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SLAVBROS we are so fucking back

we will be able to use enviroment to use it with signs
Siri looks like shit
Trash tier writers.
1. They/them make look Ciri as an incompetent witcher, unable to wield the sword the right way, and having problems dealing with a monster that should be a piece of cake for her powers. At least give the monster some kind of OP power, or a very advantageous situation to justify the struggle.
2. They/them gave Ciri their retarded social skills, and their low IQ, so she is unable to save the girl.
3. All the trailer is just a sorry ass excuse to show men as cowardly and incompetent morons and women as victims.

Those idiots are just too stupid to write anything good.
That shit was terrible.
A mature lady witcher could be cool, but that difference is definitely jarring, at first at least.
Not going to play a female protagonist game though
Looks like shit.
Doesn't look cool. Looks forced.
It'll be GOTY 2030 and there's nothing you can do about it. Also, Ciri is canonically unattractive in the source material.
>All the trailer is just a sorry ass excuse to show men as cowardly and incompetent morons and women as victims.
That trope has been used in both previous games and books MORAN
Nu uh nigga zhe has been described as little driad, which implies shes fit and sexy
Not an rpg. The Witcher games were never rpgs.
Incorrect. All three games are RPGs, more so than your weebslop.
yep, it's a simp story from a weak polish male misandrist. truly a beta country, that they celebrate that shit.
I don't play weebslop. BTW they aren't rpgs either.
You don't play games. You only mald. This is your entire personality.
LMAO. I accurately say your shitty action game series isn't an rpg and this is all you can do.
Absolutely nothing accurate about it. However, it is accurate to say that your personality is primarily based on malding about games you don't play.
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They're literally just action games with perks. Are you now going to say that borderlands is an rpg too?
Are you going to continue to display your mental deficiencies?
I liked W1-3 but this looks like shit. I think after Cyberpunk they’re dead.
Answer the question. Are you going to say that borderlands is an rpg because it has perks and loot now?
You just answered mine. You are pants-on-head we todd did. You need to resolve these issues and develop a real personality and some accompanying joy in your life.
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You tried, western jeet
>Studio that caught the californication disease
haha no, californians are subhuman and cannot create anything interesting
Mad max is an RPG
Pathologic is and RPG too
is that supposed to prove something? greenwood is a hack.
Could she have aged? Does Ciri have expanded life like other Witchers since she didn't undergo the mutations? Who am I kidding, it's clearly just UE5.
Thats the grand potato: why she got snakerino eyerino
>Geralt used his wits and arsenal to take out the Bruxa, laying out the chess pieces before the battle started
>Ciri used le WILLPOWER magic

Lame as fuck, she deservedbetter
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Bros....... Not like this...
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that ain't real
>making the protagonist that insufferable, cringeworthy mary sue which ruined all books beyond first two and the third game
>when they could make customizable witcher protagonist with selectable witcher school instead
Owari fucking Da
They retired geralt and can't top him anyway. They should have embraced this freedom.
>>when they could make customizable witcher protagonist with selectable witcher school instead
Massive missed opportunity.
I'm not really willing to criticize it either which way because we don't know anything, and cinematic trailers don't translate into game models. Hell, cinematic trailers for The Witcher games sometimes don't even translate to other cinematic trailers.

