you know what i think? since RPGs are made as low brow coom bait for braindead zoomers we should go full blown half-porn half-adveture style, bit like thow Newgrounds porn RPG maker games. sells will get off the roof at first and will be unbearable (were kinda almost at that sweet G spot) but after that people will get bored and tired with constant coom baiting and will look for more intelligent sort of vidya entertainment. this will be out comeback
>>3661584let so go ceazy, devs
You might be onto something, BG3 certainly follows that design philosophy.
>>3661606thats my point. its the future it all have to burn
how much of a coombait newest dragon age is anyway?
>>3661584Life is all about sex, so RPGs should be too.You wouldn't have a problem with it if a game offered pure waifus.
>>3661613how old are you, and what skin colour
CoC isn't broadly popular.
>>3661662CoC and it's clones are less porn and more writefag exercises in exhibitionist fetishistic graphomania.They are not really for others to masturbate and otherwise indulge into, they are for the contributing authors to show how patrician-tier their fetishes are and how mucho texto they can shit out on the subject.