relegated to a dirty street corner where they belong.
I think anon meant that the fact that they censored the sprite in the first place shows that people are retarded all around.
The sprites weren't consored, they're new. The designs were tweaked and new sprites made based off that and to be fair the warrior design not even showing a thong or something and just a loincloth is pretty dumb.
Call me blind but I legit have no idea what I’m supposed to be seeing in the 2nd and 3rd characters. Is it that the skin tone is slightly darker? I stared at this imagine for about 5 minutes and that’s the only thing I could come up with.
>Classic Experience Restoration
>includes a full overhaul of the game's localization
From the guy that threw DQX into DeepL and called it a day.
>character designs... ...of the 1989 classic
He writes as he bases it on Nakatsuru's 1996 redesigns.
Dragon Quest III already has a full delocalized translation.
No DeepL or anything. Though the new content is probably going to use it.
>probably going to use it
So it's fucking worthless then, huh.
Go play his dogshit DQX "translation" mod and try talking to any NPC, no proofreading was ever done when it comes to MTL shit and it will consistently descend into gibberish.
People should really just learn Japanese. DQ is made for all ages so the newer releases always have furigana now. You need to study a year to be fine. Actual studying.
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Do I need to wear sunglasses and use sunscreen to play this game? Shit's brighter than the tropical sun
Skill issue
It's way more faithful to the original than I thought it was going to be. I guess this game really owned the chuds.
the faithfulness is kinda the issue. You'd think in a remake they'd add things like more in depth/customizable character creation, fully animated battles, and rebalanced encounter rates, but they don't.
This one was clearly meant to be a true near 1:1 remake. When we eventually get another one I believe that is when we'll get expanded content.
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is it good? I heard a lot about dragon quest but never played it. I'm thinking about getting it, but the price tag is very steep for such an old game
we are in the age of half decent ai translation and people still use deepL or without proper proof reading?
Play the gameboy color version instead
I genuinely cannot tell these sprites apart aside from having slightly darker skin
>but the price tag is very steep for such an old game
The game being old shouldn't have any weight on how valuable it is. It's worth it.
Never forget what they took from you

2dhd ruins it entirely.
If you see an rpg in 2dhd you need to understand that they decided to half ass everything from the very beginning of development. Never expect good things if you see 2dhd.
It is the canary in the coalmine of the genre.
『Dragon Quest III Remake
Thorny Road(Hard Mode)
Life Bound DAY.3 Steam(PC)Version
※Spoiler Warning.
VS Boss Troll, Revenant.』

■Church, weapon and item store prohibited
Dead companions resurrection ban -> leave

That's an interesting mod to make. Resurrection costs are stupid high so you can't do it through spells or church.
the Star Ocean 2 remake is pretty damn good
2dhd is a nonstarter for most people.
This, if you're going to play such a Japanese institution you may as well play it in the intended language
it isn't worth the money.
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>yeah bro just spend 10+ years doing nothing but learning moonrunes before you can play games it's so easy man
>who cares if they're burning books, I don' read
>and to be fair the warrior design not even showing a thong or something and just a loincloth is pretty dumb.
Because loincloths are known for having been worn with thongs, boxers, or spats.
martial artist is so op I always pick it in every dragon quest and final fantasy. Youll be fine.
delivery was delayed due to faggy snow.
now i got to wait to play a game ive played on 6 systems and already on switch once....so lame
correction 7.....fucking im sucker

they have ripped at least 300 bones off me for one story line.
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Imagine needing to wait for a physical copy.
bro where did you get this specific version of ryujinx? Mine is buggy, the audio stutters
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I have an issue with my game on yuzu and sudachi and I've tried all day to fix it but I can't seem to get it right. I do have a switch but I refuse to play on such a shitty device. Do you guys have any idea of what the problem is and how I can fix that?
>I do have a switch but I refuse to play on such a shitty device
There's your problem. To fix it you need to stop being such a fucking retard. It's a goddamn pixelated turn-based game, this is what Switch was made for.
i don't need you to insult me nor judge me. I'm literally crying right now.
>It's a goddamn pixelated turn-based game, this is what Switch was made for.
All the good games like that are on vita, I can't think of a single good switch rpg.
Older versions gave the fist fighter a crit chance boost, tied to their level.
Skill issue.
Just google ryujinx 1.1.1403. Literally the first link.

