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Undertale Yellow's 1st year anniversary happened very recently. How do you think the game's aged? Did the devs answer the questions you wanted?

Are you developing a fangame? Share progress!
Gonna wait until the artbook releases and/or someone compiles properly what they said on the stream. I'm worried getting it second hand from the reactions in the early thread might confuse things.
I use Dialogue manager, Dialogic seems more suited for a visual novel than a RPG but I personally haven't used it
Fear and Hunger
Fourth for Underfell. Really hoping Team Colossus will put out something for Christmas; it has been months since their last devlog which said that they are around 88-99% done on all parts of first area, the Flooded Temples. and the Discord seems to be mostly just messing around. Pretty interesting UFY discussion also happened in past threads, which eases my pain. In the meantime, enjoy this shitty collage of the revealed overworld sprites for major characters in TC!Underfell.
>that sans
nah its already over, they fucked it up.
the only way this can work is if sans isn't an edgelord and still has his usual personality
in fact UF making all chars edgelords is a bad take, they should still have their personality EXCEPT for asgore, and then the underground has to adapt to that, at least that was the original concept of UF from what I understood
but I don't see people like napstablook or papyrus suddenly becoming evil just because asgore is forcing them to, they would instead struggle to live in the new world. though the average monster would probably eat the propaganda up and become evil so regular fights would happen, the usual nice characters wouldn't. undyne and maybe mettaton would totally eat the propaganda up though and become even more of a menace, but not alphys. so many UF takes makes alphys into an competent evil scientist when that's not who she is at all
From my understanding, the original concept of Underfell is purely an aesthetic change, so Undertale but blacker, redder, yellower, and vaguely eviler, before the original came back some time later to share their own take.
Sans does feel like he has a bit much going on, but I dunno, maybe they will change it since it is from 2022, or perhaps it is supposed to grow on you. I do like pirate Papyrus, seems like an interesting concept.
>>3675409 (me)
*Before the original creator came back to share their personal headcanon of character personalities, I mean.
Imagine if geno!clover was in deltatraveler, he'd lose his shit by the time he gets to earthbound's world even if he only got to see happy happy village and porky
>oh good, other humans, maybe they will be rati-
>yeah so we intend to sacrifice children and you're up next.
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t b h deltatraveler would be better with clover and kanako rather than the "fun gang", at least with geno the excuse they'd have is justice and they wouldn't hold back or act angsty about it
too bad ryno's DTY will be just the first area and it will very likely be cringe
>top right
i like the idea of clover and kanako going into outright dangerous worlds and flowey being the voice of reason, telling them when its time to dip before the reason why that world is dangerous bites them in the ass.
After clover massacres all the cultists (we will assume that clover wouldnt trust the creepy girl after killing the first cultist and would shoot her down if she got too close), clover sees porky:
>"alright, fine, at least there's an actual human child like me around. Whats up?"
>"hey, im gonna unleash a lovecraftian-like creature and kill everybody"
>Clover's LV goes beyond 20 instantly
i think edgelord sans could work it just needs to be framed properly and give him an understandable motive. here's some thoughts since the previous underfell sans conversation that i was saving for a non-dying thread:

i really wished they did more to give him an interesting backstory and motive
i have had my own rewrite bouncing around in my head for a while where instead of being depressed like usual from his universe-hopper machine being unfixable, he gets pissed that he has to live in a miserable authoritarian shithole now, and decides that he needs to kill/free people from that world in order to get strong enough and leave for another one. he would just think "most people here are psychopaths or assholes anyways, why should i care?", pushing forward just for the possibility that he could get him and his brother somewhere actually safe.

i feel like him having a well-meaning goal, horrible things required to get there, and a weak point in there (the deltatraveler susie thing) would make him a much more interesting character and make you think about what you'd do if you had to go from a picturesque suburb life to living in a kingdom-sized madhouse ran by a dictator where you'll never see the sun.
How do you guys feel a Underfell Yellow could work? Like would the story differ much from base UTY?
Pretty interesting suggestions were thrown around these past threads.
-Chujin is alive and a major antagonist due to having more support from Asgore
-Amalgamate Kanako is genocide final boss.
-Kanako being Clover's companion through the journey underground.
-Zenith Martlet is pacifist final boss.
Details like that, I'll have to dig through past threads to recall them. Maybe someone ought to make a Google doc or something one of these days.
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I liked this idea
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I haven't worked that much on the"train" battle I mentioned before, just finished the sprite and the idle animation for it.
This week I've been mostly playing around with some new mechanics for the overworld. i want to replace the puzzle sections of the overworld, solving puzzles doesn't fit with the personality of the main character and general themes of the story, so instead my idea is to add platforming sections that replace those puzzles, I'm still not sure if I should implement them or not since they could end up feeling "too out of place" compared to the rest of the game
I fucked up the reply to the previous post >>3671659
You could add some sort of minigame to replace the puzzles.
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I've seen the uty: shade of justice's version of Asgore's fight, and i've gotta say, this shit is ass! Like seriously, it doesnt feel like an uty battle at all, it looks like someone made their first unitale battle, the battle is a lame rethread of Asgore's battle with an anticlimatic ending that's all like "k i'm bored now, bye." then you die. Most uty attacks have fun sound effects (even that one uty asgore fight animation had the fire balls go "puff" when they hit the middle of the screen on that one fire ball-ring attack thing) or flashy visuals or anything engaging at all, i bet most people would be digging on this battle if this was in the ACTUAL uty.
There's nothing noteworthy about that battle, no new attacks (in fact, it even removed the trident attack), no dialogue or special events mid-battle, not even a final special attack you have to dodge! (In fact, you could make it so that the special attack is ball-bustingly hard so that its like "clover can canonically die here because fucking up there means your soul will get captured for real, but you could break canon if you're good enough." instead of bending over to make the battle impossible to beat because "muh canon!!1", seriously, why cant you give us a "flowey wins" ending? It's always "then clover dies or flowey dies or some bullshit, so flowey's 6 soul plan was not fulfilled.), adding dash or shooting mechanic would unironically improve the battle, and you could even make asgore whip out his trident once he's at half hp and make the battle more kickass with the music being higher pitched, sort of like geno ceroba.
Speaking of which, why doesnt flowey reload? Why cant you beat asgore at high LVs when flowey says that you're strong enough to beat asgore when you're at LV 11-12ish during the geno route??? These fanmade uty asgore battles are so unbelievable because they fail to provide a good explanation for clover being unable to beat asgore, even that one kickass asgore battle animation fucks it up by-
-making asgore launch an undodgeable attack that instakills you, as portrayed on picrel, but the thing is, we've seen in ceroba's fight that clover can just turn their soul upside down, do a big shot to destroy the attack and then continue the battle, so even through the animation is clever enough to make flowey pissed off at clover and decide to not reload again (even through that's still a flimsy explanation imo, he could wait until he calms down then reload again, so it all felt like a forced attempt to prevent the animation from breaking canon), clover should've been able to overpower asgore's trident by shooting at it or flowey could've grabbed asgore's trident and take it away, he can reload so that's worth a try.
Whats it with all uty asgore fanmade battles not wanting to break canon anyways? The geno ending breaks the canon, why cant you throw us a bone and give us a "flowey wins"?? This problem really brings all the uty fanmade asgore fights ive seen, no matter how good they are. Oh well, here's the animation (https://youtu.be/_JZE7URQt5I?si=AjntYq4ZXPzVzQPM) and the playable shades of justice asgore fight (https://youtu.be/lkhlURclmAU?si=t0jkESJ2LVK2JN4B) if you're curious enough to want to know wtf im talking about
>when flowey says that you're strong enough to beat asgore when you're at LV 11-12ish during the geno route
he says this in every route, even in pacifist after the starlo fight
I could use minigames to reduce the number of puzzles, yeah, I'll keep it in mind even if I do end up implementing the platforming sections
For all I care, this is the only good thing that came out thanks to Undertale existing:
>culture war slop
An idea for the future: swap AU where Mrs. Holiday is the Queen of the Monsters. You could also have the path be backwards, so Frisk starts from the New Home hole and the castle is right after Snowdin.
>Clover and Kanako end up in the world of Wild Arms
>almost has to be pried out to the next world
Neat, someone screencapped my posts
I considered Zenith Martlet to be the neutral final boss actually, deciding she has no choice but to kill you for personal reasons; in my idea she's a voluntary experiment for Chujin's integrity tests, taking microdoses and the progress recorded. The injections temporarily alter her appearance to be a little bit closer to Zenith, no noticeable power increase but the sharp glare, taller gait etc. help Martlet intimidate others, something her kind soul is very bad at through words and something very much needed for her guard position.
Chujin, much like in UTY, was close with Martlet before the incident that led to him working for Asgore. When recent test results showed early warning signs of SOUL damage, something that had killed previous subjects whom of which he had been more liberal with his doses, he told Martlet her services were no longer necessary. Unable to cope with the idea of losing what little leverage she has in this harsh world, she calls Clover to the rooftop and, with remorse, gives herself a stolen full dose.

The reason this doesn't happen in pacifist is due to timeline differences that start in the Wild East.
>in any neutral run, Kanako catches a glimpse of Clover like in >>3675880 and shrinks back to her mansion, never seen again
>in pacifist she can sense something special in him, much like her mother, and wanders off to the Wild East on her own, to the shock of everyone
>Ceroba's surprise assault won't stop even after she's spared, thrashing until her emotional wall completely crumbles. Stardust finds and comforts her, allowing Clover to progress alone

>Kanako subtly impacts many scenes in the Wild East, even taking Stardust's place in a play fight with the Feisty Four (its own story)
>Kanako calls to Ceroba when she's spared, begging her to stop and halting the fight until Stardust arrives
>Kanako then sneaks off and, out of sight of Clover and Flowey, follows them into the Steamworks
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>Chujin has control of the Steamworks
>he sees the player through its many cameras, speaks to them through its screens
>senses them with his Axis robots
>though Axis Model 014 felled the previous human, it was far from the last revision
>Clover has to run from these lethal robots at all times, narrowly dodging one only for another to appear around the corner
>sandwiched between them, Clover prepares for his last stand when a trapdoor opens itself beneath his feet
>014 greets him at the bottom, the oldest functioning model
>though inferior to later models and lacking many features, Chujin saw fit to keep it repaired and active as a signifier of monsterkind's hopes against humanity
>until now, Axis did not speak of its own feelings on that killing
>it acted on its own programming then. With a monster in critical danger it automatically engaged itself
>it has a choice now, and though it will certainly be destroyed afterward it won't let that repeat
>Chujin cannot take manual control of 014, but he can track Clover through him
>014 helps Clover navigate the facility, weaving through his brothers and providing advice to evade them
>at the exit 014 interfaces with the computer to seal the previous doors and start opening the Hotland doors
>with a horrific mechanical screech it suddenly pries itself away from the computer and collapses
>a larger-than-life Chujin bathes the room in harsh green light and stares at Clover
There we go. All it took was a firmware update. I... never could have forseen this outcome.
>014 stirs
This isn't the optimal toolset for an execution, but... in a way it's fitting. The Model 014, at least, has proven itself capable already.
>Clover winces as Chujin's voice turns stereo. 014 has risen.
Let's go for two, shall we?

