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Elevated the genre.
I agree. Best battle system in millennia.
A shame about literally everything else in the game.
Because of /vrpg/, I will always think of that one retard in particular who hates SaGa and pretended to be the False Skies dev, when I think of SaGa or see a SaGa thread.
>A shame about literally everything else in the game.
I don't mind how shoestring budget it is and I got a laugh when I saw the overworld map "animations" that tween. It's good shit, shared it with a friend who liked SaGa and they laughed too.
Like, it's clearly a budget game and it's designed to run on phones & the switch too. I've seen many a "AA" game made by a small studio.

I also understand how upsetting that can be for graphicsfaggots who have been complaining about "the graphics" since they were in the womb. If you are around 18-25 years old the chances are high you were groomed into being a graphicsfaggot by the 7th & 8th console gens.
I'm not hating on zoomers just because either, that's tired, if you are 22 or under, you grew up in the age of the smartphone. There's a good chance that you can be based enough to not care too much about a games graphics.

>everything else
but nah
Art Direction's good. Texture work is lightweight.
Sound is okay, they had a limited budget but SFX are fine, the soundtrack is extremely good. We got a double dose of Ito this year.
Animations are done on a budget but there's a little flourish around where it matters.
Cutscenes/story segments are done of the cheap with portraits but they're functional, if I compare that to a game like Disgaea 7 which came out recently and regressed while using the same format: it matches.
Controls & UI/UX is okay, not the best but okay. They should have a UI scale desu. Some animations are a little too long too.
Scenarios are entirely subjective so you can complain about "the story" "being bad" if you wish, it's valid.
Graphical fidelity, mostly subjective however it's functional with a clear direction. Tying into performance, which is good. It runs on a toaster, it's lightweight and well optimised for a game that can be run on phones/switch/deck.
If you got filtered by all the above, that's a skill issue.
>not the best but okay
>limited budget
Not beating the allegations with this one
ok zoomer
I know it's shit just by looking at OP's picture. It looks INCREDIBLY homosexual. The artist probably drew this while taking it in the ass, holy shit. Must have taken a lot of skill, at least, to draw while getting hammered by homo.
This post definitely isn't written by a mentally retarded schizo
>literal phone game
>elevated anything other than the cultists' heart rates as they mald about people shitting on their garbage game
lol lmao
it's cool how far we've come, from "dude gideon is never going to give us the fucking rs2 snes translation" to just getting official releases every single time and not having to worry about it.
i still haven't played this one though. didn't care much for how scarlet grace did things (as in, there's literally nothing to do but battles), is this one much of a departure?
>is this one much of a departure?
Not really. In terms of campaign structure this game is like the GB SaGa games where you go from world to world and quest with different characters except this time it's more focused on replayability and variation. But in regards to the general gameplay it's still much like Scarlet Grace, arguably more focused on battles this time as you don't even have "towns" to go to for equipment and materials anymore, that stuff is done in a menu you have access from anywhere now.
There's no allegations to defeat.
>it's cool how far we've come, from "dude gideon is never going to give us the fucking rs2 snes translation" to just getting official releases every single time and not having to worry about it.
You know what's super crazy?
It was Ghideon's bitching and moaning over RS2 & if... that spurred me onto learnjing Japanese. I genuinely believed that not only would he not deliver but there would never be an official release/localisation in the West. There wasn't even hope for it as a downloadable game as horse armour was only just about to spawn unto this mortal plane.

