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>look for examples of dungeon crawler titles because I want to try getting into the genre
>top 25 list
>second game mentioned is Binding of Isaac
I'm already aware of the most prominent titles of the genre, I guess I want to know about the non-obvious ones I may be overlooking.
I also want to ask: what do (you) like about the genre? It seems to encompass some very different games; which elements are most important to you?
>I want to know about the non-obvious ones I may be overlooking.
Play the obvious ones first and stop making bad threads.
>but i did already!
If you have to ask no you didn't.
I will never stop making bad threads.
I probably should just play the obvious ones. I've had trouble getting into the genre but I'm not ready to give up yet, and I was hoping I could find the right game to make it click.
Thank you for the advice though.
The problem is that games like that are part of the umbrella term "dungeon crawlers", you'll have to search for either first person dungeon crawlers, blobbers, or the japanese term which was I dont rememeber
>the japanese term which was I dont rememeber
>second game mentioned is Binding of Isaac
Now you know how we roguelikefags feel.
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These terms are helpful, thank you. There's a lot of variety to the genre, so it helps to be able to look for specific things.
It turns out there a ton of these things on Amiga, but most of them are real time in the vein of Eye of the Beholder, and I think I want to start with the turn based RPG kind (DRPG?). Getting Wizardry running on PC (so I can export my party) seems like a pain in the ass, so I'm going to try my luck with Might and Magic.
You can't rely on google searches to find recommendations, all of those sites are just farming clicks. You're better off asking anywhere else, even Reddit, Resetera, Youtube comments, literally anywhere than big gaming journo listicle style articles.
A mistake. You should be running 6 G-Fig instead
Might & Magic 6-9 and Legend of Grimrock 1-2 and Vaporum all had real-time combat. I absolutely love that within this genre, but it seems very rare, and I haven't been able to find any other games than the ones mentioned that did it. Well there's Wizardry 8, but I somehow didn't like that game
Dungeon Master
Will look into that one, thanks
>but it seems very rare, and I haven't been able to find any other games than the ones mentioned that did it.
This site has a list of games with real time combat, but it doesn't mention games like Might and Magic 6-9 or Wizardry 8
They're not listed on the site at all in fact. I think it's because they don't have grid-based movement.
Anyway, I thought I remembered Wizardry 8 and MM6, 7 and 8 having turn based combat, but maybe it lets you switch between them or something
>A mistake. You should be running 6 G-Fig instead
I got the screenshot from the internet, but thank you, I'll keep that in mind.
I'm thinking of playing 1-3 on SNES, I assume that'll let me keep my characters between games.
>You're better off asking anywhere else, even Reddit, Resetera, Youtube comments, literally anywhere than big gaming journo listicle style articles.
I know listicles suck, but sometimes I'll find a game I wasn't aware of/hadn't considered. But I do hate that it's basically how all information is presented now.
They're still less awful than blog posts pretending to be recipes though

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