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It’s hard to think of an experience more frustrating than a game that’s ALMOST good. Pic related and Tyranny are key examples of this for me, where clearly the spark is there but it never really gets capitalized on.
Maybe play a few good games for once before you make threads on bad games.
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For me its Temple of Elemental Evil

A beautiful game, with some great music and atmosphere, and at times reallyy interesting combat.

But holy fuck how unpolished it is sometimes. And most of the times, outright unfinished. This game needed a couple more years of solid funded development to become a masterpiece. And I believe it would've been one.

I am using the tabletop cover because it's much cooler than the computer game cover.
Iirc some rodent murdered my party before we got to the town.
I beat the game I think three times. Early game is hellish, you really gotta know what you're doing.

And figuring that out, for me, was part of the fun. Later on you get a reach weapon, cleve, reflexes for attacks of opportunity and... hit like 10 times per round lol.
I still don't get why there isn't a good crpg available. Something like Toee could easily be made for 500k in a year, maybe less. Still we only get propaganda slop.
i finished it. wasted potential. first 1/3 was good
maybe there are some mods, at least for ToEE?
Encased is long dead and dropped by devs themselves. i hat to download privately some patch because there was ingame bug that wouldnt let me progress with the story
Plenty of mods
well suggest me something, ill give it another go. never managed to finish it before
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You know what I really hate? I played all the goddamn classics and good games to death already. I'll take these mediocre to decent games and enjoy them for what they are.
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Circle of Eight is all you need. Although it won't really change that "game feels like a sidequest to some real story that never begins" vibe ToEE has.
>story that never begins" vibe ToEE has
Co8 gets shilled here a lot but it kinda sucks. It has a lot of changes, some good and some bad, and it’s not fully modular so that you can’t take out all the bad changes if you don’t want them. You can play using their launcher but without the content of the mod pack enabled as a compromise, this gets you a somewhat improved vanilla game but without any added bloat.

Temple+ looks more up my alley, I haven’t tried it yet but were into replay ToEE it’s probably what I’d do. However, you don’t absolutely need any mods, the game is buggy but still playable totally vanilla, I’ve beaten it vanilla on modern PCs at least twice over the last ten years or so
the music is really solid
Ummm have you played Fallout 2 mods? No? Youre a cuck then
Nigger it's not almost Good. 3 Quarters of the game is just missing.
If that's almost then talking to a chick is almost losing your virginity.
It was such a let down, i think it dropped the ball after prison part
It was good up until that point with the storm. If you just pretend your character died and the game finished there then you'll be fine.
the revised prologue was the nail in the coffin
Did they redo the Encased prologue? That was the only good thing about the game.
yes, and I will forever seethe about it
>have a great prologue that's surprising long enough to allow the player immersive themselves into the world, show pre-collapse dome society, play with game mechanics that vary due to player's skill set, and set up immediate choice/potential future consequences for the post-collapse acts
>run out of money
>completely gut it and replace it with an absolute shit and streamlined 10 minute run-through
>place all the gutted content to post-collapse acts, utterly ruining the pre-collapse immersion and set ups
nothing in the past decade for RPGs has made me more mad
Had they literally scrapped the entire rest of the game it would have made for a better experience.
This was so much more interesting before the collapse.
I did. You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Tyranny is substantially better than this because it's not bloated and has a specific appeal.
I think I played Encased for over 10 hours before losing interest. I did the part where you blackout from the weird Zone effects and come to in a different part of the map. No idea what was going on.
>Only good aspect of the game
>They delete it
I should make a personal blacklist and if I see anyone who worked on this on another game I will avoid it like the plague.
How deep? Mind you i watched Warlockracy video
Most don't actually have a say in such matters. It's always suits bending company heads and/or project managers in all kinds of unnatural ways. Although quite often those make retarded if not outright evil decisions on their own.

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