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Summon Night is a good series.
Can we get a thread going?
One of those series where spinoffs are more popular than mainline, to the point where people think the spinoffs *are* the mainline. Has there been any word on anyone working on a translation patch of the pre-5 mainline games? Or Ex These? Or Gran These?
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At least in this case it makes sense because the mainline series simply never made it out of Japan. For what reason? Who knows. They're really charming games that garnered enough popularity in Japan to warrant making all those spinoffs and sequels.

I haven't heard any word about translation projects - not even for Swordcraft Story 3 surprisingly.
I've been daydreaming about translating them myself but that's more like a fever dream. I don't have the skills for that kind of undertaking.

It's such a shame too because I want more people to play them.
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Swordcraft 2 is one of the best classic gba games imo
It's a spinoff of black/matrix right?
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>good music
>great cast of characters
>both the male and female leads are worth playing as
>story isn't some bullshit epic world-scaling quest as the chosen one
>better gameplay than the first game (can't just stunlock enemies to death, way more forging options)
>nice graphics
>high production value with the text effects like shaking, mis-aligned letters and all those funny facial expressions
>great replay value
They really don't make them like they used to. It still holds up even as an adult.

Also, Nesty, Amer, Toris, and Hasaha from the second mainline game all cameo in it. You literally can't miss the event which makes it all the stranger how no one put 2 and 2 together to realize Swordcraft Story was a spinoff.
>can't just stunlock enemies to death
tell me you never use fists without telling me you never use fists

>It still holds up even as an adult.
it is if you don't mind mindless babbling
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what the fuck man
>can only type in memes
oh boy
Even with Knuckles, enemies will either get knocked out of your combo or attack out of their recoil frames specifically to prevent cheese unlike 1.

I booted up the game just to test this.

Also most encounters will usually have multiple enemies who'll try to hit you out of combos too.
Sure you can group them together but flying ones will still escape.

Did you just grind so hard that every enemy died in 1-2 hits?
Although I doubt if you didn't have the patience to read "mindless blabbing" then you didn't have the patience to grind levels either.

I don't care if you shit on the game but direct real complaints to something like the terrible fishing minigame.
>blah blah blah blah blah
i see why you think characters droning on and on and on "still holds up even as an adult"
tell me how long, in minutes, does it take from the intro scene to the actual gameplay
this is a shoddy game at best, only slightly elevated by slim pickings of funny dialogue
I think those are just Flight Plan's first game series. No relation to Summon Night besides them being SRPGs.
Ignore the retard.
Everything that we could say has been said.
Everything that we could do had been done.
>Can we get a thread going?
Only if someone translate the rest of the series.
Yes dinah is the best partner! she's too hot and could not be made today, 2young4chan
if you're a full grown adult and mindless babble doesn't bother you, that says a lot about you and your middling intellect and lack of standards

>I don't care if you shit on the game
>b-b-b-b-but only shit on the parts of the game i dislike!!!!!11
I just never got the chance to talk to others about the non-Swordcraft Story games.
I'm like 20 years too late for that.
The feeling is mutual. I was part of that era, but never participated in it and now I'm feeling bad about it...! You can still find groups that talk about these kind of games but discord makes me sick
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I thought about finding Japs to talk with because they apparently still hold events and are still making doujinshi of the series to this day which I'm really surprised about
Ideally they'd speak English though because my JP production is ass. That's why I'm here on /vrpg/ and also yeah fuck discord.

>I was part of that era
Which ones did you play, anon?
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Even if she's an Etna ripoff I want to make half-demon half-angel children with her.
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Swordcraft 123, around 2000-2012 really were the salad days for me, I lurked old retro gaming sites because I was a total newbie when it came to emulators.

Most of them now are either defunct or a husk of their former selfs. /vrpg/ is no home to jrpgs anymore either, now it's a containment board for rotten eggs.
Nice! Someone who actually played that one.
So weird how it never escaped Japan. It was a nice change of pace going around a bunch of different towns instead of the usual mega dungeon. I liked Myuno and Rufiru.

Did you emulate the SS games or play them on hardware? Which was your favorite?
>now it's a containment board for rotten eggs.
Aside from that one schizo this thread is pretty nice.
Yeah I played on emulator, 3 I played untranslated cause that was the only option, and I beat it but I didn't really know what was going on. 2 is my favorite, and I recently replayed it just a few days ago actually. I haven't really played much outside of those so I am not the most knowledgeable on this series.
>one schizo
lol your ass got served
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>mfw you still can't play the entire series in English
if you learned moon 30 years ago you'd be able to play all the jrpgs you want by now
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>I beat it but I didn't really know what was going on
That's a damn shame. I probably don't need to tell you the characters are half the fun of these games. At least you didn't need to know Japanese to understand how busted the new bow and arrow was.
>I recently replayed it just a few days ago actually
Haha, awesome.
2 is probably my favorite also. It's just an improvement over 1 in every capacity.
Did you go for the same character for your replay? That's what's always so hard about these games. Not going for the same exact character's ending.
But if I do ever replay it and go for someone else it would probably be Tatan. That one event where she tries to seduce the guy blocking the water area won me over on her.
I loved Swordcraft Story 1 and 2 to death, and that diablo-like spin-off on the DS (Twin Age, I think?) wasn't too bad either.
Then I tried playing mainline 5 on the PSP and I just couldn't get into it. The characters were kinda annoying, the models looked bad, and the gameplay was so stiff and unenjoyable compared to other SRPGs even on the same system. Were any of the previous mainline games better?
>Were any of the previous mainline games better?
Absolutely. If you go into detail about why you thought 5 was stiff and I can give you a comparison to 1-4's gameplay.
If you liked the characters in Swordcraft Story you'll like the cast of those games too. And they're all sprite based so no awkward models.

