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i wish there was game letting me roleplay as normal person, just in unusual situation. im paralyzed and cant do shit. am i condamned on visual novel world of bullshit?
try the Sims series
I hate the whole "chosen to save LE WORLD" thing
I very much prefer small campaigns where my guy is a nobody

Or at the very least, games like Gothic and Baldur's Gate 1 in which you are a nobody at the start and only gradually, later in the game do you actually understand what's going on and actually become sombody.

Tbfh, in Gothic 1 you are a nobody all the way til the end. Le ebin chosen one shit only comes into play later in G2
In Oblivion and Witcher 3 you aren’t the chosen one and you don’t save the world, you’re just the chosen one’s wingman
i look like this
The worst of the worst for this is FF14. Not only is the most extreme example of this, you aren't just le chosen save the world, you are an actual god who will save the universe. In an MMO, where everyone else is also this. The least immersive game I've ever played.
>i wish there was game letting me roleplay as normal person, just in unusual situation.
Just live your life? Hang out with normal people?
>in an unusual situation
I *could* enlist for Donbass IRL but I don't like consequences and I like my legs.
Disco Elysium I guess.
i thought pathfinder kingmaker had some pretty good progression, you start off as a merc hired with a bunch of other merca by a ruler to kill some local bandits that have gotten a bit too daring, with the reward being the land that the bandits where chilling in. Then the next few acts are you taking out some appropriate low level problems for your barony, trolls, kobolds and then magical monsters showing up. Then a sister barony that was founded around the time you got yours for similar reasons of clearing out an area mysteriously all fucking disappear and you get told to go look into it by your parent kingdom. It feels a bit weird though because like 2 acts later the river kingdoms basically go "yeah your doing better than us so I guess we'll let you be the dominant ruling kingdom now" and you go from a vassal state to just dominanting the entire map.
Play age of decadence or encased (there is also an option to play a real retard, not the weak fallout stuff).
The Elder Scrolls games
90iq post congratulations
I am pushing 500 hours at Kingmaker. I love the game. But I have to say that I was hugely disappointed with the whole "become a baron" thing. I wish we just stayed adventurers for longer.
i have played both of these games and yet i wonder how could you consider it as a proper reply to OP (sorry for my shit english but i happen to be drungk)
You're nobody special in AoD. Haven't played Encased.
i finished both games. you can give up on Encased its unfinished, sadly
Because only heroes can save the world normal people end up dead in a ditch.
I see boring plain people every day. I do not want to interact them more than I have to. But I assume for neets meeting mr Johnson and his obese wife obsessed with her seven cats in the safety of their room must be an exciting prospect.
There is one you s'wit. It's called Morrowind.
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>make a gruff halfing ranger in Bg3
>Be incredibly out of place when people start hitting on him and all his racial options are just [halfing] "why can't everyone be frens :("
I still think its fun to play games like these ("Everyone in your party is romancable!!1!1" types) as old adventure dudes because they don't fit at all with the romance shit they all try to shove down your throat. I just want to adventure man.
it is really out of hand
i blame bioware
Someone should actually innovate and let you toggle what kind of character you've made, in addition to your class and all that, and how people should treat you, old man, ugly, dumb kid, suave, creepy, etc. A half-dozen options would be decent enough. That would be real reactivity.
It wouldn't have been half as bad if you had to show a shred of interest in them first before they throw themselves at you.
see that would actually be fun tho
so you cant have that
gotta appeal to the demented furfaggot audience
Install NoAlphabets mod. Or just kill every trans/faggot you meet. Or both.

there was an elder scrolls playthrough where i roleplayed a hunter

stayed level 1 the entire time, didn't start the main quest, deleted flames and healing from my spellbook with console commands, didn't find bandits or necromancers or dragur or anything, just hunted wolves and bears and animals, didn't even smith them into anything, just sold the furs, and lived off the fat of the land, rarely stopped into town

you can do the same thing in oblivion by being like yeah whatever with the amulet of kings and just never go talk to jauffre

very comfy playthrough
>deleted flames and healing from my spellbook with console commands
This guy knows how to have fun
>you can do the same thing in oblivion by being like yeah whatever with the amulet of kings and just never go talk to jauffre
Prolly be more responsible to drop it off with Jauffre. Plus it'll get it out of your inventory.
You're sorta chosen one in BG1 too, but too be fair so are 100s of other shmucks running around the place. I agree with your point overall and feel the same way.
He said he's paralyzed, normies aren't going to hang out with a paralyzed person.
There are a few games that are kind of open simulations that only kick you into a main plot when you're a big badass that deserves to be doing it. In Darklands the literal Christian God sends you on the main quest when you accumulate enough glory.
unsurprising, since he can't even stand on his own
I lied for dramatic purposes
A half-dozen such options would mean writing 2-3 more lines of dialogue, ain't happening anytime soon.