My theory is that we could be getting different aspects of The Witcher 3 endings due to space-time nonsense. Such as, Ciri having somehow gone through the Grasses to become a Witcher rather than not. We don't know where or when this takes place. Since they want to do multiple games, my theory is we'll be exploring Witcher Ciri uncovering the time-space fracturing, Empress Ciri, and maybe a dystopian world of sorts for the 3rd game. I don't like multiverse stories in the modern day, but Ciri could be done well if that's what they're doing. Ciri is the only female Witcher I'll accept because she has the most potent Elder Blood possible, and thus her constitution could've theoretically been high enough to survive the process.
She looks the fucking same just with higher graphics, y'all are mental
No, Greenwood is THE hack.
and don't forget
>Geralt saves girl, Ciri let her die
>I'm not really willing to criticize it either which way because we don't know anything
Listen, I really hate the rampant negativity on /vrpg/, and faggots shitting on every game you can possibly think of just to jerk themselves off about their "impeccable" "taste" and how everyone else in the universe, except for them, plays bad games.
That said... I am 100% confident that this game is going to be bad.
This but unironically
he's not influential enough to be deemed "THE" anything. just one of many.
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BROS will they mods it into old Ciri?
Maybe gameplay will be decent
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How do you think he's handling it?
If they wanted a mature lady protagonist they should have picked a hot sorceress instead of bogged Ciri
>no character creation
>preset protagonist as fucking ciri
>It'll be GOTY 2030 and there's nothing you can do about it
Yeah sure worked out for CP77.
>in the source material
The source material for TW4 is TW3, and the entire series is basically fanfiction anyway.
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>RPG with female protag
I miss shrek memes
where else is there left to go for geraldo and ciri
i've read the books and played the games, seems like every possible conflict in that world has been resolved/exhausted. stop the white frost? do some more bullshit with nilfgaard? something with those advanced ancient lizards? dial it back to witcher 1 levels and do more monster hunting and some local conflict? that last one does sound semi-appealing i guess.
>stop the white frost
wait, they already did that too didn't they kek? been ages since i played these.
Get lost you ESL trash.
>playins as a washed up dyke
no thanks,really no fucking thanks
Fuck off you stupid piece of shit.
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Is so over, even the trailer is trash.
>dial it back to witcher 1 levels and do more monster hunting and some local conflict? that last one does sound semi-appealing i guess
doing this type of game with an actual character creator so you can make your own witcher is obviously the path
it shouldn't be a sequel to W3 because that story is done
the problem is that companies get the idea that exceeding the scope and spectacle of their previous games is the only goal worth shooting for, even when it's impossible, when the actual goal should always be "make a good game"
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There was nothing slav about the Witcher since the second game.
>shitty action game
Don't tell me you did not immediately spot the dice rolls underneath. You are not qualified to talk about what is an RPG and what isn't.
Geralt draws power from drinking all sorts of nasty self-made hooch, that's at least one typically slav thing the trilogy keeps.
She looks like a hag now
CDPR is full woke and committed to ESG
they aren't the CDPR of years past

don't ever expect anything good from them again
I'm still impressed what they managed to squeeze out of that old Aurora 2 engine.
but they... never had been made anything good...
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Isn't Ciri way too OP for a Witcher game to even work?
she doesn't look like a blowup doll anymore.
>She still has her freckles
good. would.
hope he's offed himself.
Define "work".
For enemies to even pose a threat.
At the end of the day Geralt was just a dude.
She will lose all her powers at the start and regain them over the course of the game bit by bit.
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>She will lose all her powers at the start and regain them over the course of the game bit by bit.
But Geralt just cleaves through everything in the video games.
Remind me what Ciri's powers are in the context of the world and narrative.
she's not even a witcher
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No one wants to play a 60 hour rpg as a woman. Screenshot this.
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So Ciri chose to become a Witcher, saving one girl at a time. Instead of taking her fathers throne and saving thousands of girls by her words alone.
She's called "The Lady of Space and Time", because she teleports both through space and can timetravel. The reason the "Catriona" plague happens in Witcher 1 onwards? Ciri teleported to the real world and brought back the Black Death but was immune to it herself due to being a Source. She's the kind of character who should be unstoppable except the writers involved aren't smart enough to know how to use teleportation effectively, or practically, meaning she just hops 10 feet in one direction rather than dropping monsters in volcanos or simply leaving them hundreds of feet in the sky like Azazel actually did in X-Men First Class. That's how you turn teleporting lethal, by exploiting the physics you no longer have to worry about yourself. Can't have that in a game, though, so she's going to be nerfed HARD.
that teleporting 10 feet in one direction shit is so fun, reminded me of playing legacy of kain defiance back in the day, i was actually impressed with cdpr for finding a way to make playing as her fell fun and different from geraldo and at the same time not making her feel op but managing to get across the fact that she has impressive supernatural powers.

yeah you're right that a being with true omniscient teleportation powers would be unstoppable but was ciri ever represented that way? in the books she didn't have that kind of control over her powers even though she was shown dimension hopping. the catriona plague thing was accidental wasn't it? why should the games have to adhere to your perfect vision of what teleportation can powers fully utilized can do? that's just headcannon

i can use my own headcannon to nullify your headcanon and think "well she can easily teleport to a spot she can see with her own eyes (like 10 feet away) but teleporting a longer distance is much harder and practically impossible to do mid-fight. there you go. now the fact that she could be throwing dudes into volcanoes but isn't doing it is explained away.
This unironically looks absolutely terrible
everything enshittifies

Well, at least going with Ciri doesn´t feel forced so i´m willing to give this one a chance.


