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>most popular RPG of 2023
>most popular RPG of 2024
How do we stop BG3?
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What's the point of these threads if you aren't playing the game and have nothing to say about it? What do people even get out of making these retarded threads all day? And anyways, Path of Exile 2 will outpeak it,so you'll have to say most popular *C*RPG soon instead, which isn't saying much.
>More popular
>Player count is still objectively lower than at launch
Doesn't quite make sense.
Whats the point of being an avatarfagging subhuman piece of garbage?
I don't care, I have other games to play
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I hate that the only reason this game is popular is due to (shit taste) waifufags, homosexuals and w*men that are obsessed with the god-awful party. Mechanically it's mediocre, story wise it's mediocre and the entire third fucking act of the game is still undercooked and unfinished. How many people made it past the first zone? How many people even reached BG itself? Going by the achievements on Steam it's not many.
Don't reply to your own shitty bait thread
Going by achievements, most people never get past the first half of pretty much any RPG ever made. Normalfags can't commit to any game, regardless of whether it's good or bad. If it takes more than a few hours it's a safe bet most people will never finish it.
>Going by the achievements on Steam it's not many.
Statistically, going by sales, wouldn't this low percentage still be a higher number of players than virtually and other cRPG?
>most people never get past the first half of pretty much any RPG ever made
Larian didn’t get past the first third of BG3, so it tracks.
Why do you keep replying to yourself
>How do we stop BG3?
We don't.
It will die out on it's own over time or it could be surpassed by other big cRPG but there are no other cRPGs on the horizon, only pretender is DA:V that had failed so far.
>and there are even stats to prove it
Refuses to elaborate further
>story wise it's mediocre
That's very generous. It's, a disaster, actually.
Give it a year or too more and it'll have less players than Skyrim.
>How do we stop BG3?
BG3 is a good game but has some cringe woke choices when it comes to the writing of some characters. I hope there would be less of those now that Larian are no longer working with WotC.
I’m really curious how much of that was due to Larian and how much was due to WotC/Hasbro. Surely a non-zero amount of both. Shame since it mars what could otherwise be a good game.
bg3 is fun with friends
it sucks otherwise
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Completed it and now moved onto Factorio. After I finally launch that rocket, think I'll play something like disciples liberation because imma wait on Civ 7 before I jump back into 4x's.

Then over Xmas holidays going to do a play through of all the guilty gears including overture I've been putting it off because SF6 world tour was a good way to practice on the stick I made. After that I may get cyberpunk and play that in the new year if it pops on sale or a key is at a decent price to see what everyone bangs on about. If not I'll boot up the PS and smash through Valkyrie Profile - that's comfy AF on those lazy days between boxing day and new year's eve desu.

So yeah op. Just go play some fucking games and stop worrying about it.
As long as you keep crying about it, it will not be stopped.
"best ongoing"
>release unfinished game
>finally finish it, while the game has been out for a long time
fucking retards lol

Personally i really do like how much freedom the game gives you. Like you can literally say "fuck it, this is not my problem" and skip act one´s war and stuff like that if you want to.
On the other hand i feel the plot lacks focus and that, while there is certainly a lot to do, everything feels kind of disjointed and none of it is particularly interesting or adds to the narrative experience all that much.

IDK about other people but i need a somewhat solid plot if i´m going to put 60+ hours on a game. Fun alone just doesn´t cut it.
I don't want to stop it, it's a good game
That's an opium den? Looks classy.
everything is fun with friends but i found bg3 to be more annoying desu
playing with friends just further exacerbates the long wait times between turns because now i control only 1 character instead of 4
The incessant marketing months after release is showing us how much it struggled. The sales and player numbers for this game were bought and paid for, all bullshit. The gay/tranny shit killed it.
>they're spending millions (which they don't have because their game was a giant flop) on marketing just to convince people that the game actually sold well
That's some next-level mental gymnastics, just because you're unable to cope with the fact that a game you've been told to hate for political reasons is popular.
The dude is such a turbo-liberal that he can't just accept the fact that normies have shit tastes a lot of the time and so they will buy easy shit to like and play

I call him a liberal because he believes in the infallibility of the free market.
i would have played more but i hated the mechanics
i kept it turn based when in a dungeon even without enemies, but after a cutscene it changed itself back to real time with turrets on

Pillars of Eternity was much more fun as a game

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