5 and by extension 6 are widely regarded not just to be the worst of the series, but poor games in their own right. It's for good good reason too:
They weren't developed by the original studio Flight Plan.
It's sad that 5 and 6 are the only mainline titles to be localized.
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Oh and how was Twin Age? I haven't played that yet.
I have to play Summon Night Ex-These (fucking weird name) next because of this demon chick.
We did get one game out of japan.
Fucking 6th one with a 'quirky' translation
It's a stylus mini action adventure game with a more simplistic storylien and interactions.
5 also got an official western release.
It was decent. Touch controls took a little getting used to though. The characters were fun, I liked that both MCs are canon no matter which you pick and they have nice chemistry. To be completely honest though I didn't finish it, not because it was bad or anything, just got distracted with something and never went back.
Should I go for the original PS1/PS2 titles or the DS/PSP remakes? And are any of them translated? I don't see any patches in the usual places. Going to be hard to enjoy the characters (and the games overall) in moonspeak.
5 was the on I was thinking, yeah.
I completely forgot 6 was a later release.
I am surprised nobody bothered with Swordcrraft story 3
Tears X crown has a translation and I enjoyed it for the most part. Having direct turn based combat instead of being another srpg made it easier to go through. Also Fukuyuma Jun voiced the male mc.
5 is considered the worst one added to the fact that it had shit translation and removed voice acting. Twin Age is pretty bland and unmemorable both gameplay and stoy.
>with a 'quirky' translation
oh for fuck's sake
now im doubting the game was bad at all and it only did poorly because of asshole localizers
No, it was bad.
the game and the translation were bad
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>original or remakes?
I recommend original for 1 and 2, PSP for 3 and 4.
The DS ports have later games' system mechanics that weren't originally in the first two but they removed all voice acting which sucks.
PSP ones are straight improvements.
>I liked that both MCs are canon
Yeah that's always nice it's kind of like Pokemon. That's a thing in all the Summon Night games.
You can learn Japanese! I believe in you!

And sorry for the late reply I fell asleep.
Guess I'll save Twin Age for last lol.
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how can it be bad with designs like THIS
Thanks for the reply!
>The DS ports...removed all voice acting
Bummer. Though I probably should've expected that, Disgaea was like that too. PSP it is then, conveniently 1 and 2 can be played on the PSP too.
>That's a thing in all the Summon Night games.
Oh, neat. Though unless I'm misremembering, 5 and Swordcraft games weren't like that.
>You can learn Japanese
haha yeah...
That's a lot of work though. Would've been doable if I didn't have to work a 9-5 (often not ending at 5) maybe.
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>Swordcraft games weren't like that
Oh I guess you meant both the male and female MCs appear in your playthrough for Twin Age? Ex-These is the only other one where both interact in-game.
For the others I meant that the developers portray both MCs equally in whatever supplementary media they push out. So they're both canon outside the game.
Pic related is a comic strip with Rex from 3 and here's a link to another comic strip from the same book with Aty from 3, as an example.
Although Aty appeared in Project X Zone by herself, I think. It's weird.
>1 and 2 can be played on the PSP too.
Oh yeah good call I forgot all PS1 games work on that thing. A Disgaea without voice acting is fucked up. Never knew there was a port without.
>doable if I didn't have to work a 9-5
I still believe in you. If you can think of like 5 untranslated games you want to play I'd say the effort is worth it. Although instead of time you might be able to use the adult power of money and commission a translation from someone competent.
Is this accurate?
>officially localized
Swordcraft Story
Swordcraft Story 2
Twin Age
>fan translated
Tears Crown
>not translated
Swordcraft Story 3 (in progress. Early alpha patch is available).
Seems about right.
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Fuck these are pretty funny.
>Gabrio! It was you!?
>Through our fight... I read your feelings loud and clear
>"...the weapon materials... hand them over..."
>ahh, wait, about that...
>you were totally going to break my weapon
>as expected of my master...
As far as just the video games go.
>Early alpha patch is available
Nice. Hopefully it gets finished soon. Once it does I'll have an excuse to replay it.
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>First Aid
>Sonora are you hurt!?
>Kunon, help quick!
>I cannot.
>Unfortunately it is too late.
>Th-that can't be!
>If her chest is already this gouged out...
>That's coming from you of all people!?
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>Passu's Charm Point
>How do I look? This is my seduction mode <3
>He easily let me pass wearing this.
>That's what got through again?
>Glasses are my weakness, you see...
>What about my bikini!?
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>Welcome to Tatan's 3-minute cooking!
>Today we're making Shiodama
>First, make Edgar hold the weird egg
>All done!
>hehe, easy <3
>Hey come here!
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I see no problem with her chest
>I see no problem with her chest
Right. No chest - no problem!
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And all I see is tummy.
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Tumma Night
I don't understand what Summon Night's obsession with naked midriffs is but I won't complain.

Also nice to see you found this thread too.
That other board is too fast.
I've only played the girlkissing spinoff part 1 so far, so I can't contribute much, but it was quite a bit more enjoyable than I expected it to be.
Yet I can't help but wonder why everyone keeps calling Hajimari no Ishi "Swordcraft Story 3". It was literally never 3 as far as I can see. I'm not going to get autistic about not calling it "CraftSword Monogatari" since that part was already translated officially, but where the fuck did the 3 come from? Am I missing something?
Because it is. It came out after Swordcraft 2. It is infinitely easier to say Swordcraft 3. Everyone knows immediately what it is when you say that.
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I only played the very first one because I like the character designs, especially Hayato. The design philosophy seems to swerve from the second game onward so I didn't continue playing.
Final boss beat me up because I had been keeping my party equally leveled instead of pumping a single character to 50. I still managed to win with some tight strategies that I don't remember.
Dumb gaijins can't keep track of it without the number.
2 is explicitly 2 in both languages, but the third one only has a subtitle and was never localized (where I'd certainly not be surprised to see a 3 added if it was).
While colloquial use is understandable, I was mostly surprised to see that someone decided to call it SCS3 on wikipedia for seemingly no reason.
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I hope you're having fun with it. Sugar is undisputed best girl by far.
>it was quite a bit more enjoyable than I expected it to be
Pretty much my exact thoughts when I first played it. Anything that ends up being better than first impressions is always memorable. I also can't recall many games where you play as a blacksmith forging your own weapons aside from random RPGs where smithing is just a stat.
I just call Hajimari no Ishi 3 because it came after 2 and none released afterwards.
Also Summon Night has so many spin-offs and side games that it just makes it all easier to keep track of.
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Nice. Happy you enjoyed it.
As the kids say, Summon Night 1's art is just SOUL. I actually love this plain motherfucker.

Can you explain why you think the designs are different though? They're pretty consistent throughout the whole main series because the artist never changed.
Like Scarrel from 3 looks really similar to Banossa and there's also Luvald from 3 and Leid. Hell, Leonard from 2 looks like he was plucked straight out of the first game.
1 also has it's fair share of "out there" designs anyway like Monaty and her demon friend. Shit, Kaina the regular shrine maiden has a regular shirne maiden sister in 2. They look identical.