Does she? I believe they were maybe trying for a mix between Johansson and Winnick or something like that but also wanted to reflect some aging (experience) and the fatigue of the witcher´s life.
kek pajeet spotted
yeah i agree. for this franchise, i think toning it down a bit would be the right move. usually i don't find the suggestion "make the story more mundane" compelling when it comes to most franchises. like when i hear "me2 and me3 shouldn't happend, the other games should have been about a detective on the citadel or a spectre doing covert ops" or some crap like that, i think that's fucking retarded because the reaper story is obviously the star of the show.
but the witcher truly exhausted, explored and revealed all major storylines to my satisfaction so now i have no problem with enjoying a more toned down story.
>where else is there left to go for geraldo and ciri
They said after W3 that Geralts story was done (let the man fucking retire he already died once). Should’ve started fresh with a player-created custom Witcher and choose your school. This is just going to be a propaganda moviegame.
After Cyberpunk 2077 i wouldnt be suprised if there was.
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>its afraid
Pajeets started spamming campaign on v its matter of hours they gonna start it here. Just same way like BG3
Screencap this post
should we go for we wez witchaz and shiet campain?
robbie are you back
she looks fine
and actually conventionally attractive
so can't wait for grumz or asmolgoldsberg to post 20 tweets/vids with million views
and reading 5 threads daily on this shit

you niggers are gullible sheep with no personal opinion
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Get lost you stupid idiot.
>so can't wait for grumz or asmolgoldsberg to post 20 tweets/vids with million views
what the fuck do you mean
who is grumz
i know who asmolgoldsberg is because youtube keeps shilling him to me, it's some retard streamer. so maybe that's what grumz is too
but what do you mean? ciri is attractive so you can't wait for their videos? what does that mean? are they known for making videos about attractive characters? what do you mean?
let me explain, my dear friend. Judjing from pics i've seen on this very board, g-whatever is a guy (maybe japanese) who is very angry that every girl in games doesn't look like anime or korean fuck doll and has cult following among coomers.
suck my dick sheeple
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I wanted a game where you can create your own witcher :-(
Yeah, it's canonical to one of the endings and she has time travel powers. This was the best and logical move for the series to go in because it makes all of the endings from Witcher 3 canonical.
would be fukken cool to choose between different schools. Huplepuff weed witchers etc
Same. At least we still got tabletop for that
>This was the best and logical move for the series to go
A new Witcher (you know, the name of the series and what the mechanics focus on, including the potions) in a different setting in the world would've been the best move. A character with a new arc and things to explore.

Ciri's arc and story is effectively done and narratively she has a lot of baggage and her powers also complicate things.

The reason they went with Ciri is for no other reason than that's what the higher ups pushed for because they think an established character is more marketable. Just like how suits all over the world love going with known IPs and names, even if they're not the best.
i hope that guy's okay, i hear he was supposed to play geralt in the new witcher game
Cuz you're a creep you're a weirdo what the hell you doing here
The writing is on the wall.
>Should’ve started fresh with a player-created custom Witcher and choose your school.
Couldn't they wait another 10 years before cucking out? FFS... Now it's never going to happen. AAA never fucking delivers. Not even once.
What is he mining for?
The most valuable thing in the world, of course - Reddit Gold.
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We are getting somewhere
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CDPR is worse than AAA, they are wannabe-AAA, they actively choose to copy the shit people despise.
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Crii looked dumb in W3 too, retarded highheel boots and racoon eyes.
I still remember how buggy Witcher 1 was.
Witcher 3 was worse in that regard.
CP77 set a sort of record among high budget games with how many bugs it had and got actually removed from a store for being unplayable on top of never delivering on being "next gen" game.
So why the fuck is there's any sort of "outrage" and concern trolling about the future of the game?
Shit's cooked and raped to the death.
>CP77 set a sort of record among high budget games with how many bugs it had and got actually removed from a store for being unplayable on top of never delivering on being "next gen" game.
I played it at launch (on PC) and am currently replaying it to evaluate how it’s fared after all this patching and honestly it feels buggier now than it did four years ago. I don’t know how that’s even possible.
>it feels buggier now than it did four years ago
It's impressive in a special kind of way.
>ditched in-house engine
Is it because there's no more people around to develop it anymore?

