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Post well written RPG characters, ill start:
Dijkstra is well written RPG character, got his own personality that is not terribly obvious cliche mockery of human psyche
I don't usually give a shit about video game characters, since they are all for the most part really retarded. But they fleshed him out pretty well in that game; gave him more life than the books ever did. So I'll agree
Virgil wasnt bad, when trying to hide his ex con previous life
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Forgot pic
>they fleshed him out pretty well
Fat fuck
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as someone who graduated with a worthless english degree, Kekfa is possibly top 1 of all villains in all of literature

other villains have at least some motivation for trying to destroy or conquer the world, but Kefka is the ultimate nihilist, who just wants to destroy for the sake of pure destruction
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here's the other thing about Kekfa

unlike most villains in literature, where the heroes figure out some way to stop them from destroying the world, Kekfa actually fucking pulls it off, an extremely rare sight to see in the history of works of fiction

If FF6 wasn't a video game, I'm pretty sure it would have a bad ending, where all the returners just get skullfucked by him in the final battle. defeat the god of magic? how is that even possible?
>wants to destroy
They didn't make you take a philosophy class for that degree?
>Kekfa actually fucking pulls it of
all he did was stab an old man and move some statues. not really hard, more that gestahl was retarded.
i took intro to philosophy and got an A, and that class was weird because the teacher was constantly cracking jokes that usually fell flat on their face with the lecture hall, so i started to wear my mp3 player with the seinfeld theme on loop and busted out laughining uncontrollably, then when i was handing in the final, i told him exactly what i was up to i got a "what!?" out of him

i tried to get a philosophy minor, but the professor was a nut. i took ancient philosophy, and my advisor was like your schedule is way overpacked and you're likely going to have to drop something, and he's what i end up dropping

my very first paper i wrote for him was on the four classical elements, and he said he wanted to see me in his office about it, so i did

then he said this paper is worse than an F, i give it a Z, you don't understand anything about philosophy at all, and this is why I hate all of you english majors who try to minor in my field. then i realized that he didn't care at all about what i thought about philosophy, he only wanted me to regurgitate what he said in his lectures

i showed the paper to my advisor, who could actually read ancient greek, and she said this is a very interesting take on the 5 classical elements, personally I would have given you an A, i have absolutely no problem with you dropping this minor
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I don't particularly value a well-written character in a video game, though. The game being good is far far more important.
>Postban moeblob
Watch yourself.
Spy should look like spy, no?
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i know absolutely nothing about Shauna no Shakugan aside from that it exists, i'm merely Yuji Sakai, the loremaster of [s4s], the guy who literally stole someone's identity

every time i post as anon, someone thinks i'm some other "schizoposter", so i decided to just leave my [s4s] namefig on forever to do you all a favor, if you honestly find my walls of dank lore annoying, just filter me

no one cared who i was till i put on the namefig
>Is supposed to be a genius who can overthrow Radovid
>Is stupid enough to challenge Geralt
Bravo, CDPR!
That's because he is already from the books.
I mean even Napoleon made a stupid mistake
Yeah, but Dijkstra literally tried to kill Geralt with a wooden club (or some other weapon, been a while since I played the game).
Some peadant almost kiled him with pitchfork
He is the only cool character W3 introduced and he was ruined in this same game anyway
I agree. Him and Radovid are well written
Game also has villian that wants to kill everyone but he actualy isn't retarded and makes a point just to flex on japs.
Some peasant literally killed Geralt with a pitchfork
>stupid enough to challenge Geralt
He doesn't challenge Geralt. In fact Geralt has the option of allowing him to become ruler of Redania.
It's Geralt who challenges Radovid, assuming you choose that option in-game.
Dykstra FFS. Sorry, it's late and I'm drinking again.
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Ok and now for actually well written character from Witcher 3.
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>Ok and now for actually well written character from Witcher 3.
It's actually Tomira
I like Triss tits
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he's just like me, frfr
Harold is well written, and master
you've never created anything in your life
This board is getting really, really bad. It's not fun to post here any more. This may be the worst board on the entire website.
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classic meme incoming

this is literally you right now
Boo hoo nigga. Fuck off then
Dijkstra knows Geralt well enough to know he'll fucking meddle in any shit around him.
He's just a crossroads devil.
Despite JRPGs using that same type of villain over, and over, and over again, Arcanum is the only one where his motivation actually makes sense.

>Knows for a fact that the afterlife exists.
>Knows for a fact it's a serene, peaceful place of happiness and content.
>Thus wants to end all life in order for every living being to be able to bask in that happiness.

His reasonings have obvious holes, which you can point out, but it's not some pseudo-philosophical Niponese nonsense.
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I think ramsus from xenogears was pretty well-written, reminded me a bit of captain ishmael from moby dick
fucking booze... captain ahab not ishmael
basically everyone in xenogears was well written man

i'm really sad that game is never, ever gonna get a remake, because it was extremely controversial when it came out, and in todays political climate, a game where you have to literally kill god is not gonna go well

xenogears is a 10/10 story with a 1/10 combat system though, the combo system is the cool part of it and the gears are poorly designed, and by the time you finally have all the combos, there's no more ground combat anymore

it's unfortunate they ran out of budget, because they had plans for a while contiguous world map for disc 2 and just had to abruptly switch to monologuing because they didn't have the budget to make the rest of the world map

true spoiler fei...is...id
Petrus from Greedfall. He feels very well rounded, with his own strong beliefs, internal conflicts, and flaws that he accepts and acknowledges. Perhaps the most based companion
Every time someone praises writing in a cdpr game and I actually play it, it winds up being the most objectively mediocre and hamfisted writing imaginable. Like I'm playing cyberpunk right now and I can't remember a single line of dialogue. It's so forced, lengthy, and unnatural it just feels like padding. It's literal torture to play it. Witcher 3 was the same. I'm replaying Half Life 2 alongside this and when I compare the actors in that game to this one it's just... bad. Really bad. Even the animations in Witcher 3 are worse than something as ancient as HL2.
>you just don't like reading!
When I played Disco Elysium I did not feel this way at all, every piece of dialogue was a joy to read.
we know moeblob-clone, we know
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If you know then why post bullshit? Look at how emotive Alyx is here:
Compare this to Witcher 3:
Look at how still and robotic the characters are.

Now compare it to dialogue in Diso Elysium:

Now here's Witcher 3's take on the le quirky jew.

It's just not a very funny or well written game. The whole game is corny. What's the appeal here?
not an rpg in sight.
fuck off, didnt read.
Kys alcoholics
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You are cherry picking.
Witcher and Cyberpunk are not just well written, they are better written than Disco Elysium which nobody seem to be able to explain how its well written or why its good, they just tell you uhmm yeah its le well written it le deep and le political heh

Should i cheery pick the women of ho dialogue from Disco? its more embarrassing than anything cdpr tried to make, you're just a biased cdpr hater.
He's well written until he literally reveals his betrayal toward Geralt's friends right in front of the guy and expecting him to not intervene kek.
>You are cherry picking.
There is not a single part of Witcher 3 that is well written
>tranimal proves xirself wrong
retards like you make me ashamed to be polish

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