Yeah the final bosses are surprisingly pretty brutal, especially 3's and 2's.
You definitely played the intended way by not mindlessly grinding one dude up. Brave Medals in later games incentivize staying at certain ranges which got implemented in the DS ports.
It's also waaaaaay more fun that way.

Also here watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSB0UmkzpNo
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>Luvaid from 3
Typo. He's from 2. And also 4
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why does kino have a sword
>belt panties
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Even the game characters comment on how much of a whore she looks like. I wished I saved screenshots.

Mint from 4 apprenticed under her Mimoza's tutelage.
I really like how characters cameo or are referenced in other games. Makes the world feel connected.
>I hope you're having fun with it
Past tense but yeah, it was great. Was only a little disappointed by the postgame.
>I also can't recall many games where you play as a blacksmith forging your own weapons aside from random RPGs where smithing is just a stat.
In Atelier you generally custom-make/order your own weapons, but it's almost always presented as a commission (you'll still be making the materials, ideally) or just another type of synthesis where it pops out of the cauldron because why not. From those I've played I guess only eschatology would be an explicit match thanks to Logy.
Getting to the bottom of the 100 floor dungeon?
I thought that was more fun than 2's postgame. Collecting all the cool looking weapons was satisfying too. 2 is probably the better game overall though.
Who's ending did you get?

Ayesha was the only Atelier I played and you were a general alchemist in that. You just threw monster stuff into a pot and a weapon bubbled out among many other things.
I'll look into Logy though if it's closer to specialized blacksmithing.
Why do people call Shin Bokura no Taiyou "Boktai 3" in English?
Why do people call Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen "Fatal Frame 4" (or "Project Zero 4" in Yurop) in English?
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>Getting to the bottom of the 100 floor dungeon?
Yeah, I just expected more from it. At least a cutscene or a unique 100F boss. The sniper lance was pretty neat, admittedly, arguably worth it just for that.
>Who's ending did you get?
Sugar, of course, but I've read that only the last night decides anyway. Picked Sanare and Raj-- Razzy only the first time they came up, though I still wish they had more non- mutually exclusive custcenes. Maybe I'll replay it for that someday.

>I'll look into Logy though if it's closer to specialized blacksmithing.
It's more just that he actually makes the weapons through a dedicated process instead of asking a blacksmith NPC to do it or alchemy-ing it up. Oh but it was still technically some sort of magitech alchemy, I think? And if you pick Escha then technically you're still offloading it. It's just flair.
But if you want to make your own shit then the whole series is pretty great for that.
I don't really like having to repeat myself, you know.
I prefer the Angel
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She is my favorite too. Cyda, the twins, Spinel, 5 was packed with good girls.
Is 5 really that shit? Some Japs seem to have liked it but I guess they're the minority.
Too bad Sugar never appeared again.
It's weird, emulators are perfect with Summon Night games because you can reload a save state and read all the night conversations like that.
Not to say they aren't worth replaying but there are always like 5+ characters I'm interested in. At least they have NG+.
>It's just flair.
Well to be fair pressing the A button a couple times to hammer out a weapon isn't exactly in-depth either.
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If they ever made another Swordcraft Story I would want the new weapon type to be whips
Whips would deal zero damage but they'd be the only way to unlock ero scenes.

Guns and throwing knives would be cool too considering they're in the main games.
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Its pretty bland but was still ok to me at least, if you ignore the shitty translations. Nothing about the game really stood out other than the character designs. I don't even remember what the story was about. Gameplay was pretty average too but there was some bit of customization when building your characters. So I wouldn't say the game was entirely shit, just advantage. Better than Twin Age for me at least
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I haven't gotten to 5 yet but I really am curious how the gameplay compares to the previous ones. I'm totally fine with average gameplay when it comes to JRPGs.
Also apparently the story is set like 300 years after the 4th game which is bonkers.
It is pretty good, even bought the japanese UMD to have access to the full voice version of the game because the localization removed them.

6 is the Summon Night that is not very good, the whole series crossover idea was lame and should have been a fully original title without involving other games. Still bought the limited edition because the goodies were great, no complaints there.
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>because the localization removed them
That is so absurdly fucked up. At least the art looks to still be Kuroboshi.

That's one sexy collector's edition, I'm jealous. One day I want to own all the Summon Night games. It'll probably be way easier to accomplish only getting the JP ones.

6 having all the characters interact was the only reason I was ever interested in it until I played 4. 4 did it first. Pretty much every toy from across the series is available to play with; all the villains, main characters male and female, guardian beasts, and students from 1 - 4 + some characters from These. It's a god damn gourmet. They even have pre-battle dialogue for extra fanservice. 4 really did feel like a swan song.
Also apparently Hasaha is DLC in 6? What the fuck.
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It's fun to make themed teams of whatever you want.
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i was emulating SN3 and liking it so far, are PS2 action series (ex these and gran these) any good ?
Awesome, what chapter are you on? Because if you didn't get too far I highly recommend the PSP version. It adds so many quality of life changes and improves the difficulty.
What sensei-student combo did you choose?

The These games are like Swordcraft Story. Just ok in the gameplay department but the characters elevate them into memorable games. The story starts out kind of dumb because it's the most generic amnesia plot. It's also like Twin Age where you switch between both MCs at will. There are also some unique puzzle elements with using summons to open up paths.
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>also apparently Hasaha is DLC in 6? What the fuck.
From what I remember, yes but it was also actually free dlc. All you had to do was just download it.
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Oh okay I was about to blow a gasket. That's fine then.
Hasaha is perfect post more Hasaha. Helps that she was useful in-game. I remember messing around one map where I only sent her out and petrified everyone to death without taking any damage.
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>marries your protagonist
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She won and that's a good thing.
I am incredibly bias but I might even say that Hasaha is one of the most legendary designs in all of video games.
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It pains me that this doujin will never get scanned.
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>be japs
>have all these crazy kanji
>still use kana instead on a whim
why are they like this
That whim happens when they want to express awkward annunciation or simplistic speech.
I might as well post this since this is a sn thread.

A while back I was attempting to extract the assets from the ps2 flight plan games. I know it's possible since someone else did it and uploaded on spriters resource before. But I wanted the portraits..sadly despite working back and forth with someone willing over the course of several days/weeks and picking apart damn most of flight plan's bizzare formats and compressions (and even getting other games to work) I never really did get what I originally wanted. Still here's some of the efforts that went into it.