Regardless enjoy the slow burn.
Or is it to cut costs and increase profits?
Or is it both?
looks p sick but like what video card do i need to have it actually look like that tho? cuz if i try to play it i bet it'll be low res janky frame rate and blocky ass textures
>minimum reqs are 12gb video card
aww come on man tf
Frfr kill all zoomer scum
More fantasy needs to embrace Greenwoods unabashed fetishism.
wrong, she has time travel powers and is a witcher who hates being a princess or pawn of others

this is the perfect role for her
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>fuck you cdpr! a girl doesn't look like a cartoon so this means she is uggo
mental illness
chuddites are seething, this is great
I can't wait to play this goty
Ciri is used goods, in every sense of the phrase, of course she's gonne look worn out.
it's not the aging, she literally looks BOGGED.

Noses grow longer with age. Hers got shorter and pointier, and upturned. This only happens with plastic surgery.
Her lips also got fuller, but not in a natural way, like they were injected with filler. She also sounds way different.

So why did they BOGG Ciri? Was it the model they used that did it? Did they look at hollywood women? What the fuck were they thinking?
either way, not interested in playing as a female. If I have enjoyed Witcher 1, 2, 3, clearly i like playing as a male, which I am. So Fuck you nu-cdpr
If she is a witcher she should, for once, age slower. And she shouldnt be a witcher, too, because she was already and adult and not a witcher.
Imo they shouldve let you create your witcher, an apprentice of geralt, and them Ciri could be a companion of sorts.
Time for the game to have a party of character anyways, which is much more fun. Then Ciri could show up as a mage and you perhaps could get some other throwbacks as party members as well.
Trailer looked fine to me

>No black faces amongst medieval Eastern European peasants


>Seemingly all the female NPCs are gorgeous eye candy


>Ciri looking like she could easily beat up most of the posters on /v/


Where the fuck is the woke part? Or is /v/ full of NPC parrots parroting one another
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you deserved to get banned because you have zero finesse, you sound like a typical retard
>ciri being a witcher makes no sense
>ciri acts completely out of character for some reason
Why would I want to play as her or anyone else in the first place?
What's with the false premise?
Let me go to Witcher's Hogward and then farm contracts.
I smell heavy odor of PR bullshit.
>Where the fuck is the woke part
lame dyke protagonist
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>Ciri looking like she could easily beat up most of the posters on /v/
>>No black faces amongst medieval Eastern European peasants
You wish, soon theyll show up>>3676521
>>Seemingly all the female NPCs are gorgeous eye candy
Except siri of course and ALL main characters. Prepare to have a women with a buzzcut as your main romance
>>Ciri looking like she could easily beat up most of the posters on /v/
Oh God you are a tranny..
meanwhile in poland
>>make a terrifying moster
>>give it mind control power
>>it uses it to make people treat it like someone invincible
>>80% of its face is a nose
>what did cdpr meant by that?
Where the fuck is the woke part?
in the room with us rw
>Or is /v/ full of NPC parrots parroting one another
bots, indians bots
Fuck off you whore bitch.
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All the competent people left to work in a better game, only the retard woke trash remains. Do not buy any of their games, they/them don't know shit and will only excrete woke trash.
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100% unplayable woke trash.
>It's impressive in a special kind of way.
Probably a good 30% of the time when I summon my car, it spawns upside down. I am alt-tabbed right now, and just had it spawn about 60 meters in the air above me. I thought it would be funny if I died to my own car, so I ran underneath it and let it fall on my head. V's starting car has a weight of 3,794 lbf. The potential gravitational energy of such an object at 60 meters height is over one megajoule. For reference, .50 BMG has a muzzle energy of like 20 KJ.

It did less than 20 damage to me
can you fuck off back to plebbit you worthless nigger election turist
I just think about doing some morally ambiguous self-insert what-would-you-do sidequest playing as a woman and I don't want to buy the game because I know I'll never really care like I would with a male PC. It's OK for gameplay heavy games or T&A jiggle stuff but if I'm supposed to care about what's happening it's just not gonna work.
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The tier 3 frag grenades do zero damage. Tier 1, 1+, 2, 2+, and 3+ ones all worked fine, but tier 3? Nope, zero damage.
>Get woke, go broke
Shame this won't be the case with W4. It'll probably sell more than W3.
I don't know, they burned all the goodwill towards them on the cyperbunk pyre.
That is the case with me, at least.
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propaganda can never be art and will never be canon. witcher 4 is just trash made by modern pozzed cdpr, no one cares about this goblin, this goblin will never be regarded as ciri. witcher 4 will never be viewed as canon, witcher 4 will bankrupt cdpr.