this one has audio stuttering. It's very annoying and near unplayable.
Maybe it's your machine? Haven't noticed any audio shuttering on my end.
Have you tried not playing on a toaster?
i've got a 3070 ti, I think it's more thann enough lol. Can you guys share your ryujinx settings? a screenshot will do.
Emulators are CPU dependent. Your GPU will almost never be the bottleneck.
i got a ryzen 5 5600x
No clue then, using the default settings with vulkan.
ok thx brother
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Yes let's compare to some historical nazi book burning or some shit to slight irrelevant changes to pixels people on this board can't even pick out and are only triggered by because they're mentally immature.
No really, walk around town for a day and see how many people can pick out any difference here. Then also count how many of them are upset about said difference in pixels.

A warrior going into battle with a loincloth would be retarded. You'd have a slightly better case if it was some sort of tarzan woman that grew up in the wilds with animals or some shit. But it makes no sense for the female warrior to be the only one to wear nothing underneath a loincloth.
But to then also get triggered by this is even more embarrassing. Like how old are you? 12? What kind of retard even has the energy to get upset about stuff like this.
>It's a goddamn pixelated turn-based game, this is what Switch was made for.
You'd think so, but the amount of games you think would run well on the switch both has shit framerate and frame drops. We're talking tons of 2D games.
>let's compare to some historical nazi book burning
Boo hoo they burned the tranny books
get over it
Same shit will happen within 5 years in the rest of the West.
You keep going on about book burnings as if anyone but you gives a shit about it. But trying to compare historical book burnings to juvenile thin skinned pixel peeping is hilariously pathetic. But keep wasting your energy on something any sane person thinks is mentally ill behaviour.
>irrelevant changes to pixels
So why did they make the changes? This is the entire problem I have with shit like this.
It's not about me jacking off to the game. I'm not 12 and it's not 199x anymore where I don't have unfettered internet access. If I want to jack off, I'm doing it. My problem is with a company deciding what came before is icky and that it needs to be changed with the most half-assed efforts imaginable.
>more SE trash
It wasn't an issue to me. It was exactly what I wanted and didn't expect in the slightest. I was expecting a casualized ARPG wokefest like you fags kept spamming.
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This is Dragon Quest. It's about as holy as the Meiji shrine. You don't change tradition. They didn't make it for the white piggus market.
if you dont own a cart you dont own shit. downloading is for fags
>anon cant run an emulator
Its good but if youve never played a dq, 11 is porbably a better starting point. Cheaper and more impressive, then come back to this one later if you liked it
I know this place is triggered by censorship or 2DHD or both, but this game is super gorgeous and comfy. The environments of every town are great; the original DQ3 map was based on a distorted version of the real world, with town placements mirroring real locations/capitals, so the HD remake took the concept all the way and designed each location to look like it's real world inspiration.

After you've been playing for a while, the amount of distance you've covered and the myriad of culture and architecture you've seen really lends to the feeling that you're on a world-spanning journey.
>After you've been playing for a while, the amount of distance you've covered and the myriad of culture and architecture you've seen really lends to the feeling that you're on a world-spanning journey.
my thoughts exactly. The fact that it's just your four nobodies you made up and there's no real overarching plot beyond the vague objective of "kill archfiend baramos" really puts a lot of weight on simply covering ground and seeing what there is to see, which makes it feel like much more of an adventure than most modern JRPGs.

I think DQ3HD does a great job of portraying to a modern retard what a game like DQ3 originally felt like to someone playing it for the first time on an NES. It's a very unique experience in the context of what JRPGs have become.
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>So why did they make the changes?
The sprites weren't changed. The base designs were.

>My problem is with a company deciding what came before is icky and that it needs to be changed with the most half-assed efforts imaginable.
Any sane mature person don't give a shit. I'd have more of a reason to get annoyed by what they did to the Captain Morgan logo over irrelevant shit like this and I don't care about that at all.
Especially when in the game you don't notice this shit.
Just got the boat and I'm about to start exploring. Really enjoying the game so far! A question I had is who should I turn into my first Sage? I assume that I'll get a second scroll later but my current party right now is:

Monster Wrangler

All of them are around level 25. I realize that sage gets both priest/mage spells so I was thinking making my mage one first since their defense is really low. If I get the chance later I'll probably do my priest as well. My monster wrangler I was going to turn into a martial artist or a warrior after I get most of the abilities.
I'm stuck with descision paralysis. I plan on getting every ability with my team eventually. Abilities or skills still transfer to others, not just spells right? And any idea if Monster Wrangler special anilities (rescue x creatures, etc) transfer, or are something like I miss out on them entirely if I don't use a wrangler until end game?
Since the Hero can't multi-class are they technically weaker than the party members in overall potential?