Then what I wrote for pacifist got so carried away that I have to pastebin it
This isn't the whole route, I had more but I wrote way too much already. To be continued
that pastebin is a bit rough to read but that sounds really interesting, really want to see more of this UFY take, much better than the usual "everyone is evil just because" takes most people do
>Ally gets forcibly turned into any enemy against their will
Good stuff

Should also have jaundice Clover systematically destroy every single Axis model in the geno route.
Do we get to fight the upgraded robots? It sounds like itd be fun to fight these guys, maybe in genocide, instead of grinding on random fuck enemies, you get to kill each robot while you get a fuckton of exp for each one you manage to catch and kill in time
How about an Underswap AU that mashes together aspects of UTY and UT

>Clover swaps with Frisk (Narratively Clover is still the seventh human to fall and Frisk never falls themselves, as by the time Clover falls Asriel already has 6 souls)

>Asriel is the king of the underground. Chara is Flowey, but also not. The initial plan that Asriel and Chara… did not go as it did in Undertale and Chara ended up killing themselves without Asriel taking their soul, Asriel feels immense guilt to this day and wears a golden locket with Charas soul in it. He is a stressed king that tries to do his best but is unsure in his abilities, not weak but can be considered too kind.

>Toriel and Asgore are retired and have a cottage down in Frozen Home, they are old as hell.

>Snowdin swaps with Ruins, Waterfall swaps with Dunes, CORE swaps with New Home

>Area order: Frozen Home (The ruins but Snow and more scandinavian theming), Falling Valley (A forest full of perpetually autumn trees that leave behind gigantic leaf piles), Greenview (Dunes as it was before the sun stone), The Ports (A dryed up ocean area where people pretend to be pirates), G.A.T.E. (An old medieval looking structure that uses weird steampunk technology to power the Underground), The Dome (A futuristic city commissioned by Asriel and built by (UNKNOWN) to provide monsterkind with a better tomorrow.
>Axis was built by Chujin to help with architecture construction but defied his programming and went on to become a popular streamer for monster kind (Wears a greaser Jacket and silly sunglasses)
>Chujin is the royal scientist but is more interested in developing monster kind as a civilization with architecture and construction than finding ways to create boss monsters and killer robots, wants to make the underground almost similar to the surface as he believes monster kind will never be free
>Axis was built by Chujin to help with architecture construction but defied his programming and went on to become a popular streamer for monster kind (Wears a greaser Jacket and silly sunglasses)
>Chujin is the royal scientist but is more interested in developing monster kind as a civilization with architecture and construction than finding ways to create boss monsters and killer robots, wants to make the underground almost similar to the surface as he believes monster kind will never be free
So does this mean Alphys is a spiteful chud watching anime and saying "the underground has fallen" while building genocide robots in her mom's basement? Will she vax herself?
Nah, I'm still figuring out this AU but I'm taking the main principle of TS!under swap where the characters may be placed in differing roles but they are still fundamentally themselves. Chujin still wants what's best for monsterkind but has not suffered personally in a way that would make him very hateful of humankind unlike in UTY. Since Asriel has no interest in declaring war on humanity (even if some of the humans who fell were not always kind) and is focused on making the underground the best it can be, Chujin was hired as a royal scientist as Asriel was impressed with the creation of Axis and various other robots who were designed in this AU as helper robots. It's shown in UTY that Chujin is also a great craftsman so I'm leaning into that angle here with Chujin helping to develop "The Dome" area along with others.
Alphys in this AU would kind of fill the failed scientist role but she doesn't take her failures in a hostile direction, she just kinda mopes around a bit, watches anime in her cat pajamas, and works to make something that could get her hired by Asriel. She thinks if she can build "The ultimate protector of monsterkind!" then she can feel like she's done something worthwhile in her life
imo underswap is a boring premise, sure TS's take is more unique than the others, but its still too predicable at the moment, hope they prove everyone wrong in part 3
but yeah swaps are usually the worst kind of AUs because most people just swap the character sprites but not their personalities and how that would change things beyond the superficial level

anyway /v/ thread up
I think the worst part of swaps is when they swap their personalities. They think "how can I make character A have the personality of character B" when they should be thinking "What if character A swapped circumstances with character B".

The worst offender I can think of in TS is Temmie. They swapped Temmie with Flowey, and in the process turned her into an insidious abominable monstrosity that plays innocent to lure you into a false sense of security so she can steal your soul. That doesn't work because that's not Temmie, that's just Flowey dressed as Temmie. If Temmie were created like Flowey and possessed the same soulless psychopathy, she wouldn't be a cold and calculating killer, she's too simple minded and silly for that. She'd be a chaotic stupid monster like Majin Buu. Killing just for shits and giggles without so much as a thought for the pain of others or the conseuqences of her actions. As opposed to Flowey's outright sadism and clever scheming.
It's a parody anon
Is there any undertale orange soul-based fangame where you can perform a right hook attack?
I'm pretty sure both Naranja and Wildfire let you engage in fisticuffs.
To be fair to Team Switched, I think Temmie is the only offender, and it seems they do an alright job swapping every other character seen thus far.
>>3677495 (me)
And to elaborate further, I think Temmie being smarter than she looks has at least some precedent given some of her dialogue in the original game, like in the Temmie shop when you refuse to sell to her.
She has some intelligent sounding lines, but is still chaotic stupid overall, since she does things like buy literal garbage off of you in her shop.
Yeah, Temmie probably is pretty dumb even after going to college, but I still think there is enough there to justify an interpretation that involves a scheming kind of Temmie. Like one could translate Temmie wanting to go to college as Temmie having a desire to be smarter or to be seen as smarter? Perhaps the facades could be swapped, with Temmie learning more about people's reactions after constant resets resulting in Temmie initially appearing to be a well-spoken and mild-mannered individual to people she wants to get close to, but cracks easily revealing herself to be the dumb rabid animal barely able to form coherent sentences she truly is, as opposed to the interpretation that Temmie fronts as endearingly stupid then revealing herself to be a mastermind.
I prefer the classic killer clown bit of her childishness and silliness being disarming, right up until her victims realize she's trying to kill them. You'd have to push any scheming off onto another character that's manipulating her for his own ends.
Unless the evil temmie we met is actually Bob, and the other temmies are actually dumbasses despite their first impressions?
Yeah, perhaps keeping Temmie's cute side to lower people's guard would be for the best. I actually think Temmie's "tutorial" in TS!Underswap makes for an entertaining first impression.
probably not. Even then, it still doesn't fit very well since Bob isn't even a character with a personality, just a one off gag.
Yeah, you can have Temmie be cute and still have that bait and switch, its just giving her Flowey's intelligence that's the problem. If you frame it as her teaching you how to play a game so you two can have fun together, then it still allows a cute segment, followed by the reveal of her definition of fun being killing you while you desperately fight for your life.
You fools!
Just dropping in here to say that I love Martlet and want her to be my mom
Imagine if a right hook attack with a crit makes the enemy accidentally bite their tongue and get some extra flavor dialogue
Any thoughts? Personally, i feel like it improves the vibe
The second paragraph hit me like a brick
I don't remember any pools of blood in section 2
its after you kill the snake and ness and paula
I'll take your word for it. I didn't bother with the edgy route after section 1.
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Revival's Underfell will have unique textboxes for every major character; here is Flowey's after going through a quite few revisions; it used to be colored.
Here is the textbox as it was revealed in the September 2024 devlog:
Gonna say it here: I realized Deltarune's battle HUD actually sucks compared to Undertale's, specially if you are using attacks.
The text box is way too down while everything happens in the upper part. It's worse for the attacks since the critical hit bar is all the way on the bottom left while UT's was closer to the middle.
I noticed while looking at sprite sheets there are a lot of animations and unique sprites for acts I had never noticed before because I'm never looking at that portion of the screen.