i don't care how they try to defile ciri, i expected it. the DEFINTIIVE CANON ciri will ALWAYS be her witcher 3 depiction.
that video blew my mind until i read that it was prerendered. the combat was not that smooth for a prerendered video really.
>if men are incompetent morons, how are they capable of so thoroughly victimizing women?
the woke paradox
"Canon" is not whatever you like, ciritranny. "Canon" is Ciri getting blacked by a train of 20 men (which is going to be a story mode cutscene in Witcher 4, inside information).
Your waifu is going to cuck you.
>Get woke go broke
This must be why Baldurs Gate 3 flopped.
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witcher 4 is not canon, that ghoul in the trailer is no ciri, she looks nothing like her, thus witcher 4 is not canon, cope and seethe cdpr shill
it definitely will not
kek isn't it funny how some people pretend to not even understand what woke means but when it comes to gloating and doing victory laps, they are easily able to identify it and its presence
>It'll probably sell more than W3.
right is honestly too doll-like
left could have been good if they didn't mess up her facial structure
Based. The most sane approach to the situation.
I am a slav and I'm utterly disgusted and disappointed.
Sorry, anon. Your waifu loves black cock. It's canon.
so why did they bog her? Why she look like that stranger things girl. Why make a ugly/average looking siri when they could make a babe one.
The brief segments of playing as her in Witcher 3 was the worst part of the entire game.
>Her story sucks ass.
>She never underwent the witcher-ritual
but somehow she's a witcher now and can drink witcher potions
>No Geralt
>Ciri trying repeatedly to come off as aggressive, fierce and threatening
It fails, and is cringe
>"nay nay nay nay nay nay"
>swollen botos face
Well one can not write anything more intelligent, clever or shrewd than oneself is. That checks out painfully
go back to the past when monsters were plenty and so witcher schools
can choose your own witcher school at the start and create character(different starting intros) then move into open world where you meet other witcher schools witchers
you can bring shit(info, monster parts, books, children) back to school to strengthen it and get some extra benefits
>Witcher game
>You don't play as a Witcher nor a witch.
No thank you.
Anyone dumb enough to give CD-project money after CyberPunk get what they deserve.
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>nor a witch
How do you confirm this?
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I don't see your point.
Here are some facts:
>The Witcher 4 is gonna be a huge critical and commercial success
>it's gonna be yet another game to labeled as one of the greatest games of all time
>it's gonna be even more coomer centric than CP2077
Nothing you can do about it. No amount of delusions can change reality.
>it's gonna be even more coomer centric than CP2077
Friendly reminder that the trailer starts with the gratuitous naked chick and people are still whining about it being woke.
you forgot about
>the author will sue CDPR again for a quick cashgrab "I never imagined they would another witcher game after cyberpunk, I would ask for even more money if I knew"
He signed a new deal a few years ago that he was happy with. Wouldn't be surprised if he contributed to the writing in some capacity this time.
Nah, Sapkowski and CDPR hugged it out years ago. He even referenced the games in a positive light in his latest Witcher book. And CDPR apparently consulted him about what he thinks they should be doing with Ciri in W4.
>Wouldn't be surprised if he contributed to the writing in some capacity this time.
I hope not. They had to do a heavy lifting to salvage anything from his work
He can suck off Ciri some more in TW4.
And he most likely will.
Ok cuckold.
>running away from responsibility and accountability
>following hecking emotioniros
>prioritizing short lived „feels good” vibes over working towards systematic solution
Realistic women behavior
When we ad the jew mind control monster we may hope game will be secretly based under thin paint of woke
have you heard of the concept of 'arguments'?
Ciri is super hot, I will simp her for all you faggots and stare at her ass while playing.
they're clearly talking about some guy named reggie here, don't try to fool us kurwa
>critical success
Ciri is canonically a traumatized retard, makes sense that she'd act and look stupid.
What doesn't make sense is her looking ugly.
>is canonically traumatized retard, makes sense that she'd act and look stupid.
characters are supposed to develop, abby
So... Do we know if that is the in-game model, or just for the trailer animation?
>it's gonna be even more coomer centric
Unless Ciri turns out to be a lipstick lesbian, male gamers might find her sex scenes a little ... awkward ... from the female POV.
>little ... awkward
Off-putting, repulsive, honestly a deal breaker for me.
What, straight hetero sex is repulsive for you? Sorry faggots, but everyone else is normal.
Tits or GTFO.
IIrc Ciri got dubconned by a female bandit in the books and was always at least bi afterwards
>we will be able to use enviroment to use it with signs
So just like 3?
It's not like video game sex scenes are in POV
Also do you guys even watch those? They're so fucking cringe every time one starts I just skip
I fucked that Elf in Novigrad a lot
Ciri's bisexual. Mostly. Technically she's sexually undecided.
She's actually still a virgin.
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In a perfect world, Witcher 4 would have been a prequel about young Vesemir set in the golden age of witchers when the world was full of monsters and the schools were at their prime. I think there's even a board game like that. Imagine how cool that could be, do contracts, fuck bitches and rise to the top of the Wolf school by the end of the game.