Not like its took weak to win the game and potential only matters as much as one is willing to grind up to it, but they'll have a more limited suite of total abilities etc.
>We're talking tons of 2D games.
I know 3D games can't even hold stable 30fps most of the time, even Switch exclusive ones, but with 2D ones I just know you're full of shit.
Whats better to turn into a sage?
>It's a goddamn pixelated turn-based game, this is what Switch was made for.
Only the characters and enemies are pixels/sprites. The environments are fully 3D, and the switch can't even handle them. I've noticed chugging and framedrops in every single town and dungeon.
Jester is the class that naturally evolves into Sage when they hit a certain level, meaning you don't need to spend the limited item
But is that ability saved? Like when a character has reached that level can they bank the class switch to Sage for the future while still leveling up another class in-between?
>The sprites weren't changed. The base designs were
Okay, I was quoting you, so what the fuck were of talking about in the first place? That doesn’t change my point at all. Answer my question. Why did they make the changes?
Your Captain Morgan remark is also nonsense. Why would you have more reason to be annoyed by it? Why even bring it up if you’re not annoyed by it?

What the fuck is your point?
Jesus, what a retard.
>Why did they make the changes?
NTA but the times have changed and some designs had to be updated accordingly. You could talk about censorship if the designs remained the same in Japan, but had to be covered up just for the Western release, for example.
Something I personally like is that they kept the overworld layouts of the original DQ3 but scaled it to be much larger relative to the player, so even though it's exactly the same layouts as before it now feels much more gigantic which really lends to the feeling of being on an adventure that spans the entire globe.
I think the 2021 version of this game looked a lot more faithful and maybe even a bit more "illustrated" than the PSX look of this remake, but fuck I'm really enjoying this game and I'm not surprised it's doing so well in Japan (the history of DQ3 there notwithstanding).
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>Answer my question. Why did they make the changes?
They changed it specifically to make you seethe. That was the sole purpose. Hope this helps. Source: my uncle works at Square Enix.
Why are you defending soulless corporate agenda pushing for censorship and "correctness" as if your life depended on it?
Because I get paid to do it, and when well informed people like you expose uncomfortable truths it gets in the way of my job.
maybe you should re-evaluate yourself since you seem to think people are defending a company and not just calling you retarded.

if you shit yourself in a church and people say to get the fuck out because you stink, you would screech about people defending the church
Understandable, I appreciate your honesty.
Maybe YOU should reevaluate your priorities.
>Maybe YOU should reevaluate your priorities.
make a good case why people should be triggered and upset by this and then make a case for what people should do about it
go on, prove you're not just a joke
>10 years
Sure, if you are lead paint chips and asbestos cereal as a child. If it takes you ten years to learn a language you should be wearing a safety helmet at all times and supervised by a responsible adult, not shit posting on 4chan.
I turned my monster wrangler into one when it hit level 35 and I haven't been disappointed with my decision. Monster pile-on still does around 300 damage when hitting a single target. I just beat baramos with a monster hunter/sage and 2 priest/fighters. He was a cake walk.
Assuming you're a responsible working adult with other hobbies and at least some semblance of a social life to boot, that's about right for learning a Category V* language to actual fluency (i.e. >98% comprehension). But of course a poser EOP like you wouldn't know that.
Seriously, fuck you guys. I got this game because of this thread. I hated DQ11 because its childish and dumbed down as hell, but I figured maybe one of the retro games will be more interesting. I spent hours trying to download this shit in parts, applying patches to unlock fps and other things, and once I finally got it running smoothly you realise the game is trash. Literally what is this combat. Its an autobattler if you want it to be one. There is no way I'm sitting through that much "combat" because you don't even play. I thought about using a cheat engine with ryujinx to speed up the game but then I'll probably find out the game is trash for other reasons. Am I supposed to try the 8th one or something. Good God Dragon Quest sucks. All of them, the entire series is meant for toddlers. Kiseki series is how its done, there's a good epic JRPG. You gotta to have some T & A to make it worth your while
>Kiseki series is how its done, there's a good epic JRPG.
Had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Nice shitpost, mate, I approve.
Filtered retard
Not really. Hero has better than Warrior stats + extra spells
Throw all your seeds at him if you want to be sure he'll keep up.
>Throw all your seeds at him if you want to be sure he'll keep up.
That's standard practice for rpgs isn't it, using all the stat boosters on the main character since you'll always be using them.