Now, I'm not asking for Toby or anyone making fangames to scrap it and start over because I can imagine how much a pain in the ass it is to code something like it. I just said here because I imagine there are anons interested in this angle of analysis.
I can see why you say that since all that blank space at the bottom is never used for anything mid battle and takes like a fifth of the screen, in Undertale made a better use of the screen space by making the description box and battle box the same
>I had never noticed before because I'm never looking at that portion of the screen.
its much easier with smaller screens like phones or laptops, but I imagine if you play it on a huge monitor or a tv screen you can easily miss most of the sprites
Speaking of wich, were would you put the descriptions in Deltarune asuming you have to keep the same distribution of the characters? (player party on the left, enemies on the right)
Nope. I hope one day I become a dev.
>were would you put the descriptions in Deltarune asuming you have to keep the same distribution of the characters?
I'd push the stripe with the characters and buttons to the bottom, like in UT, and have the text box above it. Not a huge change, but I believe it would be an improvement. Also, I'd have the attack bars appear in the middle of the screen, same location as the bullet board.
>Nope. I hope one day I become a dev.
if you have free time and a pc, then there is nothing stopping you from starting now
what >>3678341 said, you could totally make something like a single battle fangame to showoff this idea.
I need to find the cure for laziness and procrastination first
>I need to find the cure for laziness and procrastination first
I was like that a year ago, I'm still lazy and procrastinate, but I do game dev every day
There is no "cure" for lazyness or "perfect moment" to start, seriously just download a game engine and mess around it as if it were a game, game dev is not easy but it isn't as inaccessible as it seems either
The cure is to build good habits, and the only way to do that is to just do it.
>a monster kills or does something wrong: they're not evil, they're morally grey.
>a human kills or does something wrong: satan himself.
Like seriously, The amount of people who try to make the blue soul kid evil is shocking. "How dare that child fight back against a species who has declared to take their soul!?!"
You'd have a fair point if it weren't for the fact that she attempted to murder a toddler.
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Had a dream where I was fighting Pacifist Ceroba and I when she pulled out the mask I hit her with the Virtual Insanity, the whole dance.
I'm reading the discussion about Toby's coding practices on /v/ and it made me think:
Is it possible to write decent code without spending years studying computer science and implementing it? Or it's just doomed to be shit if you want to be quick?
Toby is just particularly bad at it. If you are detail-oriented and decently intelligent, there's no reason you can't do a good job. Just take time to keep organized and care about the quality of your work.
Belive it or not, good code is irrelevant, at least in games like Undertale, nobody noticed that the game was poorly coded when they first played it since it worked
As long as you aren't Yandere Dev tier and try to make a game with a scope too big for you it shouldn't matter
The wait for Deltarune definitely proves that good code is important after a certain point.
My ambitions for original projects aren't AAA tier but they are definitely higher than UT, maybe even DR in some aspects.
As a game, UTY is pretty good (if somewhat hard in some areas), but the story, characters and humor didn't click with me in a personal level, they're not bad per se, but half-baked and not very memorable.
Lets say that each uty boss is modified to have a final boss-like difficulty, how would you ramp up the difficulty in each uty boss battle to reach that goal?
For any of them, you just gotta do what they did for Ceroba and Zartlet: put a bunch of completely different attack patterns together at high speed.
Give each boss a unique damage gimmick like Sans's KR or Ceroba max health damage, like Starlo attacks having a bleeding mechanic that drains your health while you are on your turn, or Dalv having a "static" status effect that builds up (like in Dark Souls), if you build up enough static in a short time you recive massive damage
Why wouldn't the vampire have the bleed ability?
Starlo with the bleed was an Idea that I saw before, Dalv doesn't have any blood/vampire related ability anyways
I just thought of a fun addition to put in a fangame. Any soul prequel fangames could include Gerson as a one off NPC. With him being younger based on which soul the game is about. He's a minor enough character in UT that its not going to cause problems like throwing Flowey or a skeleton in there, meanwhile he still fits chronologically because he's old as dirt,
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the UT orange with the weird looking bald kid just announced it is dead
meanwhile another UT orange has appeared in its place (with yet another weird looking kid)
>UT Orange with the bald kid
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it isn't actually bald but for some reason my mind thought it was, anyway this one was the one that got cancelled
That one went quick. What was it, a month and a half between announcement and cancellation?
My current idea for Gerson in my fangame is that he is a secret boss, he is very disconected from the main plot but you can fight him in any route, since his encounter is completely optional it doesn't messes with the canon in any way
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what is this, r63 Zartlet?
Why is it that ut fanbattles based on disbelief papyrus which have sans and papyrus team up to battle you in the judgement hall get lazy when it comes to phase 3 (im mostly referring to help from the void)? They have papyrus revive undyne at the start of phase 3 because sans is already alive and even then she takes a backseat until after the obligatory papyrus and sans minigame thing anyways because thats how the original phase 3 went. Why cant they be more creative? Give revived-undyne more turns in phase 3 and have a moment where undyne says "it's your turn now, human!" but then when you're about to choose an action, sans swoops in and is like "actually, i havent attacked during undyne's turn, so its my turn." and your turn is immediately skipped because this is a turn-based rpg and sans skipping your turn makes sense in-character given that he fucks with the battle, the explanation being "just because only one monster attacked doesnt mean its your turn yet" or smthn like that, also, take this chance to add a 4th opponent since they already revive undyne at the start of phase 3, maybe have mettaton neo go crazy while saying "THIS IS FOR MADDIE! THIS ONE IS FOR BLOOKY! AND THIS ONE IS FOR THE MONSTERS YOU'VE KILLED!", then at the end of phase 3 have sans talk about how you're outnumbered and that the only sensible thing to do at this point is to quit, so that the author can show that they understand the reason as to why sans battles you in the first place, and also shows how different the actual sans is from the revived-sans of the og disbelief papyrus phase 3 battle
I think the main problem with Deltarune is that Toby didn't even try to properly organize his project at all. So long as you make an effort to learn, you'll do well enough for your codebase to be reasonably maintainable. I also think you shouldn't overly fixate on trying to write the cleanest code possible, or else you'll burn out and never finish your game (speaking from experience).
In short, I think it's more important to get something up and running than to spend forever worrying about the design of it. What matters is that you come back and make improvements when you notice things can be better.
Alternative Zartlet Design from r*ddit

found this too
your problem was caring too much about skeleton based fangames, they are powerwank of creators trying to outdo each other and/or edgy fanfic kids made in the breaks between class, I mean even your thing with reviving monsters sounds dumb

also /v/ thread >>>/v/698082291
>your thing with reviving monsters sounds dumb
That comes from these disbelief papyrus-esque scenarios, they dont come from me, but if they're gonna make disbelief papyrus revive people in phase 3, at least do smthn creative with it instead of regurgating the same old "sans and papyrus beat your ass, then boom, random old videogame reference because the og phase 3 has paps and sans playing pong, then undyne is revived and she does a generic attack and she never gets to do anything interesing." from the og disbelief papyrus battle.
the UTY artbook is out
time to dig in to try to find any scraps of content
damn seems the pdf is damaged or something, I can't open it
anyone had any luck?
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why did they host it on google drive lmao
it was overwhelmed and the drive link was busted within 30 mins of uploading
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i downloaded and opened it just fine
>the hallway at the end of oasis was meant to be a flea market of sorts
damn that woulda been cool, oasis just kinda exists and is one note
can you upload it somewhere else? i can't access the drive link no matter what I try
Why the fuck is it over 1GB in size?
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the first version they uploaded was 700mb and was incomplete, so it couldn't be opened
they uploaded a new version with 1.2gb and that one works

anyway clover concept

you can add the drive link to your personal drive folder and download it to bypass the limit
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>kanako gets one (1) page in the "misc characters" section
damn kid got robbed hard
I thought that the random hallway at the end was there for the planned sans cameo
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>human face
>mask has a snout
>fox face
>mask is flat
Also, they should have kept her as the one bringing corn to Dalv.
These plushes were used for an unused attack in the Neutral flowey battle.
They barely explore the western angle and starlo is the most overshadowed character in both pacifist and genocide
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so evil roba didn't kill kanako just because she wanted to live longer, but also to finish chujin's research
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>even fucking guardener, bailador and decibat get 2-3 pages each (4 with their calling card) and kanako and chujin get only one
really shows the team's priorities

also mart's armor
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>They barely explore the western angle and starlo is the most overshadowed character in both pacifist and genocide
there were more plans for wild east stuff but they were canned cuz the team was lazy
also heres the justification for no starlo in geno
Should we make a /v/ thread?
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>mooch wears spats
this is good information to have
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here's an idea for upgraded axis for that UFY idea discussed a while ago

if someone bakes it I will try to post some more concepts there instead of here
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zartlet ideas, including biblically accurate
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>roba just shoots clover with a gun
really why didnt she (or any monster) just do it from the start
Still a stupid justification
>top right design
Even the robot doesnt escape twink-ification
At least we got an standing up sprite of Chujin and an overworld Kitsune Ceroba
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a concept artist once shared this humanoid axis design
weird it isnt in the art book (and none of the other art that was shared)
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The fact that they almost fucked asgore's personality up is a writer red flag, what made them think that asgore would ever reasonably do this??
If you swapped Asgore with Undyne this scene would work.
that would contradict undyne never meeting a human before though
Just make asgore start pondering if he should let clover go or not but then the guards come in and say smthn like "there have been reported sightings of you deliberately taking the human away from waterfall instead of capturing or taking the human's soul, so the captain undyne told us to bring you over to waterfall and discuss some important matters." then they take martlet away, and thus, the flawed pacifist asgore fight occurs like usual
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cooking with kindness new update, has some cool stuff
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A new Undertale fangame came out today. It's a Mario themed homebrew for the SNES.
I think you're the retarded one
Asgore would 100% do this
just have him do it reluctantly because martlet is being too confrontional
I truly don't see how it breaks his personality. Asgore is kind but he still fucking kills kids. Having his guard, who is about to betray him and fight against him, escorted out so he can focus on his reluctant task of killing the human seems perfectly in character.

I feel he would do the same if Papyrus brought Frisk to him.
does anyone else notice how genuinely insane shipping wars get in this community? not just talking about unusual pairings, i mean people just straight up fighting tooth and nail for THEIR pairing and tearing down ones that DARE to be more popular.

it's kinda nutty... there's an extremely small but loud group of people that act like staroba (the most popular ship) is some conspiratorially harmful pairing and that it hurts the characters and erases gay people and shit... bear in mind these guys normally ship starlo with dalv (nothing to each other in canon).
some "people" argue that a pairing between two characters with a long history, past mistakes, a deep care for eachother both explored and unexplored, extreme reactions when the other is killed, mutual uncertainty in the future, lack of confidence with "if" they can ever express feelings with each other, room to grow, etc - is some evil thing and that "people in the same room" pairings have a lot more going for them somehow.
like, i can have a little empathy towards people who want to see their favorite dynamic represented and get hard blocked by clear set up pairings but people get wayyy too in their feelings about the set up ones succeeding.
anon we know, this is the same fandom that tried to murder someone with a needle cookie over a ship disagreement (the broader UT fandom, just exclusively UTY)
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I normally don't care about ships but something in kanaclover spoke to me on a spiritual level where I've been obsessing over them for over a year now (despite it being a crackship since they never interact in game)
Can't wait for any of the DRY takes to come out to get more of that (since the UTY devs clearly didn't care about kanako at all)

But yeah, shipping wars are a huge deal in the fandom and as >>3684393 said, there were actual murder attempts over "proships" (problematic ships), and TS!US was almost cancelled cuz someone accused the lead dev of liking one of those proships
Y'know, how did the idea of Deltarune Yellow start here anyway?
"it really sucks how clover and kanako never got to interact" and it all spiraled from there.
Are any of you devs worried about the broader fandom having a meltdown over your work?
kinda, but then i remember:
i genuinely dont care about what the tards on twitter are doing.
i guess so but also i have seen these people spite the DEVS over this, like just straight up calling the devs (in general not specific ones) names because they put a setup for a childhood friends pairing in their game. that's something i think is pretty unique to this fangame's shipping shitshow...

