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Summon Night is a good series.
Can we get a thread going?
One of those series where spinoffs are more popular than mainline, to the point where people think the spinoffs *are* the mainline. Has there been any word on anyone working on a translation patch of the pre-5 mainline games? Or Ex These? Or Gran These?
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At least in this case it makes sense because the mainline series simply never made it out of Japan. For what reason? Who knows. They're really charming games that garnered enough popularity in Japan to warrant making all those spinoffs and sequels.

I haven't heard any word about translation projects - not even for Swordcraft Story 3 surprisingly.
I've been daydreaming about translating them myself but that's more like a fever dream. I don't have the skills for that kind of undertaking.

It's such a shame too because I want more people to play them.
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Swordcraft 2 is one of the best classic gba games imo
It's a spinoff of black/matrix right?
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>good music
>great cast of characters
>both the male and female leads are worth playing as
>story isn't some bullshit epic world-scaling quest as the chosen one
>better gameplay than the first game (can't just stunlock enemies to death, way more forging options)
>nice graphics
>high production value with the text effects like shaking, mis-aligned letters and all those funny facial expressions
>great replay value
They really don't make them like they used to. It still holds up even as an adult.

Also, Nesty, Amer, Toris, and Hasaha from the second mainline game all cameo in it. You literally can't miss the event which makes it all the stranger how no one put 2 and 2 together to realize Swordcraft Story was a spinoff.
>can't just stunlock enemies to death
tell me you never use fists without telling me you never use fists

>It still holds up even as an adult.
it is if you don't mind mindless babbling
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what the fuck man
>can only type in memes
oh boy
Even with Knuckles, enemies will either get knocked out of your combo or attack out of their recoil frames specifically to prevent cheese unlike 1.

I booted up the game just to test this.

Also most encounters will usually have multiple enemies who'll try to hit you out of combos too.
Sure you can group them together but flying ones will still escape.

Did you just grind so hard that every enemy died in 1-2 hits?
Although I doubt if you didn't have the patience to read "mindless blabbing" then you didn't have the patience to grind levels either.

I don't care if you shit on the game but direct real complaints to something like the terrible fishing minigame.
>blah blah blah blah blah
i see why you think characters droning on and on and on "still holds up even as an adult"
tell me how long, in minutes, does it take from the intro scene to the actual gameplay
this is a shoddy game at best, only slightly elevated by slim pickings of funny dialogue
I think those are just Flight Plan's first game series. No relation to Summon Night besides them being SRPGs.
Ignore the retard.
Everything that we could say has been said.
Everything that we could do had been done.
>Can we get a thread going?
Only if someone translate the rest of the series.
Yes dinah is the best partner! she's too hot and could not be made today, 2young4chan
if you're a full grown adult and mindless babble doesn't bother you, that says a lot about you and your middling intellect and lack of standards

>I don't care if you shit on the game
>b-b-b-b-but only shit on the parts of the game i dislike!!!!!11
I just never got the chance to talk to others about the non-Swordcraft Story games.
I'm like 20 years too late for that.
The feeling is mutual. I was part of that era, but never participated in it and now I'm feeling bad about it...! You can still find groups that talk about these kind of games but discord makes me sick
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I thought about finding Japs to talk with because they apparently still hold events and are still making doujinshi of the series to this day which I'm really surprised about
Ideally they'd speak English though because my JP production is ass. That's why I'm here on /vrpg/ and also yeah fuck discord.

>I was part of that era
Which ones did you play, anon?
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Even if she's an Etna ripoff I want to make half-demon half-angel children with her.
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Swordcraft 123, around 2000-2012 really were the salad days for me, I lurked old retro gaming sites because I was a total newbie when it came to emulators.

Most of them now are either defunct or a husk of their former selfs. /vrpg/ is no home to jrpgs anymore either, now it's a containment board for rotten eggs.
Nice! Someone who actually played that one.
So weird how it never escaped Japan. It was a nice change of pace going around a bunch of different towns instead of the usual mega dungeon. I liked Myuno and Rufiru.

Did you emulate the SS games or play them on hardware? Which was your favorite?
>now it's a containment board for rotten eggs.
Aside from that one schizo this thread is pretty nice.
Yeah I played on emulator, 3 I played untranslated cause that was the only option, and I beat it but I didn't really know what was going on. 2 is my favorite, and I recently replayed it just a few days ago actually. I haven't really played much outside of those so I am not the most knowledgeable on this series.
>one schizo
lol your ass got served
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>mfw you still can't play the entire series in English
if you learned moon 30 years ago you'd be able to play all the jrpgs you want by now
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>I beat it but I didn't really know what was going on
That's a damn shame. I probably don't need to tell you the characters are half the fun of these games. At least you didn't need to know Japanese to understand how busted the new bow and arrow was.
>I recently replayed it just a few days ago actually
Haha, awesome.
2 is probably my favorite also. It's just an improvement over 1 in every capacity.
Did you go for the same character for your replay? That's what's always so hard about these games. Not going for the same exact character's ending.
But if I do ever replay it and go for someone else it would probably be Tatan. That one event where she tries to seduce the guy blocking the water area won me over on her.

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