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and just like that Avowed has won the rpg crowd.
Imagine if it's actually good..
No, I could not admit it. I'm certain I can find some flaws.
I'm sure it'll be fun if they can clone skyrim's combat or improve it somehow but the main issue with obsidian shit is that the writing is really hackneyed and usually way, way, way too verbose. Brevity is not something they teach in whatever school most of these nu rpg writers come from
I think you'll be reminded why he's called Shill Up. Occasionally he gets it like with Veilguard, but not usually.
>I'm sure it'll be fun if they can clone skyrim's combat or improve it somehow
I thought this until I saw three seconds of gameplay footage. And the wokeslop on top…
what vid have you seen?
it's the opposite with me from
as soon as I've seen some preview footage I wanted to play it
>shill up
He did not shill Stolker Heort of Chornobol, there's that at least.
>mongoloid that doesn't know what Vailian Republic is
>woke shit isn't woke shit
You're going out of business, obsidianshill
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>black people exist in a setting
>setting is now woke
is it made by the same Obsidian though? I mean how many people are there from their Alpha Protocol days?
I have never once heard someone praise the PoE world, I have no idea why they're reusing it for the consolefag spinoff
the combat looks like bland shooter gameplay from the spellcasting in OPs video. complete with borderlands damage numbers and healthbars
The niggertalians make it even more repulsive.
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>wakanda in the renaissance
Anon, pls.
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literally who?
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it looks so fucking bad
you tell me you're using his preview footage of the game in your image
Paul Tassi, who is the premier gaming journalist at this time, gave it kind of a mediocre review. He said there were no glaring flaws and that the weapon variety was good, but he didn't seem to be in love with it.
What WEG is this?
We've all seen the gameplay, it's fucking garbage. Just like you, you snide dishonest nigger
I got it from a thread on /v/
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>this board once again proves they're graphics whores
Ah yes, because fallout, elder scrolls, etc. have amazing gameplay and not even more basic than this.
>Paul Tassi, who is the premier gaming journalist at this time
Never heard of him.
shit nigger, who knew that not wanting to look at creatures that look like half melted plastic that talk like suffocating fish makes you a graphics whore. wowie fucking zowie
what are you even doing on this board? go to r/sony if that's what you care about
nta but this trash having gameplay equivalent to skyrims flailing bullshit is not a good thing.
the retarded slavs are having a melty again
what does having a sense of aesthetic have to do with a shitty corporation?
>Never heard of him.
Yeah you're not a series poster if you have never heard of him. I can't take anything you are saying here with any amount of seriousness.
It looks okay, but it doesn't look £60 okay. It's the sort of game I can see myself being pretty happy to pick up for £10 in a sale a few years from now.
>series poster
hello saars
You're not nearly clever enough to fill this magnum of arrogance, little guy
Hey Shitbird! You haven't even seen the full open world yet! Skyrim didn't look great either, but it was all about the open world play!
To play Devil's Advocate, more devs should go for a stylized artstyle instead of realism, especially if they don't have EA money.
Obsidian has never made a single good game, not one. It's really absurd, but at the end of the day flies will stick to shit
New Vegas is arguably their best one, but I think New Vegas might be Eartbound for adults. It's a game that gets praised more for its story and setting, not its gameplay.
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no thanks
avowed moved even higher on the steam top wishlists today
>especially if they don't have EA money
You realize Obsidian is owned by Microsoft, right?
Most people just want to play games, so they'll suck down that shit just to play.
Every time they do, it gets worse. And a part of them dies.
Honestly, I didn't. That makes it worse then.
PoE sucked, Avowed will probably suck too.
PoE2 sucked extra hard for not making the vampire cutie a real companion and letting you impregnate her pale hairy pussy
Is this a Discord screenshot of a Bluesky screenshot of a Twitter screenshot?
first one was ok, especially DLC
have you?
have you really?
Nah it's actually bretty good
>gave it kind of a mediocre review.
do a quick google search
the video is actually titled
>Avowed: Wow, I Actually Really Enjoyed It
at what time code did he say it's mediocre?
I clicked a couple of moments in the vid and he is straight up singing praise to the game
as any non retard would, I mean it even looks fun
No. It's a Discord screenshot of a Bluesky screenshot of a Reddit screenshot (note the watermark) of a Twitter screenshot.
why are the art style and characters so ugly? you can literally hire random skyrim modders to make better looking characters.
>If Oblivion was released today, then you would call it woke for being filled with ugly characters and having multiple races
Oblivion had ugly characters due to technical limitations of the time. Avowed has ugly characters intentionally, as an artistic statement by the developers, because they have internalized a spiritually dead and internally ugly ideology.
>Quit listening to lazy content made by outrage tourists who want your money
I am old and I neither listen to nor watch muh eceleb influencer grifter youtube twitch streamers. Quit projecting.
>Paul Tassi, who is the premier gaming journalist at this time
That's not Jason Schreier
EA's Immortal
Elon's comment is so odd to me. Why not games? What makes fantasy in specific the no-no? If anything a fantasy world where a sentient pebble with no biological gender can still go by he or she, where there are all sorts of shape shifters and so on, is a world where it makes sense to clarify pronouns. Versus our world and realistic games copying it where gender and sex are objectively the same thing.
Pallegina was cute until they fucked up her portrait in PoE2
All of the best selling rpgs have black characters anon
Because it's grounded in some sort of medieval and not modern world, like veilguard having top surgery scar while you can drink potion to change gender
>To play Devil's Advocate, more devs should go for a stylized artstyle instead of realism, especially if they don't have EA money.
Not up to them to decide, publishers and investors usually want realistic looking graphics because they think that makes the game look "quality" and "AAA". They will unironically point to games like Call of Duty. I'm not joking.
Decisions are often made for devs by people in suits that don't even play videogames.
>nta but this trash having gameplay equivalent to skyrims flailing bullshit is not a good thing.
You can't make a good first person combat system that rivals a 3rd person one. The first person camera makes that impossible for countless reasons.

