Am I gonna regret not levelling my party members evenly?
>>3661588yes, your party gets shuffled around a couple times.
>>3661658you don't have to have everyone completely even, just don't have your backup dudes sorely underleveled because it'll be a pain when your forced to use em
Not exactly, but do keep in mind Death magic also covers petrification. Without any protection to it this will probably be where you get stonewalled.
WHY none of you fags told me about this game. I enjoy it, maybe not as much as based Fallout Sonora or Fallout Nevada but its still damn good post apo RPG. Im playing Directors Cut with bugfix mod, having fun n shit
>>3661804Well fuck me this supposed to be new thread. Now were talking Wastelands 2 here, no japshit allowed
>>3661667Yeah I got wiped a couple times in the deserted ship from the phantoms. When I broke through the wall and cruised through the rest of the dungeon it was exhilarating.
>>3661588not really, i found Heat and Cielo pretty useless and benched them for most of the game. heard Cielo is a must have if you trying to take down the secret boss just because he has the highest speed state but by that point, everyone is gonna be max level.