Only rare exceptions you encounter games where you'll lose them, like Chrono (and he can be saved if you do the sidequest)
>using all the stat boosters on the main character since you'll always be using them
Not really. There are cases where it's better to minmax the other party members (if you know what you're doing), if the MC is either already overpowered as is, or so weak that stat boosters will be wasted on them and it's better to relegate them to a support role.
>they kept the overworld layouts of the original DQ3 but scaled it to be much larger relative to the player
Yeah, at first I was complaining about this because it felt like the game had just been "decompressed", and while it sort of has, it ultimately just makes it feel like more of an adventure. Stuff like the treasure spots and recruiting monsters keeps exploration interesting, and the game STILL moves at a breakneck pace compared to any new JRPGs I've played in the last 15 years.

People talk as though the old school turn-based style of JRPG is outdated, but it really isn't. It's just that people forgot how to make a game that works with that style of combat. The battles need to be quick and the exploration needs to be abundant; turn-based battles only start to become boring when they take forever and they're jammed in the middle of tedious cutscenes, dialogue and objective waypoints. Just give me a team of dudes to level up and a world map to explore and I'm good.
>turn-based battles only start to become boring when they take forever and they're jammed in the middle of tedious cutscenes, dialogue and objective waypoints.
this. It cannot be understated how frequently modrn jrpgs take agency away from the player for the most pointless things, and it just becomes agitating.

Even something as simple as putting quest markers over the heads of important NPCs removes a step of investment from the player. It turns an interaction from "I wonder what this guy is gonna say, it could be ANYTHING" to "Just hurry and give me the objective".

Sadly, I cannot figure out how to turn off the quest markers over NPCs. They only show up rarely, so it's not a huge issue, but I always hate when the game puts a giant flag over the next person I have to talk to, as if I weren't going to talk to everyone anyway. Honestly, I love how much you get to learn about Ortega just by talking to random npcs. It's a thousand times more impactful than just shoving it down our throats in a forced cutscene. Especially when you get to the village at the end of the world where he stayed for a while and treated one of the locals as his adoptive son. This is how you fucking do storytelling.
It's not a length issue with most turn based combat, but a pacing issue. Some games can still have bad pacing, but get by because they have short battles.
Meanwhile a game like Midnight Suns is so well designed and paced it plays very dynamically and fast where it almost feels like an action game, despite being turn based.
You're typically also disincentivized from dragging combat encounter out.
>Midnight Suns is so well designed and paced it plays very dynamically and fast where it almost feels like an action game
Oh, haven't seen you in a while. I almost thought you finally started taking your meds.
Why you decided to out yourself as an ignorant retard incapable of basic discussion is beyond me, but hey, you do you.
>It's not a length issue with most turn based combat, but a pacing issue.
Yes, that's what I said. The speed and frequency of the battles and how they are integrated into the main plot/objective, and how that plot moves along with the interaction of the player are all a part of the game's pacing. Which is why I used the word "pace". I never said "length" and I don't know why you brought it up, or what you're on about with midnight suns or whatever.

Clearly that other anon is right and you do need meds.
>Throw all your seeds at him if you want to be sure he'll keep up.
>That's standard practice for rpgs isn't it,
I always feel like doing this is a waste, since the main character ends up being the strongest in like 90% of JRPGs anyway. My "standard practice" is to use a few here and there when it seems like someone would really benefit from them, but otherwise I save them until the latter half of the game when I know what my final party is most likely gonna be and what their strengths and weaknesses are.
>I save them until the latter half of the game when I know what my final party is most likely gonna be and what their strengths and weaknesses are
...and then only remember about the stat boosters after I beat the final boss
In older versions, I made sure I had a party heal on everyone. Hero gets one naturally, so does Sage. There's a reusable item that does it (Philosopher's Stone normally) and I stick that on a Martial Artist. So the final party member is usually another Sage, someone who class changed into a Priest, or someone who class changed out of Priest.
Normally I'd go Mage->Priest, Priest->Warrior or Priest->Thief. But I haven't played the new release so that might change.