Obsessed and bear-broken.
I'm glad this game flopped the way it did.
Most annoying shit this board has seen, even worse than moeblob. Hundred ESL pajeets spamming this shitty game and bear meme all day everyday to force zoomer go nad buy it. Shit was embarrasing, so was their wage. Fucking subhumans
It is sad but the brony spamming it is mentally ill so there is little you can do to stop it.
Im talking about 2 weeks before game release, it wasnt subtle its been just mass spammed here with silent nod of moderation. Hiroshimoor accepts money for such forced marketing tricks, which sadly is drawing people off the site. If i would like to see commercials i would buy TV
I am too. The guy spamming threads now and then is some russian brony that doxed himself on /v/ months ago.
that is why those threads were so aggressively shitposty.
people falling for marketing meant to get their attention isn't particularly noteworthy. blame the fooler, not the fools. unless you are one of the retards who think you can "fix" people with words.
It is much easier blaming the brony that is doing it. More valid too.
ease doesn't correlate with effectiveness. if you name and shame a troll, it empowers them. if something is bad on a website, blame the people in charge.
It is still best to blame the actual problem element so people blame the brony.
>everything I don't like is shilling
Not beating those "obsessed" allegations.
you tell him dragonbro
so you make him feel that he has power over you by endlessly obsessing over his posts, letting him know that he got to you. lmao, mind-broken indeed.
you seem obsessed about this topic
He is known as obsessfag on a few boards because of it.
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I've heard that in Outward you're not a chosen one but I haven't played it
This type of behavior is why you got the moniker. Bhaal wasn't even this obsessed with the forgotten realms.
there is no video game where the player character isn't the chosen one. why? i chose him.
>the forgotten realms
that's faerun, nerdlet.
Did you forget where BG takes place?
in faerun
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>everything is don't like is my latest scapegoat
Dragonirian is the Seamless Coop schizo, don't try to muddy the waters.
I don't follow drama and don't care. That guy does look pathetic by that image though.
Isn't that the same guy that makes the pedophile polymorph spam for bg3 too?
Sadly yes. The spam like you mentioned and the image other anon showed is why he is called obsessfag.
Look at this lorelet.
This chatbot isn't very good. It can't even follow basic context.
Feels like a reference to something only you get.
Probably part of his obsession
Damn, this is kind of cool. Any other interesting or creative ways to roleplay in Oblivion?
>just kill every trans/faggot you meet
Then where will I find the time to play video games?
you are one of the million, all others died and would not make for a good game
Isn’t this literally your entire party and two thirds of NPCs in BG3?
Yeah but can't it just be luck and being in the right place at the right time? Like if a normal person has a 1 in 10 million chance to succeed then of the 10 million normal guys that are sent out one succeeds.

