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>Divinity Original Sin 3 but in Forgotten Realms and with D&D ruleset (meaning zero vibe or orginal games)
>countless of pointless mechanics that the game doesn't need and no one uses anyway
>releases in sorry ass state despite god know how many years in development and 3 years in early access and needs more than a year of patches to be playable (still have bugs)
>cut content they lied about and they couldn't finish because they bit 3 times as much as they could chew
>counting dialogues and in-game cutscenes as "cinematics" to brag how they have thousands of hours of them (in reality game has around 8 minutes of actual cinematics
>1700 endings my ass
>shitty mechanics (present in other Divinity games, that are clunky, chore-ish and reinvent the wheel in worse way possible (chaining character, entire stealing system etc.)
>playable original characters that add very little for replayability and just increase bugs and development time
>desperate attempt to tie this game to Bhaalspawn saga by bringing back old characters The Dead Three and destroying arcs of some of them (Viconia, Sarevok, entire existance of Dark Cuck)
>woke elements (body types, black elves and dwarves, horny companions, the entire persona of Karlach)

Somehow despite all of this game is praised as RPG of the decade and new standard for RPGs.
>new standard for RPG
I haven't seen a standard for RPGs ever. It's one of the most varied genres of video games out there. This is just repeating platitudes like a parrot, with no sense to your thoughts.
You've been posting the same exact disinfo since the day the game came out and when people correct you then you just repost the same stuff the next day. How is this not spam? How is this allowed?
>Divinity Original Sin 3 but in Forgotten Realms and with D&D ruleset (meaning zero vibe or orginal games)
Objectively true.
>countless of pointless mechanics that the game doesn't need and no one uses anyway
>releases in sorry ass state despite god know how many years in development and 3 years in early access and needs more than a year of patches to be playable (still have bugs)
Objectively true.
>cut content they lied about and they couldn't finish because they bit 3 times as much as they could chew
Objectively true.
>counting dialogues and in-game cutscenes as "cinematics" to brag how they have thousands of hours of them (in reality game has around 8 minutes of actual cinematics
Objectively true.
>1700 endings my ass
Objectively true.
>shitty mechanics (present in other Divinity games, that are clunky, chore-ish and reinvent the wheel in worse way possible (chaining character, entire stealing system etc.)
>playable original characters that add very little for replayability and just increase bugs and development time
Objectively true.
>desperate attempt to tie this game to Bhaalspawn saga by bringing back old characters The Dead Three and destroying arcs of some of them (Viconia, Sarevok, entire existance of Dark Cuck)
Objectively true.
>woke elements (body types, black elves and dwarves, horny companions, the entire persona of Karlach)
Objectively true.

Yup, looks like it's seething time from the dishonest fanboys. Plot twist: I'm alt-tabbed out of BG3 right now
Plot twisteder: I defend the game and have never played it :).
If you like cRPGs, I'd say wait for it to go on a decent sale and then buy it. It's flawed but can be fun. They're done patching it and not doing any expansion packs so it's as done as it's going to get.
I've been waiting to upgrade my computer, but upgrading for one game is kinda eh.
Now that you've replied to yourself how does this change the thread? You make retarded bait posts like this because you are a boring person with nothing intelligent to say and this thread will be a boring parody of greater people who have preceded you.
Hello me.
I feel ya, the emperor is standing here naked and everyone else is gushing over his clothes.
>criticism of the game I like is disinfo
Holy shit you people are a cult.
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577 KB JPG
>I feel ya, the emperor is standing here naked and everyone else is gushing
>lawful stupid paladin with 10 int approaches a bloody crossroads strewn with many corpses of tieflings and absolute cultists
>Roll for investigation, DC 14. Success
Not reading all that, but I will say I liked the game
I have to agree. BG3 is extremely overrated trash.

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