funny you mention them because the spaces where i see staroba hate often also have kanaclover hate and WAY worse words said about people who ship them... there must be something weird that fires in some people's brains to make them super angry at cowboy and fox girl pairings.
>that's something i think is pretty unique to this fangame's shipping shitshow...
>the spaces where i see staroba hate often also have kanaclover hate and WAY worse words said about people who ship them
> there must be something weird that fires in some people's brains to make them super angry at cowboy and fox girl pairings.
its not cowboy X fox, its that they are trying to force UTY's characters into the same roles as mainline UT's fandom interpretation.
>kanako/asriel is miraculously fine
>clover/frisk is her/his adopted sister
>ceroba/toriel is a single mother
>other characters are nowhere to be found in this dynamic
you have to remember that a majority of the UT/DR fandom suffers from an extreme lack of creativity, its why we ended up with so many AUs and single fight fangames that exist almost entirely for the purpose of pushing sans OCs
they literally cant comprehend the idea of anything else.
i think the simplest thing is just:
>don't be a bad person in your personal life (see:blaize mayes)
>don't get freaky in front of others (see:voltra, undertale wildfire to a lesser extent)
>be very careful that the people you associate with aren't any of the other two (see:team switched, with both squimpus mcgrimpus and voltra)

just be a little careful what you do and how you present yourself when you're somewhere where they csn see it
it all started with this image
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like >>3684412 said the people that hate kanaclover want ceroba to adopt clover making them siblings (those people don't see ceroba's flaws and were too emotionally swayed by the pacifist ending to see its flaws, the same people that during the stream sent stuff like "I relate to ceroba so much" which really raises an eyebrow)
for me I don't care if martlet, starlo or even dalv adopts him, as long as he gets the fluffy childhood friend gf

sig's pics in general with teen kanako did it, and then anons kept trying to actually make a new story instead of just grabbing DR and replacing the characters with the UTY cast (there are so many that add spamton just because or MUST have a ralsei equivalent that its sad)
besides DRY was a good opportunity to improve chujin and roba (and the rest of the yellow cast really) without making it just a swap AU, but of course we don't know what will happen in DR proper or the setting's rules fully yet, so we wait on taht
Asgore would definitely do this. That's kind of the point of his character. If a human ends up in the underground, Asgore's kingdom, they're fucked.
Why would he allow one of his own guards to prevent him from getting another soul, something all them should be doing. An order which he enforced.
The devs should kept this in the game, it would have been a much more impactful scene for Martlet, while also making it clear Asgore isn't as peachy as monsters make him out to be.
Is that from the dead DRY project?
I do everything anonymously, so I can do what I want without fear of the mentally ill homosexual that comprise most of the wider Undertale fanbase.
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its from DRY1, I wouldn't call it completely dead though
I've been considering resuming it since my team is very busy with IRL stuff so progress on my original game has been way slower than I'd want, but I don't want to fully commit to it if there is the risk of never finishing it
the only thing I added recently was a 5 people battle test while discussing some ideas with DRYanon2, but if I continue I might use it
So would you continue work on your original game if you restarted work on DRY?
I'd do both, giving priority to the original game, but right now there has been almost no progress since I'm waiting on the team, so I guess it wouldnt hurt to resume DRY, but I'm conflicted since I don't know if I can finish it (I'd probably change the story based on my first idea since I adapted that into the original game instead, but that's the easy part)
guess I could just bite the bullet and see how things go (even if the current writing I feel is subpar but I can do a rewriting pass later), I have to spend some time rethinking the story anyway, and I still want to wait for DR ch 3 and 4 to see what else tobias has in the DR setting lore cooked up
Has making your original game been fun from what you have done so far?
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yes, I like to program, I'm just bad at making art (hence all sprites in DRY being taken from other games, like minish cap, mario RPG, mother 3, chrono trigger, the snes mana games, etc) and somewhat at writing (my writing is "serviceable" but it really needs a 2nd pass, one of the reasons for me to halt DRY was too that I felt the writing was "cringe" for lack of a better word)
I also feel my chapter 1 take lacks a character like lancer so it feels a bit lonely with just cole and kanako, thinking of adding a character you just meet for a few gags and move on but is kinda on the journey alongside you, not to mention add some tie in with the chapter's boss since it only shows up at the start and end and you dont interact much with it (in comparison you interact with chapter 2's boss a few times, like webm related)
>Are any of you devs worried about the broader fandom having a meltdown over your work?
Not really, I pretty much don't exist on the internet and the most interesting UT related discussions happen here anyways
I don't have any dirt on me either and so far I been working alone so the chances of anything causing a meltdown are low
>I also feel my chapter 1 take lacks a character like lancer so it feels a bit lonely with just cole and kanako
if you want, i can share my chapter plans for DRY2 if it helps with inspiration.
not here though, discord dms
I think it's down to being a cute "what if"
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So, does anyone know if Undertale Yellow works on Linux?
And more pressingly, can Shades of Justice be installed on Linux?
I played both on steam deck and it worked, so I assume yes if you use proton
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Did they ever compile Linux builds? And how about Shades of Justice, since UTPatcher patches things using the Windows API?
In the past I've found issues with shaders when exporting GameMaker games for Linux, so it's possible they just didn't want to deal with potential compatibility issues. That being said, at one point I threw the data file from UTY into an existing Linux runner, and the game seemed to work fine (though I didn't play much of it there, so I can't say for sure).

It works perfectly on Wine/Proton, though. The vast majority of games do.
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If I ever have a daughter I am really considering naming her Kanako, not because of UTY but because it is a really pretty sounding name. I just happened to think about it some more because of UTY and Touhou.
anon i urge you to reconsider unless you're japanese.
Kanako is a somewhat good name on it own, although you should give a normal middle name.

eh, there's been worse names given to babies thanks to fandom.
>Albus Dumbledore
>john karkat
>most of all the names of star wars
>I pity the kid named "jar-jar bins"

At least he's a picking a name that no one will identify and it's actually pretty cool.
yeah those names are bad too but kanako is related to both undertale and touhou
if other kids manage to trace it back to either of those that kid will be bullied, and there's already a risk of it if she doesnt have any kind of japanese lineage.
what happened with wildfire? it's still going, right? i don't keep up with it that much but i don't remember it being cancelled
They are still going, the main dev lead just had an 18+ version semi-public version of their main discord server. They shut it down after a while after they got weird looks from other members of the community, apparently even some of the internal dev members didnt even know about it
>undertale and touhou
by the time those kids are born, they won't have any fucking idea what these things are.
Especially when in undertale case, is about a single specific fangame
And no kid is ever going to know about touhou, the only fuckers I ever known to know about touhou are 25+ years old on the internet.
>just had
wasn't that months ago? one of the cancellation attempts was using it as fuel
but in the past few months nothing new really has happened with wildfire, they are still aiming to release the snowdin demo early next year I assume
>Just had
I was saying it in the way that insinuates it's nothing really bad
Please please please please do not name your child after a fictional character, ESPECIALLY one with a name that won't blend in.

Even if you think nobody will find out, they will. At minimum your child might tell someone, ignorant that it could be a point of attack, and it could spread from there. Bullies will find any reason to bully, don't enable it with a weird name
Bullies will always find a reason to bully. It doesn't matter what you name your kid, they'll find a way to make that name an insult.
ok yeah but the last thing you should do is make it easier.
even if its not the name directly, they will bully the kid for having a father that likes undertale/touhou. and all it takes is ONE autistic kid to point out where the name is sourced from (this goes for >>3684820 too)
As someone with an unusual name, they'll get over it.
Please, don't let your autism screw your kids.
Give that name to something like a dog instead.
Faggots get really annoying when a straight ship from popular media becomes popular, just look at reactions to stuff like mothzilla or soriel or whatever shit from other media
that's it? doesn't really seem like grounds for cancellation to me. glad they didn't let it stop them, it's silly how sensitive people get

"one of the cancellation attempts?" there were more?? maybe it's good i am not on their discord server, i don't care for drama. if they're still going and it's not a blaize mayes type situation it probably wasn't a big deal though
Since uty shows another part of the underground, people were wondering how itd be like if they were in deltarune's setting
You should name your kids after your fav characters!
is pic just artwork or part of an actual fangame
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its just fanart unfortunately
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kanako is a real name thoughever
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Does anyone have a mirror download for the artbook, Google Drive is being ddosed with idiots trying to download the file
Yeah, I know.
It will still look weird if a non-asian kid just has a japanese name for no reason.
you can bypass the limit by saving the file to your drive (with the icon on the top right), and then downloading the folder you saved it to
These two are goddamned soulmates how can anyone get mad at this?
nta but through methods unknown to me people somehow get caught up in their own versions of events and genuinely delude themselves into forgetting canon details that explain why something THEY like will never happen

like there's a bunch of people who willingly sucker themselves into tearing down completely sensible analyzations of the text to prop up shit that makes no sense but agrees with their worldview
dalv and starlo might be low hanging fruit but like genuinely i have not seen a single thing that could possibly convince me it makes sense to the game i played, some others i can hear out, but never that... and they almost worship it anyways.
Im pretty sure its because its a straight ship that happens to be the most popular godzilla ship. I always see mothzilla hate everywhere but these fags dont bat an eye to ships like godzilla x anguirus or gigan x megalon because theyre lgbt ships, and thus, arent treated as harshly as mothzilla
>Godzilla shipping
Isn't Godzilla a female that reproduces asexually?
If anything, the one bringing Dalv corn was most likely Kanako.
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So where'd this thing come from, or all the other baby Godzillas we've seen throughout the series?
i'm pretty sure it was stated somewhere that it was chujin doing that
i haven't watched the anniversary stream myself yet though
Chujin was the one doing that, they stated as such in the charity livestream.
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seems someone is trying to make an animated series for DRY this time
>no kanako (unless the thing in the thumbnail is supposed to be her but it seems to be the darkner mount clover has)
>chara for whatever reason
I'll follow it since I always do with any DRY but I am very disappointed
>and chara for whatever reason
christ, why does it feel like the takes here are the only ones that DONT shoehorn UT/DR characters?
>chara for whatever reason
Its for CloverxChara shipping. It has to be.
ah shit. >>3685565
yeah that makes sense.
also probably the reason why kanako isnt there
The wider fandoms seems to have a thing around repeating the same characters and concepts over and over.
I hope Deltarune doesn't lean into that by giving the spotlight to the new characters instead of the Undertale ones.
people everywhere want weird route where you manipulate toriel to kill undyne for ch 3, I just hope toby makes toriel asleep (or puppeted by tenna like that one newsletter suggested) and instead of undyne we get either the mayor or someone else

