If your game doesn't have a character creator, it's not RPG.>gothic>jap porn games>witcher>call of duty >farm simulatorNot rpgs.
>>3667136Disgaea has a character creator. Its a very based RPG like Arcanum
>>3667156Cool, never heard of it as I don't like japanese media. I don't doubt some of it is actual RPG tho.
>>3667136Monster hunter is rpg?
>>3667166Not sure. I dont play AAAslop.
>>3667136No, it's an RPG, just a less robust one.
NBA 2k22 is a RPG
game not having character creator=not rpg doesn't mean game having character creator=rpg
>>3667190NopeHaving chargen doesnt mean rpg
>>3667190Specific modes of NBA 2k22 are an RPG. Not necessarily the game in its entirety.
>>3667136Witcher 1 and Gothic 1-2 are much better RPGs than most of the indie autistic shit you consider good.
>>3667210Witcher 1 are gothic 1 indeed are some of the best games of all time. I never claimed otherwise.I never claimed that RPG=GOOD nonRPG=BAD Acquire reading comprehension you illiterate retard.
>>3667210>Gothic 1-2Good>BitcherAlways shit, but 1 had heart. Still sucked
>>3667136Thanks for letting everyone know you're retarded.
>>3667210W1 has really bad combat and it's in a bad engine.
>>3667214>>3667222You unironically need too high of an IQ to comprehend quality of TW1. Id wager north of 130.That's why most of this board dislikes it. It's not your fault you... I mean, literally can't comprehend it. It's outed by the fact that you think it has bad combat.
Seems like nitpicking to me. RPG's doesn't necessarily have to follow a strict set of conditions to be an RPG. A lot of the things we consider staples of RPG's tend to be universal among many games.
>>3667224I have over 140. No, the difference is that I was both sober and an adult while playing it.
>>3667136Rpg is an utterly meaningless buzzwordIcewind Dale, Pathfinder, Baldur - should be on /vst/Gothic, TES, Witcher - action games board that doesn't exist yetFallout and disco elysium - adventure/point and click boardDelete this fucking board already
>>3667420I'm convinced that by now instead of the good old retardation by attention starved wannabe trolls with at best ~100 of all IQ types the majority of those "pretending to be retarded" posts and especially OPs are made to farm data for GPTslop. So I guess good on anons who have figured it out before and started poisoning the input.
>>3667876Nice autism m8
If it doesn't take 10 minutes for every turn you take, you aren't really playing an RPGIf a sidequest doesn't convert into a main quest because it keeps extending over and over, you aren't really playing an RPG
>>3667224My buddy is a big fan of the Witcher games and he bought the trilogy for me awhile ago. I finally played the first one this past spring/summer. I was streaming it while my buddy watched and we chatted. I got busy irl and put it down while I was in the swamp. The brickamakers are kino af. Quite charming game. I liked the potion crafting aspect a lot. Getting the cards by slamming those girls' poontangs was hilarious. I set my difficulty at the hardest setting possible and it was actually pretty hard. I could tell the combat system actually had some legitimate depth to it and I just hadn't gotten good enough when I was hitting a wall. The timing for the sword combos in the different styles ended up striking my fancy. The freedom to go isometric or behind the shoulder was great. I realized early on it's best to just knock something down to autokill it. I really wanted to get to making bombs and shit, but sadly never made it there. I bet if I made it to making bombs I'd still be playing. *Spoiler: That hellhound boss at the end of chapter 1 was hard as shit to kill. I had to restart like 10 times because he kept auto-killing me somehow. Eventually I got lucky and knocked him down, but for some reason he was incredibly resistant to being knocked down.
>>3668051>If it doesn't take 10 minutes for every turn you take, you aren't really playing an RPGThat's called Tactics/Strategy not RPG.
>>3667136mh, don't know how well that reasoning whould fly in theater, you know that the role in role-playing can be about you playing a charcter like how someone plays romeo or juliet in romeo and juliet, right?
>>3668051>If it doesn't take 10 minutes for every turn you take, you aren't really playing an RPGthis is what rtwptards think turnbasedchads actually believe
>>3668098>plays romeo or juliet in romeo and juliet, right?scripted roleplay is not roleplayyes, this means dialogue choices are not roleplay :)
>>3667136Incredibly BASED and 100% correct
>>3668094The only reason it takes 10 minutes per turn in those games is because developers, especially these days, just jam a bunch of animations on to everything and those animations slow everything down a lot. Fewer animations = shorter turns. No animations = lightspeed turns. Everything else after that is just you wasting time.
>>3668107>yes, this means dialogue choices are not roleplay :)Happy dagger fliesTrue apothecary weepsThis is a haiku
>>3667136Incredibly CRINGE and 100% wrong
>>3667136The worst UI and player experience of all time. that game is fucking brutal. And it actually made me realize Tim Cain can talk a lot about games, but really doesn't know how to make a fun game at all.
>>3670503What was filtered. Like, what great experience did I miss out on. 10 wolves attacking me and killing me, in the worst turn based attack system ever made?