Or if you have an arena tournament then 1 guy is gonna win even if they all started as equals. Doesn't matter if they were normal, someone had to win. Doesn't make them special.
But we can be normal schmuck who rose up to the challenge not some mythic hero bullshit, or it can be left up to debate if we are really special beyond being lucky and talented.
I like TES III in that. It is open to interpretation if prophecy is even real or it is just vague enough that Azura can “totally planed bro” just as somebody will eventually kill Dagoth while it being pure accident.
i only ever did 2 + (2/2) oblivion playthroughs ever
the first one i realized i was fucking up really bad somehow, and stopped and read all of uesp on how to minmax in this game
the second one was the one where i actually beat the game, and two things that were absolutely insane. i cleared every single random oblivion gate until it was impossible for more gates to spawn, then once i did that, started clearing the main quest, and completely and totally banned myself from using fast travel at all while i did it, so it took like 300 hours
after that, i came up with the most ridiculous idea ever, let's just collect every single welkynd and varla stone in the game ever, and uhh...that one was a little too ambitious, and aborted the playthrough after like 40 hours
the final oblivion playthrough was when i finally bought the game for pc, and installed OOO and the +5/+5/+5 mod and that was it
it was pretty cool, but i got hardstuck trying to get into the mages guild to the point where i could start writing my own spells, two areas with enemies way above my paygrade
eventually what happened was i got somewhat hardstuck, where i completely ran out of feather pots and was massively over carry weight, and didn't feel like limping all the way back to the nearest town or dropping all my loot on the ground somewhere, so i just abruptly gave up
if you want me to talk about my endless skyrimeme roleplays, i can give you a few of the cooler ones in the next post
here's the tl;dr of my skyrim mod load order, which i don't think most of the mods even got remade
>4x/4x damage, with 8x damage on magic, so everything one shots everything
>unlimited followers and infinity million billion follower packs
>absurd enemy multiplier, so every battle felt like that helms deep scene in lotr
>basic needs like eat and sleep
>8 hour day/night cycle (24 hour locks the game for some reason)
>a less popular alternate start mod, that just dropped you off in a full throttle random location with the starting equip of your choice, of which i usually picked absolutely nothing, and you had to go to helgen to start the main quest. as a result of this, most of the time the plotline of my always female PC would be i'm being raped in this sex dungeon and i fiinally broke the fuck out, and my goal would be to immediately beeline the nearest bandit camp, blow them the fuck up with flames, grab their gear and bolt
>alchemy effect over time mods
>walking/running/sprinting stamina mods like morrowind
>a really cool mod that made it so you walk backwards and sideways way more slowly than normal, so you can't just kite backwards to kill everything
>finally, a smithing mod that made it so blacksmiths will charge you a shitton to upgrade your stuff, and gain skill just like you do, and eorland started as a master blacksmith that could make you legendary gear right away. the thing is, with so many followers, you can't possibly have everyone in maxed enchanted equipment, so you just never have enough septims to work with at any point

i think i'm about to hit the charlimit, so i'll just do my Yuji Sakai thing and keep typing
i forgot two mods
>some magic mod that added a ton of cool unique equipment all over the place and superbosses to fight, and had every fucking spell you could possibly think of, you could even do the kamehameha
>cloaks of skyrim, of which as the thane of whiterun, it was the one way i cheated. i console commanded everyone in my party a yellow cloak of whiterun so i didn't teamkill my own followers in a 50+ bandit vs 12-24 followers situation

here's some of the cooler roleplays i did

one time i decided i was gonna roleplay as a loli, worked out a mathematical formula where she started really short and flat chested, and every level she got a little taller and her boobs got a little bigger, until she finally hit level 18. she ended up spawning in some random lumber mill in riften, so i console commanded some clothes and was like ok, i guess these are my parents, start chopping wood, then a bear abruptly rolls through and kills everyone, and all i have is a woodaxe, i can't kill it, and being short makes you move slower and have less range, so all i can do is erratically jump and zigzag all the way to riften so the guards can deal with it, and from there i'm like guess i'm an orphan now, and start the dark brotherhood questline. once she hit level 18, i decided whatever she did was up to her
another playthrough was like ok, let's finally beat the main quest for the first time since i was playing it on 360, where the true dragonborn in my lore is a fucking khajit stealth archer, and when i get to the part where you're working a peace treaty out, a frost troll i aggroed and ignored abruptly walked into the treaty cutscene, someone launched a fireball at it and hit the other faction, then it was a bunch of essential NPCs in an endless battle where they wouldn't stop fighting, i tried every possible console command to fix it, and nothing worked, so in this playthrough, i decided ulfric used the peace treaty meeting to backstab the imperials, and the dragonborn got killed in the crossfire

another playthrough ended in a really weird way. the guy i was using as my backpack, cosnatch, the shady follower, abruptly disappeared from existence, and no console command could get him to respawn everywhere. so i rolled with this glitch and it was the one time i ever installed sexlab, where i started a new savefile with my PC's model, decided my PC and cosnatch decided we have so many septims we're set for life, bounced on saving the world and fucked like rabbits in the tavern you meet him in

