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People are coming around to this game.
>modern rpgs are so bad that people are turning to mediocre garbage from yesteryear
nobody is going to come around to it even when it gets remastered
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i love usaga but the game needs a full on rework. i do think it would have better pull with more people getting into tabletop stuff these days
The type of people getting into tabletop now aren't the type of people who would enjoy playing a video game outside of movie games
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youre 100% correct. im holding out hope that of all the people that do get into tabletop, a few do because they like the crunch, which usaga delivers in full
I love it and I'm bitter that I let reviewers stop me from playing it as a teen. I would have spent so many hours on this game.
You aren't playing this game right now. You're just going to make a general for every single saga game and bump them indefinitely because you're an undesirable retard.
I haven't tried it yet but it's abundantly clear that the vast majority of people who have reviewed this game do not know what they're talking about. I love Minstrel Song so I will try it eventually.
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my 200 IQ big brain take is that, the game kinda sucks but not in the same ways that most midwits complain about. some of the systems are just cumbersome.
>lots of time spent on the menu navigating on town/prep stuff is too high, takes away from the meat of the game (adventures)
>magic system is grindy in a game/series that doesn't really require it, and the payoff is very low compared to weapon art stuff
>most of the stats are useless and you can complete every scenario by knowing how to increase strength for high str growth characters or skill for high skill growth characters
>the need for a dump panel is retarded
Theres a lot of very innovative systems here (monster ecology is a very complex yet intuitive system that exists for the sole purpose of helping randomization feel natural) but theres a lot that needed to be play tested better. I think the only QA person that ran through the game was Kawazu himself, iirc stated in some interview.
A lot of the systems are cumbersome and needlessly obtuse. Like, don't get me wrong, the ideas are really cool and it's certainly fucking unique, but it sucks to play. I think a very careful remake/remaster under close supervision of Kawazu himself and at LEAST with a RS2RotS budget could polish it into a real gem.
just watched a youtube retrospective, huh?
No I remembered a guide for it got made in Japan a few years ago and then people there gave it a change.
Yeah, I don't assume it'll be a masterpiece but most reviews I've seen refuse to meet the games on its terms. They all want it to be Final Fantasy X or whatever. I'm looking forward to giving it a shot, I barely touched the ecology quests in Minstrel Song - but they're a cool concept. Excited to hear they expanded on it.
>ecology quests
These were pretty good in stalker shadows of Chernobyl
probably not, i still see people seething about it, and even the people i knos who should have been able to appreciate it are shunning it
there was at least one monster ecology quest in minstrel song, that i know of
i didn't do it though, instead i murdered pyrix for his item shortly after he gave me the ecology quest

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