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Now that the dust has settled, which one is a better RPG?
Which one was sold better?
Which one has better combat?
Which one has better graphics?
Which one was bigger disappointment?
neither are rpgs
for you
Bioware and Bethesda are brining shame to the WRPG genre
Given those two option, I'd have to say that Drova was the better rpg
>two completely different games going for completely different things
What a retarded post and even more pointless retarded questions.

>Which one was sold better?
Most likely Veilguard. Atlus games don't actually sell tons of copies, despite what people think.

>Which one has better combat?
Completely different. Both are competent at what they set out to do, so it comes down to preference.

>Which one has better graphics?
Veilguard by far. Even on a technical level Metaphor has incredibly blurry textures. Metaphor relies on art direction and style.

>Which one was bigger disappointment?
Metaphor wasn't a dissapointment.
Dragon Age Veilguard is mainly a dissapointment because they went more in the Mass Effect direction than Dragon Age Origins, building on the origin system.

Be thankful I decided to answer your moronic questions seriously.
reeee the post

I expected nothing from either. Literally would rather play FF XVI over these.
Well maybe the rest of the genre should start being better than Bioware and Bethesda then
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This is like that time Bioware tried to compare Pissquisition to Witcher 3.
I’m just not going to play either, is all
senile old man, they came out a year apart, you're thinking of da2 and witcher 2
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I don't have an opinion because I played neither
but I did notice something from some other thread comparing DAV to MrF
checked it and yes, you have wrong peak player count in the pic and it's obviously very deliberately done since
the graph is from today

do you mind explaining what was the purpose?
It's responding seriously to a post that doesn't deserve it. Like I'm doing now. But if you prefer I can just do what everyone else does, say you're retarded and call it a day.
Why is there a constant attempt to stoke arguing and slide all discussion on the board with awful threads like these while spamming bethesda and squareshit? This won't make people like those games.
>This won't make people like those games.
You believe this would be someone's motivation?
I am genuinely 100% certain it's to control board real estate.
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Why is there 5+ saga and bg2 threads all in the top half of the catalogue? That's one person. People didn't simultaneously decide to make threads on 20 year old series. That's obvious. Anyone can see that. Additionally, when these threads are bumped, a large amount of shitpost threads, like this one, are bumped at the same time. So it's quite clear to me what's happening. This is exactly what generals on /vg/ are like. That same bad behavior has spilled onto other boards.
[End dialogue]
Now you bumped both of those threads. You know what you are and you know why you're here. Now the board is full of shit. Now what? No one is ever going to come here. Now you just have a big pile of shit no one wants to use with generals which already exist on 3 other boards. That's what /vrpg/ is now.
[End dialogue]
"I am already gone." [End dialogue]
You're reading way too much into this. I made this thread, and never made any other. If anything, one of the goals was to contain both game discussions into one thread. The other, I'm really interested into discussion merits of both games, and why they apparently failed. They're both very mediocre, and I can't figure e exactly why. Third. They're both new games, from popular devs, so you can expect people talkling about them. That's also the reason why there are so many threads about them up. Yes, there's many of them, but each has valid discussion in them, along with usual shitposting that you do need to accept if you wish to remain sane around here, and neither of them is disturbing the board too much. If you're pissed that your game isn't getting enough traction, learn to 4chan. Pin your thread. Bump it periodically, at times with meme replies, other times with serious discussion, and you'll see it thrive, as long as it's not some obscure indie game that nobody ever played.
Ill certainly never know.
>Now that the dust has settled, which one is a better RPG?
Metaphor is unfortunately actually a really good JRPG if you play on Hurt Me Plenty
>Which one was sold better?
Probably Dragon Age
>Which one has better combat?
Definitely Metaphor.
>Which one has better graphics?
They're both painfully ugly to look at.
>Which one was bigger disappointment?
I don't find either game particularly disappointing if we're being completely honest. Being disappointed at Dragon Age for being woke or having shitty combat makes no sense to me because it's a Bioware game. It's merely what I expect. Being disappointed in Metaphor for not fully realizing it's calendar or world travel mechanics doesn't make sense because it's an Atlus Persona game. It's merely what I expect.
You don't play RPGs
DAV sold better on PC but Its hard to say which game sold better overall since most Atlus fans are on console, also most people who played metaphor liked it while DAV seems to have gotten quite a few refunds and got quite a bit of hate from longtime fans of the series.
>Now that the dust has settled, which one is a better RPG?
>Which one was sold better?
>Which one has better combat?
>Which one has better graphics?
Metaphor, though this wasn't exactly a high bar to clear.
>Which one was bigger disappointment?
Metaphor, unfortunately. Already knew Veilguard was going to be shit but somehow I was stupid enough to have hope that Metaphor would be good.

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