This game is kind of a bigger slog than I remember it being. Like it kind of takes forever to do or for anyone to say anything. And I haven't play the PS1 version in a while so maybe I'm off base but it feels like with the new background perspective and graphics even getting from point A to B takes longer than it used to. Also I don't like the missions. I think they give you way to much shit way to easy. I was up to my ears in Fol and could by expensive game breaking stuff without so much a thought. Buying the thief glove used to take effort.
The guild missions and gaining access to all skills right at the start basically ruin the game.
>>3666268All square games are slogs praised only due to nostalgia. Every single one.
>>3666284> gaining access to all skillsYeah, I was actually surprised to see that. Even if you don't know which ones are the most busted pretty much all of them will give your more than an edge. I don't like it. >>3666293This was Tri-Ace/Enix. Which I mean square enix fair enough but still.
Do I have to care choosing the skills to rise or will I max them anyway playing normally?
>>3666293buddy, time to fine a new line. it's just tired and unoriginal at this point.
>>3666527Unfortunately, autistic people don't tire of repetition.
>>3666523Do you consider grinding out to level 150+ playing normally?You can make infinite SP/BP food but it's a very tedious process.
>>3666527There was a retarded praising this as the second coming of christ like a month ago and samefagging, now "everyone" hates it. Looks like he finally played more than 2 hours into it. I'm tired of dumb square niggers and their awful threads.
>>3666268I think it's less of a slog just because they put enemies on the field instead of having random battles. Most of the TALKTALKTALKing is front loaded, especially in Rena mode. >>3666523There's that one that makes it so skillups take fewer points, so max that on every character first, then do whatever.