Since there's no story stuff related to party members, it's not a big deal to pick up a new one and quickly grind them up to usable levels.
So is the conventional wisdom in DQ3 that you're better of re-classing to something opposite than something similar? As opposed to multiclassing in FF5 where you're better off looking for synergy between abilities, DQ seems to be more about spreading utility around.
>watching characters and enemies sloooooowly walk around and approach each other to do their attack animations in dq9 turned me off so badly.
Wasn't there an option to just switch to the "classic" first-person battle view to speed things up? Or am I thinking of 11?
Again, not sure if it's the same, but...
When you re-class, the game halves your stats but you keep your spells. Spells also don't scale with stats. So the downside of going from a caster to a martial is a reduced MP total, which can be mitigated if the new class also has MP (like Thief), or if you're smart with item/equipment use (like Philosopher's Stone or Orochi Sword).

DQ3 has rubberbanding stat growth that keeps you within certain ranges when you level up, so it's typical for a newly class changed character to get terrible levels for a bit until they start to catch up. To make a really strong character, stat-wise, you'd normally start them in one class that has good growth in one direction, then shift them over to another that has weaknesses in growth of the previous class. Thus, going from caster into martial means no more MP growth, but you have a character less reliant on MP to deal damage.

Spells, and abilities (I assume) will carry over, but class specific features won't. So the Thief's extra item drops or the Martial Artist's increased crit chance make them generally more viable for changing into compared to the Warrior, whose main attraction is their equipment pool. You'd only change into the Warrior if your previous class has great spells that you're carrying over, but also you only need to use them sparingly. To put it another way, when you change into a new class consider what you get, what you keep and what you lose. Then think about what your party needs. Priests are great for most of the game, but they lack late game weapon options, so turning your high level Priest into a Warrior and then grinding them up gives you a slightly stronger Priest with less MP for healing.

Equipment can also cover up weaknesses in your party. There's a lot of weapons that give infinite use utility spells.

It's a really simple system on its face, but if you dig a little, the character building has a lot of options.
Ah, okay. That explains it better, thanks. I wasn't sure exactly what re-classing entailed besides keeping spells/abilities and starting over at level 1.

I've got a monster wrangler, a priest, and a thief, and my original plan was to "graduate" the priest into a sage and the other two into a martial artist or warrior, but now I feel like I might be better off making my priest into a melee character and either the thief or monster wrangler into a sage.
Not sure about Monster Wrangler, but Thief->Sage was popular in previous iterations.
Yeah, i was leaning toward that for the agility boost. Also my thief has the second-highest MP in my party for some reason, so if half of that carries over to sage, she'll have plenty of ammo.
>Yes, that's what I said. The speed and frequency of the battles and how they are integrated into the main plot/objective, and how that plot moves along with the interaction of the player are all a part of the game's pacing. Which is why I used the word "pace".
Try and follow along now.
You mentioned pace in the context of the game as a while, which is different.
I'll quote you now on the comment on combat
>The battles need to be quick
>turn-based battles only start to become boring when they take forever
Which is what I highlighted as not being true at all. Turn-based battles don't need to be short and quick.
>Turn-based battles don't need to be short and quick.
But they're better when they are, with trash random encounter mobs at least. Longer battles are only enjoyable with meaningful static encounters (e.g. bosses).
Does it get harder? I don't want to switch to Draconic because I don't tend to opt for hard modes on a first playthrough, but I've just got the Thief's Key and am on my way to Reeve to talk to (I assume) the wrecking ball man, so I am not far in. Every battle has been mash X. I've not used buffs, I've used healing twice, I seldom even need to use magic.

If I compare it to Final Fantasy 1, where the Chaos Shrine can be pretty tough if you don't grind, it's trivially easy.
Game's progression is so weird
>you need the magic key
>they tell you it's in the desert
>but for some reason there's a sleeping village and a fairy village that only tells you where the magic key can be found and can just be completely ignored.
>But they're better when they are
No, it depends on how frequent they are, what the combat system is like and how they're paced on an per encounter basis.

Take DQ3 HD for instance, the combat is short and simple, yet the encounter rate is too high. Only reason it's mildly tolerable is because combat is quick and simple.
You could very easily have made the encounter rate lower, combat slightly more engaging and longer and the game would play better.

