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File: star ocean 2.jpg (208 KB, 1024x1024)
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This game is kind of a bigger slog than I remember it being. Like it kind of takes forever to do or for anyone to say anything. And I haven't play the PS1 version in a while so maybe I'm off base but it feels like with the new background perspective and graphics even getting from point A to B takes longer than it used to. Also I don't like the missions. I think they give you way to much shit way to easy. I was up to my ears in Fol and could by expensive game breaking stuff without so much a thought. Buying the thief glove used to take effort.
The guild missions and gaining access to all skills right at the start basically ruin the game.
All square games are slogs praised only due to nostalgia. Every single one.
> gaining access to all skills
Yeah, I was actually surprised to see that. Even if you don't know which ones are the most busted pretty much all of them will give your more than an edge. I don't like it.
This was Tri-Ace/Enix. Which I mean square enix fair enough but still.
Do I have to care choosing the skills to rise or will I max them anyway playing normally?
buddy, time to fine a new line. it's just tired and unoriginal at this point.
Unfortunately, autistic people don't tire of repetition.
Do you consider grinding out to level 150+ playing normally?
You can make infinite SP/BP food but it's a very tedious process.
There was a retarded praising this as the second coming of christ like a month ago and samefagging, now "everyone" hates it. Looks like he finally played more than 2 hours into it. I'm tired of dumb square niggers and their awful threads.
I think it's less of a slog just because they put enemies on the field instead of having random battles. Most of the TALKTALKTALKing is front loaded, especially in Rena mode.
There's that one that makes it so skillups take fewer points, so max that on every character first, then do whatever.

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