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File: Image.jpg (118 KB, 984x938)
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>The pinnacle of pixel art, expressive sprites as amazing as when it came out
>More mature storyline than any previous game
>Well-written and interesting characters
>A charismatic villain, cruel to the core, doesn't care about anything or anyone, based
>Quick, enriched gameplay, perfect for multiple playthroughs

>The transition to 3d, poorly expressive and aged models
>The plot's interesting, but it feels like a total mess
>Forgettable and bland characters
>The villain woke up crooked and decided to kill everyone for some nonsensical ideal, embarrassing
>The gameplay is slower because of the 3d animations, very boring
i see you put some decent thought into this. cast the widest trolling net you can with 2 unrelated but heavily played series.
6/10 attempt.
shouldn't you be in bed, gramps? let it go, it's like 40 years ago.
Final Fantasy never had good pixel art. Pokemon was just decent.
the only bad game in that pic is pokemon x
What the fuck are you talking about Black/White Pixel art was terrible. A complete downgrade from Gen 4.
Pokemon was always shit, and will always be shit. I gave up when I saw gen3 in a store display, and bought Sword of Mana instead. Tried again with gen 4, but there were static sprites after another studio made everything animated. You are hurting yourself if you are fan of that series.

>The pinnacle of pixel art, expressive sprites as amazing as when it came out
Nah, Seiken Densetsu 3 and Chrono Trigger had much better sprite art than FF6. Pokemon has always been shit with static sprites, at that point there were tons of titles with better art

>Quick, enriched gameplay, perfect for multiple playthroughs
Nah, dudes are all about IVs/Evs from gen 3 onward. There is none of that unless you are a nuzlocking dipshit. Also FF6 was pretty long if you did everything.

>Forgettable and bland characters
Nah, everyone in FFVII was interesting What makes you say that?
They were made even made more interesting by Remakes/sequels.

>The villain woke up crooked and decided to kill everyone for some nonsensical ideal, embarrassing
It was expounded upon in Crisis

>The gameplay is slower because of the 3d animations, very boring
Summons take forever, but aside from that everything is fat enough
go zoom somewhere else!
BW are terrible to replay, what? The dex is both fucking hideous and very limited so they can shill their ugly numons. The sprites also look like shit. The most overrated and boring games in '2d' pokemon bar none

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