What games have the best Summons?
Baldur's Gate 2Nothing compares.
If you used summons, you didn’t beat the game.
>>3680484Golden Sun
>>3680577I agree with you
>>3680484Why are summons in most Final Fantasy games so shit? They're just regular spells with a longer animation.
>>3685169Because Final Fantasy games are all fundamentally shallow and the most "strategy" to be found is finding the exact combination that lets you combine dual wielding + any sort of 'rapid fire' equivalent to overcome the 9999 damage caps.
>>3680577Nothing compares to plopping down a gate in the middle of a group of enemies.
>>3680484Probably FF12. Leaning on Ivalice certainly helps.
>>3685183I prefer double grip
Pillars of Eternity has the Chanter class with lots of cool summons.
>>3685267I loved the designs but the actual summoning was a terrible mechanic. Unless I'm just an idiot, it was a waste of time when I could just beat everything autobattle.
>>3686655Any game with a damage cap will ultimately default to the basic attack being the best one since it never costs resources
>>3686687That operates under the assumption that you can easily make the basic attack reach the cap, which shouldn't ever really happen because that would be dumb
>>3680484The Aeons from FF10, the Divine Knights from Trails of Cold Steel, and the Akuruturuka from Utawarerumono, as you can actually control them in turn based combat. Anima and the DKs in particular had great designs.
>>3685169FFX is the only one with good summoning.
>>3688281I agree. Also, FF12's summoning had potential to be as good but it was really badly executed.