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So, how bad will it be? Hard to surpass game that is perfect
It will probably be bad.
getting strong lesbian vibes, and looks kinda hot even if I am straight
having said that, it'll be a shit game
vtmb gonna remain the only vampire game worth playing till the sun implodes on itself
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Having said this, I reclaim this thread from the clutches of evil, and reconsecrate it to a Godly purpose.
>Verification not required.
It will be like Veilguard, passable but very soulless.
Fuck those sjw devs. Everyone from top to bottom was a massive shit flinging liberal and cancelled each other. All that clown show could produce was a buggy demo.
It's so good that paradox already said that they won't make a sequel even if it sells great.
Bloodlines 1 is not perfect. It's janky and unfinished and really only the atmosphere and writing were good. The rest of it was almost insubstantial.
Imagine the potential if this was handed to CDPR
I blame all of you
>It's so good that paradox already said that they won't make a sequel even if it sells great.
That has more to do with the production shitshow than the game quality itself.

The first team was such a pain to work with they eventually had to scrap everything they made and hire another studio to make it, which wasn't that great to work with either but at least produced something they can release.
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>Imagine the potential if this was handed to CDPR
Yes, another shitshow like Cyberpunk that isn't even good after years of patching and fixing. Just imagine.
ew this creature is gross and ugly. it seems to be the female PC though at least right? thankfully this means i never have to look at it.

but vtm fandom is supposed to have lots of women in it right? don't women prefer to play as attractive women? i certainly prefer to play as a good looking dude. does anybody actually feel empowered by playing as an ugly dyke? if you were an ugly dyke, do you actually like playing as an ugly dyke in games? "finally, someone who looks fucking ugly and laughable, just like me". is this really an emotion people experience?
CDPR can get fucked. We have two guys in Warhorse lobbying at Vávra to pick up the franchise when Paradox inevitably drops it.
>game that is perfect
Storyfag delusion, game barely has any roleplaying at all.
Vampire is probably the only tabletop that was always majority chicks. And yes, they were always all about being the hottest bitch around. Making the protagonist a dead fish on legs paradox shoot themselves in the foot about as much as if they decided that Hearts of Iron 5 shouldn't have Hitler in it.
God's work
Why skip cc gen?
After witcher 1 they only produced slop.
For real?
God's work!
>Banu haqim
>Egyptian cross
If you cant play a fucking dervish vampire that stone throws the kuffars of whatever american coastal city the games set in then whats the point?

So... is not using female models for female characters a thing now?
It'll kill any chance of a good VtM game for the next however many years, sadly, since it's likely going to be full of boring gameplay and writing aping the charm of the original, at best. The fact they're making you play a mostly pre-determined character is the only thing you need to know that it's going to be nothing like a sequel to bloodlines. The Princes of Darkness mod for CK3 is pretty good for what it is, if you want more World of Darkness. It improves CK3 dramatically.
Playtesters complained that they couldn't see their PC under the mandatory burqa that female Banu Haqim get.
It'll be really bad eurojank but won't be a complete culturewar headache like veilguard. It's still modern WoD but it won't be as bad
>won't be a complete culturewar headache
This post won’t age well
screencap it and hold it over my head if it indeed doesn't
>Hard to surpass game that is perfect
what game are you talking about?
>Vampire is probably the only tabletop that was always majority chicks
is it? sorry never played any tabletop RPG, maybe beside Mansion of Madness
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Baldurs Gate 2
>"finally, someone who looks fucking ugly and laughable, just like me". is this really an emotion people experience?
IDK but I don't believe their propaganda about this because of things like:
>vampire larp I attended irl at sf abandoned church:
>hot goth latex clad bitch enjoying all the amateur theater nerd attention
>women i've been with always wanted to look as attractive as possible in mmos too whether they were hot or average themselves it didn't matter

Well the left decisively lost the culture war last week so hopefully things improve as more of them can't get hired.
>assamites and ventrue somehow look more tremere than tremere themselves
how in the fuck?
you are aware no one outside of america cares about trump or other bullshit. your country is controlled by israel and wealthy jews in NY
>half muslim half ancient near eastern clan
>playing as a w*man
nice try tranny
so wait, i cant choose a character myself? in RPG game? only class/tribe?
>"World" of Darkness
>Almost everything outside of vampire is dogshit
>They ruined vampire too in the latest edition

Fucking why.
Honestly, thats the only thing i appreciate about woke feminist shit. I like lesbians, too... when i want to rub one out, not in general. And since they're so degenerate, they'll probably include something i can get off to.
i kinda understand the idea but i dont get off to carpet munchers. there need to be penetration dick and pussy is like ying and yang.
Ventrue and Brujah outfits are fine, but holy shit the other two lmao. Tabletop designs could get dumb and out there, but I liked that in Bloodlines if you weren't one of the freak clans you dressed to blend in and generally in something understated.
Not sure about now but back in tbe day if you were into chunky goth chicks being a vampire dm was a cheat code for life.
What if it's good have you guys considered that
Unlikely. I don't want it to be good, I just want it to be over.
Yeah, Czech World of Darkness fandom is small but dedicated, and.generally unhappy with the direction Paradox takes. Two of the guys are long time devs at Warhorse and on first name terms with Vávra, so he will listen when they pitch an idea. But the best they can guarantee is bring it to his attention and have him discuss it with the rest of the management, they have no say in the final decision. So if Paradox drops the brand for cheap enough, there is a chance.
1. VTMB is far from perfect
2. VTMB2 will be trash.
BG1 is better than BG2.
>we could've had garbage wokeslop instead of garbage wokeslop!!!
daring sinthesis
PoR is better than BG1.
Bad taste
Warhorse are good but they are not as good as CDPR
Low IQ post

Epic fail, 3 responses all shit, its official: Redditors > VRPG posters
The fuck is Banu Haqim?
And I expected they won't add any fun clans like Nos/Malk/Gangrel, but no Toreador?
The fuck?
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"Children of Haqim", it's what Assamites call themselves. Assamites were not present in Bloodlines, but there was one in Redemption.
Fun clans might be added later as DLCs, or not, depending how hard the game flops and if it's financially viable to make DLCs for (normally Paradox loves making DLCs).
Yeah, I know of the Assamites.
Nobody plays this clan, as is with all "gimmicky" neutral clans.
>Czech World of Darkness fandom is small but dedicated and.generally unhappy with the direction Paradox takes.

Shit, does anyone like the direction Paradox has taken it? I talked to a brazilian anon on /tg/ who said Brazil's WoD fandom got into a spat with Paradox's community manager. My friend who goes on Tumblr says they hate V5.
>don't women prefer to play as attractive women?
way to out yourself lol. that's men. women prefer to play as attractive (effeminite) men.
No. Polish VtM fandom (that's actually pretty sizeable) is also very butthurt.
In general, if you are an old fan of VtM, you dislike V5. If you like V5, you are a newcomer that doesn't care about previous VtM editions.
>So, how bad will it be?
Mediocre and boring at best, a steaming pile of shit at worst.

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