You're fucking cute girls.
>>3660485>F&H>has porn in it???
>>3660485Holy cope anon.
>>3660472No. You make love to them.
>>3660485>posted it again award
>>3660472What game?
>>3660485Black souls sequel and lonarpg are actually good games. Others are meh. Demons roots was decent but the porn sucked
>>3660902mgq is a solid vn and paradox is infinitly better than shitquel it's not even close
>>3660476porn games should never let you play as the penetrator
>>3660902lonarpg is not good
>>3661028lonarpg is great
>>3661165Based based based pic
>>3660472Not *just* eldritch beings, Red Hood is a human
>>3660485black souls is amazing if you don't really like most rpgs because it unironically fixes most of the "problems" with rpgs by just shamelessly copying dark souls combat and also is fun to break>>3660902demons roots was amazing the first time through but i will never replay it ever again
>>3661521it copies FF combat and has dark souls aesthetic a bit and also has SOME of dark souls features.
>>3661521>black souls>shamelessly copying dark souls combatironically enough, of all the "infamous RPGM eroge" mentioned so far the one closest to Dark Souls combat would be Lona
>>3661521But it plays like a generic rpgmaker game and looks like one what are you saying? And apparently if you turn off porn you're missing the pointI just don't like looking at that stuff man
>>3661593the gameplay loop is clearly trying to imitate dark souls by being "attack as much as you can, dodge/parry at the last moment, resume attacking as much as you can" like it's some action rpg. even if you don't control it like dark souls, it copies it in spirit
>>3661619This is not unique at all to Black Souls no matter how badly you want to think it's some kind of unicorn.
Tedanor made a 10-hour review per million views/some vtuber streamed
>>3661623no but it is clearly trying to imitate black souls
>>3661619>"attack as much as you can, dodge/parry at the last moment, resume attacking as much as you can"This isn't how you play Dark Souls, anon.
>>3661619nigger i did chaos dungeon once and it leveled me high enough to one shit everything in the game, this aint dark souls
>>3660485Half of the games in this image might as well be called "porn games where the porn is the last thing anyone will praise in them"Like say what you want about Rance, at least they can draw and write actually fappable scenes when they want to. Have you seen the porn in Black Souls 1? The vaginas are so puffy they look like a pair of balls.
>>3660485Whoever made that wants to win /v/'s 2024s retard of the year award so bad.