That said, I have a hard time imagining this having worse combat than Skyrim, which is just rock-em-sock-em robots.
>It's a game that gets praised more for its story and setting, not its gameplay.
Wrong, a lot of the praise come from re-introducing a lot of stuff from classic Fallout that Bethesda removed with Fallout 3.
They also fleshed out the dialogues, roleplay options, leveling and so on.
When you then directly contrast New Vegas to Fallout 4, it makes it even more clear that it's the 3D Fallout closest to the classics and being an RPG.
That is very boring take on subject. If I play fantasy game I’d gladly accept author spending a few moments of his time to ask „how all this magical bullshit affects the world presented?” Instead of going with generic medieval with magic disconnected from daily reality of setting. If conclusion is that due to accessibility of transformation magic asking about pronouns is valid question then why not (for example alter self is 2 level spell that high level caster can use over 10 times a day to change their gender and race, so question how the fuck I should address them have some merit). It would be better to spend that pondering on more relevant subjects but that answer isn’t objectively wrong either.
>Why not games?
Considering that he added an angry emoji, it' looks like he's mocking the g-whatever comment.
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no thanks.

this but unironically

>>mongoloid that doesn't know what Vailian Republic is
Yeah but I do.
Its PoE-Wakanda and just as silly.

>ugmm ackshaully why not fantasy
Because you are making fantasy less-fantasy-esque by forcing your retarded current day politics into it.
People want escapism in their fantasy, not getting preached to by a rainbowhaired troglodyte they use it as a stand-in to virtue signal to his fellow faggots.
They also see it everywhere in social media.

Of course someone as low-IQ as you would never understand that which is also why you will never understand why the vast majority of the world hates you, better cope with how everyone is a secret nazi.