anyway /v/ thread >>>/v/698650515
>and instead of undyne we get either the mayor or someone else
What if its Asgore? Undyne seems tactless enough to ask him to check it out if she's busy, and he's clueless enough to not see why showing to his ex-wife's house at 2 AM is a bad thing.
I believe the game hints very obviously that Kris-Susie-Noelle are supposed to be the main trio, given what Gaster says about the names.
I'm not sure Undyne will be the next guest character because she was clearly bored and would have gone there immediately if she got the call. I'm betting on Napstablook (one of the roast chicken posts remixed Spooktune) or he might have asked Asgore to go check on them.
>one of the roast chicken posts remixed Spooktune
The crazy thing is that there might be a reference to Megalovania by the end of the track.
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>DRY discussion
>new fanart being posted
>rtf update and a new(?) series too
>tons of greens
we're ceroback
forgot to add "more chudjin slander"
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New years in less than 24 hours friends!
Here's hoping to a new year with more fan content!
Here's hoping I have a playable demo by the end of next year.
People hc that godzilla just adopted him or smthn, but theres actually no canon explanation for minilla's existence, they just show him coming out of an egg and they dont really explain his origins, so you could simply hc that godzilla banged mothra or some godzilla-species female kaiju and had a child or that minilla is adopted or whatever.
That shit comes from the 1998 movie, which is also the least godzilla-like version of godzilla to the point where toho gave up on that version of godzilla and made him a separate creature called "zilla" and even had him fight against godzilla in the 2004 godzilla final wars movie as a separate entity, meaning that no, godzilla isnt female and he doesnt reproduce asexually.
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>That shit comes from the 1998 movie
What about this one?
By "that shit" i meant the "godzilla is female and reproduces asexually" thing, which was only brought up in the 1998 movie, minilla has been around since the "son of godzilla" movie in the showa era, so he isnt just a 1998 movie thing.
About heisei era/80s minilla, im pretty sure his origins are vague too, with his egg being next to 80s rodan's egg iirc, which btw, it references the fact that some animals hide their eggs in birds's nests, so at the very least we can infer that minilla's mother put her egg in in the same nest as rodan's.
a [clown around town] is attempting another thread
>>Undertale Yellow came out in 2023
>>We are in 2024 already
Crazy to think that UTY is already 2 years old, time sure flies
>Crazy to think that UT is already 2 years old, time sure flies
Anon, 1999 was 35 years ago...
>What "added lore" does Yellow have? There being boss monsters other than the Dremurrs?
That but also stuff like the thermal crystals, the Steamworks operation and so on.
Speaking of which, what would happen if integrity was killed before she could kill anybody (since she'd have a pure soul)? Would kanako or chudjin not die?
By that i mean if the experiment was actually done with a pure integrity soul
> what would happen if integrity was killed before she could kill anybody (since she'd have a pure soul)
I don't think that's how that works. Either you're a good person or a bad person, whether or not you have the ability to act on your dark desires is entirely unrelated.
Chujin becomes super powerful, makes his serum, creates an army of boss monsters, then crosses the barrier to kill more humans so he can break the barrier. If he's feeling really ballsy, he'll take the souls from Asgore and bring four other super powered monsters with him to get the remaining souls. Then human genocide happens. Well provided the player doesn't show up and beat him by sheer force of plot armor.
That's not how either game treats it. You can go all the way up to killing Sans or Zartlet, then reset and go back to LV 1 and the game will let you be a goody-two-shoes right away. Reality is a different story, but for Undertale's purposes your purity is determined solely by whether you've killed or not.
Resetting sets Clover back to how he was at the start, removing any negative character progression he's made along the way. Doing geno with Clover gets him into an evil mindset, affirming all his worst aspects while suppressing all his good ones, all the while desensitizing him to killing (which is what LV is, its a rating of much violence he is capable of). Integrity killed plenty of monsters, including making attempts on literal toddlers, entirely on her own. No player intervention required. She'd have a high LV before she encountered any monsters since she was so willing to kill them.
Objection, you can beat every monster up until theyre nearly dead and even use the mean ACTs like talking or shooing decibat away and using the ACTs on penilla after you beat her to near death, and also even shoot martlet until she escapes (which doesnt abort pacifist btw, i've already tested it before), but your soul will still be "pure" enough for ceroba to continue her "kill clover" plan
I've been having a problem with trying to square away my fangame's stat system with Undertale's. In Undertale the game constantly lies about the stats of enemies, meanwhile I want to include the real stats of characters in my fangame. This is mainly for gameplay purposes (though there are narrative elements as well), but it introduces the problem of all the characters looking pathetically weak next to Undertale characters' supposed stats. I think I found a solution though. I'll include a bit of dialogue explaining that the characters in my game use a different system of measuring power than the LOVE system. So 20 ATK and 20 DEF may be quite a lot under the Imperial Level System, even if would be pretty small under the LOVE system.

Undertale Yellow allegedly uses real numbers and I didn't see fault with it. At most it will trigger power scaling autists, of which there are few in the Undertale community.
both yellow and wildfire use real stats and it is an obvious improvement. there is no need to make up a cheap story excuse for it, reading into and comparing stats between games is retarded and you don't need to pander to those people.
but anon, those autists are me.

Autism aside, I need to have to have a level system I can actually use for the purpose of making the player stronger and increasing his abilities without tying it down to the narrative baggage that LOVE brings. LOVE has no reason to be kept anyways, since this game isn't about sparing vs not sparing. So I figured this was a good way to explain why things are different here than in Undertale.
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undertinge will reveal something tomorrow
Never heard of Undertinge before. QRD?
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here's the rundown from the gamejolt page
Play as the Wizard named Frisk. Welding magic as a weapon, you have to end the Eternal Night, destroying the heart of darkness that plagues the land, freeing the world from the wicked clutches of the ancient curse. Will you let the darkness blind you? Will you make it out alive? Well, that, my friend, is up to you to decide.

>Undertinge aims to explore themes/characters Undertale did not, with new characters making appearances, alongside brand new ones, with heavy alterations and storyline, you're sure to find a unique playthrough.
>Challenging mechanics for those new and old to the Undertale fan-games will find it interesting and both difficult to battle monsters!
>There are no longer, Fight, Mercy, or Act buttons. It is up to you to convince or kill the beasts of the night.
That description reads like it was google translated. I can't understand at all what its trying to describe.
Why not just make a new game at this point?
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the funny part is that this project has existed for 6 years and only now they are showing some gameplay footage of a battle test
It looks like its supposed to be an au where they take the characters and put them in a different setting. Sort of like Outertale.
barely over a year old, it released in december
Anon, that was a joke
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man 6 years and its still barebones
what were the devs doing
also this barely looks like undertale, why not make it its own thing then?
What if theyre actually showing very old footage and the game is around 60-80% done?
you're giving too much credit to fan creators
>play as the wizard named frisk
why does every single undertale fangame miss the meta stuff with the soul? you don't play as frisk, you just control frisk. you play as the soul
Anon, barely any fans of the series cares about the meta angle. The few who do are just very loud and make hours long video essays on that.
The player theory is merely a theory, it isnt necessarily canon
Its about as much of a theory as evolution is. Its obviously canon.
How so? Maybe it is canon for deltarune, but playing as a silent protagonist in undertale isnt any different than other games where you play as a silent character
DRYanon2 here, quick question:
>puzzle-like acts like UT(Y), have to figure out the correct sequence
>brute force acts like DR, where you just need to use the correct act until the mercy bar fills
>puzzle-like acts like UT(Y), have to figure out the correct sequence
This one, easily.
I pick the first one, it sounds fun
petah the yellow thread is here
I love how that one swapfell fangame is inspired by OFF as a parallel to undertale's earthbound inspiration
Thoughts on this? Some Russians picked up the remnants of Bits and Pieces and it actually looks quite good, they put a lot of content from Yellow into it.
DRY1 here, I did a mix of both, where if you do the acts in a specific order in most encounters, the darkner becomes spareable instantly, otherwise the acts just slowly increase the mercy bar like DR (for bosses some acts can grant temporary AT/DT buffs too)
there are also some acts you can do that makes the enemies unable to be spared but increase the money reward you get (as well as finishing a battle by FIGHTing rewards you with extra money too, but depending if you spare or fight more, some NPCs and events change a bit)
deltatraveler test update (not section 4 yet but some changes/tweaks to the first 3 sections)
Post SOVLFUL cringekino
>he doesn't know
Those ruskies got themselves into deep shit after getting caught stealing sprites from other projects and also monetizing their work
In other words: lol lmao
CH4 is now in the hard bugtesting phase, hopefully this means 3+4 are coming in the next few months.
and what will people do? try to cancel russians?
they are probably some of the few people where crying on twitter won't change anything
There arent many changes here desu
Can Russians even access Twitter anymore?
is that supposed to be shocking coming from someone who would continue a pedophile's mod that was requested to be left to rot by the remaining team members?
It's actually kind of sickening how many people defended the team working on the continuation. Do they really think the pedophile's work is that valuable? Come on. The team said a good portion of the work was theirs. Their work should be left to die.
This ain't twitter, son
Its not like they're gonna get sued since they're Russian and its not like there's anything wrong with stealing sprites from fangames for another fangame. So this all sounds like a nothingburger to me.
Why does it matter it matter if a pedo made the assets? Its not like the sprites are gonna jump out of the screen and start molesting children. He's not even working on the project anymore. And for that matter, neither are they? Why do the wishes of a bunch of people who abandoned the project matter at all?
His original list of quests mentioned the japanese version would also be professionally playtested.
I guess they will do it later for chapter 4?
Also, when re-reading that newsletter I fond out he himself admitted that his localization process isn't normal.
im not dead guys :-)
some of you who frequent a particular thread on trash may have seen the other shit i've been working on, so i've been working between this mod and testing those waters too.
i'm focusing on coding these menus and a lot of backend systems and mechanics right now, it should help future content be developed faster and fit in more seamlessly.

just as a recap, this is basically the all-in-one menu for the character almanac, development art, and replaying the songs you've reached in story mode. for loading songs i thought it would be cool if this was like Flowey using his SAVE abilities to take you back to that moment in time, rather than some generic menu.

