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How come solo turn based RPGs never became the norm?
Turn-based combat generally works better when you've got multiple characters to use each round.

Unless it was say some sort of martial arts tournament turn-based rpg where all the fights were 1-on-1 and the actions you could take during each turn were more complex.
>Turn-based combat generally works better when you've got multiple characters to use each round.
It depends. Geneforge is intended for you to have a party of more than one character, but a solo run gets more resources to play with and it plays so much faster that it outweighs the advantages of a party.
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You mean playing with only one party member?
It gets a little boring. Also I think tastes changed, and people like character stories more than gameplay. Most single-character protagonists have little character, if any, but they are still doable.
Even from a gameplay persepctive, it is better to have more party members. In the case of Dragon Quest 1, you never fight more than one enemy at a time, do you? It was as simplistic as it gets, so it was reasonable then.
>it was reasonable then
the first rpgs were party games, dragon warrior is just a kid's console game
>solo turn based RPGs
Play Osteoblasts
roguelikes tend to be solo character games
because its dreadfully boring
He asked why it never became the norm, not for you to post some random solo turn based RPG no one has heard of.
buy an ad
Any party based RPG can be a solo RPG if you just believe
If you can play a party based game solo, then it's a shit game. Fact.
No one has mentioned Pokemon, the largest franchise in the world
pokemon isn't solo, it's single file party.
It's not fun at all.
This. You have a party of 6 that you can swap out during battle.
I get why turn based rpgs are party based but I absolutely hate how party based is the normal across most rpg genres as an artifact. Also I don't think party members should be replaceable in turn baseds because the writing always suffers
Because it operates more as a puzzle game than an rpg when you do that.
DQ 1 is a number based puzzle game.
the mathematics behind this are generally extremely boring and not done well at all. dragon quest 1 is legitimately one the bottom 1 RPG i've ever played, there's no decision making, just grind slimes until you can grind to get the next area where you can grind to get the next area. there's no thought in what you do, you just do it

there is an extremely good rpg you may have heard of that finally pulled off this 1 party system, and it's called the original diablo
I already own it. Not his fault you only know AAA trash.
>dragon quest 1 is legitimately one the bottom 1 RPG i've ever played, there's no decision making, just grind slimes until you can grind to get the next area where you can grind to get the next area. there's no thought in what you do, you just do it
the gameplay should have almost no bearing on how you rate an rpg, they're about storytelling
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I play Indie RPGs all the time. There's a difference between Indie RPGs, and a game that had 14 people play it at once.
>the gameplay should have almost no bearing on how you rate an rpg, they're about storytelling
Wat? Gameplay is one of the biggest parts of an RPG. If it was only about story then everyone would be content with just watching a Youtube playthrough of the story and never play the game themselves.
so it's like those flash games that are just, grind & upgrade but with a shiny coat of painting? that sounds fun as fuck.
>. If it was only about story then everyone would be content with just watching a Youtube playthrough of the story and never play the game themselves.
nonsense, the gameplay is there to draw you into the story
the story's fucking shit too

the series has been completely lost to history for two reasons: it was a flash comic, and the guy who was mirroring it killed himself, called der dragon warrior, where i mocked the fuck out of that game

i didn't make enough money off google ad banners to be set for life, but i made a few grand and could do whatever the hell i wanted in college

and yes, i do enjoy rpgs for the game mechanics as well as the stories. i'm willing to put up with a game that has a cringe story like Lunar because it has god tier gameplay mechanics, and like i said, i'm constantly setting up insane honor rule challenge runs in final fantasy games
>the story's fucking shit too
not for the time, it was basically revolutionary.
no, no it wasn't.
yes, yes it was. it's literally attributed as the game that started story becoming a focus in rpgs
no, no it wasn't.
I realize final fantasy doesn't sell as well these days but that still doesn't make it indie.
What an asinine post. Wizardry is goated and you don't play it for the story. If all you care about is story you should play VN.
wizardry isn't goated except for the newer ones
>there's no decision making, just grind slimes until you can grind to get the next area where you can grind to get the next area. there's no thought in what you do, you just do it

Sometimes that's fun. Great Greed is also like this. It's meditative.
Oh damn, good deflection by bringing up an unrelated game. You got me.
>hurr AAA
every single fucking time
literally no other retort for you indieshitters but accusing everyone of liking AAA if you so much as say that an indiegame sucks
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I also made a solo turn-based RPG.
14 concurrent players would be great.
What's the game?
Mechanically speaking blobbers would have almost no real difference if "you" were a single character with a lot of options rather than an adventuring party. RPG = party was just beaten into people's bones.
Is this supposed to remind me of Lords of Midnight?
I've been playing osteoblast all weekend for research as I'm also doing a 1 party rpg in rpg mker
But I'm not on that chart as I pirated it
The game is barely ok
Cool attack animations, but that's about it
The enemy sprites that look like random meme images pixelated and hue changed are the worst offender
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it's just not my style

i grew up on doom, quake, and brood war, and i enjoy getting my ass kicked, and the only time you get your ass kicked in dragon quest is when you go to the next area too early

akira toriyama's sprite work is pretty good, and that's honestly the only thing it's got going for it and it's the whole reason that dragon quest is so popular in japan that everyone knows that everyone is going to bounce on work/school the day a new one drops, like what happened with halo 2 and 3 in america

after having a few years of having a totally dead motherboard on my gaming rig, i'm going to finally have a new toaster soon(tm), and the games i'm planning on are, in order
>fallout 1
>fallout 2
all of which i've seen quite a bit on le youtube, but i've never actually played any of them. i think??? undertale will run a toaster, i don't see why it wouldn't
>the only time you get your ass kicked in dragon quest is when you go to the next area too early
Skill issue.
Yeah and it works every time. You got pwned.
That meme is only for corporate crap, you imbecile idiot.
RPGmaker is a corporate product.
Because all it amounted to was attack and heal when HP is low.
Remember Lightning Returns? Yeah, me neither.

Now Luka, he was Goatted
It's completely different because prioritizing safeguarding frail backliners with durable frontliners is a completely separate dynamic than having one uber character who can do everything.

there is no skill to dragon quest 1, and there is no skill issue

i simply went over the wrong fucking bridge and facechecked into magdracky trying to explore, thinking that was the correct direction to go, then when i finally slogged through it, it turned out i wasn't in the yard of graves in the town of in the town of other, i was in the other town town of other, then the game was piss easy for a while exploring the graveyard

the whole key mechanic in dragon quest 1 was pretty retarded too, and why did the NES version need a whole fucking command to walk on stairs?

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