I'd try and convince you to play it but you didn't like SG so, nothing to convince you on sadly. It's a damn fine battle system though.
>It was Ghideon's bitching and moaning over RS2 & if... that spurred me onto learnjing Japanese
funny enough, for me it was picrel. i gave up that it'd ever reach completion like 5 years ago and hit the books myself.
i've got a copy of graces that i've been meaning to give a harder shake on, but i've also come to terms with the notion that not all of kawazu's games are for me and being okay with that. i'm just happy they're still getting made at all.
>Huge ass text wall of cope
Anon it's ok to like bad games. Just say "emerald beyond was bad but I still liked it" and that's fine.
This game was so bad I will never listen to square apologists again and I'm not exagerrating. I'm completely done with square enix and I now have absolutely zero respect for people who play their garbage. They are bethesda tier now. I just avoid people who play square games on Steam like I block people who own Skyrim. Its become a simple way to filter idiots.
Your favourite game is so bad that it got gangraped by hoodlums desu
Though it don't feel right to call a CRPG a "game".
>hurr durr it's baaaaaad
Okay faggot
It's not even that good, to be honest. It's more interesing than generic JRPGs, sure, but that's an extremely low bar to clear. It would be fun to play if the UI wasn't dogshit and if there wasn't so much meaningless filler, but then the entire game feels like it was designed by some mentally handicapped intern.

>Art Direction's good
How the fuck can anyone believe this? The game looks like baby's first DAZ3D project. Most of the characters look like they were directly imported from one of those shitty RenPy 3D porn games except that they're wearing clothes.
>the soundtrack is extremely good
Name one track that doesn't sound like it came from some cheap stock asset collection.
>Animations are done on a budget
I find it hard to believe this game had a budget at all.
>Cutscenes/story segments are done of the cheap
Cheap isn't bad. Looking like random DAZ3D assets thrown together is.
>Controls & UI/UX is okay
You're an absolute clown. The UI is one of the worst I've ever seen in a $50 game. It's worse than most free Flash games.
>you can complain about "the story" "being bad" if you wish
I can and I will. If you can play through even just the first 10 minutes without noticing how objectively awful and nonsensical it is, you must have severe brain damage. If I were to be incredibly generous I'd call it amateurish, but if I'm being more honest I'd say it was written entirely by AI with zero human editing or proofreading.
>Graphical fidelity [...] it's functional with a clear direction
This is a joke, right? I'm genuinely curious what kind of "direction" you're hallucinating here.
>it's lightweight and well optimised
For a game that looks like it was made by a 14 year old living in 2003, it better damn well be.
>If you got filtered by all the above, that's a skill issue.
It's called having eyes and a functioning brain.
genuinely curious what rpgs you play if a hardcore trpg campaign disguised as a jrpg filters you this badly
>hardcore trpg campaign
Do sagatards actually believe this, is this whole thread just bait
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>Most of the characters look like they were directly imported from one of those shitty RenPy 3D porn games except that they're wearing clothes.
Most of the main characters have decent designs, not completely into them and would prefer Kobayashi back but I wouldn't say they look like generic weg shit
Least delusional Sagatard
DEI means thing I don't like now.
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Formina is our girl and would've voted for Trump everytime
there's a woman in pink hijab in a japanese game
>there's a woman in pink hijab in a japanese game
I'm gonna train her Martial Arts to learn Guanyin. Nothing more heretical than a Muslim doing Buddha shit
>it's cool how far we've come, from "dude gideon is never going to give us the fucking rs2 snes translation" to just getting official releases every single time and not having to worry about it.
Even the remasters weren't cash-in pieces of garbage.
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Returning to this game after a months-long break playing other games including the RS2 remake and a Scarlet Grace replay and
>Controls & UI/UX is okay, not the best but okay.
It absolutely isn't and it remains my biggest problem with the game since day 1. The UI is really slow for the kind of game it is; lots of timewasting animation in between selections and screens to the point it sometimes deters me from switching up characters/equipment/techs, on top of having to navigate the menu for item trading which you need to do constantly. It's a total downgrade from Scarlet Grace's menus which were fast and snappy in comparison. Battle system is great but it doesn't excuse something like this when preparation is a big part of the game.
If you're playing on PC, use mouse and keyboard
It's like night and day
Requiring the user to double click in menus was a bold design choice. Really gets you in that 00s internet mood to use their not-ebay while waiting longer than dialup to receive the item.
I used a speedhack on PC to speed up the entire game by like 2.5 and it made everything feel appropriately smooth, felt awful without it, big step back from Scarlet Grace

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