this is actually really interesting. even the devs wanted a better starlo boss fight in hindsight but they just didn't plan well. one of my major goals with this is to give starlo an intense fight that he deserves, and i'm definitely doing that now
>a particular thread on trash
those /sus/ threads?
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pixel art of the scrolling banner, for songs in the dark ruins. i made this like an upside down version of the ruins background spritework from undertale, like the roots of buildings from the layer above are poking through the ceiling.

a lot of my progress isn't visible or are just little things that are hard to show off in a video. but I would say I'm probably over halfway to getting a demo out. flowey's level is 95% done, martlet's like halfway done, and the majority of the overworld and menu work is done
This is all really cool anon, when you finish the flowey battle do you intend to release that as a demo?
i might post a video of flowey's level with the full song when it's 100% complete. to be frank, after some awkward past attempts starting out, i'm trying to be as friendly towards composers as possible. I don't wanna be pushy if I'm not paying them, and I wanna minimize how long they're waiting on me before they can publish their music.
there's like maybe 20 composers tops who do FNF stuff and are truly talented. trust me, i know FNF music is very much a Sturgeon's law thing. ultimately i'm playing it very careful and slow to not sour precious connections.

i can push a little to get flowey's tutorial level complete so i can show you guys soon, i actually really like the rough song i've got for it so far. but i'm trying not to rush things, especially not on other people, lest they ditch me
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I was in the process of a little bit of Underfell Yellow writing for fun and a thought hit me that I can't reconcile regarding the setting: If Asgore is this bloodthirsty monster in Underfell, why hasn't he taken the human soul(s) he collected and gone to the surface like his kid? Why wait for more humans to drop, something that might take decades or even centuries, when he can leave? I've tried Googling the character god is the writing for this AU not good, I chose the wrong setting to get stuck in my head and none of the first results mention it. Undetale's Asgore has a clear motivation of reluctance to do violence, and Toriel even berates him over not doing this plan, but why would the bloodthirsty, vengeance-seeking edgelord version not do this?

The best idea I came up with, although the idea unfortunately requires planning other parts of the setting around it and character dynamics would be impacted by it, is that Underfell Asgore in fact did absorb the first human soulL he got his mitts on, and this changed his personality in such a way that his priorities shifted. Maybe Asgore was still close-ish to his vanilla counterpart even after the death of his children, but willing to do the deed when the opportunity finally arose. After absorbing it, however, some idea popped up in his brain that made him sit back down on his throne and wait. I don't know what that idea is, whether it's a pessimism that he won't be strong enough and that he'll die like his child, a malicious desire to bring a trained army with him without the advance warning of his initial slaughtering, or some kind of ennui. I'm just trying to lay down the timeline. He collects each soul and absorbs them, becoming more wretched both physically and mentally, and for the purposes of Yellow's plot let's say he's putting off absorbing the Integrity Soul so Chujin can experiment with it. Does this sound like a reasonable starting point?
>the routes were planned concurrently
Fucking why.
>and none of the first results mention it.
this take on Underfell mentions how after Asriel's death he saw life as meaningless and "just an endless cycle of the strong taking from the weak" and how he embraced that mindset making everyone on the underground suffer
Before dying Asriel begged Asgore to not take revenge on the humans so thats why he didn't cross the barrier as soon as he could
>Underfell Asgore in fact did absorb the first human soulL he got his mitts on, and this changed his personality in such a way that his priorities shifted
>some idea popped up in his brain that made him sit back down on his throne and wait
Thats funny because the first human soul was Cyan (Patience), you could say that when a monster absorbs a human soul they gain the trait asociated with the soul, but then what would happen if he absorbed a soul of justice in his current state? would he still want to take revenge on mankind?
>Does this sound like a reasonable starting point?
its better than the average Underfell take
I think asgore getting more and more out of it as he absorbs the souls could work in a setting where he gradually becomes "evil" instead of just being so from the start
patience as anon said could have made him wait instead of charging ahead like toriel wanted
bravery probably gave him more conviction to stand by what he decided
integrity now might be the tipping point, if before he was already planning on killing humanity integrity might be what made him really "lock in" into that idea
perseverance made him even more determined to do it
for kindness all I can imagine is that integrity's influence corrupted that trait somehow
and as anon said, justice would make him finally get ready to mobilize and at least morally justify to himself he is in the right, which for a monster is a massive power boost since their power is based on their emotions
if frisk lost in UFY then humanity would be doomed

(1/2, character limit)
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so the change from asgore being "nice" to "evil" would happen gradually, and he would address monsterkind accordingly over time instead of just being holed up in the castle (probably due to the bravery soul), so monster kind's corruption into the edgyness of UFY would happen alongside asgore's, which makes it more believable, but that doesn't suddenly make all monsters evil just because, but that it was a circumstance thing and some are struggling to adapt (like that UFY take on martlet, where she is still nice inside but has to abide by the new edgy royal guard procedures)
(though that doesn't explain why toriel goes insane unless some other factor messes with her, like monsters outside the ruins coming in and "corrupting" her somehow)
probably spending too much time thinking on an AU where it was just an excuse to make it as edgy as possible
Kindness could be the key to allowing you to Spare Asgore, assuming Underfell even has that as an option. You could even twist it that, once you finally change his mind, the Justice part he absorbed has him believe his own fitting punishment is death, just like how he kills himself in base Undertale in subsequent replays.
>though that doesn't explain why toriel goes insane unless some other factor messes with her
Just make her an ultra depressed borderline monster who lost her mind after hearing about what asgore had done (from sans), maybe she's far more possessive because she's afraid of what asgore might do to frisk and then humanity once he gets the 7 human souls
How would a playable version of that one "a stray of judgement" fanfic be like?
Flowey, Chara, and Sans all address you directly. Flowey does it without Frisk even being present.
But flowey still uses chara's name in the conversation, he doesnt address the actual player
>who lost her mind after hearing about what asgore had done (from sans)
toriel, despite her reclusiveness, still lives above a huge city, and one that she still occasionally travels to at that. if they have stores down there they might also have tvs (that would display propaganda in this universe) for her to directly see what asgore is doing.

>kindness could be the key to allowing you to spare asgore
i feel like asgore might just have omega flowey's soul thing going on (especially since good flowey probably wouldn't use them to fight you anyways) and that's how the fight ends. kindness might have instilled a hesitance to directly kill another human though (aka bigger and better royal guard plus more experiments being done) and giving you a lore reason that he doesn't one shot you.
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sorry it's an ungodly hour, sleep schedule is fucked up
i got permission from the composer to share the draft. the music is using placeholder chromatic scales; the song will get cleaned up, flowey and clover will get voices later and there will be no FNF shit at all in the final build other than code. this is solely to showcase the tone and difficulty of the level.

i know it might not be your guys' thing but i hope you enjoy it anyways. this feels like the first bit of progress in a while that's more material and not running around in a test room.
and i'd rather share this here than that godawful /funkg/ thread

that was pretty good actually. tho i have two small suggestions, one is to put the asterisks in the dialogue boxes like in UT and the other is to have the heart in the FC have the heartbeat on the songs beat, but thats probably what you were gonna do anyways
good job on everything like always
The recreation of the Undertale Overworld is really impressive and so are all the visual effects mid "battle"
I agree with what the other anon said, the text box should have the asterisks otherwise the texts look odd
>i know it might not be your guys' thing but i hope you enjoy it anyways
I've tried playing FnF before, but I suck at rhythm and ended up quitting. seeing your fangame makes me want to replay it, one thing is sure, i'll play the fangame when it releases
You're supposed to play fnf's basegame from tutorial to week 8, if you try playing through anything else first you'll suck at it
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another week another thread
You and Chara share a name. He acknowledges that Chara is long dead in the pacifist ending.
The name screen is literally "name the fallen human.", the name's not yours, its chara's
word of advice for the person who makes the next /v/ thread: do NOT use any images that have even a vague relation to touhou, it will attract shitposters. we are lucky its only been mild and sparse so far.
also putting it here, DRYanon2 here.
after a few weeks of thinking and procrastination, mostly procrastination, ive finally figured out how i want to deal with the battle system
central logic script for everything as the core of the battle system itself
container scriptable object, holds all the data for a given battle. like the background or music to use and obviously the enemies themselves.
>BattleEvents.cs - already set up.
contains various global code triggers. BattleLogic activates them, other battle game objects will react to them
>PartyManager.cs - exists, wont need to be modified
contains party data, BattleLogic will interact with it directly since its mostly static
>BattleUI.cs - exists, needs extra code for later stuff
mostly standalone, updates its visuals every frame.
only exception is listening to turn progression events.
>enemy scripts
the main reason for BattleEvents
each enemy script will be exclusive to a given enemy, and will contain all the data for that enemy from basic stats to attack patterns.
enemy scripts are the primary listeners for the event system.
anything that script can do will respond to BattleEvents triggers.