These mostly contain the gallery stuff plus some other stuff like the backgrounds. This is the ps2 version so the extra cgs aren't present. Hopefully the link works. Also all the files go by a generic naming scheme. That was part of the extraction process. Hope this link works
Wow this is really nice! Don't worry the link works fine. Way better than the low resolution PSP archive on sadpanda.
Thanks a lot for this.

>and even getting other games to work
Did that person manage to extract Swordcraft Story 2's assets? I've been wanting those adorable Hasaha faces for some time but I have no idea where to even start with that.
We didn't get around to the gba games, but I'm pretty since gba tools are so common someone has probably done it..I hope. We mainly focused on ps2. We tried ps1 as well but it was just too different from the ps2 data formats. Oh well
I checked that Spriter's Resource you mentioned and while SS2 was there it didn't have Dinah or Hasaha for some reason. Mind pointing me in the right direction of those extraction tools? I don't expect to accomplish much but I'd like to try.

Good luck in your efforts to get the portraits. Having Sonora's pouting face alone is worth it.
You're doing god's work preserving this stuff.
For those interested, the blacksmith lore that Swordcraft Story is based on originated in Summon Night 3.
The enchanted sword which gives the main character power breaks due to certain events and a Craftlord fixes it.

>Magic Swords and Blacksmiths
>There exist "Craftlords" in Rinbaum who differ from common Blacksmiths. Those very same Craftlords originate from Wystern, the City of Blades, where they are able to forge mysterious enchanted weapons using a fusion of summoning techniques and specialized blacksmithing.
This stuff completely escaped my mind until I went through these images. Man I ought to replay 3.

>Magic Sword and Blacksmiths
>These techniques bear extreme resemblance to those employed by the "Shinken Tribe" of Sylturn. Because they are descended from the Dragon God, it is said they are able to divine the voices of weapons.
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The tool I used is a modified version of game extractor:


It's actually more a general purpose tool for a lot of games with different formats, and it's a bit old school in terms of how you're meant to use it so trial and error in how you handle it, there's a free and paid version but this older build I have I'm pretty sure is the paid one.

https://www.mediafire.com/file/iq5mjc50pu2cya0/extract.zip/file (may be somewhat outdated but for SN and flight plan it works)

For SN specifically most of the games (SN3 - to exthese) formats tend follow the same structure, in dat format generally the first few dat files have the actual sprites and graphics, anything with SV in the name is usually voice clips/music although even some of the first dat files have audio files. Some formats come out as unknown which basically means the tool can't understand what type of data it's using or if it's even readable/extractable.

As I said earlier, we went over a lot of Flight plan's PS2's output to get them supported and that's how we sorta ended up finally understand what formats the games were made with mostly. There's still some unknown stuff but ehh...

It'll also support some other stuff Flight plan made, Black matrix 2, dragon shadow spell, eternal poison, scared blaze..I think the only odd one out was Utawarerumono since they did help on that one at least in terms of battle systems
>flight plan helped out on underwater ray romano
Hahaha what the fuck really? That's awesome. I had no idea.

And thanks. Here's hoping I find the stuff I'm looking for.
Yeah. the PS2 version (which I think is the basis for pretty much all the modern ports of the first Utawarerumono, that isn't the original PC version) had a revamped battle system by flight plan
Uh, I assume the trojan warning for that mediafire link is a false positive?
Most likely.

There's also a github release and that's about as trustworthy as you can get

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One of these days I'll have to look into ripping SN6's models I think there was actually some kind of tool for that game but I don't recall
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Haha I'm in way over my head.
My progress after 30 minutes.
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Did you extract the ps2 discs first? It won't really work otherwise

>Extract disc to get files
>Use tool
>Navigate to whatever you put them at (the files)
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I'm confused.
How will extracting a PS2 disc help for Swordcraft Story 2's sprites?
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Ohhh...you wanted swordcraft stuff. My bad. It doesn't support it. Sorry.
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And thus Anon's spriting journey ends in flames.
Well, I did say I didn't expect to get very far.
There's a Japanese vtuber thing streaming Summon Night 2 right now for anyone who wants to see what it's like.
She's just grinding for a rare drop though.
Or just play it. Or just search for gameplay without obnoxious commentary on youtube.
It was on Twitch, not sure if she's still going. Didn't post a link because I'm autistic and thought it looked like advertising.
She was doing a challenge run where she only used girl units.
True. Figured it might be easier for those who can't into Nihongo to see a stream.
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The retard gang.
Eh whatever here it is anyway.
I have no association with whoever this person is.
twitch dot tv/videos/2309684861
Even the Light Novel-exclusive girls are cute.
H-Game based on this game is better
Have you played it?
Swordcraft 3 had a surprise update that slightly increased amount of the game translated a good few years back, and still has some people on the team claiming it's being worked on, but it's been years and I think it's all bullshit.
If the Fate CCC translation finally finished then anything's possible. I hope for everyone's sake it happens soon. Hajimari no Ishi is a good one. You can actually play as your Guardian Beast in it.
Yes. Kinda overwhelmed because of the choices
Parallel Fantasy IF
Oh hey it really does have Aty.
I don't think it's better than Summon Night 3 though.
neat that there are still plan on getting those format supported
of a thing of note,there is a tool for translating sn1 and sn2 on nds if anyone is intersted
also if people dont mind,there are option to use ocr tool to play emulated sn to do english mtl
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Nice, that translation more or less gets the point across. How does it look on equipment and ability screens?
If only there was a way to magically transfer voice files from PS1 to DS. The ports improve all gameplay but none of the characters talk. It's unplayable.
Dinah's unzipped breast plate.
Dinah's diamond tummy window.
Dinah's high-cut thigh leotard.
The only possible method I could think of that would work is decompling them and then reinserting the PS1 VA, but these games are too niche for that level of work
Best partner!
Wait, so it is theoretically possible? That's kind of cool I was half-kidding when I posted that.
>too niche for that level of work
Do you know any games where people did transplant voices like that?
It's been a while but I know for a fact there's been mods/hacks that insert VA from other versions in. Off the top of my head I know there was some voice patch mods for the early Trails games, but like I said, it takes a lot of work and testing to make sure they function properly and considering the SN DS games are different, would take significantly more work/reverse engineering
There's never been a girl who deserves kisses more than Dinah.
That just makes me question why Flight Plan deleted voices in the first place. Not enough memory on DS?
I wish they didn't inconsistently release ports across 2 different handhelds. If only they stuck to PSP we would have gotten definitive versions of all mainline games on one console. It was probably Bamco's fault now that I think about it.