the ultimate playthrough i ever did was called the waifu army, where i just recruited every single hot follower possible, and my pet cat, kharjo
basically, with the waifu army, i recruited every single hot follower possible, and had like 30 fucking followers by the end of it, so we were absolutely curbstomping every single encounter with sheer numbers advantage, i just had to play very careful and make sure i didn't get instagibbed, and spent a lot of time using healing hands to get people revived

once i finally got to the first alduin fight, the insane combination of difficulty mods i installed with deadly dragons on top of whatever else i did, he opened the fight with some insane aoe blizzard attack that wiped my whole fucking party except for me, so i checked how much damage he was doing with console commands, and the attack was theoretically survivable with max frost resist and magic resist on every single follower, but that would have taken thousands of hours of grinding for grand soul gems without cheating, so in that playthrough, i decided fuck it, alduin won, the dragonborn lost, the firstborn of akatosh cannot be defeated, and he destroyed the whole fucking world

another more interesting playthrough i was treating skyrim like an arcade game, where it was like ok, lets just have exactly 3 dragons spawn every single day at high noon and see how long i can survive, and i lasted quite a long time, and essentially checkmated myself, where i tried to draw them into a giant camp to get them on my side, but once they killed all the giants, the dragons finally hit critical mass and i had absolutely no cover i could get behind to avoid their fire breath, so it was like oh well, i had a good time

the other mod i forgot about was monster mod, which added very dangerous bosses that spawned at night, so i always had go the fuck to sleep right as soon as it was sunset, and tried to time things out so i'd be close to a tavern or inn or some safe zone, or i might actually get fucked up
there was one particular playthrough where my entire party got wiped from one of their bosses, so once i managed to escape, i summoned them all back to me and decided you all fucking died, deleted them all from the game, and went back to recruiting a whole new army to continue the playthrough, causing me to lose all my soul gems, alchemy stuff, septims, basically everything, so it was a massive econ setback that took me quite a while

there was one playthrough i was hellbent on beating that i never did. i spawned in solitude's castle, so i decided ok, i'm going to become thane of solitude and do it all by myself for a change, but it was completely impossible for me to do this solo with how many enemies there were, once you got to the room where they were summoning the wolf queen, anything you did at all would aggro the whole room and you just got lit up by dozens of projectiles. i kept grinding to get stronger, and recruited exactly one custom follower to try and see if she could help, but it didn't work. i could never beat this questline and i was trying it for weeks before i decided to do something else

unfortunately, every time skyrim gets remade, progressively less and less mods get remade with it. vanilla oblivion is fun though, because the goal of the game is to pick whatever method you want to become completely invincible, and i have fun doing that. all i'm gonna need is the +5/+5/+5 mod so i don't need to autisticially minmax and i'm gonna have a great time
Leave us alone, man, they haven't even given us anything to work with here(no, the sex pest Halsin doesn't count). Maybe apart from Scratch, but that's only for feral lovers. All the companions are Tumblr tropes incarnate for the most vanilla of the audiences -- even the more "monstrous" races(a whole lot of two of them!) look like humans in bad makeup.
no one reads namefags shit
don't care, no rules against it, if you don't want to read the dankest lore, that's your problem
Get fucked moeblob nigger
From the stories perspective, none of the other players are chosen ones. They are just adventurers who happen to be in the area and agree to help you fight through dungeons for a share loot. Though sometimes they are from your company/free company or friends you made in the world. Point is, not chosen ones.
Namefag btfod
Aren't they chosen ones from alternative realities in some trials?
Elona+ and maybe Ellen, haven't got the the chance to touch Ellen yet but I've done a few normal dude runs in Elona, one of them went off the rails and I basically ended up a god.
checked. Check out kingdom come deliverance if this is your comfy place. It starts you off a little too "regular joe" for me. Made me feel like genuine "Chicken Chaser" from fable.
Even if you're the chosen one, it's good to have an act or two before you become it.
>do literally everything the chosen one would do except 1 moment where the real chosen one kills himself in a 15 second cutscene that actually saves the world
no, oblivion is chosen one slop just with like 2 edits to make it not seem like it is. it's obvious there was a clash between a dev who wanted the player to not be special and one who knew most people just want to be the most important person in the story.

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