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Which game has best MODding support?
My vote goes to Fallout 2, hands down best mod scene these are better then original game
The fallout total conversions are some of my favorite games but come on, Doom exists
Well its RPG board ... I like those Doom mods too but have they finished Trench Foot already?
Isn't Fallout 2 modding scene basically three autistic Russians?
Do they add any interesting mechanics?
>Which game has best MODding support?
Half-Life 1.
In an alternative universe where Fallout 2 actually has modding, people insist it needs mods to be good
>unofficial patch
>unofficial patch but different
>alternative start mod
>remove pop culture references
>weapon mods
>better random encounters
>duck and cover: a combat overhaul
>stat and perk rebalance
>animated sex
>join the enclave
>better cities
>companion overhaul
>quest mods
fallout 2 actually has about half of those as mods
>>remove pop culture references
I will now play your game.
Wow. I have played this game gazillion time never knew about most of this shit.
Still both Sonora and Nevada are great mods, cant wait for Mutants Rising
All you need to make it playable is the tweak bundled in the directX wrapper or whatever for holding a key to highlight containers and corpses.
>t. replayed it recently
I would pay them
Fallout Nevada looks cool, not that I would play 2d Fallout jank.
Hearts of Iron, it's not even close
sheer autism and friendship between modders blows out all others
My vote goes for Thief and Morrowind, for fan missions and TR/PT respectively.
Don't know many other games that have large scales projects that are professional, not vaporwave AND more active today than it ever was.
are there any good mods for Thief? i missed my fun back in the day but im afraid graphics might be way too dated these days
>these are better then original game
That's not difficult to do seeing as how Fallout 2 was never good.
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Yes, not mods as such but there is a big community that churns out fan content out there, mostly new missions.
Here is the main website to download them:
And here's a video that explains the scene a little bit more (how to start and recommendations)

As far as graphics and level design go, things have improved in 20 years and modders are able to create very believable world spaces.
I still recommend going through the OG games first though.
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As far as RPG go nothing can beat NWN
This and it's not even close.
>it's a "/vrpg/ tries to ignore the biggest and most active mod scene ever for street cred points" episode
>those are some nice horses you guys have, but take a look at my donkey.
>Presets, Patches and Porn
Not enough flips for ya?
what module is that?
Does anyone who's played fallout neveda know if barter gets used a lot in it?
I was thinking of playing a travelling salesman type.
It's not used a lot, but it sure is important skill.

>Main quests
Some tasks, mostly main quests can be bypassed entirely by paying a person in power to let you access next part of the story. With high enough barter you can get lower prices to do so. EXP reward stays the same.
>Side quests
When haggling for payment higher barter gives you better rewards for quests
A few late game merchants have two types of stocks, one is objectively worse but accessible from the get go, the other is better and is accessible by finishing some criteria such as really high level, good reputation in town, good/bad karma etc. As you've probably guessed high barter let's you ignore the requirements and simply access the better stock from the get go.

It's different in Sonora, where almost any merchant would have two stocks, in Nevada it'll happen mostly in later parts of the game. Or rather it'll happen only with more valuable merchants, and these tend to be in late game locations.

Also, having better gear ASAP is always welcome.
Tyrants of the Moonsea
I found it interesting they locked the high-tier guns behind the perk that lets you keep playing after the ending
If there's a good place to unlock all the best weapons, it's the endgame. Arguably doing so literally after the game is a good thing to do. I dont see no folks bat an eye to F2 bible hack. You've beat the game/story, why not give cheats/gear away at this point?

If you're need any more tips ask away.
Yeah, I agree, they added plenty of new guns and it's good they make you use and discover them rather than using the same ones you'd expect from FO2
Though I screwed up at that, my build was very much a pacifist to see if I could get away with it, so no new guns were used, just the alien blasters, only managed to kill the Reaper by luck because of 2 repeated critical hits to the eye. My build in Sonora was almost the same, it's nice they gave you a special reputation if you haven't killed like 5 humans by level 12, though I don't know if this has any effect in gameplay

What build did you use? I'm not the other guy, just interested
>What build did you use?
In Sonora?
Kind of basic, but high AGI and high INT one. What wasn't exactly basic about this was the fact I took skilled trait, then educated two times, so a (5+20+5+2+2=36) skill points total. I didnt take third educated, because it was a third perk, so a level 12 one, I wasnt that dedicated to getting the most of it.
Now, I'm aware that skilled is generally considered to be a mediocre trait because of the lower perk rate, but I'm fine with it, it was a really good game. I was literally swimming in skill points to the point of investing in garbage skills like lockpick, steal and traps, and a fair amount of investment.
Now, in Sonora these are not as garbage as they sound - you cannot attempt to steal shit if your skill is lower than perception score of character you're stealing from times 10 i think. Or maybe it's a fixed value. Fact is you cannot even attempt a steal if your skill is shit.
For lockpick I was hesitant, because you could simpy explode all doors to containers in release version, but newer ones introduced something new - better loot is hidden within compartments that have alarms on them that will set off unless disabled with traps skill.
So it all comes together - get skilled, bump preferable tagged skills into oblivion by level 6, have 95% eyeshots or whatever early, then focus on additional ways to solve the game, or getting extra loot such as lockpick/traps combo.
To be honest, these rigged containers are late in game so a build without muh skilled would suffice probably.
I also had extremely high doctor so I could pass every single doctor check in game (about 120% I think I can check the save if you want to), barter (which is good skill in Sonora, even better than in Nevada) and that's it. Sonora ends about level 19/20 and Dayglow gives you abour 3-4 levels if you start early (level 9 is as quick as it gets) or 2 levels if you do it like me, so after nuking BoS and flooding Rangers having level 19/20.

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