Oh well. Have you been playing through 3? How do you like it?
>Not enough memory on DS?
That's probably it, fully voiced DS games were pretty rare, unless they were willing to compress the hell out of them

Sadly I haven't played 3 yet
I hope you can get to it soon. Although not my personal favorite, it's regarded as the best one.
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not good
native script hook just get added to SN3 PSP ver too,give it a try with 32bit ppsspp
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That's pretty cool
doesn't work when im trying to hook it, even with run as administrator, seems i have to stick with ocr
did you make sure you updated to the latest version? it only get added recently
check your PPSSPP version as well
i finally fix the problem, nopaystation iso can't be hooked so i have to use iso from other sites, honestly weird problem, thanks anyway
It's peak yuribait
This thread got me to try this series out, just finished swordcraft. I went in thinking it was an srpg, was surprised when it had actual combat. Kept playing out of interest.
Rasho consent input was fun, and it was nice to have a lot of male characters in a jrpg for once. Razzy is best boy(girl). And I wasn't expecting someone to try and fail to an hero themselves in an E for everyone game
sound like iso problem then. glad you had that worked out
>This thread got me to try this series out
You just made my day. I'm really glad you enjoyed it anon and thank you for posting about it. One of my favorite things about 1 is how simple the story is. Just a guy or girl trying to win a tournament. That's it.
I hope you play 2 also. It's even better.
The main series are SRPG games, sorry if I confused you. Even if you don't like SRPGs I still think they're worth playing if you took a liking to the world personality and characters. The whole series retains that charm. If you can't read Japanese a kind anon posted some MTL tools a few posts above yours.
That caught me be surprise too when I first played. It handles it well at least. This is also the same game series with very obvious lesbian tones. E for Everyone.
So, how is the black matrix series? What is the best starting point?
Never actually touched Black Matrix so I have no idea but I would assume the first is the sensible starting point.
Swordcraft Story 2 had better but the first game's plot was more engaging. Leafwyrm Thorn upgrade + any fast weapon breaks the game in half by the way.
For me it was whirlwind + cleave (idk what the english names are, the ability that let you hit multiple enemies in a single swing)
It's very easy to break the game but that's the fun of it, like with custom spells and potions in Morrowind.
You can make some fights pretty trash if you neglect agility.
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Is this by the Kino's Journey artist
Sure is. OP image is his earlier art style but he really came into his own around Summon Night 4. You can especially tell it's him with the loli characters.
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Flight Plan if you're going to give me the choice of three companions don't make one of them so great that I don't want to choose any other on NG+.

Although Corlal is pretty cute too.
yup... kino is back on the menu.
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Amazing. If only LLENN was here too.
Forgot I made some shitty webms yesterday.
man those were really nice 2d sprite work
they looked even better than disgaea
Having the money to put effort into sprites was one of the benefits of having Bandai Namco as a publisher.
>thread still alive
Wow. One necrobump then no more.
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did people came out recenty? this is the second new aty i saw today
Dunno if it's good to ask but I got stuck in Swordcraft 2 specifically after "saving" Nina you get thrust into a robit fight then against what's his face after. Hao I win? *_*;
Guard. You have almost no chance of winning if you can't time your block.
Or wait, you mean the Blade Wing enemy? You can jump over its attack but it is easier to guard. Don't chase it, let the enemy come to you. If you have the Spinning Attack you can shred that boss in mere seconds.
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Summon Night consistently gets new art despite it being a dead series. >>3661882
It's really nice. It's one of those franchises that has a place in a lot of peoples' hearts.
This pic was uploaded just 5 days ago.
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Damn I kind of want this...
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Although it seems like 3 had its anniversary recently.
Is 3 (not swordcraft) translated yet?
Not to my knowledge. If it was I'm not sure why they'd skip 1 and 2.
Someone in this thread posted an MTL text hooker you can try if you're interested. >>3666396
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support is added for summon night 4 if you are interested
run best with ppsspp stable version
Good taste. You chose best dragon.
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something that i forget that i had before but many people probaby dont have
a copy of summon night ux novel,not translated yet
it only missing the last volume,but everything from vol 1-5 is here
These are filled to the brim with nothing but fanservice, I love it. It's especially satisfying how the author managed to fit both protagonists for each game into the story and giving Magna TWO guardian beasts which wasn't possible in the game. Also kind of fucked up what happened to certain side characters. Poor Paffel.
Thanks for sharing anon. I'm already up to volume 4 lol. This feels like the real Summon Night 6 instead of that soulless cashgrab we actually got.
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Oh and also I might as well ask if you somehow have the digital versions of the other Summon Night books.
I want to keep these fresh in their wrapping if I can...
sorry,i don't have digital version of those summon night books...
No worries. If official sellers didn't have them I don't think they even exist in ebook formats. Just thought it didn't hurt to ask in case someone out there might've scanned them.
the retro market in the west is fucked due to monkeys treating it like a glorified stock market
just emulate
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>Still alive

The UX novels sound neat, shame there's no translations for them
This series is such a cocktease for a japlet like me.
What font is that?
it missed timing of having people who would like to fan translate them since there wasn't that many summon night 5/6 fans
Love it when games give you a neat Super Form to kick people's ass with.
>saving your transformation for when you're low on life against a tough boss
that's the stuff
Summon Night 3 has epic cool rad transformations for your character too called Bakken where they get white hair and ear things. >>3676902 Really similar to SS2 now that I think about it.

Also I feel like Swordcraft Story 2's soundtrack is really underrated.
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No idea. Here's the artist's pixiv with twitter in their profile description.
Worth a shot to ask them directly.
Doesn't have to be all bad. Try the MTL text hookers anon posted earlier in the thread.
its lecurrentyear
how the fuck have you not learnt already?
My favorite girl from 1 was the red haired rival. I feel a little bad I dont remember her name. I remember my partner character was Sugar, I did like her too.

My favorite from 2 was Dinah.

