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Anyone know of any good RPGs with a variety of party members? Like any game where you can truly customize your party.
It is a mystery.
my JRPG project I'm making. you can even set their personality so they aren't just lifeless husks. idk DQ9 maybe but you can't customize class attribute progressions, only their skills
Final Fantasy Tactics A2

I'm not kidding. Go emulate it.
Any SaGa from Romancing onwards
The Last Remnant
Shin Megami Tensei series
sounds like Skyrim with modding tool
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Tactics Advance 1 let you do that as well, except for the two main characters. The OG FF also let you pick whoever you wanted at the beginning of the game, even repeat characters/archetypes.
Dragon Quests 3 and 9
Final Fantasy Tactics
Most monster catching RPGs
Final Fantasy 5 has fixed characters, but a customizable job system
Final Fantasy 10 lets you fully customize the characters’ skills with the Advanced Sphere Grid
literally any 80s CRPG
Wth picrel
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Any game Made by NIS my guy
Those aren't good and are puddle-deep.

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