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any good vampire games where the player is a vampire? ive played through vtmb and vampyr, really liked vtmb but its a little outdated. also open to creative solutions like mods for other games. really looking for something that captures the essence of vampiric thirst but i cant find anything good
BloodRayne, V Rising, Legacy of Kain
I remember in the 90s I got inducted as a vampire in an ACKmud! where there were hidden vampire and werewolf clans. I had been playing for a while and didn't even know it was a thing.

DCSS has a vampire species.
Legacy of kain blood omen 1 is a game that deserves much more recognition

Dialogues, monologues and ambience are amazing. Also the soundtrack. Love that game.
Not an RPG though, action adventure game.
picrel sauce??
probably strawberry
Yeah but OP asked for vampire games in general. And it's the kind of a game many RPG fans would love either way. Better than vast majority of RPGs
He asked on an RPG board, not in general.
Lmao. The only reason LOK1 is not considered to be an RPG is because it wasn't as popular to label your games that way before.

It's not an RPG but 90% of the shit posted on here is not RPG either.
>the essence of vampiric thirst
There's not a lot I'm afraid. But I'd like to hear more about what you mean exactly. Because a lot of the games recommended here are just [insert genre] with a vampire gimmick instead of vampire simulators. You already played vtmb, but it seems like the best there is. I'd definitely enjoy a game that looks and feels like this scene:
The princes of darkness mod for crusader kings 3 is fantastic and the best way to play crusader kings 3. It's the vampire the masquerade setting but in medieval europe and has a lot of work put into it. The start date is in the early 1200s and you can easily play it until the late 1600s with new events and stuff spawning.

Lots of options to make your own character and some of the most fun I've had is starting as a 14th generation caitiff and eating my way up to becoming a monster, ruling my own slice of europe with my own religion I created. I think it nails the descent into becoming a monster and all the disciplines/fucked up relationships are pretty well realised. Anyway, that has definitely been the thing that has satiated any vampire game cravings I've had, at least.
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>The princes of darkness mod for crusader kings 3 is fantastic and the best way to play crusader kings 3. It's the vampire the masquerade setting but in medieval europe and has a lot of work put into it. The start date is in the early 1200s and you can easily play it until the late 1600s with new events and stuff spawning.
It shocks me Paradox owns BOTH those properties and it hasn't occurred to them to have a Vampire: the Masquerade grand strategy.
Take the VtM:Redemption pill.
This is an RPG board. Blood Omen isn't an RPG, Zelda isn't an RPG. Just factual information, what other people do or say or think or whatever does not matter, only truth and context, foolish child.
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>this isn't an rpg board
>isn't a rpg board
>/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG
because it's paradox. they genuinely have no idea what to do with world of darkness.
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Vampire RPGs already have their savior. Wait for this to come out and play the heck out of it. I'm pretty sure it will blow out of the water every single vampire game that has come out in the last 10 years and certainly vampire the basedlines 2.
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Did you use AI to generate that image? Be honest.
Because they want to sell Whitewolf like the burning garbage IP it is so making that game/DLC would bring licensing troubles late.
Try Vampyr. It's pretty janky but I liked it. Let's you protect or collapse whole neighborhoods based upon whom you decide to drain. You also have a blinding vampire seizure while performing surgery. Technically an arpg but whatever.
inb4 vtmb, no its is not a good game
Vampires Dawn for krautjank.
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Have you tried Skyrim? Unironically the best vampire game. You can make it even better with mods.
>Dating sim
Holy based
well, you tried
I can't think of a more based combination
I believe you.
There are no good vampire games
You do?
none of these are RPGs
I'm just gonna say thanks for the photo OP. Regarding your question
>can't find anything good

It really depends on what you wanna get out of it.
Skyrim for a rizzless fugly monster
Bloodrayne for a donut steel OP half-vampire babe
VtmB for broader options in modern setting
VtmR for cringe kino in the dark ages and a little in the 90s
LoK defiance for eloquent monster theme
If you like freeform play, TES games probably have all sorts of mods to enhance the vampire experience.
There was also a kickstarter for an indie vampire RPG recently, but I don't recall the name.
kek I completely forgot about this, thanks Anon
>Lilian Duleroux
That's the most tranny name I've ever seen, but the game still seems interesting
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vtmb standalone or with mods is still one of the most confiest experiences ever
This looks like lezdom scenario.
Vampiress will do all sorts of kinky shit with her new pet.

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