In some cases, quick combat or avoiding combat is by design. Like in the Suikoden series, where units act at once, damage is high, there is no mana to manage (just rune uses), auto combat, flee (upgraded to "let go" against weaker enemies) and bribe. It's also generally not that difficult to get access to AoE runes or skills.
Leveling up lower level charactes is very quick because of the bonus XP they get when underleveled.

But many games handle it differently. Point being that the pacing of combat itself and the frequency of encounters is more important than how long or complex said combat is.
>the pacing of combat itself and the frequency of encounters is more important than how long or complex said combat is
They're both equally important and directly influence each other, as you have explained in your very post.
If you want to be anal, then literally every single aspect of a game is connected. Sound design, system design, UX design, UI design, yada yada. But that is reductive.

Good paced combat means you can have both shorter and longer encounters. You can have more frequent and less infrequent. This is why it's more important than focusing on the "length" itself or thinking they need to be short.

Again, for DQ3 HD people are complaining about the simplicity of combat, how easy it is and how it's too frequent. Clearly it having shorter combat encounters doesn't fix any of this. If anything it's a necessity, because if they were longer it would become a much bigger problem.
>turn-based battles only start to become boring when they take forever
Now include the second part of that statement. Retard.
Why is it always the people who type the most words that add the least to the discussion? Lmao.
This is the best part about it. It's not "weird" progression--it's just that the progression itself is largely structureless. There are things out there in the world, and you're meant to find them, but how and when you find them are largely up to the player's ability to pay attention and explore.

DQ3HD is unironically the best "open world" game I've ever played, and all it did was take the nuts and bolts of a 35 year old NES game and make them bigger and prettier.
Midwits think the more they talk/write, the smarter they appear to be. Meanwhile, normal people can be concise with no issue.
i finally got around to watching the trailer for this thing, and yup, i feel like it's spitting on Akira Toryiama's grave with the artstyle

a pure 2d remake would be ok with me, but all these dramatic camera angles are cringe
The actual gameplay isn't filled with bloom like the trailer was. Thank god.
the only cool part of the trailer for me is that the descendant of loto abruptly got 1 shot, and that's dragon quest for you
Advertising? On MY /vrpg/???
>it's spitting on Akira Toryiama's grave with the artstyle
How is it "spitting on his artstyle" aside from minor changes to like 2 designs (the troll and the female warrior)? You overly dramatic fags are starting to get real annoying. Yes, there are issues, but there is zero reason to blow them out of proportion like this aside from farming clicks or (You)s.
Yes, it gets harder but you won't notice a difficulty spike until you get the boat. A lot of the late game enemies attack 2 - 3 times per turn which is way different from the NES version where they only attacked once. Many of them will spam whack, sleep, and paralysis all at the same time.
This. FFV has a similar case of good balance; trash mobs are generally low difficulty with a few exceptions, in order to encourage you to play with different jobs and abilities, then the boss battles always hit pretty hard, as well as usually having a twist or gimmick that you need to work around. But if you've been expirimenting and actually TRYING to build your party, there are always multiple ways to solve every problem.
>but all these dramatic camera angles are cringe
wtf are you talking about? There aren't any "dramatic camera angles". The whole game is viewed from literally the same fucking angle, and the battles have a static camera the whole time.

Who'd have expexted the namefag to be an insufferable cunt with bad opinions!?
i dunno, this is what showed up le google feed this morning and i hate what i see beyond the main character getting one shot at 1:49

>A lot of the late game enemies attack 2 - 3 times per turn
I just got the boat and I'm already seeing this. I like DQ games, but I always hate how quickly a battle can go to shit if you get ambushed. When every enemy gets a chance to go twice before you get a turn, you're already so far behind that your best bet is to run. Really can't wait for my priest to get multi-heal.

I think my biggest complaint about the game would be how useless the status prevention accessories feel. I'm not sure HOW much protection they give, but it can't be much, because I put confusion protection on 3/4 of my party and they still get fucking confused at the drop of a hat. It's basically a waste of an equipment slot--you're better of just slapping something on that boosts attack, defence, or agility, which is always useful.
>i hate what i see beyond the main character getting one shot at 1:49
>it's literally just one scene with a slight zoom effect, and then a bunch of normal, completely static angles
You're a retard and a crybaby.
>drama queen namefag
>a retard and a crybaby
You need to luckmax, anon. I have very high luck and I'm basically immune at this point.
Regardless, it still makes the accessories useless. It's the one big mechanical complaint I have about the game.
They're not useless but I focus more on the ones that give me stat progression via personality changes. Garters are very nice if you have female characters since it changes their personality to vamp/sexy which is the most OP personality in the game.
>but I focus more on the ones that give me stat progression via personality changes.
It's a shame the game gives you literally zero information about personalities and what they do. It made me kinda just not care. Even when I've found guides, a grand majority of the personalities seem to just suck, with a couple being broken. it's nice that you can change them, but the fact that I have to reference the internet just to find out that 90% of them are more of a detriment than an asset makes me not give a fuck.
It's a game from the 80s so I guess I excuse it in my head. I agree that the remake should clue the player in a bit more since remakes in general are intended for a modern audience.
Yeah, the game has already added enough QOL features that I think putting at least a basic bit of info about personalities wouldn't have been too much to ask. Especially since you find the damn books all over the place and they quickly clutter up your inventory.

