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Why is having children with your romance option so uncommon in rpgs?
because most rpgs don't take place over 9 months and those that do generally don't have romances that advance fast enough to exploit that timeframe.
>muh wings
Because it appeals to the male fantasy
her romance in SoA was dogshit so it's the only redeeming factor
>Why is having children with your romance option so uncommon in rpgs?
Because having unprotected sex on an adventure is a bad idea?
Just don't take your work colleague as your wife. Speaking to a QT every time you visit a central town and eventually marrying her would give the same amount of interactions current games do with companions. As you usually only chat during camp.

You could also easily get a peak tradwife this way. No need for masculine excessive muscles since she isn't some warrior that beats things up like your companion the amazon. No need for an aggressive/angsty personality to protect herself from the horrors of the world like your companion the rogue with a SA backstory. No need for half shaved colored short hair like your wizard companion who is trying to get attention her father wouldnt give her. etc.

Just a kind, loving, gentle woman who loves you and is concerned every time you need to leave on your next mission. Relieved when you return. Happily gives you a child and proudly raises them with love and care. Keeps your home in top shape.

Perhaps you could even leave your money you make with her each time you return, and she uses it to upgrade your house while your away. I'd like that. Maybe even adding small events where if you give her money that is excess of what is needed for the next upgrade then she stops you at the town gate as you go to leave and gives you an item she bought, hoping it helps you on your mission.
just play sims
Pretty much this, it is the time frame. It is more difficult to write stories that last for more than 2-3 generations because you would have to change the world and characters considerably as well.
Aerie has a child with you in-game. Either way, the ideal is to do so during the ending
most romance conclusions are kept open ended because they're added purely as player gratification/power fantasy and they cater to the lowest denominator that plays any given game. really rpgs should make it more common to have ONE romance option, maybe even have it preestablished
You impregnate her during SoA and she has child near the end of ToB. Idk how much time actually passes but it's probably enough for child to be born, this is not true for most RPGs
Now i want all of those a possible route on a rpg, dealing with the trauma on the dungeons and helping eachother, sounds really sweet
cultural shift. Gen x and earliest milliniels were looking towards marriage and saw it as awesome. Millennial women on the other hand love being stronk independent sluts and see #metooing a long term boyfriend as their version of marriage. They get to roleplay as a pure princess similar to marriage, get friends and family attention, similar to marriage. etc.

tldr in a nutshell clown world.
>runs away from home
>goes all hippie
>'gets enslaved'
not my daughter
>You impregnate her during SoA and she has child near the end of ToB
for some reason a lot of people seems to have the impression that her romance fails if you do that so they wait until ToB to fuck her where the timing makes even less sense
Maybe they kicked her out for being a whore, we cant know that
Making 20 Baldurs Gate threads will not make people like the game. You are just going to make them hate it even more.
Whites already like BG2, opinion of rest means nothing. Fucking pajeets
Because it's ridiculously hard to design having children in games within the scope of an RPG
Because usually in rpgs you play as any kind of adventurer doing adventure stuff and thinking about having children and family when you have no roof over your head and the food is generic grey mush called "food rations" is very retarded.
Like daugher like mother lmao
there is an unofficial manual to sex and procreation for dungeons and dragons with all sorts of cool spells and potions of contraception and conception and a huge cross table of race vs race on saving throws as to who can and can't go get what pregnant that we actually used in college, and then you somehow roll the stats of the characters as the average of the two mates, i forget exactly how it works

there is also a part of the official rulebook no one seems to know about where if you are considered elderly you get +1 to INT and WIS and -1 to STR and CON and if very elderly (over 90 years old in human years) you get +2 to INT and WIS and -2 to STR and CON
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>>3660036 was meant for >>3659795 help me i failed clicking lole
Because it's supposed to be an adventure, not Sims
Soi developpers.
inventory baby
*delet baby*
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you were saying?
That would be nice. Could have a gentle scene like with Fia in Elden Ring. Just without all the strange context a deathbed companion has of course.

Imagine getting to come home after a boss battle with some horrid monstrosity. You don't speak to her about it as you don't want to frighten her about the horrors out there. You just silently hold her and she understands, embracing you back and saying thank you for working so hard.
Because nobody wants their romance option to be laid up and useless for months at a time and there's a matter of what to actually do with said kids.
Because for it to be interesting it has to tie into the plot somehow, like how DA:O did. Most games don't have a plot that'd involve having a kid during/after the adventure.
>elderly buff
>stat averaging
So what your saying is that you could do some genetic manipulation if you ran a game that covered multiple generations. Having children only when you get 90+ years old, slowly increasing max int/wis cap. Eventually breeding super magic users who are born with over 20 point in int/wis.
Forget about producing sperm at 90, how are you gonna get it up?
Pro tip: nursing homes are notorious (at least with the staff) for having the elderly being super promiscuous. The only people who have it difficult getting it up when they are old are people who are unhealthy. Keep up your good diet and regular exercise and you too can be boning people at a century into life.
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Modern world fucked my up to the point my first idea after reading that is about it being starting point for NTR plot. Reinforced by fact that modern writers would probably love to introduce it.
Second note is that we got such thing with queen romance in WOTR and it was not that great, but that may be a result of it being tacked in last minute as kickstarter goal.
A non-meme answer?

Because having children implies than no more adventures can happen to said characters, since now they need to settle down and raise them. It's a very "permanent" ending.
>he doesn’t take his toddler to goblin hunting
Bad parenting. How else is your kid gonna earn EXP to learn important skills like walking, talking and using a toilet?
Romances in rpgs were a mistake.
That doesn't make for an exciting game.
I feel sorry for you, that that was your first thought. Though you do make a good point that modern AAA devs/writers are into cuck shit way too much.
at least in AD&D 2.0, there is an absolute maximum stat cap of 20, which means "godly", whereas 19 means "demigodly"
the other thing i should probably mention is that it was pretty sexist how the pregnancy check worked, it was a saving throw that you DIDN'T get pregnant based on your constitution

so basically high constitution = butch infertile stronk lesbian, and low constitution = frail easily breedable waifu

and yes, there was a spell/potion that was basicaly viagra as well, which you could use in combat to confuse your opponent into having a boner for no reason, and resulted in like a -1 on your d20 hit chance or something
also, this meant having charisma was very useful, because if you wanted to breed with an NPC, you needed to roll a shitton of dc 20 charisma checks to get into their medieval dress
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yeah, and it's even better, because the overwhelming psych wards are full of women and there are very few men

my grandmother definitely banged someone who i never even learned his real name, she just called him "red", and when she died, she completely lost it for like a month

as for me, i need to take filename related since like 35 since psych meds killed my dick forever, but it's actually pretty cool, because it totally eliminates my refractory period and i can seriously take someone to poundtown
*he died

she is over 100 now btw
I feel like it should be the reverse. High con making you more healthy, and so easier to get pregnant... Though I suppose in a world like DnD, you could equate pregnancy as a debuff from a certain view point. Con would help resisting debuffs, so I could see it from that angle.

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