any dev anons want to comment/give feedback?
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i hope we have all learned a very valuable lesson about 2hu and /v/
since the OP image contained a vague reference to 2hu, it has attracted the absolute worst kind of shitposters.
that thread is now worthless, any attempt at actual discussion will be drowned out by autistic shitposters that dont even care about the thread's original topic
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Artist who drew OP's image here
On one hand, I want to say thank you for using my artwork, it's a huge honour
I'm sorry the thread got taken over by /v/hu shitposters because of my artwork, I hope this apology suffices on OP's behalf, because I don't think OP would have seen this coming either
Having been the one spamming art, I think the touhou autists have been BTFO. Shame the bump limit had to be upped so much to do it, but if we couldn't have the thread then I don't think they should either.
well see you all next week
What a fucking waste
Anyway, does anyone have the link to that Chujin tape generator?
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See you all next week, glad we managed to salvage the thread in the last fifty posts.
It wasn't a waste, we defeated the touhoufags, now we are the strongests autists under the heavens (4chan boards)
I apologize on behalf of Touhou fans for that, these are some sharty-level nolifers who don't represent us, they don't even play the games I'm pretty sure
Be warned, the final product is just one long URL with all the data stored in it, so if you make something too complicated it might be really long and beyond the character limit.
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>sharty mentioned
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Very good, excellent to see it starting to come together. Looking forward to seeing where you're gonna take it and I appreciate that you pushed to share it like that
If I was to critique anything there design-wise I'd say that the pixelated health bar icons should maybe have their growing+shrinking 'beat' on every off beat instead. They look good in and of themselves (the way Flowey's actually has an animation when he switches to his losing sprite is a great touch in particular), but the way the pixels are constantly changing shape looks a little off
I like that Flowey is trying to look friendly but not quite hitting the mark, and I like that you made him not show his true colours in the very first song, I feel like some lesser-willed devs might have gone for that easy shock bait (even though everyone would probably see it coming at this point).
Sounds nice too although I'm not a music guy to critique that properly. Flowey's theme popping in for a moment there was nice. Is the BF soundfont a placeholder, or is that what you're planning to use throughout the mod?
This is very well made
https://youtu.be/k3yx4Ger5IE?si=DzSs3_OhP5nHNDQl first undertale yellow hard mode mod attempt apparently
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here's your scheluded fangame news:
>DR internal demons was cancelled
>DR broken connection going on hiatus
>UT reflection dev said was sick so hiatus too
>the new orange fangame is still making steady damage
>deltatraveler posting more patches (no new content or word on part 4 or DTY yet)
>underevent happening jan 25th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upM9I0QOcgA
>UT tenacious road, new fangame with tenacity soul (fan soul) is in the works
Never played it but I've heard it's pretty good.
What gameobjects are each script attached to? From what I understand, most are singleton "manager" gameobjects in the battle scene, sans the BattleDataObject which would be attached to each individual "battle trigger" NPC: is that correct? I'm particularly wondering how they might reference or interact with one another.
Worth noting I'm not ultra familiar with Unity, but I'd say I have a decent grasp on it
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yeah pretty much, big exception is that they arent singletons.
and the party manager is on an object of the same name rather than the battle manager object.
>I'm particularly wondering how they might reference or interact with one another.
>battle data object
both this and the battle logic script make a reference to each other once battle starts
>battle logic
directly triggers things from BattleEvents, otherwise mostly self contained, also directly connected to the party manager.
>battle events
the main interaction piece, what im doing is making it so that an event is triggered at every battle step, enemy objects listen to these events so that they can properly trigger their own relevant code.
picrel, all the events are static options because of how every enemy script will be unique, so i need some kind of global trigger for this stuff.
>enemy scripts
not directly connected to anything, instead they wait for events and execute code as needed
>battle UI
mostly just reads stuff.
for enemies specifically, im not actually sure how im going to do it since the event system makes it hard to determine what goes where. but ive got an idea
1. battle manager will set a 'CurrentBattleSlot' variable within each enemy script once that script is made.
2. UI script will send out an 'EnemyUpdateUi' event once any enemy UI elements are needed.
3. enemy scripts will set respective variables inside the UI script themselves
but! the problem point is that first step.
i do not know how to actually set something within a variable script.
if i knew how to execute strings as code directly then it'd be easy, but im not even sure if thats possible.
>that many actions
hope you are remembering to unsubscribe from all of them when deleting the object or you'll get huge memory leaks

anyway /v/ thread >>>/v/700175984
Reposting since the /v/ thread died.

Fangame devs, what's the file size of your character talk sounds? Or just any sfx in general?
honestly probably for the best that the thread died.
its op was trash and would've only encouraged shitposting.
Too early as well.
>not to mention how it has nowhere near as much theory potential.
The Undertale theory stuff was all about setting up Deltarune, same way Deltarune theories are about setting up the next chapters.
Undertale Yellow is a finished story, no need for something like that.
>Fangame devs, what's the file size of your character talk sounds? Or just any sfx in general?
So far I have only one custom "voice" its size is of 16,52 KB
I just checked the 'voice" files from Undertale and most of them seem to have a size of around 10 KB, Sans has the biggets filesize with 24,4 KB
All the files are in the .WAV format btw
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It's been a while since I've posted here, but thank you to the Anon that suggested using separate scenes for bullet patterns, it seems obvious in hindsight but at the time I was wrapping my brain on how to put it into a script.
I feel like I'm learning a lot about Godot as an engine with this project, I recently made all my item scripts into resources so I can tell chests what item to contain directly in the editor (I was doing it in a horrendous way before.)
I'm at the point where most of the code for general things is finished and I actually have to start planning the content of the game, does anyone have any examples of RPGs that have "fun" overworlds? I want to do more than simple lever puzzles
>I recently made all my item scripts into resources so I can tell chests what item to contain directly in the editor (I was doing it in a horrendous way before.)
If you are saving the items as resources into the save file, stop, it will bloat the file horribly
Instead make an enum with all item ids and store just those, same with item chests, have them read an enum that then reads a dictionary where the item resources are stored, but don't use the resources themselves unless you want memory and save file bloat
Anyway thats a nice sprite, what is your project? also I'd recommend checking mario and luigi or the 2D zelda games for overworld stuff in the top down perspective
I managed to get mine down to 6kb by saving them as 8 bit mono WAVs. There's no real loss in quality since there's no need for stereo for character talk sounds,
>If you are saving the items as resources into the save file, stop, it will bloat the file horribly
It was something similar to this, at the time I didn't realize the difference between passing a script versus a resource into an exported variable. So I gave each item a number that was referenced against a big list inside the GetItem() function whenever you picked something up. (channeling my inner Toby with that one)
Now each item is a separate script that overrides a virtual function to tell the game what to do when you use it. What's great is that [GlobalClass] makes the script a resource without me having to create a new .tres scene
>Anyway thats a nice sprite, what is your project?
Thank you! It's an original project, but the battle system is similar to Undertale's but with even more Touhou. I just post here because this place has people working on similar features to me and it's helpful to get other perspectives on how to do things
>It's been a while since I've posted here, but thank you to the Anon that suggested using separate scenes for bullet patterns
I'm glad to help
>I'm at the point where most of the code for general things is finished and I actually have to start planning the content of the game, does anyone have any examples of RPGs that have "fun" overworlds? I want to do more than simple lever puzzles
Like the other anon said the Mario & Luigi games are your best bet for a "fun" overworld, I'm trying to implement platforming mechanics like those from their games in my project too, besides the M&L series I don't think there is much else to take inspiration from, most turn based games have either overworlds that rely on puzzles and some exploration (90% of all JRPGs), platforming (M&L series) or resource managing/strategy (XCOM and Darkest Dungeon) I could have sworn that a RPG with an overworld that played like a racing game existed, but I can't find it, maybe that was just a weird dream I had or I'm confusing it with a different game
Thats a really cool sprite btw

>If you are saving the items as resources into the save file, stop, it will bloat the file horribly
>Instead make an enum with all item ids and store just those, same with item chests, have them read an enum that then reads a dictionary where the item resources are stored, but don't use the resources themselves unless you want memory and save file bloat
Personally I just save the path of the resources using resource_path, then I instantiate those resources using the paths on save load, if the path is invalid then the item isn't loaded
>Personally I just save the path of the resources using resource_path, then I instantiate those resources using the paths on save load, if the path is invalid then the item isn't loaded
saving it as an enum is better imo because it is converted to an int array when written to a file, so it uses less space and is faster to read
everything else that guy said was kind of true though

there's quite a few weird things that could have been prevented if they thought about it a little more
starlo is willing to kill clover when his grown ass friends get jealous that he wants to make a child feel welcomed, but not when a mass murderer is threatening to kill his friends, family, and everyone he has ever loved???? i've seen a lot of people try to justify this but it really undermines a lot of the story for him to act so pathetic and be a jobber... and why? because he wears glasses? that's not a justification for writing him so strangely, man.

ceroba has to learn to not give up on her life because of the loss she went through and try to forgive herself for placing the supposed greater good above the life of her own daughter that was way too young to make choices like that just because she had a special soul that could help all of monsterkind GO TO WAR... and then she immediately turns around and lets a child that's too young to make decisions like that choose to give up their life to help all of monsterkind because they have a special soul that will help break the barrier and START A WAR
it's especially fucked up because this is supposed to be the game's "big moment".

and that's not even mentioning the same cutscene has them calling chujin a good person...
a character that's accidentally written as a pedophile who used saving a teenage girl's life as a way to get dates and then married her, built a house with a room specifically for keeping secrets from her, and then lied about still going to work after he was fired to go hang out with a younger girl than her who knew even less about the world

they just unintentionally made a lot of stupid decisions that really stand out as blemishes on this game
Well, yeah he had a point-
>accidentally written as a pedophile who used saving a teenage girl's life as a way to get dates and then married her
Whoa hold up. It's funny to talk about shit like this but don't assume deranged speculation from anons to be canon.
>Unironic "she's sixteen you sick fuck" posting
Stop using twitter and go outside. That site has rotted your brain.
to clarify, i don't think it's intended to be a canonical thing and i think it's a bad choice to have villains become pedophiles just at the drop of a hat. i brought that up because of inconsistent writing in the game that is only solved if that's the case, and i wish those details were noticed and ironed out so that wasn't a possibility in the first place.
and i wouldn't exactly call it deranged, i thought it myself during work one day and just so happened to come back home to see it posted here. it's just kind of stringing together a few facts, i've seen a few people outside of here almost start a discussion around it as well (except they either accept mooch's age as flexable canon given it wasn't set in stone or they assume ceroba was at least 18)

what? that's not a twitter thing. that's the law. that's a creepy thing you can't do irl, and i was talking about in a game anyways... with people who only exist in a hypothetical. why are you mad

anyways i would have much rather have talked about the other two examples i posted since they're actually discussed in the wider fandom... any takers for that?
People are just goofing around about that, there is nothing in the game that actually hints for an age gap like that.
>that's the law. that's a creepy thing you can't do irl,
Maybe in California and New York, in the rest of the continental United States and the rest of the world 16 is fair game. Hell, in most of Europe its lower. And in Asia its even lower than that. You viewing it that way is a product of hanging around in places like Twitter, Reddit, and Discord. They're echo chambers that block you from seeing the entire rest of the world outside of silicone valley.

Now if you don't want to derail threads don't say absurd shit that everyone is going to call you out for.
if all the games in this thread come out i am going to play a guessing game to see if i can correctly guess which of you guys are this fag who knows and cares way too much about the age of consent in other countries
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The reason I know this shit is because I've had to argue with people who genuinely believe that anyone who's even a day under 18 is "literally a child" over and over again (Sometimes they'll say even years over 18 is "basically a child"). Inevitably when they lose the argument they just start saying "its the law bro" and I have to prove to them that its not even that. Its not even the law in 80% of the US. I've just had it with people who infantilize what are obviously adults, so I don't let that shit slide, ever.