I'd probably also lodge a complaint about NPCs giving bad directions. Dunno if this is a purposeful carry-over, but I've come across more than one NPC that points me in a direction and it's just completely fucking wrong. The worst offender was the first guy to tell you about Lanson says it's "southeast of Maharata", when it's actually almost directly south, and a little west. Not a huge issue, given that you have a map, but it's still annoying. I'd rather have no info at all than bad info.
If you have any accessories or books that give you the "lucky devil" personality, I recommend using them. Not only will it build your luck stat like crazy which will make you nearly 100% immune to statuses by the end of the game (you will really want that during zoma's castle/post game), it'll also dramatically increase your crit rate. My high level priest/martial artist crits about 90% of the time by just using a basic attack.
the personalities feature was added in the snes remake in 1996 actually
Ok. I still think anon should focus on luck if he's having problems getting whacked/paralyzed by mid-end game.
In the trusty tips in the pause menu, it has a run down of each personality type and its pros and cons.
just trying to be productive instead of a bitchy namefig

i just honestly don't like dragon quest for infinity million billion reasons, dq3 is my favorite of the 3 i played

i actually went so insane that because the snes version of dq3 had a translation patch, i tried to create my own, and i started scrambling random parts of the rom until i actually found the character table, then i was like wait a second, i don't speak moon runes, how can i translate this thing beyond using the NES diagloue that i know isn't an accurate translation then also what the hell do i do with the new diagloue, and i abruptly gave up after spending like 3 weeks on this
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*had no translation patch

i'm operating off 0 sleep, so i'm making infinity million billion typoes, sorry
This is what always makes me hate any sort of "customization" system--when most options suck or don't matter, but there ends up being one that you basically need to do or else you'll regret it.

Really? Christ. I guess it's my fault then for not going through everything there, but most of the "trusty tips" seemed like basic shit so I never bothered looking at them. This is why I miss paper instruction manuals.
>but there ends up being one that you basically need to do or else you'll regret it.
At least can always reset your class back to level 1 and then find a grind spot like the liquid slime desert west of Rimuldar which will level you back up to 30+ very quickly. You can wear something like vamp or lucky devil while you do that
Sure, but it's a shame it has to come to that. This kind of misleading bullshit is exactly what should be ironed out of remakes. Tell me up front that luck is more important than any accessory I could ever equip when it comes to preventing status. If you're going to keep the jank-ass gameplay elements from 30+ years ago, the least you could do is warn the player, as opposed to deliberately misleading them.
The game tells you what each stat does.
It's up to you past that point.
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why do you need your hand held this fucking hard?
espically on a game that has been around since fucking 1988. the mechanics are industry standard, the terms and setting are standard.

let me guess you got the way points turned on because god forbid you wander to a bad spot for even one trip.....pussy
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>posts ai slop that even gets the signature red boobplate wrong
Is it worth switching to Draconian difficulty? I just got the thief key and the game feels too easy when my party's level 7-8 and able to wipe most battles with the boomerang and woosh. I know complaining about the difficulty at the start of a Dragon Quest game is kinda silly but hopefully the game starts pushing back.
I'm >>3661236.

I got to the bit after the Thief's Key, where you get the bomb and go to the mainland. The dungeon between the island and the mainland is quite a bit tougher than anything before it.

Not mega hard, but I was having to actually think about my actions, and my team were taking some big hits. I couldn't just mash X and rely on thorn whip and boomerang to end the fights instantly.
Is there anyway to change the voice of a created character other than creating another one?
There's a Healslime at Dharma temple that lets you change looks and voice.
just wait till you get to the pyramid

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