Alas, what we actually need right now is a haggard yet an insanely overpowered female protagonist who can both survive lethal mutations and literally walk through dimensions
I'd still fuvk the shit out of middle aged mommy ciri. Obviously has a smokin body from all the activity she does. Maybe some ugly scars and shit, and the pussy dont work, but thats for your benefit anyway.
>and the pussy dont work
The destiny says lol, lmao.
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I assumed she did the trials and is now infertile, not sure what your joke is.
The joke is that you can't fuck with the destiny. Lorefags already speculate that even it she turned herself into a witcher, she will still be fertile somehow, because she has to bring about the children who will then tear the Witcher world asunder.
Oh, well in that case, i guess my spawn from her womb will save the world... cool, i guess.
>t. elf king and Emhyr
she actually looks like that
there is no fucking wy
when they could've just made you create your own witcher, which worked well in cyberpunk and is a rarity in todays industry, to create a captivating or blank custom character (or invented some new character given that the only reason to have Geralt, although he was a huge asset because of his already written out character, was because he stavely was the protagonist of the books!)
instead they make Ciri an ugly hag and a witcher...
this stinks of women, meetings and shareholder interests
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>don't like it, don't buy it
I think, I think I will do that
I mean to be fair she looks like the average Polish woman where the original Ciri was clearly not from Poland.
This is the Witcher 4 depiction of Geralt btw. Inside information. Trust me 11
Literally Assassins Creed 2: Brotherhood+Epiloge Revelations.
And those games were good.
(except the Turkish Tower defense)
>no niggers
Oh just wait
i'm reading the books now, at one point regis told geraldo that by trying to take on all the challenges himself, he's weakening those around him by depriving them of the opportunity to grow and redeem themselves through adversity
laughed hard and remembered how some fags on this board have spent decades seething over kreia's practically identical line in kotor2
>Oh just wait
100% certain to have BG3 levels of racial diversity. Poland wanted to join NATO and now they're paying the price, I'm afraid.
You sound like a Russian.
>Poland wanted to join NATO and now they're paying the price, I'm afraid.
Oh like it would have been any different if they HADN'T wanted to join nato.
she looks like post surgery ryan gosling now
Yes, tranny modeled himself for Keira Metz, so it's impossible to have sympathy for her now, and you can never unsee it.
American, I just feel bad for them. They’re not very bright and their greed and arrogance will be their undoing. Same thing happened to them between the world wars.
This looks embarrassing, I'll pass on this one.
okay, racist
>make ciri a non-anime girl for trailer
>impotent incel outrage markets the game
>everyone talking about WITCHER 4
Gamerbros... we got played like a damn fiddle.. AGAIN
literally looks like a 3/10 ukrainian factory worker about to be bombed by zigger artillery
looks nothing like Ciri
also negative canthal tilt, nasolabial folds, nigger/WHG GAC tier lips
ah Zara from Poland.
Ciri in Witcher 3
elder blood and powerful
french phenotype

Ciri in Witcher 4
polish bongstress
retarded and a victim
Sounds interesting, and could've been a good opportunity for allowing more freedom. Instead of having 3 ways of agreeing with yennefer you could actually disagree le Important characters
Besides most female characters being sluts and frequent
>do you want to fuck [get a card]?
>do you want to not fuck?
decisions, it's much better than W3. Better inventory, map looks better. I'm just tired of every woman I met that is not an NPC or above age of 40 being a slut ready to be fucked this instant
Ciri is getting those botox injections now?
CDPR is so offensive, like they could've made the new character a black overweight woman but chose a white girl instead

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