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Which is the better choice for someone who hasn't played an atlus game before? persona 3 reload, persona 5 royal, or Metaphor Refantazio?
Persona 3 Reload. Avoid Metaphor at all costs.
What's wrong with Metaphor? Also what about P5, is that a decent option?
None of those.
Play Shin Megami Tensei 1. If you can't accept that:
Play Persona 2 Innocent Sin. If you can't accept that:
Play DoDonPachi. If you can't accept that,I can't help you.
>Which is the better choice for someone who hasn't played an atlus game before?
Stay. The. Course.
I wouldn't thought people liked some atlus games here lol
Would've thought*
Purse Owner games and Metapurseowner Refaggtazio are not the Fatlus it once was and are pure normalfag bait so having said that you will probably enjoy all of them.
Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker
Persona 5 Royal or Metaphor, hands down.

Both are the best introductions without any bad baggage while also being the most fleshed out.

Disregarding the obvious with the difference in setting, these are the main differences
>metaphor has a bit more mature tone, with people dying, getting murdered or executed publicly as well as having a more mature cast
>persona 5 royal is more a group of friends, while metaphor is more about a group of comrades coming together for a shared goal
>persona 5 royal is a bit more comedic
>persona 5 has a lot more content (but metaphor isn't lacking, P5R just has a ton of content)
>persona 5 royal has probably the best jrpg dungeon design to date, but also much fewer dungeons, while metaphor has a bunch of big and smaller dungeons/combat areas
>persona 5 royal has romances, while metaphor does not, if you care about that sort of thing
Persona 5 is probably the most accessible, as well as the most polished. It would be the one I'd recommend to someone new. It's also going to be cheaper if you're not just pirating things. It's also the "popular" one, so you'd have more people to talk to about it if you care about that.

Persona 3 Reload is a remake of Persona 3 in the style of Persona 5, but it struggles a bit in that adaptation. Parts of it do feel quite old even with the new coat of paint, and some of the new things it introduced are a bit contentious. If you can stomach it, emulating the PS2 version "Persona 3 FES" is maybe an easier way to go about playing Persona 3.

Metaphor is (imo) a less engaging game than any of the mainline persona games. I think a lot of the design choices it made for its gameplay balance were handled ... less well than they could have been, and nothing it brings is really anywhere near as simple or engaging as the Persona/Demon fusion systems in Persona/SMT. I'd also say it has by far the weakest characters and plot out of the three so if that matters to you I would go for the other two. It is a pretty and still fully functional game - you can still have fun with it - but if you're going to buy only one, or hell only 5 Atlus games it wouldn't make my list.
Persona is for 20 year olds. Metaphor is for 30 year olds.
Out of those I’d go for Persona 3
>What's wrong with Metaphor?
It has press turn combat and the hard mode is more like an SMT game than a Persona game

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