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why were The Reapers too pussy to harvest the Yahg planet?
damn some of these genmojis are fucked!
The real question is why did the SHADOW NIGGER not simply return to his homeworld of Parnack? He got too greedy? He was the only man alive with an honest "way out", an easy af path to survive the Raper invasion. He could have quit his job as a Galactic information broker by just going home I.E. quitting while he was ahead but he got too cocky
Reapers only harvest/destroy technologically advanced species.

The Yahg are hyper intelligent to the point of easily being able to learn and master every space age tech they come across faster than the species that made it. They are also super strong physically, well beyond even Krogan. Basically the ultimate humanoid life forms. Only, on their home planet, they live as tribals at best, not even trying to advance their own tech. So the reapers have no reason to wipe them out.

The single Yahg we meet was one that was kidnapped from his home world... and then it took over the universes most powerful and secret information broker organisation with ease. If their species got a thirst to conquer the stars, they would likely have an easier time of it than the reapers. Doing aggressive corporate take overs, owning major stocks of every business, etc. all within the first ten years of hitting space age. Like the jew conspiracy on steroids.
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>Yahg would make better conquerors than the Rapers
Shepard had a pretty damn difficult challenge fighting against the Rapers during the Great Galactic War. If he were instead tasked with putting down a Yahg invasion his job would be a walk in the park (by comparison)

>Yahg are hyper intelligent to the point of 6 billion IQ in human terms
This point is debatable because we are working with a case sample of only 1 man. We only ever speak with 1 Yahg and have no other Yahg bros to compare Alex to. We can't exactly ascertain if he was like some 75 IQ Forest Gump tier member of his race, or if he was just some average 100 IQ Joe the plumber tier member of his race, or if he was perhaps some 175 IQ Albert Einstein tier champion of his race. But I get a vibe that the Shadow Nig was at least above-average by the standards of his race, perhaps reigning terror as some widely-feared warlord tyrant dominating thousands of slaves before he took to the Stars

>They are also super strong physically
Space Alex Jones comes equipped with the best gear + best cybernetic&genetic upgrades our Milky Way has to offer

>stronger than the Krogan
idk why you conveniently forget to mention how Krogans could BTFO Yahgs in 1v1 War in any scenario in which the wretched Genophage gets cured. Krogan military would be over 100+ times stronger than Yahg military they outnumber them like 1000 to 1!

>If their species got a thirst to conquer
This is assuming the Yahg are clinically capable of such cooperation/organization. Such concepts may be beyond them bc they are so obsessed with power/domination to a point that every individual Yahg alive is solely driven (hindered?) by blind greedy self-interest. idk if they can all agree to team up like that or not

>Rapers have no reason to wipe them out
Rapers have BIG plans for the Yahg race incredibly eager to wipe them out soon (if by "wipe them out" you mean ascend them to Godhood next cycle when they've grown up and are worthy of harvesting)
>be a race of literally superior hyper-intelligent immortal ultimate lifeforms
>reject mass relays
>reject eezo
>reject technology
>reject industry
>reject civilization
>reject mass effect
>return to monke instead
>catch big animal eat, catch ugly enemy stomp, catch mate snusnu, good

What did Bioware mean by this?
>be a race of literally superior hyper-intelligent immortal
Immortal race? as far as we know the Shadow Nigger is only at least older than 60. Maybe Professor Solus could weigh in some theories on Yahg biology (especially since the Salarian STG like to abduct and experiment on Yahg for kicks) but the fucking game doesn't let us ask him important question. Shadow may have been planning to freeze himself in Cryo (like subject zero) somewhere to hibernate the duration of the Galactic holocaust

>reject mass relays
theyre not even allowed to access the Mass Relays according to Dr.Tsoni. a small branch of a Citadel Council fleet is tasked with discreetly keeping the Yahg quarantined to Parnak forever. just in case...

>reject eezo
the only Yahg who even knows wtf Element Zero is is the Shadow Nigger. if other Yahg discovered it they too would all immediately attempt to weaponize eezo for personal gain

>reject technology
Youre being racist for the sake of creating unwarranted racism. Yahg have countless great inventors and shit just like Humanity does. In the 2180s when the game takes place Yahg niggers are currently around 1940 Earth tech levels. Does that sound low IQ? Would you say WW2 era Earthborns were low IQ cavemans who reject technology?

