Bros! I'm Fucking stoked! 2 of the greatest RPGs of all time being released as a remaster! Shut up and take my money!I'm literally running around hi-fiving other RPG fans that we are going to expose a new generation to these great games on March 6th of 2025!Please let us also get a Suikoden III remaster next, and then Suikoden V right after that! We would absolutely Fucking love this!
Dear Konami employee,This is maybe the half dozen thread I've seen about this.I don't know why you think advertising on 4chin is a good idea.All the people who mindlessly beg for 'remakes' and reports only hinders creativity and I haven't seen a new game - an actual new game that isn't just a port all year. The pigs will eat their feed and go to the slaughter without question.Please forward this to your handlers.
>>3661866I'm a Fucking RPG fan you Cocksucker! How dare this asshole call me a shill. Bullshit!