If I ever replay them I’m not sure if I’ll go for different characters when it comes to end of day conversations, or try the other partners. I feel attached to my old ones so if I replay I’d like to see those characters again. These games seem like they’re made for replaying in different ways what with one unique partner per playthrough, but they’re also just long enough where they aren’t games I can see people replaying super often. I kind of expect most people to be like me, where if you do a replay it’s been long enough where you’d rather just have your old partner again.

Talking about Swordcraft Story if that isnt obvious. Do anons here change their companions on replays or stick to one each time?
I'm the same way. I tend to gravitate towards the exact same partner upon repeat playthroughs despite wanting to explore other options. The writing in these games is good enough to where the scenes play out in new ways with different characters to make runs interesting.
I think the best way to experience Summon Night is to play New Game with your favorite and then immediately do New Game Plus with another character. Although I understand that can kind of be a pain and not everyone will want to play a game again right after they finished it. And I only suggest immediately because personally if I wait a couple years or whatever for another playthrough then I one hundred percent will choose mai waifu due to not remembering all of it.
As for end of day conversations, save states are the way to go. It's like they were created specifically for these games.

Summon Night 1 and 3 I don't have any problems changing my choices up though.
Randomly found this thread and randomly remembered this series, and I feel like I can finally get into it now that I know a bit of Japanese, so quick question--PS1 or DS version for Summon Night 1 and 2? Also, which spinoffs (aside from the Sword Story trilogy) are recommended?
PS1 ver over DS version for voice acting,unless you want to see the qol and new summons added to DS version
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The DS versions of SN1-2 have some added gameplay additions the PS1 versions didn't have, but they left out the VA work (And DS SN2 left out the gallery) otherwise they're more or less the same game
Thanks for responding. Voice acting is definitely important to me as a learner, so PS1 it is. Though as much as I'd like to start the series now and share my thoughts while the thread is still alive, I'm currently burning through the Atelier Iris trilogy and would like to wrap that up before starting something new. If no thread is up by then, I may create a new one.
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cool if you want to create one after this one is done. allay nice to have people interested in the mainline series
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If you do make a thread, I'd like to see it too, enjoy your Iris playthrough anon

Cute aty
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She really is the best sensei even though she is way more popular than Rexx. I get it why they picked her for project x zone.
to think there was a time she was with the Fire Emblem and Tales of characters..
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>Voice acting is definitely important to me as a learner
Even if you weren't a learner I'd say voice acting is still pretty important in these character-driven games. Even the Japanese consider the DS ports are inferior despite the quality of life changes. They just have a really strong cast of actors.
And please do make a thread. It's rare to find someone outside of Japan who played mainline. One anon posted here about liking the first game which was really nice. I'm surprised this one lasted as long as it did but I guess that's slow /vrpg/ for you.
I might start a new playthrough too. Its been a while.
All Swordcraft Story games are really good. They're a must-play even if you don't care about Summon Night, honestly.
The テーゼ games have a good story but very weak gameplay so they depend on your taste.
Twin Age, X, and Tears Crown are all worth it only if you end up really liking the rest of the games. But definitely play those last.

Also Swordcraft Story are the only ones (that I remember) that references the main series with character cameos.
>X, and Tears Crown
X is Tears Crown.
Yeah, meant Twin Age and X Tears Crown
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Minis-chan kawaii
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>personally if I wait a couple years or whatever for another playthrough then I one hundred percent will choose mai waifu due to not remembering all of it.
Yep, that’s how it is for me. Though I am considering downloading a save of the first game to try out that weird fifth partner you can only use after beating the game once.

>As for end of day conversations, save states are the way to go. It's like they were created specifically for these games.
I know what you mean and I always start out like that, but eventually a bunch of convos back to back gets too repetitive and I also start to feel like I’m cheapening the overall experience a bit by not really dedicating my choice in the more meaningful way the game wants me to.

These games have content that is so so so good for replayability, but they are also just long enough that I don’t see them as something most will replay often.

Still two of the best games on the GBA though.
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>that weird fifth partner you can only use after beating the game once
I only vaguely remember someone at the bottom of the post-game dungeon that you can play with. Are you talking about that?
Also, all main Summon Night games have a feature where certain bonuses are given depending what name you give your character. I can't remember them off the top of my head but things like start at level 50, x2 EXP gain, start with 10,000 money, etc. are possible. Using one of those to make your next playthrough a little faster is another option.

>a bunch of convos back to back gets too repetitive
I get that. When I do it It also makes me regret not being able to choose more than one character's ending at the same time.

>Still two of the best games on the GBA though.
I doubt it, but imagine a re-release in the form of a collection like that MMBN one. If only.
>all main Summon Night games
Meant all Summon Night games.
>I only vaguely remember someone at the bottom of the post-game dungeon that you can play with. Are you talking about that?
Upon double checking, yes that’s what I was thinking of. My mistake. Thanks for that tip on the password names, that’s really useful.

I know they’re obscure but I’m a little surprised there isn’t a switch or steam rerelease or something. Not like the company makes money from these games when they aren’t even selling them. Even with zero advertising budget I’d be surprised if such a rerelease didn’t make at least a little money.

Okay, actually just looked it up and the development company closed their doors over a decade ago. Makes me wonder if these games are owned by the publisher banpresto or if they’re just lost in the ether legally speaking.
Yeah Flight Plan is long gone unfortunately but I'm willing to bet it was Bamco fucking up because Summon Night 5 & 6 were made after they closed their doors.
It also probably wouldn't be any effort at all to rerelease them. Fuck it, I'm going to try emailing and asking.

It's up in the air who owns what now. It also probably means we'll never get those definitive versions of the first two games. Putting them on DS without voices was a mistake.

I'd argue they're only really obscure overseas though.
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This is how it works the way I understand it:
>the rights to summon night are owned by namco
>former members of flight plan establish new company called 'Felistella'
>felistella is part of a capital tie-in with idea factory, in which idea factory owns the most stock in felistella
So yes, Namco still holds the rights
bandai namco can hire them to make new summon night,but with so many anime game they had these day they don't needed one more summon night
>Fuck it, I'm going to try emailing and asking.
Post the response if you get one.

If there’s a noticeable amount of fan output in Japan it isn’t impossible. Odds would probably be much better if Felistella are the ones who approach bamco though, that’s the only way it would have a chance of happening.