> is a world where it makes sense to clarify pronouns.
But its not portrayed as that.
And we because we both know that inventing a cultural norm where that would make any sense is way beyond your writing skills.
I mean, to this day your kind doesnt understand why people had kids and why they had so many in the past, you cannot imagine a world without a government being your daddy and you being a bootlicker.
You crave the boot.
They already had Pallegina being considered a man because she was a godlike all the way back in Pillars of Eternity ten years ago
Was about to say based but then you had to go full libertarian cuck.
>Muh IQ
Most high IQ people are authoritarians, to the left or to the right.
>Its PoE-Wakanda
Either you don't know what Wakanda is or you don't know what Vailian Republic is. Or you're so ignorant Wakanda is the closest comparison you can draw, despite being to vastly different in terms of literally everything except the most superficially dumb
>dude, lots of black people live there
>Most high IQ people are authoritarians, to the left or to the right.
Most high IQ people are not extremists. Extremist left or right is where all the biggest idiots are.
>anyone with a brain caring what elon thinks
you're far more likely to say something intelligent by saying something elon wouldn't like or say
Is there still a market for Skyrim Lite games out there?
Holy shit that's Varg Vikernes
>Most high IQ people are authoritarians
High IQ doesn't grant protection against arrogance, which has the effect of making even intelligent people stupid.
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The fact that this is what made you the most upset tells me I was right on point.

>its real world civilzation but its niggers!
I thought you wokies hated cultural appropriation.
Ok shlomo
Literally the only thing that annoys me is ignorance, close-mindedness and genuine stupidity. Because those people are the source of everything shit in the world.
In other words, people like you.

The fact that you think this is about wokeness cements your own retardation. I just simple hate braindead idiots.
>Its PoE-Wakanda and just as silly.
NTA but I don't mind Vailian Republics, because it shows how niggurs fuck absolutely everything up even if you make them ultra-rich and all we wuz Venetianz n sheeit.

I mean the Republics are splinters of the Old Vailian Empire, which explicitly collapsed down to fucking bronze age for absolutely literally no reason other than niggurz (Vailians) nigging at each other.
And the only other remnant of Old Vailia is the Príncipi sen Patrena, i.e. literally hood niggaz but on sail ships.
We knew already that you hate yourself, there was no need to spaz out.
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>NTA but ackshually wakanda is le hecking good and wholesome
didn't know anything about it confirmed I guess
Wakanda means any black civilization that isn't Zulu huts. Pablos are out there calling depictions of Ethiopia and Akan "wakanda"
>collapsed down to fucking bronze age
you made that shit up
Valilian republics are doing bretty good
Of course. Especially with Bethesda being so lazy about making Skyrim 2. It's still one of the most played RPGs out there and it's a bloody game from 2011
>anon says something factually ignorant and stupid where two things are so different it's not even comparable
>ehehehe, i see you utter retardation upset you, i win
The mind of idiots is truly a marvel. Doubling down on their stupidity to feed their delusion of not being retarded.

Wakanda is an isolationist kingdom of hyper advanced technology and effectively a utopia located in africa and that still values african culture.
Vailian Republic is the exact opposite. It's an empire of italian blacks that shat the bed and now want to expand.
What you think of either of these is irrelevant, these are just the facts.

If someone says "dude, it's just like wakanda" when it comes to Vailian Republic, they objectively are completely ignorant and only said that because Marvel capeshit is the limits of how cultured they are and equate
>duuude, blacks in a country lol

The irony here is that these braindead idiots unironically consider themselves higher than some black rapist bum, when they are more than likely just as braindead. i.e. you.
>Valilian republics are doing bretty good
Republics are not the Old Vailia, they are former Vailian colonies, just like Dyrwood is a former Aedyrian colony. Only in case of the Republics, their former metropoly - the Old Vailia itself - is completely FUBAR.

>It's an empire
Republics are not an empire by any stretch. All the republics in totality have less territory than Dyrwood, and about as much population - and the Free Palatinate of Dyrwood is a colonial rump state. At the same time, the Republics are in no way unified, being ruled by a ducal congress that never gets absolutely anything done due to disunity, to the point that all the external political and economic business of the Republics that we see in any game is done either by the Vailian Trade Company - a supranational corporate enterprise - or the Brotherhood of the Five Suns, a quasi-religious institution. And all of it in the world where the Aedyr empire still exists and prospers.