Getting back to the original subject that incited this. I don't think Ceroba was grooomed. She was old enough to know what she was doing, otherwise her parents would've been able to stop her from getting married.

I know if I were in Ceroba's shoes. Some beautiful millionaire vixen saves my life, starts dating me, then proposes and builds a mansion for me, I'd accept too. And I wouldn't feel taken advantage of in the slightest. That'd be like winning the lottery three times in a row. I'd be stupid not to accept.
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glad you like it :)
regarding the icons, i agree the bumping looks weird on the pixel sprites because of the aliasing, which it normally wouldn't with regular anti-aliased sprites.
right now each icon has a normal and losing animation, and an inbetween frame when switching from the two (the player is losing when HP is below 20%; the opponent is losing when the combo is greater than 50)

>is the BF soundfont a placeholder
yes. this is technically an FNF mod, but i'm approaching this like a UTY fangame. FNF's sole purpose is as an engine.
clover (and maybe kanako later) are the playable characters. i'm not shoehorning boyfriend in, because his going-into-games machine trope is overdone, and frankly he would ruin the mod. he's not a serious character and does not remotely fit in UTY.
even if i do any secret shitpost songs, like lhugueny SOUTY or a genoslides reference or something, i'll still probably use a shitty joke version of clover and not bf

and i agree, i also really liked the flowey motif when i heard it too
it's not grooming because it was not written to be grooming
Has anybody here heard about that one undertale Christian mod? Yknow, the one that removes lgbt couples
Does it do more than that? A full-scale Bibletale that adds scripture quotes and the works, full on Deviantart levels, would be hysterical and I would play it, but if it's just some glorified "un-woke" mod then meh
How do you devanons handle cutscenes? Like, let's say you're trying to replicate that one part of Undyne's date where she jumps next to Frisk, grabs him, and brings him to the kitchen counter. How would you approach it? That jump and arc, the grab, the second jump, etc.
>How do you devanons handle cutscenes? Like, let's say you're trying to replicate that one part of Undyne's date
if you are using Godot you can use the AnimationPlayer node (Unity and GameMaker have their own equivalents to the Animations node) to make pretty much anything related to cutscenes, obviously first you'll need some function that disables player input and positions everything on place for the animation to play correctly
>where she jumps next to Frisk, grabs him, and brings him to the kitchen counter. How would you approach it? That jump and arc, the grab, the second jump, etc.
All of this can be done with a single animation, changing the position of the characters, playing audio, and other visual effects
A common aproach I've seen to make cutscenes is to actually make the player object invisible and in its place use an "actor object" that has the same spritesheet as the player but none of the other gameplay functions, this way the animation doesn't depend of the player being part of the scene
you can use a tween or something similar to reposition the player first and then turn off the visibility of the object once the player is on the right position for the cutscene
Yeah I suppose that makes sense. Better to just find a way to make the cutscene deterministic whenever possible instead of just constantly tweening positions and shit.
I manually code all events in a coroutine, step by step
I find that approach more comfortable to me and gives me more control
so in the case of undyne jumping, I would use a for loop that runs for the amount of frames the jump last (multiplied by deltatime) and do a beizier curve from point A to B on her object while yielding every frame (yield gives control from the coroutine back to the main code without breaking from the coroutine)
this isn't an undertale fan game, but it's pretty new to le youtube and might interest you anyway


kinda makes me want to play tetris on LVL 19 sans undertale genocide mode
It does remove the lgbt stuff from the game, but it also does other stuff like giving you 2 max hp at first (you get more hp from sparing bosses or completing missions because they give you a piece of their heart), changing dialogue (example: at one point, flowey says that in this world there's no god instead of the classic kill or be killed line) and i heard theres some rebalancing changes
The game mechanic changes are way different than i thought theyd be, wtf. Btw, papyrus is now called popyrus and he's sans' dad and sans is now called blee??
ahhh so the mod is the work of a schizophrenic. that makes sense.
This reads like a Ribbit tier shitpost mod
Whats the name of this thing? It really sounds like a shitpost or something made by an actual schizo
>Everyone gets Christianity themed redesigns with crucifixes and doves and stuff
>Human has the monk haircut, goes through the Brother's Keeper route or the Cleansing Crusader route
>Toriel offers bible studies to you
>Instead of the judgement hallway, there's a confessional booth. Sans is supposed to prescribe passages and prayers to you during his judgements, but he keeps "forgetting" his bible at home so he just ad libs a parable and leaves
>Papyrus's special attack says "JESUS LOVES YOU" instead of "COOL DUDE"
>Undyne goes all in on the Templar act and is ordained, so she gives you last rites before fighting you
>Alphys is just gone
>Photoshop Flowey and Asriel fights have tons of biblically accurate angel/Revelation imagery, obviously
>Chara delivers a Southern-Baptist-style fire-and-brimstone monologue at you like Jules from Pulp Fiction before destroying reality for being too sinful
>Human Jesus shows up to meet the monsters on the surface

This sounds like something that the schizo who pops into threads sometimes to rant about how Toby "stole" Undertale from him would make.
>This sounds like something that the schizo who pops into threads sometimes to rant about how Toby "stole" Undertale from him would make.
This sounds like it isn't a hypothetical. Did someone actually do that?
Never heard of that schizo, but I do know of a slightly similar schizo who claims that some deviantart woman "owned the rights" to Undertale. She also, according to this guy, "owned the rights" to FNAF. I never understood that guy's deal.
its some guy literally namefags as "guy" who keeps repeating toby stole the idea of undertale from him and his "friend"
when asked for proof, he will either deflect or link to his youtube channel which has a ton of clearly schizo ranting, I tried to watch a few of the videos but I couldn't understand anything
he is mostly in /co/ but sometimes pops in in undertale threads
I wouldn't be surprised if he still does. He shows up every so often to UTDR related threads on /v/ talking about how he came up with the original ideas for Undertale but Toby stole it and how he's God's strongest Catholic and blah blah tranny commies are everywhere blah blah I'm such a based alpha gamer etc. He's got it all: buzzword salad, a delusional ego, the unstoppable urge to talk about how bad the left is, the strongest persecution fetish I've ever seen, color-vomit art that only a mother could stick onto the front of the fridge. I don't know if he's been here, but I'm almost positive he's been in the UTY threads on /v/ once or twice. He's REALLY convinced that his faith makes him an Ubermensch and constantly brings up his hate-boner for Toby putting gay stuff in his game, which is why I made the comparison.

He usually mentions that his friend worked on Undertale, and that's supposed to lend him credibility, I guess. I dunno, he lives in a fantasy land. I think I've spent enough time today thinking about him.
It's like every season we get a new resident schizo in UTY /v/ threads
>Winter 2024 Gachafag (tried shipping Ceroba with Phillip from Library of Ruina, also tried making crossover threads with LoR)
>Spring 2024 Guy (same schizo from /co/)
>Summer 2024 Dogfucker schizo (called anyone who posted Ceroba a dogfucker)
>Fall 2024 Birdcuck schizo (same as above but with Martlet, calling them birdcucks)
What will the UTY schizo for this season be?
Number 1 Kanako hater
Its called undertale: repent to jesus.
All that and yet they couldnt find out how to skip the date by having papyrus call you in the core to tell you to go to the true lab instead of butchering the alphys date, also they couldnt even get the kanako spoon amalgamate to pray or smthn
Should send the developers an email. Maybe they'll make saving Kanako be like that Bible passage where Jesus saves a dying man without ever even seeing him.
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Alphys believes that Jesus's brother Isukiri took his place on the cross and Jesus lived in Japan watching anime until his death at 106 years old
GameMaker has something called "sequences" I've never used and don't care to learn how to. Maybe that's what you're referring to? They don't seem flexible enough for what I want cutscenes to be able to do, and I also just don't want to be making cutscenes with a horrible GUI like that. I prefer to design my own systems so I actually understand how they work and can reason about them.

For Wildfire I made cutscenes a dependency graph of events (an "event" in this case is a struct with initialize and step methods, it can do whatever you want), to allow multiple events to run at the same time. These cutscenes are used anywhere in the game where some series of events has to be defined over multiple frames, even in cases most people would not necessarily literally call a "cutscene". It saves a lot of time / having a bunch of manual states and timers / etc.
he also has a "webcomic" he works on but his art is so dogshit it's funny. it's weird because it takes genuine effort to make it look schizo
Which one of you fucking weirdos is responsible for this masterwork
I know it comes from here.
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why is chara black. what the fuck
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thats the actual palette for the 3rd human sprite in UT, which appears as frisk's reflection in one specific room + fun value
my headcanon is that thats actually kris, and you kinda break between the boundaries between DR and UT on that specific instance
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i don't like it. not your headcanon bit but chara being black. if it's your game anon good for you.
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the palette is only dark because its supposed to show in the dark water
I think he's sort of a meta ghost of the scrapped character that predated Chara and Frisk. He was originally the fallen human, then he was removed from the story and his role was given to two other characters. So sort of a goner, but sort of not. He might be equivalent to Kris in the way that he's sort of a summation of Frisk and Chara.
sounds like he would be the owner of the unused pink human soul.
But in all honestly, since Deltarune was actually conceived before Undertale, it sounds like Toby Fox was making a reference to his original idea and a joke only he would understand for 3 years.

But who knows, maybe "Unused" will make an apperance.
If we get some kind of "Gaster darkworld" or "The void Darkworld", i wouldn't be surprise that in the place where nothingness exists, you will encounter unused enemies trapped in there.
I think Gaster and all the goners are unused content and retcons.
Beware, you might trigger my autism with this
Should we begin the /v/ thread now? What would be a good conversation starter?
Seeing more wojaks in the catalog than normal, do we really want to risk it?
Do it tomorrow. Its too early.
Do you guys know any tool for organizing branching dialogue trees?
Doing it in a plain text editor gets messy.
I just use a text editor, but a quick google search lead me to these two programs
"Twine" wich seems to be the most popular option for writting non linear stories
There is also this https://github.com/mhgolkar/Arrow?tab=readme-ov-file wich is an open source tool for designing quests and game dialogue
I checked the browser version of the second and it seems to have way more functions than I need.
I guess I'll try using the table on docs, but thanks for the help.
A week later, but I did this stupid Evangelion parody:
should have put quotes around kanako's talk or used something like "K:"
/v/ thread when?
just made one

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