Though really a spiritual sequel under a different name would probably be the same as an official new game wouldn’t it? If mainline is like swordcraft story then every new game is its own thing anyway, in terms of story/characters at least.
>Though really a spiritual sequel under a different name would probably be the same as an official new game wouldn’t it?
That's kind of what Magnam Lord is. I haven't played it yet but I heard good things about it.
>Post the response if you get one.
It wasn't too fancy. I've been trying to find the correct method of contact but it'll likely be the same type of reply.
I'd need Toby Fox's kind of clout for this kind of thing.
Merry Christmas!
RTA In Japan is currently speedrunning Summon Night 2
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congrats on new clear time
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Are those technically lost media now as original summon night website is technically not online anymore
It included voices and wallpaper from offical website
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For Swordcraft 1 I only stick to the two humanoid partners, since they have actual dialogue, and I tend to pair them to the gender of my character. (Male with Rasho, Female with Sugar).
Swordcraft 2 is abit harder as I like all four partners, so it really depends on the mood.
Nice find.
I wonder if the waybackmachine archived that site. Do you know what the actual address is? Apparently you have to input secret keywords to unlock those wallpapers and voices but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
Not popular enough for remasters or translations, apparently.
it is possible,last time i checked they had a few copy,but those needed a clear game to know the secret keywords and adress
Mind sharing the link?
My old saves died with my old laptop but nothing a few replays can't fix.
>I just never got the chance to talk to others about the non-Swordcraft Story games.
>I'm like 20 years too late for that.

>The feeling is mutual. I was part of that era, but never participated in it and now I'm feeling bad about it...! You can still find groups that talk about these kind of games but discord makes me sick

Can you tell me about these old SRPG forums? I'd like to browse them in wayback machine for a wistful walk down memory lane.
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happy 25th anniversary,summon night
Gotta admire how passionate SNfans are
Everyone is here!
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the entire U:X LN MTL by gemini 2.0 flash exp
and original ver of vol 6
haven't done any QC on those yet so expect weird names and stuff
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Bump for interest. Still plan on starting this series soon
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For anyone interested in ever reading these books just make sure you do so AFTER playing Summon Night 1~4 because the LNs contain massive spoilers and assume you've played them already.
I started SN1 today and played up to the start of Chapter 3. Some thoughts so far
>The player character isn't voiced, which is a bummer. But all other dialogue is 100% voiced, which is very nice
>Tons of dialogue choices sprinkled throughout, though I have no idea whether they're important or not beyond the prologue
>The shadows make the text a little hard to read
>The directional / grid controls are opposite to what I'm used to, I wish I could change them
>You're given the option to allocate EXP freely to any unit(s) at the end of battle, so it doesn't matter who lands the final hit on enemies. You can also choose not to allocate EXP and save it for later. Very convenient
>There are minigames? Was able to go fishing and cat watching in Chapter 2
>The music is actually pretty lackluster
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updated the MTL summon night u:x batch with deepseek R1,now it get the gender right this time
should read smoother thought i haven't checked everything yet
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Nice! I hope you're having fun with it.

MC being unvoiced is consistent with all the games, although I think they get voiced in side games like Project X Zone and they definitely get voiced in Drama CDs and promotional material which is weird. Another thing of note: if you give your save file the MC's canon name then other characters will voice that name.
I went with Natsumi my first playthrough too. She's cute and looks a little goofy.

Dialogue choices affect karma which can lead to a unique bad end and choosing certain options leads to extra characters and in later games, extra sub-chapters. It's probably best to look up a guide if you care.

I didn't have much problems making out the text so can't help you there. At least there are voices to help.

There should be an option in settings to change which d-pad directions up/down left/right correspond to in battle. Might only be a thing in the later games.

The freedom in leveling is really nice, isn't it? It's basically a choose your difficulty setting. Level everyone equally for a fun tough time or dump it all into one person for an easy breeze.

The minigames are hit-or-miss but they all make for a nice change of pace between VN segments and fighting. I like them.

Some tracks are really good like Banossa's theme but yeah overall the first game's OST is kinda weak. This improves in later games.

Thanks for keeping us updated. Summon Night 1 is super soulful. How do you feel about the characters and story so far? I thought Isekai was unique for the time, and I thought the low-class slum start in another world for MC was brutally realistic
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>if you give your save file the MC's canon name then other characters will voice that name.
Wait, really? I used the 2nd default name, the kanji expression of Natsumi (夏美) and nobody's saying it (´;ω;`)

>The freedom in leveling is really nice, isn't it? It's basically a choose your difficulty setting.
I skipped leveling at the end of the 2nd battle because I didn't know yet what DEX did or whether I should focus STR or INT on the protagonist (actually, I still don't know). I paid for this mistake in the next battle and barely scraped by with most of my consumables. It turns out levels are very, very important early game.

>I thought Isekai was unique for the time, and I thought the low-class slum start in another world for MC was brutally realistic
I thought it was funny one of the first things the MC remarks upon visiting the new world is "sheesh what a dump, it looks like one of those slums I've seen in newspapers". A bit different from modern isekai that places the protagonist in a bustling european/medieval city or pleasant countryside village.
That might be why. In Summon Night 1 they default to the katakana spelling for whatever reason. Maybe to give their Japanese names a distinct foreign feeling while being in Lindbaum.

Either that or it's only a thing in later entries. I know it's in 4 at least.
Damn it's been way too long since I played 1, haha.

>turns out levels are very, very important early game
It's weird. I'm not sure exactly how it's calculated, but the stat difference from a single level could mean dying in two hits or dodging all the opponent's strikes. One thing that's nice about the DS port is that it adopts later games' quality of life improvements. They tell you the level range for the next battle so you can be sure to keep your guys up to speed instead of guessing.
DEX/TEC determines critical hit and hit/dodge rate.
Whether or not you focus on STR or INT for the main character depends on what you want to do. Even though MC has a strong affinity for every magical attribute they're still good when built physically. Nice thing is Summons have a lot of utility like status effects instead of just damage. It's totally up to your headcanon here.

>bustling european/medieval city or pleasant countryside village
Exactly. Even Mushoku Tensei does that and it's regarded as one of the best modern isekai.
The reason conditions have gotten so poor and why everyone in the slum is fighting against the nobility makes a lot of sense too.
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I just think it's neat that Yukarin voiced Lipre mama.
This was like 4 years before the first season of Nanoha.
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From what I recall SN had a lot of notable VAs before they became famous for later works
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Ah! There it is! I was completely wrong characters do NOT in fact voice the protagonist's name in the first game. Lipre skipped "Hayato" and went straight to "chotto ii kana?"
Good thing I tested now I'm curious about 2 and 3 too.
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I think 3 actually does do the whole "Characters say your name if you leave it the default"

Unsure about 2 though

Remember seeing this a long time ago in some video, never knowing what it was. Wanted to play it, and when I found now where it was from I was sad to find out it was JP only. Can't believe it still is.
I don't doubt it. The voice talent is always really good.