So by any measure, the Republics are an even worse failure of governance than Readceras, their only saving grace being the pillaged Old Vailian legacy (mostly technology and wealth) and the fact that they did not manage to all nig each other just yet. But according to Pallegina, they are trying real hard.
Is this game woke in the Veilguard HR speak and respecting pronouns sense or just 'woke' in the "has black people in it" sense?
>>It's an empire
>Republics are not an empire
Context clue didn't clue you in, or do I need to write for 5 year olds. It's an empire that shat the bed, resulting the the republics.
Anyone that uses the word "woke" unironically and factors that into what to play are always mentally handicapped.
>the Old Vailia itself - is completely FUBAR.
so? the same happened to Rome
the Byzantine part of Roman empire continued to flourish for quite a while
>just 'woke' in the "has black people in it" sense?
black people + pronouns
the actual writing and dialogs are pretty good
>italians but nigged
great worldbuilding there, almost as good as not-halflings and not-orcs
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>dumb down statements for the ignoramus on this board
>ignoramus complains about it being dumbed down
yeah i prefer "pozzed" myself
where's complaining? you try to sound smart but you're just retarded
>get triggered when its pointed out he lacks common sense
are you a third worlder or a pollack? your shit english outed you
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I won't buy a fantasy game with niggers in it unless the game is set in Tamriel and the niggers are called Argonians.
This is the biggest self report of not having played a game I have ever seen.
>continues to deflect his retardation
if you're so clueless and stupid people have to dumb things down for you, that's on you
bruh, the redguards are persians; the argonians are the nigs. khajiit are gypsies.
this actually looks like trash. zesty blacks will never be cool and actual blacks wont play as them either
>actual blacks
This idea of what the generic black person wants is stuff no sane black person wants in their fantasy RPGs.
Shit like generic modern black person hairstyles and shit.
>it'll be fun if they can clone skyrim's combat
that game plays like some PS2 game made by a Japanese company you've never heard of with 15 seconds long credits
please don't affirmative action that into being any kind of benchmark
>im not mad
>writes a whole novel to cope how butthurt he is

Is that you Farquaad?
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So in other words, its not an empire anymore.
As in: Not. an. empire.

Turns out all one has to to to out-argue you is hold you to your own standards when you try to weasel out of having said something retarded.

Typical Farquaad.
>actually treats you like a human being and explains reasoning as you would in a discussion
>anon resorts to shitposting and logical fallacies
If you just want people to tell you you're retarded and nothing else, just say so.

Yes, bravo sherlock. Learn basic reading comprehension next time because that's what I said.
Or do I need to write as if I was communicating with a 5 year old? Sounds like it.
Now go ahead and make a retarded
>b-but you didn't LITERALLY spell it out in plain text!!!1
where you just confirm that baby level context clues is beyond you.

God, why is this placed filled with so many idiots. Not one person you can treat as a normal human being.
>You can't make a good first person combat system that rivals a 3rd person one.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
>trusting (((game journos)))
first person combat systems out-perform third person combat systems by not degenerating into dodge roll spamming
>which is just rock-em-sock-em robots
Have you tried actually using the options available to you in the game instead of just playing on the easiest difficulty and running all the exploits?
wow what a classic reaction
thats right Farquaad, only you are a real human bean.
the dark elves are the africans, they literally run around calling others the N word - n wah
>leftoid angrily screaming for pages about how his anemic harry potter wand woke propaganda game isn't askshually woke and prounouns are perfectly medieval concepts well documented in the Bayeux Tapestry.
Holy sadsack, I cannot imagine the depths of self hatred and ideological purity testing these modern koolaid drinkers live and breathe in and I used to live in SF.
I'm sorry your never knew the love of a father, leftistanon. I honestly suggest you seek jesus. You're being blinded by and enshackled by your own ego.
ew lol
I heard it's a return to form for biowa... eh I mean obsidian.
>pronouns in a fantasy game
Kind of cringe
>getting mad about it
Very cringe
>kicking up an internet shitstorm and threatening to sue the company after finding a 3 year old lame performative progressivism post all because a guy at the company said "u mad"
Only Elon can be this cringe jesus christ
KCD you disingenuous nigger

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