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bet most people on this board haven't even played peak
>played peak
more like pin tip
it was ok
it probably doesn't qualify as outsider art since the "insider art" wasn't established at the time for arpg, but that's what it feels like now, pretty unique feel to it
A masterpiece of the highest ordour.
File: SdaI6it.jpg (436 KB, 1210x1390)
436 KB
436 KB JPG
Virgin Dink SmallWood
Chad Dink BigWood
BTW the nerd who made it moved to japan and married a fairly attractive nippon woman.
Living the 4chinner dream.
>4chinner dream
Fuck no, miscegenation is irresponsible.
You’re not one of us, /pol/ immigrant
Try again. I don't post there. At all.
No self-respecting white man engages in bestiality
Thanks for the recommendation, op. This genuinely looks good. Will keep it in the backlog for a rainy day.
I forgot I played this back in 2001 until just now.

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