>I think 3 actually does do the whole "Characters say your name if you leave it the default"
Characters call you sensei so often in 3 that I can't remember at all. I'm about to test it in 2 since Magna and Toris are on a first-name basis with others.
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That didn't take long. 3rd line in the game.
And their names aren't voiced here either! I can't believe it.

There's no way it's only a thing in Summon Night 4 with Rai and Fair...
Hikari no miyako~
Such a good song, and such a good opening movie.
All the openings are cool, I especially like 4's because of the song.

I don't understand why they're still Japanese-only either. I think they're highly enjoyable games that are worth the effort of translating. They maintain the same quality as the Swordcraft Story games and the few people who played those loved them.
Some random influencer or rich guy needs to make a video or tweet or something if we're to see any kind of progress. I hope you get to play Summon Night 2 one day.
It's fun playing old games and looking the actors up to see how their careers turned out. A surprising amount of current actors got their start in the late 90s or early 00s.

Also, I really like how she read this line.
It really is. Recognizable voices makes older games feel so familiar, as if you've played them before. PS1 era makes sense as career kickboards because no games before that era really had substantial voice acting. Like I doubt the dude who went SHORYUUUUUKEN made it to stardom.
It's fun to look up the artists and illustrators too >>3668997.

That's adorable. You'd never hear something like that from Nanoha.
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updated with missing translation fixed
note that this ver will have..a more wild translation
I forgot to mention:
be careful!
You can only get endings for the opposite sex in Summon Night 1. If you chose Natsumi then it'll lock you into whichever male character you have the highest affection rate for, no matter how many times you do Lipre's night conversations. Although to be fair I think her ending specifically has some special requirements even for the guys.
It's really dumb but ends at the first game thankfully.
If all you care about is reading the night conversations then heed me no mind.
So, the fishing minigame requires you to mash any of the 4 face buttons as fast as possible to reel in fish. I tried setting up a simple macro so it wouldn't wear out my controller, and discovered if you reel in a fish using only 1 face button (it doesn't matter which) you'll get the same lowest quality fish every time. It's only when alternating between 2 or more face buttons that you get random and high quality results.

Do you think this was intentional or just a consequence of design? I can't remember if macro controllers were a thing back in 2000, but maybe they were already popular in Japan.
Probably intentional. It's not hard at all to roll your thumb across the face buttons and the minigame itself doesn't require 10+ inputs per second or anything crazy like that.
Your controller won't wear out. No need to macro it at all.
You can also do the claw method and use both hands on two face buttons each.
This isn't really the kind of thing that needs a specific strategy but it's an option.

The fishing in Swordcraft Story 2 and 3 was way more involved. You needed either godly reaction speed or perfect prediction to fish up the good stuff.
snake boobs (*´﹃`*)

>You can only get endings for the opposite sex in Summon Night 1.
I assume this excludes partners? I've got クラレット as mine.
>If all you care about is reading the night conversations then heed me no mind.
I've been abusing save states to read every conversation each night. There's a surprising amount of lore hidden in these that most won't see, I kind of feel sorry for those who played on original hardware.
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>I've been abusing save states to read every conversation each night. There's a surprising amount of lore hidden in these that most won't see, I kind of feel sorry for those who played on original hardware.
When I played Swordcraft I liked the night conversation but man, if I played them again I'd just do it on emulator to save state and see all then night convos

I don't believe there are exceptions for the same-sex ending rule but I could be wrong. Never actually went with a partner's ending.
>abusing save states
Smart, just be sure not to burn yourself out. There are a lot of characters. I like how even the non-fighting characters are selectable like the orphans.
Backstory in different characters' conversations is mostly fluff at least. Everyone more or less comments on the events of the given chapter with a bit of personal backstory. Summoned characters talk about their home world, scholars give detailed explanations of phenomena, or knights/warriors talk about battles they've been in, for instance.

If you're really craving more backstory I recommend reading the first Summon Night LN once you finish chapter 12 of the game. It takes place between that and chapter 13. It's about a character who got cut from the full game and had to be pushed to the sequel.
It's pretty good for what it is.
Are any of the untranslated games good for beginner japanese immersion?
Yeah, I'd say so. There isn't any furigana but it uses simple kanji and direct language. There isn't much chuuni language or strange dialects to decode either.
Teens are a large target audience for these games.
We get the first female (excluding protagonist/partner) and non-human companions in the same chapter! ...and now I have more units than I can carry into battle, so I'll have to start being more selective with my EXP allocation.

I feel like I have too many "move 3 spaces and attack adjacent enemy" units, especially with 4 summons included, so I was thinking about dropping エドス and ローカス and having レイド serve as my front-line tank moving forward, but after getting OHKO'd by magic in the last chapter I'm starting to reconsider. ガウム actually seems perfect for the role, having naturally high stats, an ability that halves physical damage, and the ability to attack MP and effectively disarm the most dangerous enemies. If I dumped all bonus points into INT for magic def, ガウム could be untouchable. The only downside is of course not being able to attack HP, but that's what magic and ranged attackers are for.

On another note... should I start using spoiler tags? I know it's a 25-year-old game, but I figure many posters here haven't played it yet and may want to in the future.
Also, I've been trying out a simple CRT shader. It darkens a screen a bit, and requires 1:1 internal resolution (320:224), but makes the art and text smoother. I think I like it, though I find myself switching back and forth sometimes.
For comparison.
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Monaty is so cute. She's near useless aside from her cheer ability but that's what I love about her.
Summon Night 1 is honestly easy enough besides the final boss because MC is so powerful that you can use anyone you want. Endgame you get some really powerful units in case you are regretting your choices by then.
Summoners can be dangerous, yeah. Your Gaur strategy can work. Besides the obvious healing, you can also either bait their magic with high HP/DF or summonable units, disable them with status effects, or possess them with your own summons. Can't remember if Summon Night 1 has that magic-halving material summon or good possession summons though.
>should I start using spoiler tags?
Might as well. Not like they're hard to do or anything.

Glad you were able to get your text problem solved.

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