>reject industry
Parnak happens to enjoy a thriving War Economy&Industry

>reject civilization
No you have it backwards buddy. Galactic Civilization rejects Yahg from legally participating in our society, not the other way around. Theyre not even allowed to leave Parnak, with an extra precaution most citizens are not allowed to know about the existence of Parnak. the few who believe in Parnak are laughed at labeled low IQ conspirtards across the Milky Way thanks to memetic engineering set in very firm place by a diligent top secret Council programming task force

>return to chimp levels
again xenophobic nonsense

>catch big animal eat, catch ugly enemy stomp, catch mate snusnu, good
yes it is called "Yahg culture"
There are many factors that lead into being considered a significant species to the reapers.
You can be a race of Einstein supermen, but if you're too neurotic, averse to cooperation, and poorly coordinated to rise above being fucking cavemen, they don't care. There being one of your species that somehow fell into having these things doesn't change the evaluation of your species.
The Krogan WERE the Reaper's first pick for the "winner" of this cycle, but their low (at this point) numbers was enough to knock them out of the running. The Reapers COULD have still elected them the winners, and started their own breeding/cloning program to make more, but the failure to have enough numbers to be harvested was reason enough to lose interest.

If the Reapers just cared about being physically powerful and successful, the Threasher Maw would have been their choice.
If the Reapers just cared about intelligence and organization, they would have picked Asari or Salarians. If the Reapers only cared about contributions to the growth of synthetic "life", they would have picked the Quarians.

They did not make these choices, and chose Krogan, and then Humans because what they care about is who the most successful, adaptable species is.
The Yahg aren't just in the same boat as the other lead losers, they're fucking discredited as civilized, "real" people. The fucking Vorcha are of more interest than them, because at least the fucking Vorcha got into space. The Yahg are fucking animals.
Saving them for the next cycle.
>saving them for the best cycle
Imagine the vagene, krogansaars
There is probably no such thing as a female Yahg. The common assumption is the Yahg are a mono-gendered species like the Asari but even gayer
Not hard when your organization's leadership derived itself from how Salarian ran things. Short lifespans means no one question who was in charge. Just throw a dead Salarian that was reported to be the broker out the airlock and kill anyone suspicious

Also they learned about the cycle was coming and decided to not uplift the Yahg and intentionally let the Salarian fuck up their efforts to draw away attention
>The fucking Vorcha Lives are of more Matter to the Yahg to the Rapers, because at least the fucking Vorcha got into space
Not sure if this is the best criteria. Didn't EDI theorize they tried building a Prothean Raper but failed because they were too primitive? How the hell can the Vorcha Lives Matter more than the Prothean Lives matter?
wait I mistyped that but the level 99 dubs make up for it I suppose. I suppose however we must say Organic Lives Matter so we don't offend any non-synthetics
Perhaps the best testament to the broker's supreme espionage expertise is how he has surveillance bugs monitoring Shepard's ship 24/7 (a backdoor into TIM's monitoring devices if you want to get technical) that even EDI can not detect. First Wilson betrays you 5 minutes after you're reborn to the Yahg because money, than some unnamed Normandy crew member betrays you to the same guy again because money? Maybe TIM should pay his monkies more bananas so this stops happening... But which shiphand was the traitor? How much did the Shadow Broker pay him? Maybe it was Burt, the incel CIC guard crewman obsessed with Kasumi to the point that she's forced to cloak on Deck 2? Even his name gives me the creeps. Or maybe it was Crewman Jenny Goldstein? Her name gives me the cringe too. As far as I know she doesn't actually do anything on the ship except sit at the cafeteria on Deck 3 and whine about the food. We can't prove who did it but we all know there is a very high chance that Jenny betrayed TIM and Shepard by selling the Shadow Broker access to the ships surveillance cams because she felt like she was entitled to more gold. best bet would presumably be to get crewman Goldstein killed on purpose in ME2
Think about it.. wtf sort of sus name even is """Jenny Goldstein"""? who the fuck even is this suspicious woman? for all Shepard knows Jenny is not even a woman at all so he should be able to demand Mordin perform examinations to confirm whether she was assigned male or female at birth and interrogate her to determine if she is some kind of spy
We should have had a Parnack DLC so we could invade the Yahg planet ourselves. The Council can kiss my ass if they say I'm not allowed to conquer Parnack as a side mission to genocide all Yahg for fun, I'm a SPECTRE I can do whatever I want for fun because SPECTRES are above the law
If you end up losing the war, the next cycle wins, so yes.
That's what the Salarians are doing, what do you think the constant sabotaging of their space program come from?

Maybe fuck it we need a space saucer filled with Salarians dressed up like funny little green men zapping Yahg specimens with anti molecular weaponry
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What if my Shepard was gay? Does the Yagh know I'm a homosexual in ME1 already? iirc Shepard himself does not even discover he is a homosexual until ME3? If the Shadowbroker knows ME1 Shepard is gay what else does he know? Does he know how the scale itch STD got on board the Normandy? I assume he has access to everyone's (including the Normandy crew) sexual history so why wouldn't he know even if though Cerberus and the STG don't know?

>yahg win next cycle
How do they breed? Was he planning to kill Shepard and take Dr.Tsoni alive, to breed her maybe?

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